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1.How can you deal with shy students?

To involve them in free practice activities and praise their work. Also accept their errors at
first and not to correct immediately or let their classmates do. To put at least one of those
students in each group.

2 What teaching aids do you use? Which of them do you make?

I use realia , wall charts , PowerPoint slides flashcards , internet songs and pictures and
others. I just make wall charts , power point slides and sometimes flash cards

3 How do you interact with parents? “Parents play a critical role in supporting their child’s
education. I feel that it is extremely important to engage them and ensure that a student is set
up for success. I provide contact information for parents and encourage them to contact me if
they have any questions about their child’s performance or progress. I believe in sending
home periodic updates about what they children are learning and what is being accomplished
in the classroom. This way, parents are able to ask their children how things are going and
discuss the current curriculum and major tests and projects. I approach parental
communication in a way that puts us all on the same team with the same goal, which is
ensuring the success of the student.”

4 - How do you make sure your students understand you? One way to do this is to elicit
responses from your students instead of spoon-feeding them definitions. With the help of
concept check questions (CCQs) and instruction check questions (ICQs), you can assess your
students’ understanding without directly asking them questions. For example, if you just
finished teaching a lesson on Japanese food, you could ask the following CCQs to your
students to gauge their understanding: Is sushi made from pork? Is sushi fish and noodles?
Do they eat a lot of kimchi in Japan? I can frequently give your students quizzes and
assessments designed to check their understanding. Finally, through teaching students how to
ask for clarification.

5 What are some successful teaching methods you use? In-class debates and presentations.
Role-playing exercises. Arts-and-crafts activities. Teaching with television and music.

6 There is no “best way” to teach English. People learn differently and what works for one
student might not be the best approach for another. For this reason, However, the best way to
teach English is to create a number of different activities to appeal to various types of
learning styles. That way, everyone can understand and enjoy my lessons.

7 When I present this lesson for 9th graders I started with (present simple tense) then I moved
to future simple. when student understood the tenses above. I started talking about (if: 1) ..
8 When to use GOING TO 1. When we have already decided or we INTEND to do
something in the future. (Prior Plan) 2. When there are definite signs that something is going
to happen. (Evidence) 3. When something is about to happen: When to use WILL 1. For
things that we decide to do now. (Rapid Decisions) 2. When we think or believe something
about the future. (Prediction) 3. To make an offer, a promise or a threat. 4. You use WON'T
when someone refuses to do something. As you can see, both Will and Going to can be used
for making future predictions without having a real difference in meaning.

9 How to teach Present Perfect Tense 1- Start a game "Match pronouns and nouns with have
or has) then move to "classifying the verbs into (regular and irregular) 2- Give students
examples about finished actions connected with the present. 3- Give examples about things
you have done recently. 4- Elicit the "structure" from the students. 5- Ask students when we
can use this tense. 6- Students now are able to give actions related to the tense 7- Let student
act a dialogue or tell a story using present perfect, 8- write some activities on the board to
check students understanding

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