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Taking care of
your teeth
Group 3, 1005
Timor , Punn, Emmy, Pi, Jennie
Plaque the
What is Plaque?
Plaque is the transparent layer of bacteria that coats the

To prevent cavities, you need to remove plaque

The best way to do this is by brushing your teeth
twice a day and flossing at least once a day.
What is Tartar?
Tartar is plaque in a hardened form that is more
damaging and difficult to remove.
Tips For Brushing
Your Teeth
What is tips for brushing teeth ?
1. Hold your brush at a 45-degree angle against your gum line.

2. To clean the chewing surfaces of your teeth, use short. sweeping strokes.

3. Using a forward-sweeping motion, gently brush your tongue and the roof of
your mouth to remove the decay-causing bacteria .

4. cleaning teeth average 2 - 3 minutes.

5. Make sure that your toothpaste contain ingredient that prevent cavities. Such
as, fluoride
Fact on Flossing
Fact on Flossing

Brushing is important but it won't

remove the plaque and particles of
food between your teeth, under the
Fact on Flossing
How to floss properly to avoid injuries.
1. Carefully insert the floss between two teeth.

2. Gently bring the floss to the gums and gum line, but don't force
it under.

3. Curve the floss around the edge of your tooth in the shape of
the letter "C" and slide it up and down the side of
each tooth.

4. Repeat
The Nutrition Connection
The Nutrition Connection
When you eat sugary foods frequently, the enamel that protects your
teeth is exposed to acids. Sugary foods eaten with a meal are less
harmful to your teeth. Eating sugary foods before you go to bed can be
the most damaging.For most people, it's hard to cut out sweets
completely, so try to follow these more realistic guidelines:

1. Eat carbohydrates (sugars and starches) with a meal.

2. Don't eat sugary foods between meals.

3. If you snack, eat non-sugary foods, such as cheese, popcorn, raw

veggies, or yogurt.
Tooth-Whitening Products

● Most teens don't need tooth whitening products because teeth

usually yellow as a person gets older.

● talk to your dentist before you try any over-the-counter

whitening products.

● Some bleaching agents may damage your gums and mouth.

● always follow the instructions on any whitening product you

Going to the Dentist
Going to the Dentist
The main reason for going to the dentist regularly — every 6
months — is prevention. The goal is to prevent :
● tooth decay
● gum disease
● other disorders that put the health of your teeth and mouth
at risk.
Your dentist will examine the general condition of your gums,
which should be firm and pink, not soft, swollen, or inflamed.
Then the dentist will use the probe to check the depth of the
sulcus, Deep depressions, called pockets, are evidence of gum
More Dental Problems
More Dental Problems
- Dental caries (tooth decay) can attack the teeth at any age. In fact,
84% of 17-year-olds have the disease. Left untreated, caries can
cause severe pain and result in tooth loss.
- Treating caries is also expensive. So prevention and early
treatment are important.
- If you remove plaque regularly and follow good oral hygiene habits,
your gums usually will return to their healthy state.
Question peer assessment!
What is TarTar?

Tartar is plaque in a hardened form that is more

damaging and difficult to remove.
Which one are the correct way to
treat your teeth?
A) cleaning teeth average 2 - 3 minutes.
B) Eat a lot of sugary food before bed.
C) Visits the Dentist 1 time every 2 years.
D) Go on a Vegan Diet.
Is It a good Idea to eat and don’t
brush your teeth before going to bed?

1. Staven MD. January 2015. Taking Care
of Your Teeth. Jacksonville, Florida:The
Nemours Foundation.

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