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Bogotá, AGOSTO 2020

Creating a short essay

Main Idea #1

Write the main idea # 1. You are going to think about one idea you can develop in a
paragraph by providing reasons and examples. Remember, in this section you will only
need to write 1 sentence. Later on, you will work on developing those ideas.

The main idea is to completely stop fishing for this species since this white shark, no
matter how large it is, has the category of vulnerable throughout the world. This species
of cartilaginous fish that can measure between 4 and 6 meters in length faces a decline
in the number of its population due to different causes, among which hunting for its
teeth and fins stands out. That is why Ocearch was created, a non-profit organization
that seeks to carry out unprecedented research on this species and other "apex
predators", which are the species that are at the top of the food chain, to keep in mind,
for this reason they have made the decision to tag the sharks for monitoring purposes.

Main Idea # 2

Write the main idea # 1. You are going to think about one idea you can develop in a
paragraph by providing reasons and examples. Remember, in this section you will only
need to write 1 sentence. Later on, you will work on developing those ideas.

también una mis ideas podría ser que todos los países trabajen en conjunto haciendo
vigilancia para que muchas pescas piratas no hagan daño al ecosistema con la caza
indiscriminada de este pez, como se podría logra esto cada país estando alerta haciendo
recorridos y haciendo registros a los barcos.


In this section you have to write your introduction, use the main ideas you wrote in the
previous section. You will briefly describe what you are going to talk about in this text.

Introduction. These guidelines have been prepared in support of the implementation of

the International Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks. They
are intended for governments, subnational, national, regional and international fisheries
organizations and non-governmental organizations. They are intended to raise
awareness of the conservation and management needs of sharks and other
chondrichthyans, and should be of interest to fishing companies and other parties
involved in harvesting these resources. These guidelines provide general advice and a
comprehensive framework for the development and implementation of national
conservation and management plans for sharks that are consistent with the IAP-Sharks.
They are also intended to provide useful information for the preparation of reports on
shark assessment. They also provide nations and RFMOs with general advice on
requirements and a framework for the development and implementation of “Shark
Plans” in the field of conservation and management of transboundary shark species.
What is not intended to be offered here is a manual on management, monitoring and
research methods in relation to shark fisheries. These guidelines do not have an official
legal status either.


In this section, You will write two short paragraphs developing the two main ideas you
wrote in the previous section. Remember that now you have to use: Reasons and
examples to explain your Topic sentences or main ideas.

two main ideas In this writing I am going to indicate why is the white shark can not
disappear taking some of the indication is that it was indicated in the previous one such
as the labeling of sharks, also working together with the countries, that when an actor
(for For example, a super predator at the top, like sharks) is eliminated from the
ecosystem, the next one in the chain will flourish, but only temporarily. Its population
would increase so fast that it would feed on its prey in excess, until it brought it to the
point of extinction. A destructive chain of events would cause an increase in algae that
would drown the coral reefs,


Now you are going to finish your text, by summarizing what you mention in the body.
Then you are going to make a conclusion about the topic, it might be positive or
negative accordingly.

conclusion One of the conclusions is to stop hunting this shark since without this all our
organisms of life in the sea would also have a lack of control Special protection 'or'
special management ': Term adopted for species that require protection or special
management due to poor condition conservation or because they are rare. This term is
adopted to replace "endangered", "threatened", "vulnerable" or "endangered" species.
Several countries have adopted definitions for some of these terms, which have legal
value in their respective jurisdictions, and some international organizations have
published classification criteria on the conservation status of the species, but, for the
moment, there is no single set of criteria accepted by all nations.

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