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Above all the topics that we had I choose, “Assessment Approaches ”, in this lesson we were immerse to

the Assessment As, Of ,For Learning, which I found interesting since it was my first time to be introduced
in this topic connected to Assessment.

After we tackled this topic , something I found difficult about this lesson is that the difference of the
three, the Assessment As, For , Of Learning is quite confusing at first. Maybe due to the mode of our
learning. I needed to read it again and again in order to understand it.

What I really like about the topic is that as a future teacher Assessment is very crucial because its result
will show how students understood and gained certain lessons. So it is important to know the difference
of the three. Since each of them are equally important to know and familiarize. Like Assessment For
Learning pertains to teachers gather information about where students are ät”, while As Learning
depicts that data is gathered for students to help them understand how they learn and lastly the
Assessment Of learning concludes that data is gathered to reach conclusion about how much students
have learned.

Something that helped me understand this topic was reading and understanding their definitions and
what are that differences to each other. For me to understand clearly and easier I related it to some
classroom scenes. Like for example the Assessment For Learning , means the assessment is for students
to help them learn better. Understanding each words, or the context clues helped me to familiarize
myself into the three assessment approaches.

One experience from my own life that connects to the topic is when we were tasked to construct our
own lesson plans, and I had a hard time deciding what assessment approaches should I do or choose
that is appropriate to my subject matter. I should relate it to the approaches like in Assessment as
Learning I should focus more on peer assessment, reflection and peer assessment.

One thing I still don’t understand not that I don’t understand but I still have a hard time differentiating
the three especially when I encounter unfamiliar definitions of the three

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