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Nicole Amstutz

Highland Kindergarten (Mrs. Hartzel) – 10-15 minutes

Geoboard Matching
Uppercase and Lowercase

Topic: Matching uppercase letters with their lowercase counterparts

Objective: Given geoboards, TSBWAT accurately match an uppercase letter with its lowercase

PA Common Core Standard

- CC.1.1.K.B Recognize and name all upper- and lower-case letters of the alphabet.

- Premade geoboards with letters on them
- Rubber bands

- If the students are having a hard time matching an uppercase with a lowercase letter,
or vice versa, we can redo the 1st board instead of doing a 2nd, different board. Even
though the students will use their memory of the shape instead of matching the letters,
it exposes them to which letters are connected/go together.

1. Students will sit down at the table and I will hand out geoboards and rubber bands.
2. I will first let them play with these materials for 1 minute.
3. I will then ask them to put everything back the way I gave it to them and then explain
what we will be doing. I will say a letter and they have to find the uppercase and
lowercase letters and connect them with a rubber band. They are not to play with the
rubber bands if they are waiting.
4. Once all the letters are connected, it will make a design/shape. We will go over once
more all the letter sounds and then state what shape they made.
5. If there is time remaining, the students can complete the 2nd board I will have for them.
6. Steps 3 and 4 will be repeated.

Student Reflection:
- How accurate were the students in matching up the letter pairs?
o The students were able to accurately match a lowercase letter with its
uppercase partner. One difficulty I did observe was that the students would
mix up the lowercase d and b. In which case I would just say that that letter is
backwards. Then they could immediately find the letter I was asking.
- Did the students listen to instructions and not play with the geoboards when we were
not using them?
o The students did really well in listening to my directions. When I said, “let’s
take all of our rubber bands off”, they would listen immediately, even though
some were kind of sad that they couldn’t play more with the boards. Also, if
Nicole Amstutz
Highland Kindergarten (Mrs. Hartzel) – 10-15 minutes
the student was off task/distracted, I would just repeat the direction (“find T
for me”) to refocus them.

Teacher Reflection:
- How professional did the geoboards look? Could I have made the letters more
o I think the letters were pronounced enough because all the students didn’t
have trouble finding them. However, the letters were a little too far apart
because some of the students would put their hand over ½ the board and
would not be able to find the letters. So, next time, I think I’ll put the letters
closer together to make a small shape. Also, the students had trouble
remembering to place the rubber bands on the peg with the arrow on it. I
didn’t enforce this rule because I didn’t think that it was pertinent for the
student to focus on. Instead, I just corrected their rubber bands to show the
shape. So, next time, I think I’ll put a dot, or maybe even the letter, on the peg
I need them to put the rubber band on.
- Were the students engaged with the geoboards?
o The students loved this activity and were sad to stop when they had to rotate

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