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Jyra Sheen L. Cruz

Heavenly father we bow before you as elementary

graduates of this year 2020. We praise and glorify
you as we ask for your guidance in the coming
years, especially during this time of pandemic.
Today we celebrate not only our graduation but
also the memories and years that we have spent in
this school. We thank you for these memories and
for the friendship that we have shared. We thank
you so much for blessing us to be a part of this
institution. They taught us proper affirmations and
ways to become instrument of your peace. For this,
we thank you for the sisters of Saint Paul of Chartes,
our teachers and all the staff of this beloved school.
Despite the lockdown, we are thankful to be able to
celebrate our graduation as we are about to take
more milestones in our lives... It may be different
from the usual graduation rights, but we know Lord
that you blessed us with this special kind of
graduation. Thank you for our parents who are
continuously supporting us until this time. Loving
father may we be able to be guided by your grace as
we part our ways with each other in the following
years of our lives. We ask this through our Lord
Jesus Christ your son, through the intercession of
our patron. Saint Paul the apostle.
Mary our mother and model… pray for us
Saint Ildefonso… pray for us
St. Paul our patron … Pray for us
Father Louis Chauvet and our first sisters…. Intercede for
May the charity of Christ Impel us Now and forever

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