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Why is an overview preferable to an introduction?

The overview is probably the most important paragraph in the whole essay or a report

which gives the big picture while leaving out the minor details. An overview is a short

description of explanation of containing that is included in a report. An overview is simply a

summary of the main or most important points that reflect what you have written in the rest of

another part of a report. It is one of the first things a reader looks for because it shows them that

you can identify the most important information from the report and clearly identify overall

trends and comparisons[ CITATION Exp \l 1033 ].

Overview clarifies reader how to discern the most important ideas in a report, how to

ignore irrelevant information, and how to integrate the central ideas in a meaningful way.

Writing an overview improves their memory for what to read. It helps to determine essential

ideas and consolidate important details that support them. This also enables the reader to focus

on key words and phrases of an assigned text that are worth noting and remembering. Overview

is the summary which includes the introduction, body and conclusion.

Introduction on the other hand is important aspect in writing any business report. The

first sentence is must be unique and is very challenging while writing an introduction. Writer

must understand the importance of first impression, as it is difficult and confusing; it reflects

what the writer has written in the body part[ CITATION Jus \l 1033 ].

Hence, overview plays the important part in any business writing purposed because it

covers up the summary, and the main idea and information, what the report is about. Therefore,

overview is preferable to introduction.

Explorable. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Just buy ESSAY. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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