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ARLETTE MOYA. 1075007.


1. Introduction: Thesis Statement.

Throughout the years the human kind has been trying to understand the profundity of the

mind by analyzing individuals and doing research about different topics, thanks to this

common interest, the science now know as psychology exists and is in constant

development, among all of the professionals on this area are Dr. Humberto Bogaert and

Jordan Peterson.

2. Body Paragraph #1

These psychologists had very different professional development, even though the two

of them studied clinical psychology it wasn’t necessarily the first career they chosen,

also they didn’t focus on the same psychological areas.

a. Supporting idea: In the beginning, Dr. Bogaert graduated from the Faculty of

Economy and Social Studies of UASD, years after he received a degree in

philosophy at the Tomas Moro Institute in Belgic.

b. Supporting idea: While Dr. Peterson started his career in political science and

English literature, later he initiated his studies of the psychological root of the Cold

War while analyzing the works of many psychoanalysts and philosophers.

3. Body Paragraph #2: Both Bogaert and Peterson started their professional up bring by

studying fields that are connected to the understanding of humans; this beginning

knowledge conducted to a deeper interest in the field of psychology and its different


a. Supporting idea: Not only did Dr. Bogaert studied philosophy but also, he got a

diploma of specialized psychoanalyst studies in the University of Paris VIII, while

ARLETTE MOYA. 1075007.

doing this he published his first book in 1992 called “Enfermedad mental,

psicoterapia y cultura”. In addition to this, he became a Doctor in Psychology

(Ph.D.) at a university in Leuven, in this country Dr. Bogaert also studied to even

more qualified to work in the field of psychoanalyst.

b. Supporting idea: Following his studies of Cold War, Dr. Peterson decided to study

psychology, afterwards earning his degree as a Doctor in clinical psychology.

Subsequently he started to direct a research at Harvard University about drug and

alcohol abuse as a predictor of aggression.

4. Body Paragraph #3

After years of learning and conducting different types of research this two-

psychologist started to share their knowledge by giving lectures at different

universities, while also continuing to work on their areas and writing books about

their area of interest.

a. Supporting idea: Now days Dr. Bogaert is currently giving psychology lectures

at INTEC and UNIBE, working privately on psychological therapy and has many

books written and articles published in both national and international magazines.

b. Supporting ideas: Currently, Dr. Peterson has put on hold his clinical practice

and his college lectures due to his present concentration on producing written

work and debating with important figures about controversial topics.

5. Conclusion

Despite the difference between these two psychologists they both have in common their

nonending desire of understanding the human mind; undoubtedly, they have become an

irreplaceable piece in the current evolution of psychology and its new achievements.

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