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Truman show

Every human knows a particular facet of life, and that same person is completely uninformed in

some areas. Therefore, it will be untrue for one to claim that he or she has complete knowledge

about the world. The process of analyzing knowledge is to state conditions that are individually

necessary and sufficient for propositional knowledge; this is the ability for one to discern for

instance their location and other life events. This paper aims at pointing out how the reality that

one thinks is true might be a constructed one and that no one has a complete understanding of

what is true and false in the world by analyzing the Truman show.

First one has to be able to map out and distinguish what is true and that which is false a condition

termed as the true condition before declaring a monopoly of knowledge about the world. When

one is confident of something that later turns out to be false, it dents one's confidence this is

evident when Truman lived his life without because there could be a slight possibility of his

world being constructed around him. The inciting incident that peaks Truman’s interest is when

he notices a camera that seemingly falls out of the sky. Truman is puzzled as to what had

happened and picked the foreign object to inspect it further out of curiosity only to find out that it

is a camera and still he never questioned who was behind the camera.
Surname 2

Secondly, belief condition is necessary to consider when ascertaining one's knowledge of the

world as it is argued that one can only know what he or she believes and that is not a guarantee of

complete knowledge this is evident at the second act which starts when a radio show plays in

Truman’s car. He realizes what is happening as the voice narrates his every turn. This serves as

an eye opener as Truman now starts to see that the universe is constructed around him and that

everything happening to his life is predetermined.

Lastly one has to consider the justification condition. To identify knowledge one has to

understand that belief might be true even though at times it is formed improperly. We have to

understand that true opinion is in generally insufficient for knowledge and for one to think they

have a deeper understanding of the world is incorrect. This is depicted when Truman tries to

escape with Meryl in his car only to realize that every route has been blocked off. After that, he

manages to go through a wall of fire eventually, but he is finally stopped and sent back to his

home. Truman had all the connections to make him understand that the events in his life were

meditated, but he still chose to stick by his opinion on trying to lead a free life.

Skeptics are justified to argue that no one has knowledge about the external world based on the

three reasons that expound that no one has a monopoly of knowledge. Skeptics are of the view

that humanity is always ignorant a condition which is justified by Truman who decided he

needed to escape his current life ignoring all the possibilities that his life was planned. The movie

shows how all his attempts were unsuccessful as he started by imagining himself of going across

the world to Fiji only to realize that all the flights had been booked for a month.
Surname 3

When addressing the differences between Idealism and Realism calls for one to distinguish the

two terms. Idealism is when one perfectly sees things on the other hand realism inclines towards

a more actual view of the situation. Idealism states that a persons' reality is shaped by his or her

thoughts and ideas; this is in total contradiction to realism which argues that reality has an

absolute existence regardless of our thoughts. Truman show is a complete depiction of the

creation of realism in that the main character lives in a world that is constructed around him, but

he is unaware.

Skepticism is ones’ ability to question all the knowledge at his or her disposal. Truman is

considered not a skeptic because obstacles in his way are obvious and they are complicated for

him to overcome; he did not realize that someone was manipulating his entire life.

Cartesian skepticism is the problem of trying to explain how knowledge of the perceived external

world is possible given the challenge that one cannot know the denials of a skeptical hypothesis.

Truman show attempts to explain this concept when Truman sails away in clear skies to the

external world, but Christof throws another obstacle at Truman in the form of a storm and claims

that he knows Truman better than Truman knows himself and vows that Truman is too afraid to


Contextualism is the truth value of knowledge attribution and knowledge denials which is

significant to the context in which those words were uttered.

Surname 4

Work cited

Crumley, J.S. (2009). An Introduction to Epistemology. Peterborough: Broadview Press

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