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Electrolytes and Blood Gases

Chapter 24+ 36

Dr Salamah Alwahsh
Assistant professor
Joint MD Program
College of Medicine and Health Sciences
Palestine Polytechnic University

• Respiratory alkalosis A pathological process that leads to the excessive
elimination of carbon dioxide which lowers the P CO2 and increases the pH;
caused by hyperventilation H2O + CO2  H2CO3  H++ HCO3-
• Sodium–hydrogen exchanger (NHE) A membrane protein that is primarily
responsible or maintaining the balance of sodium; also called the sodium–
hydrogen antiporter

• Metabolic acidosis A pathological process that leads to the accumulation of

acid that lowers the bicarbonate concentration and decreases the pH; also
known as primary bicarbonate deficit

• Serum K concentration: reference interval limit of 3.5–5.0 mmol/L

• <3.5 mmol/L Hypokalemia, >5.0 mmol/L Hyperkalemia

• Serum Na concentration: reference interval limit of 136–150 mmol/L

• <136 mmol/L Hyponatremia , >150 mmol/L Hypernatremia

• Hypervolemia Abnormal increase in the volume of plasma in the body

• Hypovolemia Abnormally decreased volume of circulating plasma in the body

• Metabolic alkalosis A pathological process that leads to the accumulation of base
that raises the bicarbonate concentration and increases the pH; also known as
primary bicarbonate excess
• Respiratory acidosis A pathological process that leads to the accumulation of
carbon dioxide that raises the PCO2 and decreases the pH; usually caused by
emphysema or hypoventilation
• Blood gases PCO2 and PO2 (partial pressures of carbon dioxide and oxygen),
usually in whole blood.
• Sweat chloride The concentration of chloride in sweat; increased sweat chloride
is characteristic of cystic brosis
• Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) A transmembrane
protein produced by the CFTR gene
• Oxygen dissociation curve The sigmoidal curve obtained when SO2 o blood is
plotted against PO2
• Oxygen saturation (SO2) The fraction (percentage) of functional hemoglobin that
is saturated with oxygen
• Oxyhemoglobin An hemoglobin that contains bound O2
• P50 PO2 for a given blood sample at which the hemoglobin of the blood is half
saturated with O2; P50 reflects the affinity of haemoglobin for O2
• The major electrolytes are
– Sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate

• Role of these electrolytes

1. to maintain pH
2. to maintain the heart muscle function
3. to regulate the oxidation-reduction reactions
4. to work as cofactors for enzymes
• Physiological electrolytes
– Na+, K +, Ca +2, Mg+2, Cl- , HCO3-, H2PO 4-,
HPO4-2, SO4-2
– Organic anions, such as lactate.

– Na+, K +, Cl -, HCO 3- : occur primarily as free

ions. “electrolyte profile.”
• > 40% of Ca +2, Mg+2, and many trace metals
are protein bound (albumin)
Water and Electrolytes Distribution
• Serum and plasma are the specimens typically analyzed for their
electrolyte content.
• Differences in values between serum and plasma and between
arterial and venous samples have been documented.
• However, only the difference between serum and plasma K+ is
considered clinically significant.
• Potassium is higher in serum depending on platelet count.
• Grossly lipemic blood can be a source of analytical errors.
• Hemolysis of red blood cells will cause erroneously high K +
• Urine: Collection of urine specimens for Na +, K+, or Cl− assays
should be done without the addition of preservatives.
• Constitutes ~5% (~3.5 L) of total body water
• Differences between the various compartments
is mainly due to active and passive transport of
ions across the membranes.
– Na+ is extracellular, K+ is intracellular
• Na-K ATPase (transport Na out, K into cell)
• Na-H exchanger, (antiporter) to maintain pH, and volume in
all cell types.
• Na+ is the major cation of extracellular fluid:
90% of the ˜154 mmol of inorganic cations per liter of plasma.
• Na+ is responsible for ~1/2 of the osmotic strength of
• Disorders of sodium and water are closely related in all
60-70% of Na + is reabsorbed in proximal tubules passively
along with Cl- and H 2O.
Descending loop of Henle: (only water passively)
permeable to Na+, Cl -, H2O
In ascending loop of Henle: (not water)
Cl- is actively reabsorbed and Na + follows.
Distal tubules regulation through aldosterone (Na+
reabsorption ).
• Decreased plasma Na+ concentration <130-135 mmol/L

• Manifested by:
(1) nausea, (2) generalized weakness, (3) mental

<120 mmol/L mental confusion

<110 mmol/L ocular palsy
90-105 mmol/L severe mental impairment

• Symptoms are due to changes in osmolality rather than

to the Na+ concentration per se.
Osmolality assessment is crucial
Algorithm for the
diagnosis of
• A concentration of serum sodium above the reference
interval limit of 150 mmol/L
Plasma is always hyperosmotic.

• Symptoms of hypernatremia are primarily neurologic ?

because of neuronal cell loss of water to the ECF.

• Include:
(1) tremors (2) irritability (3) ataxia (4) confusion (5) coma.
(1) ‫( ارتجاف‬2) ‫تهيج‬ (3) ‫ترنح‬ (4) ‫ارتباك‬ (5) ‫نوبة‬.

• Hypernatremia arises in the setting of:

1. hypovolemia:
excessive water loss or failure to replace normal water
2. hypervolemia
a net Na+ gain in excess of water gain.
Algorithm for the differential diagnosis of hypernatremia
Sodium: Specimen and analysis
• Specimen :
(1) serum (2) plasma (3) urine (4) feces.

• Storage :
specimens can be stored at 4°C or frozen.

• Hemolysis does not cause significant errors in serum or

plasma Na+ values.
– RBCs contain only 1/10 of plasma Na

• Lipemic samples should be ultracentrifuged.

Then the infranatant is analyzed unless a direct ISE is used.
Na: Reference Intervals

• A typical reference interval for serum Na+:

(From infancy throughout life)
136 - 145 mmol/L.

• Premature and newborns (48 hr): 128 -148 mmol/L

• Full term umbilical cord blood: ~ 127 mmol/L

• CSF: 136 - 150 mmol/L

The major intracellular cation.
Tissue cells 150 mmol/L,
RBCs 105 mmol/L
Potassium: Specimen collection
• Minimize hemolysis
because release of K+ from as few as 0.5% of RBCs will
increase K+ values by 0.5 mmol/L.
• If a whole blood specimen is maintained at 4 °C:
K+ leaks from RBCs & other cells ↑ plasma K+
• If a whole blood specimen is stored at 37°C: ↓ K+
• If tourniquet is not released K+ marked elevation
For reliable K+ determinations (recommended):
1. collect heparin-blood
2. Maintain at 25 °C
3. separate the plasma within minutes
In practical terms (unlikely to introduce great error):
– separation within 1 hour
– Sample is maintained at RT
Potassium: Reference Interval

Specimen Reference Interval

Serum - adults 3.5 - 5.1 mmol/L
Serum - newborns 3.7 - 5.9 mmol/L
Plasma - adults 3.4 - 4.8 mmol/L
CSF ~ 70% of plasma
Urinary excretion 40 - 90 mmol/d
Fecal excretion 18.2 ± 2.5 mmol/d
• Total body K+ (70 kg subject) is ~3.5 mol (40 - 59 mmol/kg)
1.5 - 2% is present in the ECF.
• Plasma K+ is a good indicator of total K+ stores.

• Disturbance of K+ homeostasis has serious consequences:

Hypokalemia: a decrease in extracellular K +
Hyperkalemia: High extracellular K+
Hypokalemia is characterize by:
muscle weakness

• Plasma K+:
less than 3.0 mmol/L neuromuscular symptoms
↓ ↓ lower concentrations
tachycardia & cardiac conduction defects
cardiac arrest.

Plasma - adults 3.5 - 5.0 mmol/L

Hyperkalemia is characterize by:
mental confusion
flaccid paralysis of the extremities
weakness of the respiratory muscles
bradycardia & conduction defects

• Plasma K+:
>7.0 mmol/L peripheral vascular collapse & cardiac arrest.
>10.0 mmol/L Fatal

Plasma - adults 3.5 – 5.0 mmol/L

Causes of Hypokalemia


1. Redistribution of extracellular K+ into ICF

2. True K+ deficits (caused by decreased intake or loss of

K+-rich body fluids).
Causes of Hyperkalemia

Hyperkalemia: singly or in combination

1. Redistribution
2. Increased intake
3. Increased retention
4. Preanalytical conditions:
– hemolysis
– thrombocytosis (>106/µL),
– leukocytosis (>105/µL)

• The major extracellular anion

ECF: ~103 mmol/L
Most cells: 1 mmol/L
RBCs: 45 to 54 mmol/L

• Involved in the maintenance of:

(1) water distribution
(2) osmotic pressure
(3) anion-cation balance in the ECF.
Chloride: Specimen

Serum, plasma, sweat, urine.

Little effect on Cl- conc.

• Hemolysis (RBCs = ½ conc. in plasma)
• Change in posture, Stasis, Tourniquet
(V. little is protein bound)
Measurement of Sweat Chloride (Sweat Testing)
• The analysis of sweat for increased electrolyte concentration.
• Used to confirm the diagnosis of CF.
• CF is caused by a defect in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane
conductance regulator protein (CFTR).
• CFTR regulates electrolytes transport
across epithelial membrane.
• Performed in 3 phases :
1. Sweat stimulation by pilocarpine
2. Collection of sweat
3. Quantitative / Qualitative analysis of sweat
Cl-, Na+, conductivity or osmolality.
Reference Intervals for Sweat Chloride

Infants (≤ 6 months):
• ≤29 mmol/L: CF unlikely
• 30 to 59 mmol/L: intermediate
• ≥60 mmol/L: indicative of CF

Beyond infancy (> 6 months):

• ≤39 mmol/L: CF unlikely
• 40 to 59 mmol/L: intermediate chance of CF
• ≥60 mmol/L: indicative of CF

• Plasma Cl -concentration is useful in the differential

diagnosis of acid-base disturbances.

• In the absence of acid-base disturbances, Cl -

concentrations in plasma generally will follow those of Na +.


• Will parallel causes of hyponatremia.

• Respiratory acidosis, which is accompanied by increased

HCO3- (with normal Na+).

• Persistent gastric secretion and vomiting.

Causes (similar to increased Na+):
(1) Dehydration
(2) Prolonged diarrhea with loss of sodium bicarbonate
Metabolic acidosis
(3) DI, Adrenocortical hyperfunction
(4) Overtreatment with normal saline solutions
(Cl- content of 154 mmol/L).
(5) Renal tubules acidosis
(6) Acute renal failure
(5) Respiratory alkalosis:
because of renal compensation for excreting HCO3-
Chloride: Reference Intervals

Specimen Reference Interval

Serum 98 - 107 mmol/L
Plasma 100 - 108 mmol/L

CSF ~ 15% higher than serum

Urinary excretion 110 - 250 mmol/d

• Serum values vary little during the day.

Bicarbonate (Total Carbon Dioxide )

Total CO 2 is measured by:

1. acidification of a serum / plasma sample and measurement
of released CO2.
2. Alkalinization and measurement of total bicarbonate.

• Same sample types used for Na+ or K+
Serum or heparinized plasma
• Assay should be done as promptly as possible after
collection (vacuum draw tube).
• Centrifuged in the unopened blood tube.
Blood gas
partial pressure (tension) of a gas dissolved in blood is by definition equal to the
partial pressure of the gas in an imaginary ideal gas phase in equilibrium with the
General Prefxes
P: partial pressure or tension
Usage: P O2, P CO2, P H2O
Alternative: p O2
S: saturation raction
Usage: S O2
Alternative: s O2
c: substance concentration
Usage: ctO2 or concentration of total O2
Usage: ctCO2 or concentration of total CO2
Usage: HCO3− for concentration of bicarbonate
d: dissolved gas, used with substance concentration (c)
t: total, used with substance concentration (c), thus
ctCO2 = HCO3− + cdCO2
CO2: Reference Intervals
• Method dependent

Healthy adult 20 - 30 mmol/L

Principles of Osmotic Pressure and Osmosis
Technique for measuring the concentration of solute particles
that contribute to osmotic pressure of solution.
• Biologically important selective membranes:
glomeruli of the kidney, capillary vessels
Permeable to water all small molecules and ions, but not to larger
protein molecules.

• Determination of plasma and urine osmolality is useful in the

assessment of:
– electrolyte
– acid-base disorders
Principles of Osmotic Pressure and Osmosis
• Major osmotic substances in normal plasma are:
Na+, Cl-, glucose, and urea.

Specimen Reference Interval

Plasma 275 - 300 mOsmol/kg
Blood Gases and pH
• Rapid and accurate measurements of O2 and CO2 in blood:
For clinical management of respiratory and metabolic
For the detection of acid-base imbalances.
Application of the Henderson-Hasselbalch
Equation in Blood Gas Measurements
CO2 in blood

Henderson-Hasselbalch equation

α: the solubility coefficient for CO 2

• by measuring any two of the four parameters:

(1) PCO2 or cdCO2, (2) pH, (3) ctCO2, and (4) cHCO3 -
• and by using the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation with the above values
for pK′ and α.
The other two parameters may be calculated.
Blood Gases

Oxygen in blood
Saturation curve
Hemoglobin oxygen saturation (SO2):
The fraction (percentage) of functional hemoglobin that is
saturated with oxygen and is essentially an indirect means
of estimating the PO2.

cO2Hb: the concentration of oxyhemoglobin

cHHb: the concentration of deoxyhemoglobin
• SO 2 most often is determined by simple pulse oximetry:
A spectrophotometric approach that determines oxyhemoglobin
and reduced hemoglobin.
Determination of PCO2, PO2, and pH

• By Automated instruments.

• Specimen :
Whole blood
Arterial and venous specimens are best collected
anaerobically with lyophilized heparin anticoagulant
in 1-3 mL sterile syringes.
Blood Buffer Systems

• Bicarbonate / Carbonic acid

The most important buffer of plasma.

• Phosphate buffer system

Concentration in both RBCs and plasma ~ 5% of the
nonbicarbonate buffer value of plasma.

• Plasma proteins (albumin) and hemoglobin buffer

account for >90% of the nonbicarbonate buffer value of
The relation between pH and the ratio of bicarbonate
concentration to the concentration of dissolved CO2.

If the ratio in blood is 20:1 (cHCO3− = 27 mmol/cdCO2 = 1.35 mmol/L), the resultant pH will be 7.4
uncompensated alkalosis (bicarbonate excess):
The ratio therefore is 40:1, and the resultant pH is 7.7.
cHCO3− = 44 mmol/cdCO2 = 1.1 mmol/L
uncompensated acidosis:
pH between 6.8 and 7.35, depending on the cHCO3− /cdCO2 ratio.
Regulation of Acid-Base Balance:
Compensatory Mechanisms
• Respiratory Mechanism:
Exchange of Gases in the Lungs and Peripheral Tissues
Respiratory Response to Acid-Base Perturbations

• Renal Mechanism:
Na+ - H+ exchange
Excretion of H+ as H2PO4
Excretion of other acids
Excretion of ammonia
Reclamation of bicarbonate
T e affinity of hemoglobin for O2
depends on the following
five actors: 1) temperature, 2) pH,
3) PCO2, 4) concentration
of 2,3-DPG (5.0 mmol/L)
, and 5) the presence o minor
such as COHb and metHb.

Reference Intervals
The P50 reference
interval for adults,
measured at 37 °C
and corrected
to a pH of 7.4, is 25
to 29 mm Hg. For
newborn infants,
the interval is 18 to
24 mm Hg because
of the presence of
Hb F.
• Differences in measured blood gas values between arterial and venous
blood are most pronounced for PO2
• In fact, PO2 is the only clinical reason or arterial collections
• PO2 is generally ≈60 mm Hg lower in venous blood after O2 is released in the
capillaries, whereas PCO2 is 2 to 8 mm Hg higher in venous blood
• pH generally is only 0.02 to 0.05 pH units lower in a venous sample.

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