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The role of consumer willingness to pay for halal certification in

Pakistan - 12 April 2019
Thus, for the future studies, it is recommended to add some more variables in the model, such as
halal awareness and religiosity. Moreover, include the large sample size and add some non-
Muslim countries into your panel. Also, future researchers can study the aspects of retailer’s
and manufacturer’s willingness to pay for halal logistics by using different sampling

2. Does innovation capabilities affect the new service innovation

success among Pakistani cellular companies? - 28 March 2019

However, the future research studies are recommended to explore the effect of other potential
factors such as knowledge strategies, absorption of knowledge and learning culture on the
overall success of services.

3. The effects of advertising appeals on consumers’ behavioral

intention towards global brands - 18 June 2019
the mediating role of attitude and the
moderating role of uncertainty avoidance

Additionally, there are several other antecedents of the Theory of Planned behavior (TPB) such
as behavioral controls that can also be considered as the mediating factors in the future.
Additionally, future studies may consider some other crucial factors explained in the recent
research calls to address the user-generated advertisements.

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