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PROGRAM Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
SUBJECT CODE & NAME BIT201 – Object Oriented Programming – C++
BK ID B2114
NUMBER OF ASSIGNMENTS, CREDITS & 2, 4 Credits, 30 marks each

Note –The Assignment is divided into 2 sets. You have to answer all questions in both sets and submit as
one document. Average of both assignments marks scored by you will be considered as your IA marks.
Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is
followed by evaluation scheme.

Assignment Set -1 Total

Questions Marks
1 What is Polymorphism? What are the different types of Polymorphism? 3+7
2 Discuss the following functions of file operations 2.5x4
a) tellg()
b) seekp()
c) ignore()
d) getline()
3 Explain sequence containers 10

Assignment Set -2 Total

Questions Marks
1 Differentiate between an external variable and an automatic variable with the help 10
of an example.
2 What is “this pointer” in C++? What are the features of “this pointer”? [3+7]
3 Explain destructor in detail. 10

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