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Corporate Information Technology division (CITD) adopt cloud and process and construction of
each cloud development model and recommended the most appropriate development model are
mentioned below:

- New innovations are on the upsurge with the advent of technology.

- The data demand of all its verticals can be meet at all time by Pais Industries as they can well
depend on cloud storage of its data.

- From day-to-day transactions a lot of data is churned especially fir big corporations that are gaining
importance due to cloud computing.

- For technology driven innovation cloud computing is not an exception.

2. Back in 2011 during the Occupy Wall Street protests, the public was introduced to Anonymous.
Anonymous is made up of an international network of hacktivists who purposely disrupt
organizations they believe to be morally corrupt. The hacking group is not easily definable as they do
not recognizably have a leader and are made up of a group of people from around the world.
Anonymous describes themselves as "an Internet gathering [with a] very loose and decentralized
command structure that operates on ideas rather than directives." Three well-publicized and
successful attacks conducted by Anonymous include the WTO Hack, ISIS Website Attack and Donald
Trump's Website Hack. If Anonymous believes you or your business are hurting mankind in any way,
they will come after you.


With the motto "The world's leaders in high-quality entertainment at your expense," you have to
wonder what it is your business has to do to become a LulzSec target. LulzSec, short for Lulz Security
is a play on words denoting laughter and cyber security. In essence, LulzSec laughs at the attempts of
anyone investing in cybersecurity. Once in rivalry but now affiliated with Anonymous, LulzSec has
successfully hacked Sony Pictures, the CIA and LulzSec takes special pride in their hacking
abilities, and have been known to rub it in to their victims. If you don't have a cybersecurity plan, it's
time to get one; LulzSec is waiting for their next opportunity.


Though this group is said to have disbanded in 1999, GlobalHell can be credited with being one of
the first hacking groups who gained notoriety for website defacements and breaches. Stealing
private and financial information, GlobalHell's founder has said the group caused $2.5 million in
damages. GlobalHell infiltrated the White House, Ameritech, the United States army and the U.S.
Postal Service.


a) Enterprise Resource Planning: It is integrated cross functional software that reengineers

manufacturing, distribution, finance, human resources and other basic business processes of a
company to improve its efficiency, agility and profitability. ERP is built with a vision to providing
businesses with an integrated information system. ERP software consists of integrated modules that
give a company a real-time cross functional view of its core-business processes such as production,
order processing and sales and its resources such as cash, raw materials, production capacity and

b) Best Practices were also a benefit of implementing an ERP system. When implementing an ERP
system, organizations essentially had to choose between customizing the software and modifying
their business processes to the "Best Practice" function delivered in the vanilla version of the

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