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Teacher: Iftimie Iulia-Andreea
Lyceum: “Alexandru Vlahuta” Theoretical Highschool
Class: 4th
Level: elementary
Lesson: XL in concert
Textbook: Fairyland, Express Publishing
TYPE OF LESSON: reading, language acquisition and vocabulary practice
Time: 50 min
MATERIALS/RESOURCES: worksheets, guidebook, coursebook, flashcards, handouts, notebooks, board, drinking straw

COMPETENCES: 1.1 Identificarea unor detalii din mesaje simple articulate clar și rar în contexte cunoscute/ previzibile.

1.3. Manifestarea interesului pentru înțelegerea de detalii dintr-o varietate de mesaje orale simple, articulate clar și rar

2.2. Prezentarea unor activități în cadrul unei interacțiuni

3.1. Identificarea unor detalii din texte simple care conțin informații uzuale

AIMS: 1. To activate previously acquired vocabulary

2. To practise newly introduced vocabulary structures

3. To practise reading skills

Stages of Timin Interactio Competences Teacher does Students do Obs
lesson g n
Warm up 10 min T-Ss 1.1 Teacher checks homework Students come up Students have
2.2 She writes the following with the answers to say the job
verbs on the board: fly, sell, using vocabulary and than use
make, fix and shows acquired in the the verbs on
pictures with the jobs and previous lessons the board in a
elicits students to find the sentence
answers to the questions.
Who is he? What does he

Lead in 5 min PW 1.1 Teacher provides the Students match The

(Introducing 2.2 students with a handout vocabulary to the worksheet
new containing a matching pictures on the contains
vocabulary) exercise. (see worksheet 1) worksheets and then elements of
Teacher asks them orally to they make sentences vocabulary to
make sentences. be found in
the next

Guided 10min I 1.1 Teacher invites students to Students answers the Teacher
practice 1.3 open their books on page questions about the allows
Reading 3.1 32at the lesson XL in text students 2
concert After listening they minutes to get
A short conversation about do ex 2 page 32. familiarized
the characters will take with the task
place Who is XL?
Who is Andy? Where are
Who visits the spaceship?
Teacher plays the listening
of the lesson and then asks
the children to do orally ex
2 page 32. Teacher elicits
the students’ answers
Teachers asks the children
to read the lesson in turn,
then to read it on roles

Further 10min 1.1 Teacher tells students to Students open their They write
practice TS 3.1 open their notebooks and notebooks and write the words and
write the title of the lesson then at eight
and the words o’clock
Teacher writes at in on In the
every in a circle on the morning
board and then in another On Sundays
circle eight o’clock, the
morning, Sundays, day She
asks the children to match
the prepositions, and then
they write correctly in their

Consolidation 5min GW 1.1 Teacher divides the class in Students work in pairs
/ 3.1 groups of 4 students and to complete the
Reinforcement gives them handouts with worksheet
words written on each of
them. Each group has to
find the sentence putting the
words in the right order.
Feedback 3min T-Ss Teacher tells students to The student goes to
come at the board and write the board and write.
the sentences in the right
order for everyone to see
the correct form.

Homework 2 min T-Ss Teacher asks students to do

ex 1 page 74
Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2

Get dressed 1. to/ my/ sister/ on/ Saturdays/ music/ rock/ listens

2. He/ early/ gets/ up/ the/ morning/ in

3. He/ shower/ has/ a/ the/ morning/ in

4. we/ gym/ afternoon/ go/ to/ the/ in/ the

5. she/ go/ does/ shopping Sundays/ on?

Go to the

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