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It’s frightening that myriads of terrestrial and marine animals are on the verge of

extinction due to human beings. This essay will shed light on the two measurements
which governments should do to handle this issue.
They should do so, firstly, levying exorbitant fines on devastating behaviors such as
littering, illegal dumping or other environmental offences. Hunting and fishing for sport
should also be outlawed, as should the transportation of invasive species between
countries. The killing or smuggling of species at risk. Furthermore, the trade in products
from those creatures, must be punished severely.
Another approach would be that all citizens need to be made aware of the extent of the
crisis, its consequences for the world, and what they can do to help. This should begin at
school, with all children taught to respect animal life. Also, wildlife documentaries and
films could inform adults about the main issues, such as the direct and indirect impact of
climate change on animals.
In conclusion, I would definitely prefer to see legislation since education takes time to
bring about change. Suitable Legislation, in contrast, could quickly transform the
situation, which is why I strongly believe that international treaties committing all
governments to the measures outlined above would be the more effective strategy

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