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Der Eisendrache v0.

- Upgrade Bows
o Lightning Bow
1. Shoot Weathervane (Compass) near Death Ray, then
pick up item
2. Light the Logs (Fires)
a. Mountainside to the right of wundersphere,
b. Near Spawn, Shotgun area
c. Near Death Ray Clock Tower on the right
3. Wall Run on Symbols in Pyramid Room, no ground touch
4. Fill the Urns (about 10 Zombie)
a. Small room to the left of Death Ray, above double
b. Opposite of teleporter in the rocket site, inside
c. In Clock Tower
5. Shoot Lightning arrows at previous logs after filled urns
6. Pick up Arrow near Death Ray, kill 15 zombies in pyramid

o Fire Bow
1. Shoot Red Drawing in Clock Tower
2. At Rocket Site, wait for count down. Go back to Room,
when reopened, sprint to rocket area and shoot arrow
at red fireball with bow to the right
3. Use Launchpad to shoot ritual circles, until red glow
4. Kill Zombies in Ritual circle until fire circle
5. Go back to clock tower to find red symbol
a. press button beside the clock to spin the cogs,
symbol will appear
6. Find and Shoot at the fireplace after finding symbol
a. In Fire Ritual try to fire arrow into the correct
fireplace with 4 arrows
1. Research Lab (control center)
2. Edwards room (near power switch)
3. Upstairs across from dragon near double
7. Interact with red ball near Death Ray
8. Charge Arrow in pyramid room
o Wolf Bow
o Void Bow

To be continued…

Disclaimer: All ideas and steps were taken from videos and other
online sources to create this guide

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