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7 PRONUNCIATION: emphasis with this, that, these, those

A 49 Listen to the conversations, notice how we use stress to clarify information.

1 A: Is this my cell pone? 2 A: Are these your bags?

B: No, that´s yuor cell pone. B: No, those are my bags.

B 50 Work in pairs. Practice these conversations. Listen and check.

1 A: Do you like this sofa?

B: No, but I like that one

2 A: Do you want to buy these jeans?

B: No, I want to buy those jeans.

3 A: Do you have that CD?

B: No, but I have this CD.

8 GRAMER: comparative adjectives

A LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT Read this review. Then check the correct option to complete
the statement.

The writer:
Talks about different gifts to buy on Father´s Day.
Look at the forms of the adjectives
 Compares the reader plus with other e-readers. in red. What is the main form of
each adjective?


Then how about the new Reader plus e-reader? With this e-
reader, dad can download all his favorite books and
magazines, but that´s not all the reader plus also has a
camera! It´s a little more expensive than other e-reader, but
it´s less expensive than a tablet. It´s bigger than other e-
reader, but smaller than most tablets, so it´s better than a
tablet for reading in bed. Also, other e-readers are a lot
heavier than the reader plus. The reader plus is more
versatile than other e-reader and easier to use than a tablet.
I´m giving the reader plus 4.5 stars!
B ANALYZE: Read the review in exercise A again.

Function circle the correct option to complete the sentence below.

We use comparative forms to compare two things/more than two things.

Form write the correct adjective forms in the table

Most One- syllable adjectives Add-er: old—older, cheap—cheaper, short—(1)

e.g. Other e-readers are cheaper than the reader
One-syllable adjectives ending in-e, Add -r: nice—nicer, safe—(2)safer
e.g. Your cell phone is nicer than mine.
One-syllable adjectives ending in Double the final consonant and add -er: thin—
consonant-vowel-consonant thinner, hot—hotter, big—(3) bigger
e.g. This e-reader is smaller/bigger than that one.
Two-syllable adjectives ending in-y Change the y to I and add -er. Happy—happier,
funny—funnier, pretty—(4)prettier
Adjectives with two or more syllables Expensive—more/less expensive, versatile—
more/less versatile, interesting—(5)
e.g. The reader plus is more expensive than other
e-readers. more/less interesting
Irregular adjectives Bad—worse, good—(6) better
e.g. Tom´s e-reader is worse than this one.

C PRACTICE complete these sentences with the correct comparative form of the
adjective in parentheses + than.

1) This laptop is more versatile than (versatile)mine.

2) Your furniture is nicer than (nice) your neighbors´ furniture.

3) Shopping online is esier (easy) going to the store.

4) My cell phone is more up to date than (up to date) yours.

5) these jeans are better than (good) those.

6) mike´s old MP3 player is bitgger than (big) his new one.

D NOW YOU DO IT work in pairs. Which of these two types of computer do you prefer
and why? Use these words.

User- friendly
1) Desktop computers are cheap because it is not practical like laptops.
2) it is more attractive to buy laptops because they are compact
3) It is good to have knowledge of computers to choose the cheapest, compact and
practical when it comes to using it

A: I like desktop computers because they´re easy to use.

B: don´t. They´re a lot bigger than laptops, and you can´t carry them around.

9 Compound sentences
We can use and, or, and but to connect two short sentences. This is called a compound
sentence. Use and to add extra information, use but to add contrasting information, and use or
to show different options. Use a comma before and, but, and or.

A) In your notebook, connect these sentences using or, and, or but.

1) This furniture store is nice but It´s expensive.

2) These pants are really ugly and They´re too short.
3) Do you want to try on these black shoes? or Do you want to try on those red shoes?
4) My computer is new but It´s very slow.
5) This cell phone is attractive and It´s user-friendly.
6) We can watch this movie or We can listen to that new CD.

B) Choose gadgets(cell phone, radio, MP3 player, etc.) that you own.
In your notebook, write three compound sentences about them using and, or, and

1) If I choose between cell phone or mp3 player I choose the first.

2) I like my computer and cell phone because they are fast.
3) I like to study from my tablet but I prefer notebooks.

C) Find someone in your class who owns similar items. Talk about why your gadgets are

A: My laptop is smaller than yours, and it´s white.

B: Yes, but my laptop is more up to date than yours.

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