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How many advertisements have you seen in your life?

The average person sees

between 280 and 310 advertisements per day. Advertisements are a great way
to make people aware of products, issues, and more. But has advertising
become a problem for society? The effects of this are felt by consumers and
non-consumers alike
Advertising is seen by some as one of modern society’s evils. It makes people
spend money on things they don’t really need. Most ads out there push
products that very few people actually need. Any product or service that people
actually need to survive and thrive does not need an ad campaign; consumers
are actually seeking them out. It's why you rarely, if ever, see ads for gasoline or
utilities. But when it comes to the "stuff" that we fill our lives with, advertising can
implant deep-seated longing for those products. From new cars to music players
and the latest candies and junk foods, advertising can literally make people crave
something they didn’t even know they wanted a few seconds earlier. However,
some advertisements are visually beautiful, others make you think and can make
you laugh out loud.
Advertising is a major industry since there are many small present-day
businesses need to find a way to spread the word about the products and
services they provide. In addition, the large incredibly large salaries it pays
appeal to a great deal of creative young people.
To sum up, therefore, advertising in the digital age is big effect on the economy,
as it creates employment both directly and indirectly. However, the consumers
should be conscious about what they will buy on count of some exaggerated

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