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Interview is a meeting in which someone asks you questions to see if you are suitable for a job or
course. To ask and answer about job, you can express the following expression and responses.

Asking about job Responding

What do you do? I’m lecturing staff
I’m in accounting
I’m in human resources development
I’m computer program
I’m sales
I’m business
I’m in marketing
I’m in advertising
What company are you with? I’m with…..(company name)
What organization are you with? I’m with…..( company name)
What do you there? I’m in the supplying section
I’m in the accounting department
What does your job involve? I teach Math
I sell new products
I manage an office
How do you usually get to work? I usually go by bus
How do you usually travel? I usually walk
I usually ride a bike
How does it take you to? About an hour
What are your hours like? About eight to four
How long are you at your office every day? Start at eight o’clock and finish at four o’clock
How much vacation time do you get a year? Fourteen days

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