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How to manage the MRM system

How to manage an efficient and sustainable MRM system for a MSD project?
Team members of a project, by definition, require knowledge and skills to be able to
conduct their tasks and responsibilities with regards to results measurement. To have quite
accurate results, at least couple of tools must be used and processes to be followed.
1. The need of designing sufficiently detailed result chains and intervention guides. This
is the tool that allows everybody to follow the logic of the intervention and measure
impact of the activities and results. Result chains should be regularly reviewed to
reflect changes in the strategy and environment. The struggle here is that the team
is only now becoming familiar with MRM system for a project using MSD approach.
Also, developing accurate projections is quite difficult, at the beginning, as not
enough reliable information is always available. The process should be done
carefully, to chase correct targets and meet expectations. Otherwise, the risk of
failing is quite imminent. To overcome this challenge, was agreed to have periodical
team meetings together with the sector leads to analyze the existing result chain
and update when/where needed. Also, was agreed to develop result chains from the
scratch for upcoming interventions in a brainstorming atmosphere. Due to Covid
isolation, this was not possible yet, result chains being developed on-line.
2. Communication workflow between sector leads and MRM is another important
factor to be taken into consideration while designing a functional MRM system. It is
crucial for the team to have available all the needed reports or spreadsheets related
to each intervention. That would help us to measure results efficiently and
determine project attribution to the change. To have this achieved, responsibility of
having all relevant information stored accordingly and updated, is crucial. Would be
of a big help also to include MRM coordinator into the e-mail communication
between sector leads and partners. I would suggest having developed a document
related communication workflow between sector leads and MRM. It could be a
strategy / instruction / good practices (if any) / scheme.

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