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Asian languages

Every country in Asia has tradition and history .The history a great influence on Asian languages. Nowadays we
can notice when hearing or seeing a document that it does not look the same at all.

What we can find similarly is the origin of the languages: chinese. In time, each people changed it for their own

Nearly all of the languages spoken in Southeast Asia fall into four language families:

1) Sino-Tibetan, which includes Mandarin, Cantonese and the other Chinese languages;

2) Miao-Yao, which includes the languages spoken by many hill tribes and ethnic groups in southern China
and Southeast Asia;

3) Austroasiatic, which includes Vietnamese, Cambodian and languages spoken on the Malay Peninsula
and India;

4) Tai-Kadai, which includes Thai, Laotian and languages spoken in Myanmar, northern Vietnam and
southern China.

In Taiwan we can find three languages : Taiwanese Hokkien, Hakka, and Mandarin. Mandarin is the
basis of Standard Chinese( Beijing dialect).

5000 years ago, a writing system was created in China that was initially based on pictographic
elements. The Chinese characters, hanzi, although initially pictographic, followed in time a complex
process of abstraction of the represented ideas, finally reaching to express conceptualized images,
and not "drawings".

China has had a great impact, especially in neighboring countries (exemple Vietnam).

Vietnamese is an Austroasiatic language . They kept 60% of the words from Chinese as well as
grammar. Grammar is different from European languages, being added particles that accompany our
nouns in different situations. Vietnamese does not use morphological marking
of case, gender, number or tense.

about Thai and Filipino today, the influence of Chinese is almost non-existent. Their origin is from
China (and Vietnam). Grammar is more like European languages (subject-verb-etc).

In Thailand the standard language is composed of several distinct registers, distinct forms for various
social contexts (5 in total). These distinct ones also show a social class (ex: sacred or royal Thai).

+ In Filipine sunt 2 limbi oficiale: filipineza si engleza.

+in acest moment mandarina are peste 100 de mii de caractere.( partea amuzanta ca la prima
inregistrare , anul 618, erau in jur de 26 de mii)

+un motiv pentru care Vietnam se aseamana foarte mult cu mandarina, sau orice dialect al limbii
chineze, este ca a fost sub influenta chineza(dinastia Han)

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