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Traffic Flow Model

A study of freeway flow at a particular site has resulted in a calibrated speed-density

relationship, as follows:

Us= 57.5(1-0.008k)

From this relationship:

a. Find the free-flow speed and jam density

b. Derive the equations describing flow versus speed and flow versus density.
c. Determine the capacity of the site mathematically

[Solution Shown Below]


A.) To solve for free-flow speed and jam density:

us = 57.5 –0.46k. Notice that this equation is linear with respect to space mean speed and density
and is of the form of Greenshield’s equation.

Greenshield’s equation: us= uf- (uf/kj)k

Free flow speed uf = 57.5 MPH

To calculate jam density: uf/kj = 0.46 gives kj = 125 vpm

B.) To derive the equations for flow as a function of density:

q= usk

q = 57.5k-0.46k2 vph gives flow as a function of density ( note that it is a quadratic in k)

To derive flow as a function of speed:


k=(57.5-us)/0.46 = 125-(us/0.46)

q = us(125-(us/0.46)) = 125us- us2/0.46 vph ( note that it is a quadratic in u s)

C.) To determine the capacity of the site:

Need to determine the maximum flow:

dq/dk = 57.5 – 0.46(2)k =0


k = 57.5/(0.46(2)) = 62.5 veh per mile = km=density at maximum flow

q = 57.5k-0.46k2

q=57.5(62.5) –0.46(62.5)2

q=3593.75 –1796.875

q = 1796.875 veh/hour = qm

speed at maxium flow = um = 57.5 –0.46(62.5) =28.75 mph

Greenshield's Model

Inspection of a freeway data set reveals a free flow speed of 60 mph, a jam density of 180
vehicles per mile per lane, and an observed maximum flow of 2000 vehicles per hour. Determine
the linear equation for velocity for these conditions, and determine the speed and density at
maximum flow conditions. How do the theoretical and observed conditions compare?

[Solution Shown Below]


vs= vf – vf/kj k (mph)

vs = 60 – 60/180 k = 60 – 0.333k

q = vsk

q = 60k-0.333k2
dq/dk = 60 –2(0.333)k

60 = 2(0.333)k

k= 90. 0 = kj/2 half of jam density

vm= 60-60/180 (90) = 30 mph = vf/2 = half of free flow speed

q= vs k

q = 30 (90) = 2700vph > 2000 vph

The theoretical value does not account for the field conditions that influence maximum flow.

Shock Waves

A slow moving truck drives along the roadway at 10 MPH. The existing conditions on the
roadway before the truck enters are shown at point 1 below: 40 mph, flow of 1000 vehicles per
hour, and density of 25 vehicles per mile. The truck enters the roadway and causes a queue of
vehicles to build, giving the characteristics of point 2 below: flow of 1200 vehicles per hour and
a density of 120 vehicles per mile. Using the information provided below, find the velocity of the
shockwave at the front and back of the platoon.

Point 1: Normal flow ( us = 40 MPH, k=25 veh/mi, q= 1000 vph.

Point 2: Slow Truck: ( us = 10 MPH, k=120 veh/mi, q= 1200 vph.

[Solution Shown Below]


Figures 3.6.2 and 3.6.3, shown below, illustrate the behavior of the vehicles that are impacted by
the shockwave.

The speed of the shockwave in front of the truck at point A-A ( qb= 0, kb = 0) can be found by
substituting the correct values into the general shockwave equation. Upon substitution, as shown
below, we find that the shockwave is moving at the same speed as the truck, or 10 MPH
downstream with reference to a stationary point on the roadway.
Solving for the speed of the shockwave at the end of the platoon (B-B) is accomplished by
substituting the correct values into the general shockwave equation.

qa= 1000 vph, ka=25 vpm

qb= 1200 vph, kb =120 vpm

The (+) sign indicates that the shockwave is moving downstream with respect to a fixed
A-A moves forward relative to the roadway at 10 MPH

B-B moves forward relative to the roadway at 2.1 MPH

Platoon Growth: 10-2.1 = 7.9 MPH

Problem adapted from:

Papacostas, C.S., and Prevedourous P.D., Transportation Engineering and Planning, 2nd
Edition, Prentice Hall, pages 151-157

Lab Exercise One: Flow Models

The attached data sets reflect field data taken at two sites in Huskytown. You are an engineering
intern and you have been asked by your supervisor to analyze the data and prepare a brief report
documenting any conclusions and recommendations that you have.

Using the "attached" data sets, analyze the data. Assume Greenshield's model for space mean
speed as a function of density.

Attached MS Excel Data Set One

Attached MS Excel Data Set Two

Tasks to be Completed

Task 1: Using regression to determine the theoretical equation that describes the speed as a
function of density:

 Plot the actual data and theoretical data and describe any correlation.
 Report all the important statistical results of the regression analysis.

Task 2: Using histograms, calculate and graph the following:

 flow
 speed
 occupancy

Task 3: Using any analysis tools, plot:

 flow versus occupancy

 flow versus density
 speed versus flow
 speed versus density.

Task 4: Write up a report stating the information specified above, as well as your own
conclusions about the data provided.

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