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Imas Winarti 1IKIP Siliwangi,Cimahi imas Abstract This research
discuses the types and meaning of figyrative language is entitled “figurative language
analysis used in the of lyric Let it go by Idina Menzel”. the objective of this research are
to find out the figurative language used in the lyric of Let it go by Idina Menzel, types of
figurative language are contained in the song and to analyze the contextual meaning of
each figurative language used in that song lyric. In this research used descriptive
qualitative method.

the technique of data collecting are reading the data and observation the figurative
language used in these song, and then find out some types of figurative language used
in Idina Menzel song lyrics such as simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole,
symbolism, onomatopeia, metonymy, repetition, idioms and forth. after that to analyzed
the contextual meaning of figurative language used in that song lyric and the last
describing conclusion based on the result of data analysis.

Finally, this research is important for the readers especially for students because it will
be interested in analyzing. Keywords: Figurative language, song lyrics, types of figurative
language, contextual meaning INTRODUCTION Language is important tools of people
to communicate with each others. language can be used by people to conveys idea,
desires, feelings and experience to others.

besides that, language as a communication plays a great part in human life. people
need language to interact and to get information for other people. language can
delivered in various ways such as poetry, short story, novels, role play, journalism, and
song. In this time, people can communicate with other through the song.
According to Kreidler language is a system of symbols through which people to
communicate (1998: 19) cited in (Adab & Sciences, 2017). Song are a part of the
literature that use music in addition, According to Sugiyono (2013) cited in (Nurcitrawati
et al., 2019) states that in literary language it is not enough just to understand a form of
language and pronunciation, but it requires an understanding of the meaning of
language. the same as poetry, the words are used in songs are words that have many
meanings. the words in the song are called lyrics.

the lyrics of song become more interesting because it contains various figurative
languages used by the song writer. According to Harya, (2017) cited in (Nursolihat &
Kareviati, 2020) figurative language is language that uses words or expressions with a
meaning that is different from the literal interpretation.

it means why song need using figurative language because in learning and
understanding language, people do not only understand the form of language but also
the meaning. song has a function as a medium of expression, entertainment, education,
motivation and social criticism. the song is said to be medium of expression due to
express feelings and thoughts. song provide entertainment as they are fun to the

songs as educational media are intended to educate and to supplement knowledge.

motivational singing serves to provide encouragement. song as social critique are
intended to convey responses or opinions related to people’s lives. This research
focused to find out the figurative language used in the lyric of Let it go by Idina menzel ,
the types of figurative language and also to find out the contextual meaning.

According to Ulman in Ardhyanti & Supriyatiningsih, (2020) cited in (Nursolihat &

Kareviati, 2020) contextual meaning can be said as the meaning of words that are found
in particular situation. Based on the explanation above, the researcher will take a
research entitle “Figurative Language analysis used in the Lyric of Let it go by Idina
Menzel” LITERATURE REVIEW The Definition of Figurative Language According to
Pradopo (2010) cited in (Soekarno, I, Puspitasari A, 2020) Figurative Language is the
arrangement of words that occur because of feelings that arise or live in the heart of the
author, which raises a certain feeling in the heart of the reader.

It can be concluded that a figurative language is a form of language that departs from a
normal word or sentence in a common word form to form a general literal meaning that
contains a literary meaning to achieve certain effects. In relation to the use of figurative
language in song lyrics, the main purpose of figurative language is to influence or
convince a reader or listener to get certains effect from the style language used.

Song Song is an art of tone or voice in a sequence, a temporal combination usually

accompanied by a musical instrument to produce a rhythm or a tinkling sound.
According to Jamalus(1988:5) cited in (Setiawati, 2018) reveals that songs can be
described as art works in singing to musical instruments accompaniment. based on this
views, it may be concluded that the music and the words, which are called the lyrics,
form a result called the song.

Lyric Lyrics is an expressions that a person sees, hears and experiences. In expressing his
experience, the song creator played a game of words and language to create a
fascination and attachment to the lyrics. According to Dallin (Firdaus, 2013) cited in
(Setiawati, 2018) “Lyrics are printed as a form of communication between the author and
the readers”.

Types of Figurative Language There are some types of figurative language such as :
Simile Simile is comparison using like or as. It usually compares two unlike object.
According to Booth (2006) cited in (Zaimardiansyah A , Heriansyah A, Inayah N, 2019) in
a sentence or statement that states as an explicit comparison, it is often marked by "like"
or "as", it is called simile.

This type of figurative language that compares a things with other things by using a
connector or a comparison word like, as, than, similar to, or resembles to. Example: His
feet are as big as boats. Feet and boats are being compared. Metaphor Metaphor is a
figure of speech that compares things directly with others and does not conjunction or
the comparison between two different things without using such or as.

According to Perrine (1969) cited in (Maftuhah, 2018) states that in metaphor the
comparison is implied – that is, the figurative term and it is substituted for or identified
with the literal term. Example: Her hair is silk. Hair and silk are being compared.
Personification Personification is a figure of speech that gives the nature of human
behavior or equipments to animal objects or concepts.

According to Keraf (2002, p.142) cited in (Zia putri Khalida , Aziz Zulfadli A , Burhansyah,
2018) argues that personification is a kind of style of language that describes inanimate
objects or lifeless things as if they had a human nature.

Example: The coconut trees seemed to wave slowly when we reached the beach
Hyperbole Hyperbole in the figurative language is exaggerating without minimizing the
reality of its true meaning. According to Abrams (1999:120) cited in (Syafitri & Marlinton,
2018) Hyperbole is bold overstatement, or the extravagant exaggeration of fact or of

Example : an the rocks melt with the sun. Symbolism Symbols can be undesrtood as
figurative language that affirms something that has a distinct meaning beyond its actual
meaning. According to (Cuddon, 2013) cited in (Siliwangi, 2020) the meaning of
symbolism is to compare something with another symbol. Example : The dove
simbolized peace.

Onomatopoeia Onomatopoeia is word that when spoken it is a reflection of sound

produced by the object in question. According to Dofs (2008:4) cited in (Karina Marrieta
Dea, 2017)defines onomatopoeia as ?a form of auditory icon sign, a name for an object
which is made from an imitation of the sound it produces. Example : Bong ! Hizz Buzz!
Metonymy Metonymy is figure of speech that speak somethings else because they are
very close.

According to Keraf (2009) cited in (Songs, 2018), metonymy is a figure of speech that
uses a word to represent another thing closely related to the word itself. Example : The
sword Repetition Repitition of elements to create unity. According to Abrams and
Harpham (2005) cited in (Zaimardiansyah A , Heriansyah A, Inayah N, 2019) repetition is
a literary device that repeats the same word or phrase several times to make the idea
clearer and easier to remember.

Example :could you repeat please? Idioms Idiom is a form of speech that has the same
meaning and cannot be interpreted from the meanings of its constituent elements,
either lexicon or grammatically. According to Dixson (1951), “idiom is an expression
which has meaning different for the meaning of idiom?s parts and components” (p. ii).

Example : zip your lip, clear the air METHOD In this research, the researcher used
descriptive qualitative method in analyzing data. According to Seliger and Shohamy
(1989, p.125) cited in (Zaimardiansyah A , Heriansyah A, Inayah N, 2019) descriptive
research is used to establish the existence of phenomena by explicitly describing them.

It means descriptive method is the method of explaining, analyzing, and classifying

something through various technique and qualitative research works with a wide range
of data including recorded interviews, various types of texts, documents, and images.
Qualitative data analysis usually is done with words Kaswan, Dasep Suprijadi, (2016). The
data in this research is one of song by Idina Menzel.

the researcher adopted it because that song and getting interest to find out the implicit
meaning of that song. After taking the song lyric from internet source, the researcher
started by reading the song lyric and listen to the song. Next the researcher attempted
to find out the word, phrase, and sentence which contain of figurative language, explain
types of figurative language are contained in the song and understand the meaning of
each figurative language used in the song. After that,the researcher created a note
which is one of the figurative language.

Finally the researcher classified the data into types of figurative language and contextual
meaning then analyzed it. After finding the figurative language in the lyric, the first step
in the analysis is identifying the types of figurative language such as simile, metaphor,
personification, hyperbole, symbolism, onomatopeia, metonymy, Alliteration, repetition
and forth.

The next step in my process is to analyse the meaning of each figurative language from
the song. And the last is making conclusion. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS Findings This
researchers analyzed figurative language of the song which consist such as simile,
metaphor, personification, hyperbole, symbolism, onomatopeia, metonymy, repetition,
idioms and forth. This part showed the finding of the data analysis of the figurative
language there are : No.

Expression / lyrics Figurative Language 1 The snow glows white on the mountain
tonight, not a footprint to be seen hyperbole 2 A kingdom of isolation and it looks like
I’m the queen. simile 3 The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside. simile 4
Couldn’t keep it in, Heaven knows I tried. personification 5 Don’t let them in, don’t let
them see. - 6 Be the good girl you always have to be.

- 7 Conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them know - 8 Well, now they know! - 9 Let it go, let it
go! Can’t hold it back anymore - 10 Let it go, let it go Turn away and slam the door. -
11 I don’t care what they’re going to say. - 12 Let the storm rage on personification 13
The cold never bothered me anyway.

personification 14 It’s funny how some distance, makes everything seem small
hyperbole 15 And the fears that once controlled me, can’t get to me at all
personification 16 It’s time to see what I can do, to test the limits and break through. -
17 No right, no wrong, no rules for me, I’m free - 18 Let it go, let it go I am one with the
wind and sky Hyperbole 19 Let it go, let it go you’ll never see me cry. Hyperbole 20
Here I’ll stand, and here I’ll stay.

- 21 Let the storm rage on! personification 22 My power flurries through the air into
the ground. hyperbole 23 My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around hyperbole 24
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast simile 25 I’m never going back; the past is
in the past! - 26 Let it go, let it go and I’ll rise like the break of dawn.

simile 27 Let it go, let it go that perfect girl is gone - 28 Here I stand, in the light of day.
- 29 Let the storm rage on! personification 30 The cold never bothered me anyway
personification Discussion The Analysis of figurative Language and contextual meaning
in song lyrics.

The Analysis of figurative language and contextual meaning use in song lyrics of let it go
by Idina Menzel it is important to know meaning of the figurative language use in a
song. The table shows that the classification of figurative language use in the let it go
song by Idina Menzel. In this song told in position the figurative language.

The figurative languages found are (5) personification, (4) simile and (6) hyperbole they
are used in that song as the messages of the text in song let it go in order to create a
beautiful meaning and creative literature so the listener will be interest to hear the song.
The analysis of contextual meaning of figurative language use in song lyric of let it go by
Idina manzel It is important to know the meaning of the figurative language use in a

Personification Lyric 4 “Couldn’t keep it in, Heaven knows I tried” The sentence is
categorized into personification because the writer interpreted a heaven be like human.
Lyric 12, 29 “Let the storm rage on” The sentence is categorized into personification
because rage is done by human. Lyric 13 “ The cold never bothered me anyway”. The
sentence is categorized into personification because mentioning the verb that is
commonly done by human.

Lyric 15 “And the fears that once controlled me, can’t get to me at all” The sentence is
categorized into personification because the fears is a feeling and it cannot control
human. Simile Lyric 2 “A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I’m the queen”. The
sentence is categorized into simile because the real kingdom is never exist and there is
no queen as well.

Lyric 3 “The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside”. The sentence is categorized
into simile because the wind is being compared to her emotions. the wind was literally
howling outside but the simile she used here meant that the storm outside was a lot like
what she was feeling inside. Lyric 24 “And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast” The
sentence is categorized into because comparing her thought crystallizing ice.

Lyric 26 “And I’ll rise like the break of dawn”. This sentence is include in the category
because a comparing of two or more things using like or as. Such as comparing her self
to break down. Hyperbole Lyric 1 “The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a
footprint to be seen”. The sentence is categorized into personification because there are
no comparable noun and it’s not human behavior.

Lyric 16 “It’s funny how some distance makes everything seem small”. The sentence is
categorized into because the subject is considered as a funny things whereas it is a
common. Lyric 18 “I am one with the wind and sky” Because it’s impossile to human to
do that Lyric 22 “My power flurries through the air into the ground” The sentence is
categorized into hyperbole because of human behavior in general Lyric 23 “My soul is
spiraling in frozen fractals all around” The sentence is categorized into hyperbole
because spiralling is a verb done by concrete object while soul is not the concrete
object. Lyric 30 “The cold never bothered me anyway .”

The sentence is categorized into hyperbole because cold is something that can be felt
by human and bothered is real action. CONCLUSION The research was conducted to
analyze song lyric entitle figurative language analysis used in the lyric of let it go by
Idina Menzel . Based on the results of the research, researchers found figurative
language in the song lyrics.

There are three figurative languages found, namely, personification, simile and
hyperbole. The dominant type of figurative language that found in this song lyric was
hyperbole. The message contained in this song at a glance may be that this song is only
about someone who lets go of something, be it the past or the problem and starts a
new life.

However, when we read the lyrics carefully, it turns out that the meaning of this song is
more dominated by Elsa's impulse who is trying to strengthen herself and doesn't want
to be overpowered by her fear anymore, the fear of her magic that can harm people.
Here we can make this song a motivation to get out of what is scary to you. This song
also motivate people to make their fear a weapon and a strength, not your weakness.

It can be said that the message contained in this song is deep enough between fighting
fear, sadness, facing that fear, until finally being strong and accepting yourself as you
are. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Alhamdulillahi robbil ‘alamin, the researcher expressed his
highest gratitude to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala for his blessings, love, opportunity,
health, and mercy to complete this journal. We are also grateful to Ms.

Gartika Pandu Buana M,Pd, who has guided our journal patiently, thanks to colleagues
who have also provided support. And the journal that we made is titled " Figurative
Language analysis used in the Lyric of let it go by Idina Menzel" Submitted as a
requirement for the thesis trial. English Language Education, IKIP Siliwangi Bandung.
REFERENCES *1 , 1 , 1 1. (2018). 3(December), 231–242. *1 , 1 , 1 1. (2019). 4(February),
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F., & Sciences, C. (2017). Submitted in Partial Fulfilling of the Requirement for Gaining
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LANGUAGE IN SELECTED BRIAN This thesis is dedicated to my beloved parents and to
all learners who have a high curiosity for knowledge whose work with passion , vision ,
and. Syafitri, D., & Marlinton, M. (2018). AN ANALYSIS OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE USED

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