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Ma'am Benilda De Guzman

Teaching-Learning Process [Huitt's Model]

1 context
-outside the classroom
-school characteristics
-school processes: how admin treat their students, policies
-home/ family: ex tricycle driver as parents, phisci student> boils down to one's
-peer groups
-community: neighbors
-religious institutions

2 input
-what teachers and students bring to the classroom process
-teacher characteristics: beliefs, knowledge, personality
-student characteristics: what the students brings into the classroom, from
different schools [sci hs, etc], intelligence, learning style, motivation

3 classroom processes
-what takes place in the classroom
-teacher behavior: planning [knowing how to start, maintain, end the lecture],
management [controlling student behavior], instruction
-student behavior: what they do during lectures/ class
-others/ miscellaneous: teacher-student relationships

4 output
-measurement of student learning
-can one apply said learnings to real life situations

Learning Process
-not only about info> psychomotor skills, attitude
-maturation and experience helps one make decisions

domains of learning
1 cognitive learning
-facts and information

2 psychomotor learning
-bodily movement

3 affective learning
-attitudes, judgements, behavior

most broad
directs the teacher so as to how to teach
set of principles or beliefs used for the whole process of teaching
provides direction, principles
how you are going to teach

how the teacher will teach
can be an outline, group discussion, etc
depends on the teacher
specific method

Teaching Approaches
1 discovery approach
-lecture is not included
-letting the student research
-student centered
-not memorization
-info discovered by oneself enters long term memory more than info given to you
-exam is not multiple choices
-cognitive aspect of learning
-bacground is given, learning outcomes
-gave rise to the theory of constructivism and self-learning
-people understand through experience
-activities for discovery

2 conceptual
-knowing the concept rather than specific content
-the big picture
-not on the content per se
-cognitive learning
-student discovers the 'big picture'

3 process
-good for psychomotor skills
-for practical concepts, with movement
-students are engaged in the activities
-teachers give drills for students to practice, should spot weaknesses of students
and help them overcome such

4 unified
-integrating topics to a general framework
-relating topics to new concepts
-inter-relationships are shown

5 inquiry
-asking questions (Klinkmann)
-to develop students' thinking ability =habit of thinking
-teachers provide stimulus to keep the inquiry going

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