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She sits at her dressing table looking at her face in the mirror.

Her face lacks definition around

the cheeks and jaw. It’s a face like a piece of technology, and her two eyes are cursors blinking.
Or it’s reminiscent of the moon reflected in something, wobbly and oblique. It expresses
everything all at once, which is the same as expressing nothing. To wear make-up for this
occasion would be, she concludes, embarrassing. Without breaking eye contact with herself, she
dips her finger in an open pot of clear lip balm and applies it. Downstairs, when she takes her
coat off the hook, her brother Alan comes out from the living room.
-Where are you going? he says.
-Where’s out?
-She puts her arms through the sleeves of her coat and adjusts the collar. She’s beginning to feel
nervous now and hopes her silence is communicating insolence rather than uncertainty.
-Just out for a walk, she says.
I chose a fragment from the novel "Normal People" by Sally Rooney. I tried to analyze
this fragment from a lexical and grammar cohesion point of view. The author uses Present
Simple, because he wants to underline the actions happen at the present. The addresser ,also
uses the Present Continuous, because the actions happen at the moment of speaking and it is a
dialog between two people. From the point of view of references we have a cataphoric
references, because the author uses the pronoun "She", "her", because something is introduced in
the abstract before it is identified. In this fragment we have not found the substitution.
Ellipsis is another cohesive device. For example: Out, because word is omitted when the phrase
must be repeated. The full form of the character' s reply would be : " I'm am going Out". The
addresser uses Addition connectives to make discourse cohesive. One of them is "and" . It is use
to emphasize the her gaze. Other connectives is " just" which is time connective.
At the lexical level cohesion is achieved by the use of repetition for example "she", "her”,
“at””the”,’says’. At the same time I also found the superordinates. Such as example the word
"coat' and "collar. The link here is between coat and the collar. Сoat refers back to collar but has
a higher level of generality and is therefore a superordinate term.

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