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Workout Tips & Motivation Secrets From SWEAT Trainers

It’s no secret that working out regularly can benefit you — both physically and mentally. The upsides of
being healthy may include improved sleep, mood, energy and so much more.

But how do you know what makes for a truly effective workout?

There’s a lot of information available about heart rate zones, gadgets you can buy, and different
programs that you can try, but you don’t need to be a fitness expert in order to get results by working
out at home or in the gym.

And if you're in need of some practical advice on how to harness motivation to work out regularly, our
SWEAT trainers have the expertise to guide you towards building a consistent, healthy routine that
includes exercise every week.

You can get started now — all you need is a positive mindset, comfortable clothing, and some space in
your living room!

Getting started with working out

Whether you’re completely new to fitness or you’re aiming to try out a new training routine, these
workout tips from our SWEAT Trainers can help you get on track.

1. Set a workout goal for the week

While you should definitely move every day, a good place to start is by setting a weekly workout goal.
You might choose to complete three workouts for the week and gradually progress as you get more
Whatever you decide, be sure to have a plan when you get started! If you’re following one of the
programs in the SWEAT app, you can choose to complete one of the recommended workout sessions.

2. Schedule your workouts

Trainer Kayla Itsines says that she schedules in four workouts each week, knowing that she wants to do
three. “That way if I miss one of the workouts, I’ve still got three in the week”.

It’s a great idea to plan ahead, and include a backup plan just in case you can’t make your scheduled
workout time.

3. Add some motivating workout music

Music is great for motivation during your workout. Find out how to build an awesome workout playlist,
and check out our trainers playlists for inspiration. When you workout with the SWEAT app you can use
Apple Music and Spotify to stream your favourite workout tunes.

4. Remember why you started

Perhaps one of the most important things, when you start a new habit like exercising regularly, is
knowing your reasons for wanting to make a healthy change. Knowing your “why” will provide the
motivation that you need to keep going with the program, even when you don’t feel like it.

Whether you’re trying to stay motivated with a desk job, you’re a student, a mum or you’re starting a
business, knowing WHY you want to create and stick to a new exercise routine will help you to dig deep
and find the discipline to make time for your health and fitness.

5. Grab a friend!

Exercising with friends is a great way to have fun while training and will also keep you accountable. It’s
also one of the ways you can balance fitness with a busy lifestyle by combining socialising with exercise.
When you know there’s someone else counting on you to show up for your workout, you are much more
likely to go!
If none of your friends is into fitness, then get them to meet you for coffee afterwards! Your workout
buddy doesn’t have to do the workout with you every time, there are other ways they can provide you
with motivation and support.

Cardio workout tips

6. Remember to warm-up

A good warm-up prepares your body for the challenges of working out and can help to reduce the risk of
injury. It also mentally prepares you for your workout session, creating a break between your day and
the time you’re dedicating to yourself.

Warm-up using movement or dynamic stretches to increase your range of motion and get the blood
flowing to your muscles.

7. Try skipping

If you need a fast workout that packs a punch, grab a skipping rope! This is a great way to get in some
cardio at home or in the gym, anywhere with a bit of space and a flat surface.

A simple jump rope workout for beginners could include skipping for 30 seconds, followed by 10 push-
ups, then repeat using different bodyweight exercises like crunches, mountain climbers, planks and so on
until you reach a 10-20 minute workout.

8. Increase the intensity with interval training

Interval training can help to make cardio workouts more challenging. If you haven’t done high intensity
interval training before, it’s basically where you alternate periods of high intensity and low-intensity
exercise. This allows you to work at a higher intensity for much longer than if you tried to do a steady-
state workout, burning more calories in less time, meaning more “bang for your buck.''

You can apply interval training to any form of exercise, including running, elliptical, rowing, stair climbing,
cycling, swimming and even walking. If you are outdoors, a great way to incorporate interval training is
to choose a route with stairs or a hill climb. This adds intensity to your workout without you having to
think about it!

9. Add strength to your cardio session

Doing strength exercises at the end of your walk or run can help to increase your strength and improve
your performance over time. Exercises that you can combine with a walk or run include push-ups, step-
ups, pull-ups, planks or lunges.

Think about what might be on your route — can you use the playground equipment or a park bench for
a short strength session? Combining some strength training with your cardio session can help if you
don’t have enough time to do separate workouts.

10. Remember to cool down

Allow for 5-10 minutes of stretching after each workout. This helps your heart rate return to normal and
can prevent injury. Taking the time to stretch gives you a moment to reflect on the workout you’ve just

Strength training workout tips

11. You can start at home

If you aren’t ready to join a gym, you can get started with strength training at home. With some basic
equipment, you can start strength training in your own time and on your own terms.

If you don’t have any equipment yet, you can substitute with household items. You may be able to buy
second-hand gym equipment — check out what’s available on the community marketplace in your area.
Some great items to start with include an adjustable barbell, dumbbells and a fit ball.

12. Focus on your form

When lifting weights, all parts of the movement are important. One mistake that people make when
lifting weights is focusing on the primary movement, then allowing momentum to drop the weight back
into place.
To get the maximum benefit from each movement, lower the weight in a controlled manner. This is
called ‘eccentric training’. You’ll find that some of the negative-style exercises in Kelsey Wells’ PWR
program in the SWEAT app call for you to focus specifically on this part of the movement.

13. Choose the heaviest weight you can

Choosing the right weight for your workout for maximum results means that you want a weight that
challenges you during the final reps, but also allows you to complete all the sets of a given exercise (and
the rest of your workout!).

It’s a myth that lifting weights will make you bulk up! For those who haven’t tried strength training
before, you’re about to discover one route to becoming stronger and more confident.

14. Do cardio after your resistance workout

If you plan to lift weights and do cardio on the same day, try to do cardio after your resistance session to
get the most out of your strength training workout. The reason behind this is to ensure that you have the
maximum amount of energy for your strength work. Doing cardio following weight training may even
increase the amount of energy you burn.

15. Focus on your breath

As you work against the resistance, the hardest part of the movement, breathe out. Then inhale as you
return to the starting position, releasing the resistance.

When you exhale, it increases engagement of your core and provides greater stability for the lift.
Controlled breathing also helps more oxygen to get to your muscles. Slow, deep breaths also help with
good posture and maintaining good form.

16. Do supersets

A superset contains two dedicated exercises that focus on specific areas of the body. For example, a
superset could include 12 reps of bench press followed by 10 reps of a bent-over reverse fly. Complete
these exercises as many times as you can with minimal rest in a given time, say seven minutes, or do
three rounds of each exercise with a 30-second pause between rounds.

Kelsey Wells’ PWR program contains supersets towards the end of each workout. You’ll also find
supersets in some of Chontel’s FIERCE circuit-focused workouts.

Powerbuilding workout tips

17. Lift heavy

To get stronger you will need to lift heavier weights over fewer repetitions.

Stephanie Sanzo can help you achieve this goal safely with her BUILD program in the SWEAT app. She
takes you through a 1RM assessment and a detailed strength program so you’re lifting the correct weight
for your body each training session.

18. Be consistent

When you start lifting weights, consistency is the key to improvement. You might start with a light weight
but with repetition, over time you will progress.

Heavy lifting takes preparation, so take the time to build a strong foundation and before you know it
you’ll start to see positive changes.

19. Get advice

If you’re feeling uncertain when lifting, seek professional advice! You can ask a gym instructor to check
your form and ensure that you are lifting safely.

The SWEAT app comes with instructions and videos for each exercise to help you with your form. These
can help you to feel safe and more confident with your lifts!

20. Maintain a log

Write down your 1RM, personal best lifts for each exercise and aim to improve these numbers. The best
way that you can get results from powerbuilding is by focusing on lifting a weight that challenges you. Be
mindful of your current ability and strength when determining a weight that is appropriate for each

21. Don’t overdo it

Powerbuilding is fun and lifting heavy weights can give you a great sense of accomplishment! However,
over-training can reduce the benefits you are training for and can also put you at risk of injury. That’s
why it is so important that you allow adequate time for recovery.

SWEAT Trainer Stephanie Sanzo’s BUILD program schedules rest and recovery days into your weekly
workout plan.

Tips for yoga

22. Choose a yoga style that suits your needs

Everyone comes to yoga for a different reason. You might be looking to strengthen your back and
improve posture, stretch out tight joints and muscles, or boost your energy levels.

Yoga is also practised as a form of meditation and relaxation and can help improve wellbeing. When
deciding what style of yoga to try, think about the health benefits of yoga that you want to experience
and choose one or two types that will meet your goals.

23. Buy a yoga mat

To practice yoga at home, the first thing you should invest in is a non-slip yoga mat. A yoga mat gives you
grip during the postures and enables you to practice without slipping and causing injury. There is a range
of different thicknesses and yoga mat materials, so it pays to look for something that suits you.

24. Wear comfortable clothing

When practicing yoga, choose clothing that you feel comfortable in and that allows you to move freely. If
you’re not sure exactly what to choose, see our tips on how to buy the best yoga pants for ideas on what
styles can suit different types of yoga.

For example, the clothing that you choose to wear for yin yoga where you’re moving more slowly might
be different from what you would wear to a hot, fast-moving yoga class. The most important thing is that
you are comfortable!

25. Add in some meditation

Adding meditation to your yoga practice helps you to be present in the moment with your mind and
body. Meditation and mindfulness can enhance the benefits of calming yoga poses to reduce stress after
a tough day.

26. Listen to your body

While yoga is a valuable tool for dealing with life’s struggles, it can introduce new sensations to your
body. You may experience slight discomfort in some poses, but if it moves into pain, slowly ease out of
the position.

A great way to make sure that you don’t overdo it is by paying close attention to your breath throughout
your practice. If you notice that you are holding your breath, or if your breathing becomes staggered,
pull back until your breathing becomes steady again.

HIIT workout tips

27. You always have time for a workout!

You can still do a workout even if you only have 15 minutes! There are “quick workouts” in the SWEAT
app, and even a short walk is so much better than doing nothing. If you are really pressed for time, you
can even do just one round in seven minutes to get your heart pumping.

28. Enjoy a wide variety of exercises

The best thing about HIIT is that you can get creative! There are so many different exercises that you can
include in a workout, from burpees and mountain climbers to crunches and lunges. This is great because
it means that you can do a workout just about anywhere!

Keep your body guessing and keep challenging yourself to get your heart rate up, build strength and
improve your cardiovascular fitness all at the same time! If you’re new to HIIT, try this beginner HIIT
workout to get started. You’ll find plenty of HIIT workouts that you can do either at home or in the gym
in the FIERCE program in the SWEAT app.

29. Challenge yourself with AMRAP or Tabata workouts

In addition to choosing from a huge selection of different exercises, you can also change your workout
style! This means that each workout is different.

AMRAP stands for “as many reps as possible” and it literally means just that — you’ll complete as many
reps as you can of each exercise.

Tabata training is a form of high-intensity training where you complete 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off for
a specific number of sets before moving on to the next exercise. There’s so much variety to choose from!

Chontel Duncan’s FIERCE program in the SWEAT app puts together these high-intensity training styles
into a weekly program for you to follow.

30. Add in some weights!

High-intensity training isn’t limited to bodyweight exercises. You can challenge yourself by adding
weights to your workout! Kettlebell or medicine ball exercises are a great way to add weight to your HIIT
workouts. Adding weight increases the intensity of your workout— raising your heart rate, engaging your
muscles and working you harder!

Circuit training tips

31. Take your workout outside

During summer you might enjoy changing up your workout routine. SWEAT BBG trainer Kayla Itsines
says, “Find a park bench instead of a box in the gym. Get creative and make your workout fit around
where you want to be and your other activities”.

“If you’re meeting friends for a picnic or at the beach, arrive early to allow time for a walk or a quick step
workout. There are heaps of bodyweight exercises in my BBG program that you can do anywhere.”

32. Lay your equipment out before you start

Prepare for your workout by organising the equipment you need before you get started. This means you
can move smoothly from one exercise to the next, keeping the intensity high.

It might not be good gym etiquette to lay out ALL the equipment for your whole workout at the start.
Instead, prepare the things you need for the first circuit, and use the break between rounds to set up the
equipment for the next circuit.

33. Include exercises targeting your upper, lower and full body

A highly effective circuit training routine will target ALL areas of your body to create a true full-body
workout! You might start with squats and glute bridges, then move to upright rows and bicep curls.
Including a variety of exercises keeps your body guessing and maximises the training effect!

34. Combine cardiovascular and strength exercises

Combining cardio and strength exercises will build your endurance. For example, you could start with
burpees to get your heart rate pumping, followed by a round of goblet squats to build strength in your
glutes, hamstrings and quads. This training style is very effective for burning fat while building your
overall fitness level.

35. Use any equipment you can find

Circuit workouts are ideal if the gym you use is often busy. Can’t get the exact equipment you were
hoping to use? No problem! You can do circuit workouts using just about anything — kettlebells,
dumbbells, barbells, plates, steps, boxes, fit balls, a skipping rope, a slam ball — the list is only limited by
your imagination!

How to stay in the workout zone

36. Turn off notifications on your phone

It can be easy to get distracted by replying to messages, scrolling on Instagram, or checking your email,
and before you know it the 30-second break between sets has turned into five minutes. If you can, turn
off your notifications during your workout so you can focus without distraction!

37. Choose a time when you know you will have the least distractions

Ideally, you want to power through it and really focus on each exercise, without distractions! This might
mean that you get up early and get it done before the day kicks off. If you’re a Mum, you might have to
find a time when your children are napping or you have someone to take care of them.

Whether you are an early bird or a night owl, the key is making the time for YOU to focus on your own
fitness goals. You’ve got this!

38. Live in the moment

Keeping your workouts to under an hour can help to make staying present easier. Remember it’s quality
over quantity! You should be thinking: “Can I jump just that much higher on my next burpee?” rather
than “I wonder what’s for dinner…”!

Whatever else might be going on in your life, during your workout all you need to focus on is you, your
form and the next move.

39. Have a plan

Whether you write down a list of exercises on a sheet of paper or follow one of the workout programs in
the SWEAT app, having a plan will ensure that you make the maximum use of the time you spend in the
40. Track your progress

Tracking your fitness progress is one of the best ways to stay motivated. You might keep a journal
recording the weights and number of reps you’re completing, cross off a day on the calendar for each
day that you dedicate time to your health and fitness, or check off the workout goal trophies in the
SWEAT app.

Another way to track your progress is with photos. Have you done a particularly sweaty session? Take a
picture! We love it when our members share a post-workout selfie or a transformation photo using the
SWEAT app!

Workout Tips To Maximise Results

Tips to maximise your results between workouts

41. Fuel your body

Your pre and post-workout meals are important for providing energy to workout and nutrients to help
your body recover and get great results from your training.

Kayla recommends eating healthy snacks like apple slices with peanut butter, a fruit cup or eggs on toast
before a workout. Remember if you’re eating a pre-workout meal close to your workout time, keep your
snack small so you don’t feel ill during your workout.

After a workout, you’ll need food that promotes muscle recovery. BUILD trainer Stephanie Sanzo
recommends including a low-fat protein source with carbohydrates in your post-workout meal.

For example, she’ll eat white rice for fast energy with grilled steak and a side of tomato and cucumber.
Steph includes red meat in her diet as she’s found it gives her extra stamina.

What you eat will depend on the time of day, but be sure to get a mixture of healthy carbs and protein to
support muscle growth and recovery.

42. Drink plenty of water

It’s important to be hydrated to make the most of your workout because your muscles are actually made
up of around 70% water! Good hydration also helps you to recover faster from a workout.

Carrying a water bottle with you can remind you to take regular sips. If you find it hard to drink plain
water, try infusing your water with fresh lemon or lime. You could even make your own kombucha or
drink sparkling water as both provide a healthy source of hydration.

43. Make time for active recovery

Active recovery sessions are important to prepare your body for your next workout. Stretching and foam
rolling can help to ease muscle tightness and loosen fascia. Fascia is the connective tissue found around
your muscles, blood vessels and nerves. It helps to bundle some muscles together while allowing others
to slide smoothly over each other.

When your fascia is well-hydrated and lengthened through stretching and release, it helps facilitate
smooth contraction during exercise. This means that your muscles can contract with more force and you
also lower your risk of potential injury due to an increased range of movement. Try these recovery
workout ideas or use the recovery sessions from your chosen program in the SWEAT app.

44. Get enough rest

Rest is so important to your training schedule! A proper rest day can actually help to boost your
performance for both cardio and strength training. Taking rest at the right time can help your body’s
immune system stay strong and also helps to prevent injury from overtraining.

You might use your rest day to check out the sauna at your local gym or pool or to practice mindfulness
techniques to enhance your overall well-being.

45. Have an Epsom salt bath to relieve sore muscles

When you’ve started a new training program, your muscles can take time to adjust to the increase in the
intensity of your workload. This means that you may experience muscle soreness — a sign that your
muscles have been working hard!
When this happens, an Epsom salt bath might help to relieve the soreness. Taking a bath also helps you
relax and can reduce stress.

46. Get a massage to help with muscle recovery

If you can make time for a recovery massage, this may help to relieve post-workout muscle stiffness. Find
a therapist that you feel comfortable with, and schedule a time either for a one-off massage or maybe a
semi-regular appointment. A massage is a form of self-care that can often be overlooked when you’re
busy, but it’s worth it!

47. Take a nap

If you’re feeling extra tired, taking a nap can provide that instant energy boost you need to get through
your day. If you can’t get enough sleep at night for whatever reason, a nap can help you to catch up on
the rest you need. It can also help with muscle recovery!

48. Wear compressions tights

Wearing compression tights have been shown to help with faster muscle recovery and increased
performance, so consider investing in a pair if you intend to work out regularly! There’s even some
evidence that wearing compression tights during your workout can help to reduce your perception of

49. Have an ice bath to help with inflammation

If you’re not ready to invest in compression tights just yet, an inexpensive way to speed up your post-
workout recovery is to take an ice bath. It does take some discipline to get into an ice bath, but the
results can be worth it!

When you sit in cold water, your blood vessels and your lymph nodes constrict, and they dilate when you
get out. This helps to increase blood flow, allowing more nutrients and oxygen to get to your cells and
flushing away the metabolic waste that contributes to muscle soreness.

50. Reward yourself for your hard work and determination!

When you get caught up in a new workout routine, it’s easy to forget to pause and reflect on how far
you’ve come. Make the time to celebrate — maybe you’ll do something fun with a friend after 30 days of
consistently following a workout program, or share a selfie with the SWEAT Community to celebrate your

How you celebrate is up to you! Choose something meaningful that ties back into your reasons for
starting the new healthy habit.

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