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The practise of adoption has been around since the beginning of mankind.

Even before it had an

official term and was openly celebrated, adoption provided a way for parent who could not care for
their children to place them in homes with willing and waiting parents.

Adoption that took place in the 20th century was conducted in a very secretive manner. This
was done so as to avoid them being labelled as illegitimate. Ancient adoptions in the Roman empire
involved adult males and the aristocracy. Wealthy families that were sonless would adopt older boys
or men to provide them with male heirs.

Adoption in the present day context is a way to create or expand a family. This however wasn’t
always so, not all adoptions were beneficial to the child. While there were adoptive parents who
genuinely cared for and loved their adopted children, in ancient times adoptions were usually done
so for the purpose of slavery.

However the process of adoption has changed substantially in the last 100 years with laws
having been created so as to protect children being adopted to ensure that they are not adopted
simply for labour and profit. Today, adoptions are celebrated as a unique and diverse way to create
a family.1


Although no concrete evidence has been shown as how the concept of adoption came about in
hindu society, it has been assumed that the primary motive for doing so that there would be a
continuance of the line and solemisation of rites. Sons, in hindu culture, have always assumed an
important place. Mostly due to the fact that he continues the family name, which is considered to be
a matter of great prestige. Furthermore, a son has the exclusive power to perform certain rites, as
indicated by the Vedas. Important rituals such as the final burial, that is, the cremation ritual, can
only be performed by the eldest son.

Sons were also important with regards to preoperty rights, according to hindu traditions, the
son is the legal heir and the inheritor of the family ancestral property. He in turn passes on the
property to his son and so on so forth. And so started the practise of adoption in families that were
sonless. This was further accelerated by Brahmin priests who propagated the view that adoption of
sons in sonless families would lead to salvation not ust in the mortal world but in the afterlife as

Before the enactment of the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance act, laws regarding adoption
in the hindu community was mostly regulated by religious texts like that of Manu, Vashistha,
Saunaka etc. Each with their own interpretation of what rules were to be followed with regards to
what adoption meant and what process must be followed in the process of adoption. However, laws
regarding adoption in the hindu community become uniform with the enactment of the hindu
adoption and maintenance act. and with the enactment came about changes in the fundamental
framework of the concept of adoption in hindu law.


The first step taken with regards to the codification of a uniform code of hindu law was first taken in
1941 when the issue was brought to the attention of the Hindu Law Comittee. The committee
recommended that hindu law should be codified in gradual stages, beginning with the law of
marriage and intestate sucession, however the committee ceased to function.

It was revived again in 1944, one of the objects of the comitte was to eveolve a uniform code of of
Hindu Law by blending the most progressive elemts from different schools of Hindu Law. This was a
result of demands made by progressive sections of the hindu society which felt as though they were
oppressed by the orthodox section.2

It was decided that the bill should be split into separate parts, the hindu marriage act was passed in
may 1955, Hindu succession act in june 1956, the Hindu minority and guardianship act in august
1956, and finally the Hindu adoption and maintenance act in December 1956. These four
enactments have, in certain aspects, broken violently with the past by removing all existing
anomalies and incongruencies , and are characteristic of an age which is one of the great ideals and
fast-changing theories.

Applicability of Hindu adoption and maintainence act: this act applies :

(i) To any person who is a Hindu by religion in any of its forms or developments, including a
Lingayat, or a follower of brahma., Prathna or Arya Sama;
(ii) To any person who is a Buddhist, ain or Sikh by religion; and
(iii) To any other person who is not a Muslim, Parsi or Jew by religion, unless it is proved that
any such person would not have been governed by the Hindu Law or by any custom or
usage as part of that law in respect of any of the matters dealt with herein if this Act had
not been passed3

ESSENTIALS of a Valid Adoption

According to section 6 of the Act, the following are the requisites of a valid adoption:
(i) The person adopting should have the capacity and also the right to take in
(ii) The person giving in adoption should the capacity to do so,
(iii) The person adopted should be capable of being taken in adoption and

Write the section of the bare act
(iv) The adoption should be made in compliance with other conditions mentioned in


(i) The person adopting should have the capacity, and also, the right to
take in adoption: section 7 and 8 of the Hindu adoption and
maintenance act, 1956 bring about important changes in the hindu law
of adoption and specify who may lawfully take a son or daughter in
adoption. Hindu law has two different perspectives of who may adopt
with regards to men and women.
With regards to a hindu male adopting, if a male hindu is of sound
mind and is not a minor, has the cpapcity to take a son or daughter in
adoption. If however, the hindu male is married, he must obtain his
wife’s consent for the adoption to be a valid one.
In the case of Sarabeet Kabir v Gurumal Kaur4, the Court upheld that
if adoption is taken by the husband without the consent of the wife, the
adoption would be illegal. The same decision had been taken in the case
of Krishna Chandra Sahu v Pradeep das5
However this rule is not necessary in the following situations:
(a) Where the wife has completely and finally renounced the world, or
(b) The wife has ceased to be a hindu, or
(c) The wife has been declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to
be of unsound mind
This provision that states that the wife’s consent must be present
for the adoption to be valid was done so as to allow women to
express their opinion on the matter. Since the wife becomes the
adoptive mother of the son adopted by the husband, it is only
logical that she should also have some voice in the adoption.

With regards to adoption by a female hindu, Section 8

provides that any female hindu who is of sound mind, who is not a
minor and who is not married, and if married, whose marriage has
been dissolved or whose husband has died or whose husband has
renounced the world finally and conclusively or her husband has
become a convert or her husband has been declared to be of
unspund mind by a competent court.
If these conditions have been satisfied, then the woman has
the capacity to take a son or daughter in adoption. It has been held
in the case of Narinderiit Kaur v Union of India 6 that subsequent
marriage of the adoptive mother does not invalidate the adoption.

AIR 2009 NOC 889 (P & H)
AIR 1982 Orissa 114
AIR 1997 P & H 280

Section 9 of the Act, states that only the father or mother or the
guardian of the child has the capacity to give the child in adoption. It
has been clairifed that the terms “father” and “mother” do not
include the adoptive father and adoptive mother.

CAPACITY OF THE FATHER TO GIVE IN ADOPTION: if the father is alive, he shall alone have the right
to give in adoption, but such right shall not be exercised save with the consent of the mother.

CAPACITY OF THE MOTHER TO GIVE IN ADOPTION: the mother may give the child in adoption if the
father is dead or had completly anf finally renounced the world or has ceased to be a Hindu, or has
been declared unsound of mind by a competent court.

CAPACITY OF THE GUARDIAN TO GIVE IN ADOPTION: the guardian may give the child in adoption
with the previous permission of the court to any person including the guardian himself if: (a) both
the father and mother are dead (b) both the father and mother have completely and finally
renounced the world or (c) both the father and the mother have abandoned the child , or (d) both
the father and the mother have been declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be of unsound
mind, or (e) the parentage of the child is not known.

But before a guardian is given permission to give the child in adoption, the court must be satisfied
that : (i) the adoption is for the welfare of tha child (ii) that the applicant for permisiion has not
received any payment to the applicant for consideration of the adoption of the child.

The Gujarat High Court in the case of Jayantilal shah v asha shah 7 which involved the adoption of
hindu children by a Norwegian couples , that the welfare of the child ranks in priority over all else
including religion of the child. In such cases a petty contention like the change of religion or culture
of the child cannot stand in the way of sanctioning any inter-country adoption.


section 10 of the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance act, 1956 lays down conditions that need to be
fulfilled in order for a person to be taken in adoption:

(a) He or she is a Hindu

(b) He or she has not already been adopted
(c) He or she has not been married unless there is a a custom applicable which permits persons
who are married being taken in adoption
(d) He or she has not completed the age of 15 years, unless there is a custom or usage
applicable to the parties which permits persons who have completed the age of 15 years
being taken in adoption.

Under the act, both boys and girls can be taken in adoption. Prior to the Act, any
Hindu boy of any age could be adopted. As there had been cases in which younger widows

AIR 1989 Guj. 152
had adopted men much older than themselves, a provision had been made in the Act that a
person to be adopted must not be over 15 years

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