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s I said, I have been learning from different leaders for over 35 years (books, live seminars, videos,

podcasts, etc.) including Leo Buscaglia (Oh man, I miss that guy!), Zig Ziglar, John C. Maxwell (another
favorite!), Dale Carnegie, Ekharte Tolle, Wayne Dyer, Victor Frankl, Robert Kiyosake (Definitely made an
impression on me), Shad Helmstetter (Changed my thinking dramatically), Jack Canfield, Norman Vincent
Peale, Dave Ramsey, David Chilton (another one that changed my life), Paul Coelho, Tim Ferriss (Love
him!), Suze Orman, Marie Kondo, Louise Hay, Seth Godin, Brian Tracy, Stephen Covey, David Bach, Og
Mandino, Thomas Stanley, M. Scott Peck, Napolean Hill (amazing, amazing, amazing!), Susan Jeffers,
Miguel Ruiz, Rhonda Byrne, Daniel Goleman, Darren Hardy, Julia Cameron (another great for me), Gary
Chapman, James Redfield, Deepak Chopra, Carolyn Myss, Albert Camus, Henry David Thoreau and many
many more.

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