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The 3 models of planned change has a common purpose improving the overall make up of the

organization in whatever manner that is acceptable and operationally conducive to all the
stakeholders. All organization's rationale is to exist with defined purpose (mission and vision),
with acknowledge efficiency and defined target to whatever their purpose of existing is, with
notable records of effectiveness, with identified reliability and smooth organizational operation
whether issues are addressed downward going up or upward going down. That I believe is the
similarity that these models posses.

Lewins' change Model focusses in fine tuning the organization's culture to trends and what the
organization environment demands from it. This is to settle some incompatible practices that are
no longer applicable to the times. It is adaptability in the environment if it want relevance.

Action research model, is an encompassing approach as this one involves all stakeholders that
goes beyond the organization's scope. This one requires so many parties in its plan and their
inputs if it is to justified the kind and drastic change the organization need. While data gathering
makes this model more scientific, the consultation to a behavioral scientist will become a web of
complex task (talking of behavioral science makes a scaffold of interpretation) that may not sit
well with those whom this planned change is intended for.

Positive model is a one sided inquiry on best practices in which you will try to be at par with.
This one have a different way of looking at issues by making some parallel action base on what
is making other organization more effective and efficient. From its concept of positive inquiry,
finding out actions that are reaping positive results with other organization must be something
that is effective to the organization you planned to change as well.

See classmate answers

2 replies
Coy SegismundoJul 27
This one is a good insight. Keep it up.

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