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Grade 8 - Civic Education

Democratic way of living

 There are many conflicts and disagreements among people in the society.
 Main reasons for them are;
1. The competition of the complex life style
2. Mistrust among people
 To minimize these issues we should tolerate and respect others views and should act in a fair
 Further if we live in a democratic way we can minimize these conflicts.
 We can see many valuable qualities associate with a democratic way of living.

1. Name some valuable qualities associate with a democratic society.
2. How does the democratic way of life influence to the betterment of the
Unit 3
Multicultural Society

What is a multicultural society?

A society which consists of people belong to
Different races
Different religions
Different nationalities
Speak different languages
Follow different customs and traditions is called as a
“multicultural society”

 A person behaves according to a certain culture from birth to death.
 Simply culture means all the activities in life style, clothing, behaving, communicating and
 There are many definitions for culture.
 There are some cultural elements.
o Stupa
o Temples
o Foods
o Clothing
o Arts and craft

1. What are the definitions given for culture? Write them.
2. Name and paste pictures related to culture.

 A society which consists of people belonging to different races living in one country is called
as a multicultural society
 In these type of society, each race observe different religions, speak different languages and
follow different customs and rituals.

1. Is Sri Lanka a multi-cultural country? Give reasons for your answer.
2. Name some countries which have multicultural societies.
 A society with multi-cultural characteristic is known as a multicultural society.
 Characteristics of a multi-cultural society
1. People speak different languages
2. People observe different religions
3. People follow different customs and traditions
4. All the people live in the society work together.
 Due to the globalization, the society which we live is a multicultural society.
 So we have to develop so many qualities as a global citizen.

1. As a global citizen what are the qualities that you should develop for the
betterment of all.

Existence of different ethnic groups

 Different ethnic groups lives in a multicultural society.

 They should work peacefully and collaboratively for the betterment of all.

1. Name the ethnic groups exist in Sri Lanka.

Existence of people of different faiths

 People observe different religions

 It is very much essential to respect one’s own religion as well as others religions.
 We should learn all the good faiths and practices of other religions to make our life a success.

1. What are the religions observed by the people in Sri lanka?

Existence of people who speak different languages

 People used to speak in many languages in a multicultural society.

 As language is very much important in communicating and exchanging ideas, it is important to learn
other languages than the ones own language(Mother tongue)
 In Sri Lanka we mainly use Sinhala, English and Tamil languages.
Existence of different customs and traditions

 Many customs and traditions prevails in a multicultural society.

 Many of them are associated with different ethnic groups.
 Ex: Buddhists celebrate vesak
 Sinhalese and Hindus celebrate New Year

Existence of different cultural heritage

 Every culture has its own cultural elements.

o Stupa, Temples – Heritage of Buddhist culture
o Kovils – Heritage of Hindu culture
 These cultural heritages are the prestige and pride of a country.


1. Name the communities lives in Sri Lanka.
2. What are the religions observed by Sri Lankan people?
3. What are the languages spoken in Sri Lanka?
4. Do activity given in text book page 59.

Different Cultural traditions, customs and festivals

 As Sri Lanka is a multicultural country many cultural traditions, customs and festivals held in Sri
Lanka throughout the year.
 There are many cultural places relates to these cultures.
o Temple of sacred tooth relic
o Sri Maha Bodhi
o Koneshwaram Kovil
o Madu Church
 According to the community group people practice many customs from birth to death and even
after the death.
 There are four main religions in Sri Lanka
o Buddhism
o Hinduism
o Catholicism
o Islam
 There are different customs, rituals, traditions and festivals associate with each religion.
1. Buddhist Culture
 The doctrine of lord Buddha disclosed the way of good life and ti achieve spiritual
 There are 5 percepts to be followed by the laymen.
 There are 3 main festivals associated with Buddhist culture
o Vesak – Celebrate to commemorate 3 events of Buddha; the birth, the
enlightment and the parinibbana (Demise)
o Poson – Celebrate the Arahath Mahinda Thero’s arrival to Sri Lanka
o Esala – Celebrate the lord Buddha’s first sermon
 To celebrate these festivals Buddhists do many things.
o Observing sil
o Conducting sermons
o Giving alms to the needy
o Treating the sick
o Organizing dansal
o Erecting pandals
o Making colourful lanterns

2. Hindu Culture
 Hindus start their daily routine after worshipping their gods
 They conduct poojas for their gods – Shiva, Vishnu, Ganeesha and goddess Kali
 Some religious festivals of them are
o Thai-pongal
o Deepawali
o Maha Shiva rathri

3. Christian Culture
 Christians have two main festivals.
o Christmas – Celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
o Good Friday – commemoration of crucifixion
o Easter Festival- Commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
 Baptism of a new born child is a very important religious custom in Christian Culture

4. Islamic Culture

 They have three main festivals

o Milad-un-Nabi
o Ramadan festival (Id-Ul-Fitr)
o Haj festival

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