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Running head: VOICE WAR 1

Voice War

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Voice War

Voice war is a type of war that has been generated by voice intelligent assistants over

recent years. Intelligent assistants are defined as computer software programmes that are

capable of the translation of spoken words into services that are completed (Yoffie, Sweitzer,

Sikka, Ahuja, & Wu, 2018). This paper aims at identifying the issues that the google voice

assistant has faced, the solutions to the issues, and comprehensive implementation plans of

the solutions suggested.

Issues Faced by Google

Competition is the first hurdle that Google has had to deal with since the introduction

of their remarkable establishment, the google assistant. Various intelligent assistants were

developed before the establishment of the google assistant. These intelligent assistants

include; “Alexa” which is used by Amazon, “Cortana” which is a voice assistant used by

Microsoft users and finally, “Siri” which is the first voice assistant in the market. Despite the

increasing number of users using Google Assistant, stiff competition has been faced

especially from “Alexa” which dominates the market share.

Confidentiality of information is the other challenge that emanates from the Google

voice assistant (Yoffie, Sweitzer, Sikka, Ahuja, & Wu, 2018). People around the World have

been questioning where the data obtained by the google assistant has been stored, which

raises the question of privacy among the users of this remarkable innovation. The

organization has a quite number of data belonging to millions of data and questions are being

raised on who has access to the data and how they are using it. As a result, people are

reluctant to use the google assistant to ensure that their privacy is maintained.

Solutions to the Challenges

The key competitors to Google assistant have based their operations mostly on Apple

gadgets, laptops and computerized machinery, cars, among others. However, there is a lack of

focus on Android phones which have been increasing every day and organizations making

them. As a result, Google should locate the majority of the manufacturing android phones

organizations, merge with them and incorporate their google assistant on the phones. This

merger should not allow other intelligent assistant providers to incorporate their voice

assistants on the phone manufactured by the organizations. This would increase the user base

of the google assistant, overcoming competition by great merging and generating more


To control the damage that the data stored by google assistant at the Google servers

could cause if they ever fell in the wrong hands, a release data system should be created. A

release system should be created in that it would be deleting the audios and device ID’s used

in recording the data stored in the servers of Google. The release system should be quick in

getting rid of the information, for example, within a week or so. This would efficiently help

the system to maintain the privacy of is users preventing any harm caused to them through

data violation and blackmails.

Implementation of the Release system

Google organization should consult programs and software developers who would be

able to design a software that gets rid of information after a postulated amount of time.

However, the software should be very flexible to maintain information that may be required

by the authorities to conduct further investigations about complex crimes committed. The

software should first be tested and reviewed. If the results turn out effective, the software

should be replicated and used in getting rid of people’s information.



Yoffie, D. B., Sweitzer, J., Sikka, D., Ahuja, K., & Wu, L. (2018). Voice War: Hey Google

vs. Alexa vs. Siri. Harvard Business School, 25.


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