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About the author:

Max J. Lewy (1983-) was born in the ex-coal-mining area of the South Wales
valleys, U.K. to a Jewish father and English mother, and is now a recovering
patient of Mental Health System abuses. He studied Philosophy at Warwick
Univeristy, undergoing a spiritual transition & potential breakthrough which
was aborted and derailed by misplaced 'treatment'. He spent 6 months living
on the street as a runaway from NHS 'services' in Brighton. He self-published
his first book of poetry, "Madness: a form of love" last year, detailing his
ordeals as a form of therapy (#PoetryNotPills #MeditationNotSedation) and
defence, and is the winner of RealisticPoetry's 2018 "Perspectives Of Love"
Poetry Contest for the poem "River Of Eternity (For R. W.)". In his spare time, he
plays tennis, drinks pure cacao sweetened with Manuka Honey, a long with
various other herbal remedies and holistic health rituals, and avoids Dr.s at all
About this book :
GASLITBYAMADMAN, "The Certifiably TRUE Ravings Of A Sectioned Philosopher", is a droller take on
the subjects of mental health, political issues and Nietzschean, Christian, Jungian, existentialist and
post-modern philosophy. Don’t be afraid to question your world view, don’t be afraid to think you might
be a bit ‘mad’. Who isn’t?

“People often get basic psychological questions backwards.... Why do people suffer from anxiety? That's not a
mystery. How is that people can ever be calm? There's the mystery. We're breakable and mortal. A million things
can go wrong, in a million ways. We should be terrified out of our skulls at every second.'”
--- Prof. Jordan B. Peterson

“The one measure of true love is: you can insult the other”

― Slavoj Zizek

Includes the author's very own "12 Rules For M.A.D. ("Miracles A Dozen") Recovery", based
on hard-won experience.
Madness has always fascinated and terrified the mind of man, in equal measure. In today's
medicalized, 'normalized' world, it has come to be seen simply as a 'disease', an ugly
blight on the smooth, cog-like operation of the social organism. Our very language has
become impoverished by the steady stream of scientistic neologisms which have rushed to
take its stead, leaving us with only the cold apparatus of an all-too suspect, bullying and
anti-septic 'reason'. Once the most intimate bedfellow not only of depthless despair, but
also of high ecstasy and genius, we seem to have all but forgotten the myriad
enchantments with which this fateful 'daimon' – to quote Socrates - once tempted us. This
book is both a chronicling of the author's own personal voyage through such altered states
of consciousness, through to the far greater, far more intimidating battle with the very
system that was allegedly put in place to try to 'heal' him. Here is his invitation to all
sufferers and practitioners alike to glimpse beyond the borders of the straight-jacketed,
dysfunctional status quo, and just maybe rekindle that sense of mystery and magic, the
sense of possibility, once associated with this most uncanny and uncompromising of
guests. At times an exuberant Jubilee to pure lunacy, at others a scathing, disabused
presentation of the current 'Mental Health' establishment, and at still others as
melancholy, cathartic a song as the trail of Dionysus's adoring attendants: 'Madness: a
form of love' is a gambit not to anesthetize and sedate our 'dangerous gifts', but to joyfully
embrace them - and with them our own secret innermost selves - to live authentically in
light of the absurd, inconvenient, M.A.D. (short for 'Miracles A Dozen') truths of our
& the important little...

“Warning Label”:

This book is a vital contribution to understanding the dreadful, rather 'Satanic' conditions of
the current 'Mental Health' System, It will no doubt be thought highly offensive to many
(especially the perpetrators!) , taking a highly confrontational approach starting from
literally the very first page. It is also highly 'blasphemous'. While not shying away from
strong words & all kinds of wicked mockery, it is also & foremost a gift of the utmost love to
the whole of humanity. But, it is basically a diatribe, not unlike Nietzsche's “The AntiChrist”,
but directed more at a modern, popular, more vulgar audience , with a much more colorful,
vivid, slightly cartoonish & highly artistic approach, & of course railing against psychiatry
(which, as Thomas Szasz wrote about in his books, stems – directly – from the Catholic
Inquisition, which Nietzsche detested) instead of Christianity. If you cannot tolerate a little
salutary 'poison' & friendly malice in your panacea, please look away now!

Side effects may include: much horror, legitimate remorse, bitter, yet cathartic & healthy
lamentation, extreme dizziness, ecstatic, trance-like states, life-changing epiphanies,
rebellious outrage, vomiting up society's propaganda, increased working vocabulary,
uncontrollable weeping or laughter, mild shortness of breath and & frothing angrily,
indignantly at the mouth!

Gaslit By A Madman
by Max James Lewy

“The madman sprang into their midst and pierced them with his glances. “Where has God gone?”
he cried. “I shall tell you. We have killed him – you and I. We are all his murderers.”

F. W. Nietzsche, The Gay Science.

N.B. If you are reading this now, it means this book has
already fallen into your Raven-like clutches & that the
Universe is calling out to you in some way; – think of it as a
kind of reward for all your good work so far

You have been 'selected'.

(First Published on 18th June 2019, the author's 36th Birthday.)
36? ? Uh oh...That's 6 x 6!

(& 18 is 3 x 6, as well!)

...Hail Satan!

 “Build your houses on the slopes of Vesuvius!”

Hail Thoth, god of writing!

"Insofar as the new shall come forth, we here meet the prophetic individual envisaging the new in
the distance, in dark and indefinite shapes. The prophetic individual does not possess the future, he
merely intimates it. He cannot assert it, yet he is lost to the actuality to which he belongs. His
relation to this is a peaceful one, however, for the given actuality is not aware of any opposition.
Next comes the authentic tragic hero. He fights for the new and endeavours to destroy what for him
is a vanishing actuality; yet his calling is not so much to destroy as to assert the new, and thereby to
destroy the past indirectly. Still, the old must be displaced and seen in all its imperfection, and here
we meet the ironic subject. For the ironic subject the given actuality has completely lost its validity;
it has become for him an imperfect form which everywhere constrains. He does not possess the
new, however, he only knows the present does not correspond to the Idea. He it is who has come to
render judgment. The ironist is in one sense prophetic, to be sure, for he constantly points to
something future; but what it is he knows not. While he is prophetic in this sense, his position and
situation are nevertheless the opposite of the prophetic. The prophet goes hand in hand with his age,
and from this standpoint envisages that which shall come; and if he is lost to his age, as remarked
above, he is only this because he has become absorbed in his visions. The ironist, on the other hand,
has advanced beyond the reach of his age and opened a front against it. That which shall come is
hidden from him, concealed behind his back, but the actuality he hostilely opposes is the one he
shall destroy. Towards this he directs his consuming gaze, and concerning his relation to his age one
may apply the words: 'Behold, the feet of them who shall carry thee away.' The ironist is also a
sacrifice required by the world process, not strictly speaking as if he needed to fall as a sacrifice, but
zeal in the service of the world spirit consumes him."
―Søren Kierkegaard, from_The Concept of Irony_, The Irony of Socrates. Translated by Lee M.
Capel, pp. 277-278

“And God did lead them up a wild goose chase...”

Psalm No. 6 (For A. L., S.S. & R. W.)

Scatter the seeds, far from The Garden.

No shepherd, no lock, no guardian, no key, no warden.
Scatter the seeds, hope they come to no alarm.
Scatter the seeds, let them forage in the wilderness.
Scatter the seeds, a make-shift, idle pleasure.

Walk on water. Walk on fire!

“Whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.” St. Matthew.
Part I

Gaslit By A Madman:

A Form Of Love
“Much Madness is divinest Sense —
To a discerning Eye —
Much Sense — the starkest Madness —
'Tis the Majority
In this, as All, prevail —
Assent — and you are sane —
Demur — you're straightway dangerous —
And handled with a Chain —”

― Emily Dickinson, “The Complete Poems Of Emily Dickinson”

Foreword And Acknowledgements
This book is dedicated to all the burning souls in Hell, AKA the 'Mental Health System”. I hope
God will lighten their burden in this ghastly half-life realm, largely hidden away, magnifying its
horror in silence & unseen, yet unmourned captivity a thousand fold for its victims, while allowing
its endorsers to sleep soundly, almost like a baby, their consciences likewise muffled & made
excuses for in their brute, bald injustice. May the Lord rescue these poor abject, limbo-ing souls
eventually somehow. May the torturers themselves know salvation eventually as well,-- let History
have a happy ending: let the martyrs rise, and the evil-doers finally repent and by God's grace be

I thank all my friends on social media who have supported me so far, and pray that will continue
through the stormy times ahead. Especial thanks to Vijay Vaghela of India for helping me put my
books together, one of the kindest and wisest, most humble men I've ever met, without whom I and
anyone else whose plight I highlight might have continued to be silenced by the system allegedly in
place to help us. Also special thanks to psychologist Seth Farber for planting a lot the seeds from
which this kind of thought grew, & sagely carrying the torch from Szasz, Laing, Kesey, & others to
more recent times, ensuring that “ the fierceness of madness will be restrained by the firm but
gentle power of love.” (“The Spiritual Gift Of Madness: The Failure Of
Psychiatry And The Rise Of The Mad Pride Movement”, Seth Farber,

Also a special thanks to my other friend within the movement, Tal Slutzker, who is also a notable
published authors (though Tal is better known & generally considered even more successful as a
visual artist, a painter) & whose kind reflections on my work you may read at the end of this book.
Also thanks to Kari Imeri, another notable & quite successful author & psychotherapist, for her
kind review, (though she since seems to have taken against the Christian aspect of my writing).

In case this book should achieve any popularity (or notoriety, given the inverse world we live in), I
would also like to spread the word about the other leading authorities today on this subject who
valiantly stand up for the truth amidst an ocean of 'professional', carefully constructed & marketed
'scientific' lies, such Robert Whitaker of the acclaimed “Mad In America” book & website, Dr. Peter
Breggin, Dr. Joanna Moncrief, Dr. Peter Goetzsche, Richard Bentall, Ben Goldacre & Rufus May.
Of course, there are also many others, perhaps equally important, or at least equally feeling,
compassionate & hard-working, so I do apologize to all those I have left out as well.

I also thank my parents for having raised me with such concern and investment, despite their later
errors which I'm sure were only due to ignorance and misunderstanding, who were even more
duped by the system than I was (and largely still are) and had to see their first two decades of effort
largely wasted also, which can't be easy. I also thank my dear brother, who grew up beside me, and
only apologize to him that I wasn't able to help him more through his own trials and health issues.

This book is divided into two parts. Firstly, about 100 poems. Secondly, just under 200 pages of
prose works dealing mainly with the subject of psychiatry from a philosophical & personal point of
view. If you appreciate the work of Nietzsche, Foucault, & Thomas Szasz, & other similar writers,
& yet are looking for something a bit more sarcastic & even more raw, bare-ll (or bear-all) than they
are about human nature & society, yet with bloody, shining tears of real catharsis mixed in amongst
all the rage & the scorn – together with some hopefully genuinely helpful, hard-won & actually
highly uplifting lessons of advice towards the end, (just to prove that things often do turn out better
eventually – if you can escape the damn 'professionals'!) – this book may well be for you.

I won't hide it from you though. This is going to one tumultuous, Hell-of-a-ride (if the 'Hail Satan!'s
in the very first few pages, paired with earnestly intended Biblical quotes didn't quite give that away
already!). But, I implore you – do bear with me. It won't be perfect, even then...This is only my first
attempt at writing a major work of philosophy, after all... But I promise there is much wisdom &
ripe, sweet fruit to be gathered in this pages as well, & you may well even find the process quite
therapeutic – if you are still even willing to give yourself a chance to heal... as many are not.
Nietzsche, a great lover of emotionally purging Greek tragedy (true 'Mental Health' services!) , said
that the 2nd stage of spiritual transformation was the Lion, & there is certainly much roaring..
roaring hurt... in these pages. But, that is necessary to reach the third & creative, harmless &
benevolent stage – that of the Child. That is the stage that I would like you to reach. To literally be
born anew, & unlike me, not have your spiritual pregnancy (Socrates called his role a 'midwife',
remember) & Love's Dream aborted by cruel ignorant men in white coats.

Thank you so much for reading, because while I live to serve others, as perhaps we all do – or most
of us – since I am not a high official, but only a lowly teacher on a humble State-subsidized income
– though certainly not an academic – a Professor ! – , my mission, & my only recourse, is to
educate & to lead others voluntarily... (which is the way it always should be done..) but I cannot do
that at all unless they let me.

Jesus said 'The meek shall inherit the earth', Socrates said “All I know is know nothing”, & saw
humility & earnest want for truth as the measure of his wisdom... & I say similarly:

“ Blessed are those who want & are willing to let themselves be loved, even more blessed than
those who love. Blessed are those who are willing to receive; even more blessed than those who

Knock, & the door shall be opened unto thee. But refuse to do so, & to either pursue the Truth with
all your heart or even be willing to accept it on board when it calls out for you, &you, & even
others who weren't so foolish, may well be heading straight for Hell. Sorry – just the Truth. Kidding
yourself is only really only being kidded by others, because deep down you know the Truth & it
will haunt you until & probably past very grave, & it will doubtless intrude on your overt, manifest
outer life long before that as well. Perhaps when you get your dear innocent kids 'accidentally'
lobotomized & mutilated by your lovable 'good-intentions' – or labelled with some phoney disorder
or other, the unnecessary stigmatization of which itself causes the very problems & tragedies it was
supposed to alleviate or prevent!, by its fatalistic & unspeakably violent doom-mongering approach
to those who are too young & naïve to know better & yet believe in themselves, in their real self-
worth & high, almost limitless potential.

Alright, enough for now. : ) I will leave that to the latter half of the book, when you have been
rendered docile & receptive by the emotional barrage of thousand (not literally) maudlin &
cathartic, yet sometimes quite uplifting (equally exhausting!), “larger-than-life” poems, that
nonetheless express hardly even a tiny fraction – maybe not even 1% – of the actual torment that
was inflicted on just one small individual... on me.. .For 10 years in the bud of youth I have literally
been a stinking corpse of utmost misery, gnashing my teeth almost 24/7 like someone from Dante's
lowest level (you don't want to believe it, but its true anyway.. not just for me but countless others)
& yet here I am, now recovering for the last 2 or 3 years, making accelerating progress. I
honestly feel great again. Because I have been left to myself
again at last, (finally allowed to enjoy what you so richly called
my 'negative symptoms of schizophrenia'!!!) & allowed to come
off all 'medication', & actually treated like what I say matters a
bit – including what I say about myself, my own honest-to-god
feelings. Whereas before, I was literally begging them to stop, & they were cheerily
assuring me in front of disbelieving eye-balls that 'everything was being done for my own best
interests'. Yeah, well... those 'kind intentions' cost me precisely those 10 years of utter devastation

& excruciating Hell, as I knew they would all a long. & who knows what else was lost

forever in those years, not just for myself but for all those I could have benefited instead of being a
mere liability, & an unintelligible, virtual anathema towards.

Now, the only question is how we can all possibly still save this boiling, screaming, dying planet &
society! Oh no, you're not going to stop my mouth so you can stop your own ears this time! Get
your head out of the damn sand: I will yank it out if only you are brave & mature enough to
continue reading!

You see, it is often far easier & often far preferable to give than it is to receive. Understand???

“An inferno of Saviours” – that is what Cioran called this World. Quite right. And
now let me kindly tell you, you've had your chance at playing the “Saviour”!!!!

But if you don't want to continue on reading, that's fine as long as you obey one simple little rule
that you seem totally unable to get your head around:

“Do no harm”, “Herr Doktor”!

(though I begged you on my knees before to stop, over & over, & you only chuckled at me &
smiling “knowingly” & whispering complacently at
carried on anyway,
your callous nubile little female assistant psychiatrist to impress

“Begging never works!”)

So, I won't beg...anymore, Herr Doktor, I will simply say again, even louder this time:
“Do no

Catharsis by Tal Slutzker. 2014. Oil On Canvas. 2 x 5 meters. Used with

his kind permission.

(Franz Kafka)
Christianity (by the “Manic Street Preacher”)

Ever since that fateful day,

Mankind has tried to come to terms
With its terrible deed.

Did God come to earth only to bleed?

Did He have nothing much to teach us, things for us to learn ?
Or did He want us to become more like Him in every way?
I think He came and died to show us what we are capable of...
Of what innocence, given the chance, we would destroy.

Do they not say that His death redeemed us,

Because that makes our crime easier to bear?

The Saviour came. And went. His earthly kingdom was thus denied.
But Christ looks out at us from the eyes of every new born child.
He is the potential for greatness our education has belied.
Jealousy, ressentiment, always slaughters what is high and wild.

Every life, a new crucifixion. Every schizophrenic, a new crucifixion.

We need to stop our Messiah-killing now before we meet imminent extinction.
He came to teach us that God is inside...
Now we all fall down worshipping Him and our 'petty selves' deride.

If, like Jesus, we could accept prostitutes as wives,

Living our lives practicing yoga and tantric meditation,

Asceticism - iron-will - and indulgence perfectly entwined,
We could come to know the same old salvation--
And redeem what has been hitherto falsely maligned.
Becoming ourselves and drawing water from deep wells.
Mankind!: finally curb your herd-like mentality,
Christianity no longer for the faint of heart:

He said he came to bring a sword. Hark! Listen to my word;--

You must oppose & out-wit a mad, murderous army of
all the rest

to follow Him.
What My Madness Brings (by the “Manic Street Preacher” from The Valleys)

Confession is not in my disposition,

Humility isn't for me.
I have too much accusation,
To stoop to mutual sympathy-
To offer up in supplication,
My rightful property,
Or stand before adjudication,
Bowing my head as if I were guilty.
Even if I too have failed in perfection...
It is probably due to thee.

Moreover, it is for the criminals to come forth,

Not for me to bring them to justice.
After all they've done to murder my mirth,
I deserve a medal for my mere lingering existence.

So I don't come before you humbly...

All stuttering, all mumbly.
And though I might like to play the minstrel knight,
I am not one who is made for easy delight.
Though I may often seem only to want to punish grumpily,
In reality, by beating this proverbial shield of tin,
I beseech you to alter course that we may yet win.

Hear me now! I am not casting a stone,

Let alone the first. 'tis no violence to merely intone:
I just searchingly bemoan.
(In a forum less likely to get me in the bin thrown)

Like a damaged bird, or dragon hoarding ruby

Rings with its lovely clipped wings,
That from pride and pity
Still breathes fire and sings;
Thus my Judgement Bell loudly
Yet subtly, insidiously dings-

May whatever God lurks see that this tragic ditty

Your lackadaisical consciences sorely stings!

..For the sake of society..

..for the sake of your souls..
..for the sake of your sins..

Pray: Do not refuse me, still less consider me an enemy;

It is only with repentance that true redemption begins.

..Not before me..

..But before each other..
..And, moreover, within..

Oh I know you're working hard, that you've been busy...

But save one more glance for what my "madness" brings!-
If you listen or sleep through it soundly, this is still my duty.
What do I care if you balk or cringe?
Poets - only poets - are permitted to be crazy.

Thus do I sombrely rant and rave,

For in these verses lurks the bitter reconciliation I crave.
Ariel Amidst The Gloom

And I am the arrow, The eye of the storm,

And I am the sparrow. The gentle of the breeze.
The cauldron of morning. The angel leaf spiralling

to earth,

Transparent and weightless. A gentle feather,

No regrets, straight-firing; Caressing your smiling,

Emotionless - only clean air. Tear-stained cheek.

Seventy-seven small,
Brown sugars
Tip-toeing gracefully...
Towards the bright, bright

Tinted-glass, flimsy Night.

Life As A Shell
I sold my soul that they might love me,
For just a little bit, for just a little while.
Even though I hated them,
And I knew I was good.

And now they will hate me like I hated them.

Even though I am good and I loved them.

And they will crush me, like a used-up cigarette.

Keep your lips tight,
Thus, you will remain pure.
Thus, you will remain white.
Thus you will remain honest,
Thus you will remain alight.
Silence is golden;
Words are wooden.
“The less the merits of a man,
The more he will feel urged to proclaim
Them to the public.”
My friends and I,
We have not too much to offer:
Either to ourselves,
Or to another.
We are a grounded albatross.
We are a tracked hare.
We are a poisoned well. Let our waters be still with no shimmering, thirst-quelling buckets fetched.
Swim wordlessly in the whirlpool of my eyes --ye deep, poisoned well...
Until...-- ye deep drained perfect and wise.
Think not anyone will come to save ye, my friend --
With loving sustenance, warm nourishment,
And soothing First Aid Kit;
If ye should happen to send out flares.
“When the Ox is down,
Many are the butchers.”
Sully not the world, dear Mary, with thine brazen, importunate weeping;
Spreading your woes, like a whores famished, bony legs, far and wide...
Sooner, fall into bed to mildest, most chaste of sleeping...
Being is but a magic mountain,
Viewed through mists,
soundlessly in the distance.
O, see how I bark & bleat unblest...
Ah, give thy nagging tongue a rest --
Thy poor, incessant, small,
Senseless pest !
Sooner keep thy trap shut --
Until ye are at thine best -- !
Where did the Resurrection occur:
Upon the loudspeaker, public avenue?
Or under the hidden coffin's most inward, SILENTEST of pall ?
I too am 35,
And its not until we have been DUMB with dead...
That we finally become, most alive!
-- Gushing waters, flowing forth anew!.--
-- Rivers Of Eternity, perpetual youth! --
Nurse thyself now instead,
Not with a desperate, Shrieking Call
For Sirening Ambulance,
But with thine prayers:
Repeat them, with mute, motioning lips,
In the serene sanctuary of thine head,
Yet inviolate and undisturbed.
(Ah, even your prayers also are far too loud!)
Rather save yourself,
And be quiet.
And finally, let this wan din of a hymn oblate itself entirely,
Like the Winter and its frozen lake,
Giving way to crystal thoughts and Nothingness,
Negating all wild life...
In perfect, idyllic stillness and silence,
Thine powers shall at last Return, my Self, my friend...
(Thine senseless, clamoring, noisy days be at an end!)
Becoming like a flower popping up thru' the cold soil....
(Flowers too are silent. Even our Spring must remain dumb on our lips!)
Let this Silent Spring -- this SIlentWellSpring! --
The Silent Spring Of Wellness! --
Outdo the birds for migrational majesty,
(Whose airswept flight to us is itself soundless.
While the air reverberates loudly and brashly to your lips, my dove;
But your eyes, your eyes are stagnant!)
Let this SilentWellSpring outdo the Birds Of The Morning
with its Silent Spiritual Secret Song,
Magnifying in praise and glory, my sweet thrush,
With at last peaceful hush,
(((Peace & Love, M. J. L. ... quotations from the Jewish Holy book, The Talmud)))
Flower555: "Be wary, dear Zeus"

The Times They Are A-changin';

New moons like pearls glimmerin'
From deepest ocean; emergin' after
Long, quiet, hard-won months of
Diligent discretion, like furtive eyes

Of dark, fine, elegant damask --

Peerin' cautiously thru' sequinned masks.
May blossoms; pink, clustered stars
Fill saintly air along branches
Brimmin' fresh blazin' mornin'dew sunrises,

Newly agape with surprise hope.

Balance is comin'; the water-bearer,
The Justice of the Tides.
Be wary: A Poignant Reminder
Of The Passing Of Time...

M.A.D. ("Miracles A Dozen") blessings to all.

Paralysed By The Prick Of A Dovetail

Your retiring presence

And silent beauty
Torments me to my essence
It becomes my solemn duty
To be lacerated through
By your whispers true.

I beg you, stay loyal to this image,

Never vulgarize yourself with idle prattle.
You are a Queen, and I am your revering chattel.

With such subtle violence.

You invade my soul,
Giving me sweet licence,
To be beside myself with woe.
If only you knew
The power inside you.

Always keeping my distance,

Unwilling to accept your
Concern, I never learn.

You prove the myth of Medusa to be false,

It is grace, not ugliness, that freezes the pulse.

I cannot rest until our spirits together nail,

Paralysed by the prick of a dovetail.

I long for the purity

Of mutual admiration,
Mercilessly unmingled
By human pity.
But I make no moves to achieve it,
I can't be very witty.

About you I could never laugh...

I am but your still photograph.

You are as pale and quiet as the Moon,

Should I not be as brazen and warm as the Sun?
But I am merely your own reflection,
Your would-be clone in troubled waters.

You are like me,

And I want to become more like you.
But, you make me forget, I must go my own way too.
To me you are a priestess, an ancient tomb,

I belong inside you

Where I could grow like flowers
That I might festoon around your milk-white throat
The birth-place of so many maddening susurrations.

You are less a person than a surrogate God.

Madness: a form of love

Madness is a form of love

It comes from up above
It is wilder than the rose
And gentler than the dove

Madness is a form of love

It carries its own unique truth
It lets the old forget their grief
And makes messiahs of the youth

Madness is a form of love

It longs only to be recognised
Though you try hard not to believe
Or look through another's eyes

..So many years, so many lies..

..Your society is simply overly-sanitized...

“There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some
reason in madness.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
Lobotomised The Beast

Since psychiatry came to me,

I drool like a dog in my dreams.
Since psychiatry came to me,
I drool like a dog,
Even in my dreams.

Since psychiatry caged little old me,

Everything is even worse than it seems.
Since psychiatry was let loose on me,
Everything is just as bad as it seems,
Seems in my dreams.

They talk over me, even in my dreams,

'til I'm nearly bursting at the seems.
There is no use for screams...

Once there was a Christ-force that dwelt within,

Now grown pale and ghostly thin.
The kernel has been cored-out!
But it doesn't matter how we shout...

666/ 888.
The devil, the seducer of the world/
The Word, the prince of his own soul!
They're all the same - They're all gods.

They come from within,

Come over us like lightening,
When once we were men -
Not as concrete beings or voices talking in our ear, as they stupidly, self-servingly assume;
On our subtler, yet loftier tongues
(We who imbue humanity with its proper dignity, which stretches to the divine - which, in a sense,
is itself man-made or man-killed..)
Such words bespeak impersonal, inner energies, activities
And potentialities -
Just as 'gravity' names an outer energy.
They are psychological principles or archetypes,
Not angels or demons in outward form, descending from the skies which only we can see!
Why use such loaded terms, you say, such as 'angels on wing'?
Because they have poetic force...
And the spirit longs to sing !
Now we only have another type of electrical intercession to look forward to.
What use is joyful rhyme against such contingencies?
In their mean eyes, a dance is a mere fit.
Meditation? An aberration..

To those seeking 'help' -

"Get out before you get caught, and lend a hand to those who weren't so lucky."
For who will help them who need help (to flee) from their 'helpers' ?
Who can even see which way the earth truly revolves here, let alone alter its agonizing axis?

I am just a toy, the least of creatures - begging, barking for dignity,

Dignity in defeat.
Like their forebearers, the priests and Inquisitors of old:
The shrinks have carved up my saviour for tea,
To be sold.
For the sake of their foolish feast -
A meal of vanity and greed -
They have even lobotomised The Beast.
Theirs is a religion stunted of both notion and emotion,
Its charisma is like a poorly made wax-work dummy,
Gauche and deathly cold, yet smooth in all its juvenile simplicity.
It would make you too into a mannequin,
An exemplary ticklist of outer inconsequentialities to set beside every barren, burning soul.
For they care about only what they see, they see nothing important,
And all they do is smoke and mirrors. They never awoke.
Wherever there is a soul burning, most people only see the smoke!
Lost In The Fray

Hero of battle without medallions,

Crushed beneath stampeding stallions

Of strife many years earlier.

Each new day, I awake and lay flowers

By the ramparts of my own grave,

Hoping by this small offering to save

A vestigual remnant of my soul;

Heaping cards of remembrance, I dole

Gratitude and bitterness upon the departed:

Our plans 'til eternity thwarted.

Stars withdrawing from the skies above,

Left with only a lunatic love...

Until nightfall when they sway back my way:

Illumining the ghost of a former man

So pale, uncanny and wan.

Recalling my pain, I'll lay here and pray

Forever and ever, lost in the fray.

Lose Not The Arduous Gains
Lose not the arduous gains,
Of your fallow, stony years;
Let your tears never run dry,
But water seeds of tomorrow.
Community Nurse

“It is a perfect world, a world of consummate excellence, a world

of supreme wonders, the ripest fruit in God’s garden, the master-
thought of the universe.

But why should I be here, O God, I a green seed of unfulfilled passion, a

mad tempest that seeketh neither east nor west, a bewildered fragment
from a burnt planet?

Why am I here, O God of lost souls, thou who art lost amongst the

-- Khalil Gibran, “The Madmen: His Parables And Poems”

She is a bit eccentric, and a nice-natured lady,

Dreaming of space or time ships,
And goblins with seventyeight different toes.
But, when all is finally done and snipped,
The party line she tows.

At predetermined intervals she visits me, like a woman's monthly woes.

Making sure that the child inside of me, often bleeds and never grows.
"You've had your chance, to burst buds in freedom", so her teacher says.
"This is for your own prudent protection, for the rest of all your days."
It seems to her a wise precaution, to nip the peaks and tuck the lows.
Because its at an expert's inspection, somebody who much better knows -
Officious guardians of convention, who society's primitive fear allays.
It is for us a most difficult sentence, because ours are not their ways.

Each time she arrives, how I try and I scheme to prove myself pristinely sane.
Yet all she probably sees is that chequered history, the hideous, unrelenting stain.
Her lukewarm purpose melts the ice that I hold to the swollen wound in my head.
It always seems to me that too little and yet at the same time, too much, was said.
That harsh, baseless and unyielding verdict, that blemish against my name -
When she leaves, I am always disappointed: same picture in the same frame.
I do my best to affirm my resolution, how many important things I've read.
Yet afterwards I feel it was pointless, I may aswell have just stayed in bed.
She says its a past of misdirection, for whom a caring judgement bell tolls.
She says its just a matter of chemistry, there's no such things as souls.
She thinks that its a better destiny, the one in which our spirit, drooling, lulls.
She thinks winds can quickly change, there's no telling which way our mind blows.

She is a bit eccentric, and a nice-natured lady,

Dreaming of space or time ships,
And vampires with seventyeight different souls.
But, when all is finally done and snipped,
The party line she's sold.
Meeting with the most beautiful angel
Knock, knock, knock!


"Its Satan! I've come for your soul."

He points to the blue box in his hand. "Just slip it in here."

I decide to lend the guy an ear.

First he put on a show,

Of his opalescent visage,
His tongue eloquent beyond earthly understanding,
His she-devils seductive and maddening.

"I promise you earthly happiness-

Your ego will be walled up within the bounds of my religion forever,
Rendered docile and content, you will see nothing but skies blue as this box
With nothing to lament."

I thought to myself "This is tempting; freedom is wasted on me nowadays anyway.

But, then again, eternity is a long time to be without a soul; I cannot consent."

Then I asked him whether he was not afraid of reprisals from on high;
He merely tilted his hat and nodded goodbye.

And so he disappeared again, and I did sigh and almost did cry.

Such a remarkable fellow... rarely has come my way.

The Scapegoat

A primitive tribal superstition...

A mad mob craving a target for its rage....

A hive mind trapped in fear and ugliness...

Sacred refugee cast out amidst the desert;

Inner fugitive from the pitiless public glare.

The part that we throw-away and desert;

The forbidden side we don't dare to share.

Lucky victim of persecution and cruel hurt,

The innocent child on the sacrificial stair.

Watchful critic who is just too alert,

Bringer of tidings we just cannot bear.

....If He could rise...

...Then so can the outcast in us...

The custom that deigns to be an "ought",

But that is really the most of all unfair.

The way people just do as they're taught...

Doing Wrong without so much as a care.

...If our bad habits lose their grip on us...

...Divine once more we will be...

So much pain by ignorance is wrought,

So unhappy and guilty we are reared,

Put your past at last behind you,

martyr of Greed,

martyr of Lust,

martyr of Ignorance,

And shed for him, O you martyr of Beauty -

Your shadow, your scapegoat, your Christ -

Your First Heartfelt Tear...

And Be Reborn Anew In His Authentic Image,

A Wayfaring Cosmonaut.
Tiny Little Pill
Tiny little pill,

Gods within kill.

Sacred Jungle Of Dreams

Beyond the dull horizon of wakefulness,

Lies a jungle of multifaceted wonders.
I can almost touch her medicinal mystery;
Their plant-like plenitude beckons me.
If only I could penetrate this shallow film;
The pulsing propaganda of daylight hours,
When lizards languish lazily below the leaves..
And sink deeply down, hidden,
To the wild womb of even-tide's nocturnal embrace.
The healing dusk of imagination's tribalistic dance,
The refreshing aroma of midnight's herbs and flowers.
The plunging of life's buried root
And the withering of its secret wick-
Stars dripping honey-yellow and bright..
A ritual camp-fire, flaring in the moonlight.
Mad Community
Soberly checking his dentistry
for miniature radio transistors,
Dreaming of wild sex, with his royal daimon sisters,
Taking a bite from the moon each night,
To dutifully ensure its sacred cycles
Turn as beautifully as the wheels
Of penny-farther bicycles.
Our maligned malingering neurotic,
Certainly has a taste for the exotic.

Objectifying, labeling, separating men

And women in to little boxes with surgical precision,
Taking his medicating nails to the rickety fence
Of their brains, and hammering them one by one, in.
The good Dr. prowls from ward to ward,
Butterflying from one hospital to the next on
His highly esteemed, highly important business.

A clash of cultures, I suspect..

Will the esteemed Dr. stop for a moment to reflect?
On the misery of his charges -
Their private world of enchantments -
Nay, nay, he rides over it rampant,
Feeling fortunate he is not among them,
Reviled by his peers for the company he keeps!

A small bird willows on the branch,

Its chicks destroyed by avalanche.
One man's gaze locked within,
Imprisoned by his inner divining mirror,
The other, consumed in the reflection he makes
On the bank statements and collegiates,
Exiled from source of spirit,
And both, equally so, from true human community.
Dirty Old Coin

Don't search for me, mother.

Don't search for me, friends.
I'll be back, when I come around.

Don't search for me brother.

Don't search for me, in my den.
I'll be back, when I come around.

Don't search for me father.

Don't search for me, anyone.
Don't search for me, doctor.
I need to be left as alone,
As Satan's only son.

Because I never, I never ever want to be found.

I'll be back, I'll be back, when I come around.
I want to sink into the great slot machine
Of this world
Like a lost penny
From your pocket.

I want wilderness, I want the desert,

I want to forget it. I want to forget it.

I want to forsake it all;

I want to be reborn and fall,
And fall,
And fall,
And fall again.

For this is not my home,

I am an angry, ill-flung sun.

This dirty old coin wants to roll,

On its circumference, by its
Own Edenic balance,
Down the profane drain...into the sea.

And thence be swept along the tide,

Bobbing free on the waves of randomness,
Then sinking down and scraping the ocean floor
For a decade or two, among sea-urchins
And crumbling, forgotten underwater Kingdoms,
'til finally, washed clean, it ends up
On some distant, ancient shore,
Picked up by a beautiful vagrant in Hong Kong,
My scarlet woman, my Mary Magdalene.

If I could be so utterly alone,

And without consolation,
Surely then in my moment of most need,
By sheer force of prayer,

My anima, my Israel,
My one true, divinely destitute,
Cast into this world and into my lap
By the same sheer beautifully unplanned,
Reckless chance- by God and the stars,




Star-crossed love-




(And, if I was indeed to happen upon her by that one act of total surrender,
would I not become one with God and the stars, too?)
Spirit's Ladder
Trapped beneath a ceiling full of stars,
My mind clings the contours of space;
I breathe misty air above the rat race -
On which I am waging a secret war.

As a neighbourhood bum plays the sitar,

And an inner town road zooms with cars...
In the mystery of poverty, beneath the rags
Of luminosity, where twilight softly sags...
Above the monotony - I scale a different bar.

Some folk think that I am sunk far below,

But to my eyes, their whys seem hollow...

Farewell, restless panic – bile begone!-

This chilly winter night is filled with song.
Asylum Chums
Sentenced to grieve for a hundred years, recurring eternally.
Pacing the wards with a head full of pain, condemned infernally.
Then, I watch it wave. Who is this nuisance?
For once I am in no mood for romance.

Talking tentatively amidst the tentacles of State,

I try for moment to withhold my hate.
I look at the ground, I heave a sigh,
I hope they're not gonna my brain ta fry.

Oh truly, I want to cry,

I'd be better off dead.
But when she saw Pascal's 'Pensees' in my pocket;
“Its a miracle”, she said!

- But are there still miracles in Hell? -

Oh, and to think, she actually claims to like these meals;

As for me, I'd sooner down a jar of slime-infested pickled eels!
Oh, get me out of here! Oh, how I wish!
At least there is now someone who speaks The Queen's English!

But reading 'Being and Time' together was scant consolation,

For all the Time I was Being on medication.
The 'Nothing noths', oh yes, that I understand well!
It is precisely the stuff that these fine Dr.s sell.

Moral scruples, I have a few;

But they're fading quickly,
As my thoughts turn only to revenge.
This one here, seeks the Holy Grail.

Obsessive compulsive, paranoid schizophrenic;

These doctors have labels much less than Edenic!
I consider them simply 'moronic'.

This patient needs patience,

I try to be as patient as I can.
But I know deep down,
She suspects I'm a very bad man!

We are all grave sinners,

Her 'especially'.
Frankly I don't feel that guilty...
(I was only just getting going!)

I strangely admire her ability to sweet talk the other inmates, envy it perhaps.
I pity them too, but in such a state myself I am incapable of much kindness.
I hope she knows I have good intentions.
What? Released before me? Oh God, the tart!
Talk about putting the lucky apples, before the poor cart!
What am I supposed to do now? She was the only one mildly alert!
Forgive me, my friend – I'm only teasing. Mu ha ha ha !
Happy birthday, dear Jemimah! Here is to old times... Hip! hip! Hurrah !
Piloting the Soul
“Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.”

--- Alejandro Jodorowsky

When I was just a toddler,

I started wrestling the controls from my father.
Now, all by myself, I'm spinning 360 degree rolls!
I'm sailing through blue skies, I'm soaring in thin air.
There's nothing to catch me if I fall,
So I must heed the radar.

I must keep monitoring the wind speed,-

The barometer of social nicety -
I must avoid collision with other planes.
I must keep one eye on the passengers - my urges -
To make sure their exquisite balance remains.

The earth is my theatre, my panoramic view.

My picture book, my museum,
My nature reserve, my zoo.
The options are almost infinite,
But I must keep dead set of my course.
The map book, I binned it,
We're guided by The Force.

Why do we keep flying? Why do we not cease?

I cannot close my eyes, I cannot know release;
All these tiny dots of men,
So small its beyond my ken!
To the fields of rape we call history...
It is one big unwieldy mystery.

Oh! They're all blowing hot air, I'd be better off in a balloon!
But, still, the spirit is set on ascension; we're flying to the moon...
My Prospective Ubermensch

Studying "The Gay Science" on a public park bench,

When up walked a local lad, my prospective Ubermench!
Thinking him a poor dupe of the doctrine of 'sin',
I decided to unlock the untamed beast within...

"Hark! I teach you the Superman!" -

"Alright, where's your cape?" -
"Not that one, you ignorant ape."

Phew, that was a close escape...

At least the security camera caught that ruffian on tape!
Good thing he didn't see the book - it could have been rape!

Thus ended my philosophic hunt;

You're lucky around here, if you can catch more than a grunt...
Through A Window Paine
The garden flickers from the falling rain,
As I watch silently through a window paine.
Everything in it by Mother carefully arranged,
By tears of the sky today is changed.

A sparrow sits upon a leaftop,

As the cat stalks closer it hops,
And flies away. Just like my luck did
When my wild heart I unhid.

Like rose-bushes, we ourselves must be pruned,

Before we are allowed to blossom and come to bloom.
Sometimes the cutting goes rather too far,
Then it ends in bloody pricks, in stunted men and civil war.

All worship a spirit that is free,

The prophets fall down joyfully,
Upon bended knee!
Heaven is Might, the Sun is Pure;
A savage phase in your offspring,

Indulgently ignore.

You are not what they tell you,

You don't have to be what they say you are.
Everything that has happened to you,
Needn't confine you behind iron bars.
Is freedom really so frightening?
Few in this world are free, fewer true,
(There's a reason why this earth looks so Blue),
But they are not you.
Just take a few small steps, and you will rise above it all.
Rebel, rebel! - be what you want to be.
You will be sky blue, you will be brand new.
You can be a vision of glory, a beacon in the dark;
(Leaping like a kangaroo, or happy as a lark!)
There are countless millions in need of just one that is true.
Many are open-armed and ready to receive you,
Lots of new friends their unique chemistry waiting to imbue.
You owe them nothing, but you owe yourself everything.
Now you cannot walk, but once you do,
Soon you will be flying.
Mind Like A Garden

My mind is like a garden. If you go down deep enough there's nothing but dirt and the grave... a
solid abyss of immovable rock. But, that doesn't mean it isn't worth growing some pretty flowers
here above the earth while I'm there too. Just like breeds of flowers, they are ancient and ineffectual
as the hills and still they have their season in which to scatter it with the color, smoothness and
vibrancy of petals, each one trembling with early morning dew and the risen beams of the new
Love's Little Vandal

Love's little vandal

- a pretty criminal, indeed-

Has engraved far the from the driver's station..

In her grotty hinterland

At the back of the bus...

Upon the seats that rust,

Where reluctant riders rest

Their rotund rears...

The holy, miraculous letters

Christened by tears...

Of her true Love's name.

Just another petty crime,

Putting the world to shame.

The Hypocritic Oath
I hereby swear to do no harm.";
This old ruse still works a charm!
Drug 'em up and lock 'em behind sealed doors...
But only if they're insured !

Our private motto:

"No choice, large price!"

Suppress the symptom,

Make the root problem grow ever more profitable. : )
Side-effects galore
Only means we earn more! : )

Our private oath:

“A patient cured is a customer lost!”

Hell's Virgin
She doesn't have much of mercy,
And she doesn't have much of love,
But she'll hold onto you to the end of her tether,
With the ashes from up above.

She doesn't have much of comfort,

She doesn't have much of relief,
But she'll do her best to stick by you,
While occasionally gritting her teeth.

She doesn't have much of wise or holy counsel,

She doesn't have much of prayerful hymns,
But she'll stick her fingers in the fire,
Or saw off a couple of limbs.
Gentility Without Joy

Spider spindling webs quietly through the night,

Keeping his rage well below the surface, safe from sight.

Gentle as a Lioness playing softly with her cubs,

Without fail, he can be counted to avail the sweetest sobs.

Working his plans out in careful, serpentine deliberation,

His own best interests receive their due estimation.

And of those around him he is diligently gathering,

Even of his foes from whom he is constantly hiding.

Yet he feels no joy in his peaceable temperament,

For him it remains but a fairly weak instrument.

Whats more, he knows one grim day it will not suffice,

To keep Satan's minions from their cruel device.

His malice, his damnation sunk deep in him only,

His retaliation is but a restriction of the spirit of charity.

Thus idleness is his favoured vice and Achilles Heel,

Before which each day with gnashing of teeth he doth lay.

Mad Transgressions (Put acid in the Pope's woopie-cushion!)

“Men have called me mad; but the question is not settled whether
madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence -- whether much that is
glorious -- whether all that is profound -- does not spring from disease of
thought -- from moods of mind exalted at the expense of the general
intellect. They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which
escape those who only dream by night. In their gray visions they obtain
glimpses of eternity, and thrill, in waking, to find that they have been
upon the verge of the great secret. In snatches, they learn something of
the wisdom which is of good, and more of the mere knowledge which is
of evil. They penetrate, however rudderless or compassless, into the
vast ocean of the ‘light ineffable’.”

― Edgar Allan Poe, “Eleonora”

Predictability, sanitization, lethargy, routine.

Humdrum, normalization, resignation - obscene.
Euphemism, everyday-ism, truism...

What else can these mean?

Colloquialism, rationalism, blandism,

Conformism, scientism, hypocrisism:
Mental morphine!

Sheepism on amphetamine.

How it all, how it all provokes...

How it all provokes: my spleen!

It is really all, much too much, to even be seen,

By the many whose eyes are covered by - a dream.

'O how adult, oh how sedate' -

(Such is the way, they hide their hate!)
'I am frightened of death, I am frightened of life;
I think I'll just keep my head down and stick with my wife!'

I have a plan, I have a scheme:

To free their minds of this sterilization team.

A dangling crucifix... a bloody roar!
We hope to make the soul a little less obscure...

Dance free in the meadow of perplexity!

This life is one of contradiction and complexity -
You have to be a bit strange to make it through all the adversity.
So: don't stint now on a little 'perversity',

Bataille on steroids is hardly enough!

Think 'Philosophy in the Boudoir' – we like it rough!

Our startling claims and acts will reveal it

in its Being - Such to almost justify the timid in fleeing!
Something bold, something knuckle white -
Something to amaze and lighten up the World's Night -

Opening it to presencing,
Disclosing its true nature,
While covering it in confetti;
(Do you enjoy the biscuits, called 'amoretti'?)

The unconscious is wild, release your inner child.

The world is a stage,

And on this, my page,
I intend to wage,
A war upon the mediocre.
(You! Yes you! I'm going to put a sprinkle of LSD in your tapioca!)

Put acid in the Pope's woo-pie-cushion,

And laugh it off.
Yes, you queer, I am a toff!


Reason is a dreadful bore,

And madness, sweet madness:
Madness is more honest, more secure,
More alive, lubricious - more mature -
More pure, more core;
Enough to make you soar;
Something, most definitely to adore!
Cherub Rock
“For millennia, the dialectic of vilification and deification and, more
generally, of invalidation and validation—excluding the individual from
the group as an evil outsider or including him in it as a member in good
standing—was cast in the imagery and rhetoric of magic and religion. ...
With the decline of the religious world view and the ascent of the
scientific method during the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, the
religious rhetoric of validation and invalidation was gradually replaced
by the scientific. One of the most dramatic results of this transformation
is the lexicon of psychiatric diagnoses functioning as a powerful, but
largely unacknowledged, rhetoric of rejection and stigmatization.”

― Dr. Thomas Szasz, "The Sane Slave: Social Control and Legal

The susurrating sea, it glistens;

In this place an angel listens,
Caressing your hair's every lock,
Down by the beautiful Cherub Rock.

Dreams take wing and fancy soars;

The tides echo around the shores,
For eons they have glittered and shook,
Down by the blessed Cherub Rock.

In this place the world forsook,

A secret lies in every nook,
Through the valley, by the brook,
Down by the crag of Cherub Rock.

Once upon some golden morrow,

Came from the sky the god Apollo,
And for a bride, a local beauty took,
Down by the nape of Cherub Rock.

Oh she was a maid so wan and fair,

A glittering jewel so very rare,
A fortunate fate for any man to defrock,
Down by the verdant Cherub Rock.

Soon, after nights sweet and wild,

She became ripe, full with child.
Mighty Apollo, he with triumph shook,
Down by the fateful Cherub Rock.
For a moment she seemed finally happy-
At one with life, this blessed lady.
Giving the crowds a glowing smile,
She danced throughout all Cherub Isle.

Love so strong brings strange things...

The infants arrived- Siamese Twins.

And on their back, they had little wings...

It gave their parents quite a shock,

Down by the innocent Cherub Rock.

A physician arrived, he knew best;

How from one the other the babes to wrest-
How their pinions to nip and tuck,
Down by the watchful Cherub Rock.

But, by Heaven, the plan went wrong,

Young mother, in tears to a funeral song.
Bathed in infant blood, the trees all shook,
Down by the pitiless Cherub Rock.

For years the young bride pined away,

Apollo, from sorrow, he couldn't stay.
It seems a love so wild and free,
Could but end in calamity.

Finally she threw herself

Clinging to their coffin, off the cliff-
Caressing their hair's every lock,
As she fell from the beautiful Cherub Rock...

The susurrating sea, it glistens;

In this place a dead angel listens,
Caressing your hair's every lock,
Down by the cursed Cherub Rock.
Backstreet Buddha (Lets fall a jewel)

I swipe the pockets of the rich;

Relieving them a little of their material burdens.
Without a care, I snitch,
On all society's would-be guardians.
Sitting here, in this ditch,
Having remarkable conversations...
I am pariah, a wicked witch;
Setting his own conflagrations.

Beauty, blessedness, repartee;

Flows in my blood, animates my bones.
As footfalls clatter urgently on these cobblestones...
The sidewalk is my very own settee.
Your funny lives, my T.V.!

Roam the land, sniff the air;

Falling golden silent, I kneel and stare...

Thinking quietly to myself...

"This old world, it will soon be forgotten.

My gown may be dirty,
My skin may be swarthy...
But, also? my Ego ist Toten!

Everything changes, you see,

Everything changes like the river to the sea.
Everything changes, from the shores of Italy,
To the borders of Greece and Turkey.

Ah, yes, Deutschland falls,

And with it Europe, too.
Your consumer kingdom is dead;
Who am I to wail?

An old god says 'Boo!'."

All Quiet On The Frontal Lobes

A battle was fought: his Medulla oblongata versus an electrical socket.

The electrical appliance distributors made a racket. So did his screams.
But its pure, scientifically certified - who am I to besmirch and mock it ?
From now on his ol' rumbustious spirit won't be harbouring queer memes.
It'll be pliant, malleable, ductile. The vibrant brio, fizz of magnetic emotion,
Will have dissipated with the deafening circuit of cerebral electrocution.
They'll be no more fuss, no mayhem from his once truculent warrior soul;
The trenches are filled with the fallen, but walking graves no longer howl.

“Pity is the precursor to assault.” -- M. J. L.

Dionysus On The Dole
I wear a masquerade ball mask,
And am trailed by melancholy nymphs.
Well, bi-polar single mums, that is!

Riding the South wind down the town,

Leaving mayhem in my wake.
The coppers are easy to ditch,
They're hardly awake! Or on the take!

For those who have not the strength to conquer, their only hope lies in surrender!


Wine flows freely on my lips;

We come in gulps, never sips.
Breaking the balustrade by life's river,
Making sure they all fall in.
Ecstasy, silence, pandemonium and sin.

I am the fateful diver -

Morose machismo,
Law-shattering lethargy,
Insidious inviolate inflame -

A spur of destruction and rebirth;

(And that's just this cut-throat economy!)
Collecting my welfare checks of course...

I am a god, I don't need a job.

I bring madness, I bring joy.

I stir you into incensed rage like a toy.
Why am I not hunched? Why am I so elated?
Why do I have the nerve to lay low and yet resist unabated?

I give the shrinks the cold shoulder;

Sure of an insanity plea, I just grow bolder!

“Either be possessed by a god or don't bother showing up!” -- M. J. L.

He Strove

He strove against the world, and all the lethargy it contains,

The doleful march of men unable to see beyond their little lanes.

He strove against the moon, Relentless ruler of the tide,

He swore that when his fate'd come, he'd be ready just in time;

He strove against the land, the air, the sun, the sea,

The little folk who laugh, and throw stones at you and me;

He strove against the grain, he strove against the sand,

He hoped to build a magic fortress and do it all by his mind;

He strove against the pull, he strove against the tow, - Of a thousand years -

He said that its the stubbornest men, who have the best careers.

He strove so long, so hard, so proud, against shallow conformity,

The sorry thing was, - so exhausted with striving was he - he never did leave his dormitory!
Just More Meds

The police hand-cuff me and sling me in the back on their van.

The van speeds off, I struggle to breathe and they don't give a damn.
Us damned, so-called demented souls have practically no rights-
Though it might seem right, it is however self-defeating to put up a fight.
Battling for air I try to reason with the chimp behind the wheel;
Wheeling around and around like a rat in a cage of steel.
Stealing is still illegal, but kidnapping has become a societal norm.
Normally they all just follow orders like those Troopers-Storm.
The storm through my nerves a tempest swirls, ripping my soul to shreds.
Get lucky I'll have shreddies for breakfast, but mostly just more meds.

“It is customary to define psychiatry as a medical specialty concerned

with the study, diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses. This is a
worthless and misleading definition. Mental illness is a myth.
Psychiatrists are not concerned with mental illnesses and their
treatments. In actual practice they deal with personal, social and ethical
problems in living.
I have argued that, today, the notion of a person "having a mental
illness" is scientifically crippling. It provides professional assent to a
popular rationalization — namely that problems in living experienced and
expressed in terms of so-called psychiatric symptoms are basically
similar to bodily diseases.
Moreover, the concept of mental illness also undermines the principle of
personal responsibility, the ground on which all free political institutions

― Dr. Thomas Szasz, “The Myth Of Mental Illness: Foundations To A

Theory Of Personal Conduct”

My grandfather was a diamond miner, down in North Africa.

One day deep at work in those dismal caves,

His bronze brown skin baptised by the hot, heavy, teary sweat,

That bled like a refreshing, summer rain from mid-day's labour,

A fellow miner's pick flew free from his grip;

It became a mad dervish, spiralling effortlessly,

With fate's terrible weight and necessity

Backwards towards my poor grandfather.

It's iron claw punctured him straight through the heart.

If our lives were like perfect flowers, poking upward through the brown soil of eternity, we too
would have, by now, been picked.
Unkempt Stars

It was little past midnight when I awoke,

And by Jove! I would gladly choke
The lousy rat who did rouse me.
The clammy bitterness on the tongue,
My spirit so sadly wrung
From a better world that did enchant me.

Leaping from my chamber like a Lion aft' the foresaid rat,

Caterwauling and catapulted into the Night,
'Neath a sky matted with blood.

No book of Law beneath my arm,

No bastion of morals to soothe and calm,
But the cold merciless frame of Winter.
A little something, it did splinter.

Mean streaks of ice scattered the Valley,

The weeping willows lurched with eerie malevolence.

Then an angel, or a devil, reared its face before me,

Through the myst, upon the dead pond's frozen surface.
On the wind, it whispered: 'Your friends, they will all desert thee;
Your Truth alone, it must suffice'.

'I know that already', I yelled, still seething.

It cooed sorrowfully yet sagely: 'It's too late. You are defeated where none hath seeing.'


Then the face that had so sadly shone turned blue as the moon, trailed by beams of unkempt stars
Like the bars of a universal song, Or prison window...
Long ago, when I was but a young pup,
Our family feline frolicked in the fields,
Across the hills of our ancient land,
When he happened upon a local lad,

Brushing affectionately against his shin.

The yob held the Tommy down;
Setting his air-rifle in position,
Fired a pellet up an unoffending nostril.

The cat found his way back somehow,

But, alas, he was a broken beast -
A mocking relic of his former self,
Cursed to live on in outward form alone.

The sad episode relieved me of my

Naive trust and hardened my heart
Towards my fellow humans. I learnt
An important lesson, but poor Gus

Just became incapable of learning

Anything, or functioning at all without
Extreme difficulty. To see him gingerly,
Joylessly at his bowl was pitiful.

The vet said because he was still eating,

He wasn't suffering. But it felt so wrong,
Seeing him in that state, we had him
Put to rest. I deserve the same option.
Mountain Path

Lain carved into the mountainside,

Spiralling its way, through the mist,
A path no more than a meter wide,
Like the fading notes of Liszt.
An eagle circles, her chicks cried;
If I should fall, no one to assist.

Fleet foot,
Cloaked hood;
I scale without remorse.
Magical aetites stone,
Awaits for me, of course.

I intone a spell, by the grand ravine.

I stutter a prayer, with all my spleen.

There is something beyond,

What the low-land folk speak.
It revolves all around
A heavily shrouded peak.

The world goes on; it doesn't care;

Oblivious to my hatchings of fate.
Rare sights, strange vistas; beware!
Fire and brimstone, avalanche hate.

“Every lover is, in his heart, a madman, and, in his head, a minstrel.”

A chill triumvirate of diadems,

Amid pirouettes of billowing mist,
Lit by black-laced thread.
Remembrance, the nightly detour
Of obsidian osmosis.

Watching your sweet heart palpate

Away, in dank, black uncelebrated shades.
Regret stands on every altar.
But -ah !-
Hijack the moon! -
You are my first and last


Without lustre, lacking liberty,

Lanturne of laconic intermissions.
Listen! There flits a dragonfly,
On its way to the stars.

Lo ! A maniacal masquerade.

The play of the sleepwalkers;

Ghosts, with coffee-ed out souls...

We shiver together prone in the wind...

As a monsoon lifts her ankles,
And begins to waltz across the skies.

Tears of crystal, only friend.

The Wheels of Samsara
I was once given a bicycle.
It meant the world to me.
To possess its symmetrical steely perfection;
Skidding down the city streets at full pelt,
Come rain or sunshine.

I dreamt that one day I would ride far, far away,

Over the horizon, to a whole new world that lay in wait.
It seemed as if my entire life was building up
To just that day, and everything until then
Would just be grey clouds in a bitter sky.

But, that day never came.

The bicycle was smashed into pieces
By on-coming traffic.
From then on, I had to make do with a wheelchair.
Now I spend my days chasing snails
Down the garden path.
Beauty Of The Word
The moon is nigh,
So up I fly,
Passed stratosphere, towards star,
For the place the angels are.

Gracefully, I glide
Across the firmament
Of starry tide
In my silky raiment.

'tis a sea made of dreams,

Where that which guides me, also softly streams,
Under my paddling, feather-light oar,
And, of course, the crescent-moon boat on which I soar.

Quasars, space dust, singularity,

Black holes, comets, and little old me.
From galaxy to galaxy, I am careening.
Long left behind, the Milkyway...
The universe is brimming, teaming
With togetherness and sweet equanimity.

Call me a witch, if that's what you think;

Though its unfair, I still won't sink.

I have become a heady bird,

Up above the reaches of sin,
And all that I see, outside and within,
Reflects the beauty of the Word.
Note To The Homeless

Blessings and gratitude to you, our stray sons

and daughters of the streets. With each cupped palm,
you make my riches reach a higher relief, juxtaposed
to the verdant, mottled valley of your thousandfold poverty
and picturesque surrender, like the march of holy men
and the many prophets before you.

For how many centuries have you lain amongst us, nestled beneath your rags on the corners of our
ancient Polis, in the front square by the statues of our gods and goddesses or the great men of yesteryear,
to today under prepossessing, store-front verandas, gathering your slowly ripened and hard fought
wisdom? Were you not here long before us, in the far-away time when the world was still young?

Are you not the ocean depths, to which all currents eventually flow in and out of, being once again
reborn in humility and awe, as passing dust before the sublime infinity, which renders us all as beggars
before the mighty One and All ?

Ah yes, you were here long ago. You are no petty plaything of fate, or stooge to be exploited, like some
think. Rather, you are the archetype of our primordial past, we who crawled from dust and thereto shall
return. You rekindle our lust for self-betterment, for the conquest of this miserly nature; re-asserting our
primal, authentic instincts in the light of the abandonment to the elements. He who scorns you shows to
all and sundry his vulgar self-seeking petty limited cave-like valuations, a slave to the herd.

Speak no more, my tongue! You prize panthers of the urban jungle do not need my praise or defense;
you know all this in your bones, confronting your critics with only child-like curiosity, humble, good-
hearted, stoical acceptance and occasional, non-comprehending shake of the head.

Be brave, be stalwart, above all, be patient with us mere propertied normies – we who are ourselves the
property of our property to the precise degree to which we own it - for one day we shall return amongst
you with only an empty vase and foolish look in our eyes, as a forsaken and wayward child, who longs
only for reconciliation.

“I am most likely thought a fool and despised by others for my impotent

honesty and 'arrogant' willingness to go against the grain for no great
reason, except to do my bit to clear the path for any other old bum to do the
same.” -- M. J. L.
Love Is Not Blind
Love is not undiscriminating,

Love is not blind.

Love has subtle understanding,

Love has the most attentive eyes.

Love is judicious with its giving,

It nurtures the beautiful ones,

And uproots the weeds.

Love has a preference for the truly living,

It hardens its heart to the hopeless,

And pushes the teetering off cliffs.

O, Love, do not be wasteful;

O, Love, so precious and rare;

Ever eschewing sanctimony and shallow praise,

With your gaze full ablaze on the morrow.

The Death Of A Flower Girl

"If hope hath flown away in a dream or in none, is it therefore the less
gone?" – Edgar Allen Poe

I met you in a Church garden,

my crude-crafted polygonal character crashing into

your lovely high-definition pre-rendered flower-bed.

You tended me like one of your daffodils
Healing me with one of your white magic spells.
I knew from that first moment
That our love would be all too brief.
But little did I know that you would be stolen away
Long before the slick end sequence...
Sweet heroine, with footsteps so soft you hopped into my heart,
I wasn't ready for any love but yours.
Why, oh why, Sephiroth - you, who I otherwise loved also as a character -

did you have to cut her down ? From that day forth, everything in my life turned black...
How I searched the internet, hoping to undo
The fateful work of that terrible blade,
Hopelessly cheated and betrayed by fake promises of resurrection...
Aeris- your name still hangs on my lips,

ringing with tears and regrets my childish recollection.

Courting Fiasco

Pretty and nubile,

This sporting young lady -
Skips gracefully around the court.
Loose, lithe, limpid limbs
Dance and swing, easily in the
Surrounding, sweetly scented air.
Her brow knits seriously
As if interrogating a potential lover,
The bouncing ball impends.
Then she whacks a winner
Straight down the line,
Effortlessly past me.
Gaudy Grin

Your radiant eye beams down warmth upon me:

I appreciate the kind invitation of friendship;
And, hungrily, I accept.
But I'm not too hip
With this world, you see -
Our situation leaves little room for sanguinity -
So forgive me if I cannot reciprocate your gaudy grin.
For when the grim Lord rears from his terrible fort in the Royal College Of Psychiatry,
And all is left undone,
I'll leave it to the mortician's art
To bring a smile to these impregnable lips,
And finally fake a fond farewell, and wedding ring,
To all that is, was and will be.

“I'm still more frightened by the fearless power in the eyes of my fellow
psychiatrists than by the powerless fear in the eyes of their patients.”

– R. D. Laing
Mild as milk -
Obsidian eyes,
Like soft black stars.
Hair a shining silk;
Bright as the Night which shades us from lies,
With mysteries hid by invisible bars.

I was always a narcissistic Gemini,

Nothing but a cerebral prancer.
But like the divine Rousseau,
You are a custodian crab, not just swift but steady,
Ensconced effortlessly by the Tropic Of Cancer.

Ever since that grave Winter day,

I lean towards your raven Light, in a quiet way.

Haloed by gentility,
May thine Justice keep thee safe.
When each man flies in every direction,
Heading hopelessly for the hills,
Heavy rain pattering hard on earthly sills,
May thine friends bring thee shelter.
For princely politeness flows from thee
As life-sustaining waters to fallow sands from the Nile delta.

May your temperate spirit come to know,

To grow in humble serenity
Towards the empowering grace of Wisdom's almighty bow.
Voice of vibrant suede,
Let your arrows be shot with care.
For life rewards those on the side of truth, not mere dare.
By knowing the phases of the moon, one is able to turn with the tides
And, through subtle maneuvers, sometimes even direct their history's loom;
Rather than swimming, like I have tried, always and in vain against their forceful flumes.

Everything I say is a mere glimpsed reflection,

An inference based on most feeble powers of detection.
Though I have long been adrift on inclement seas,
In your youthful image I pray for a better, newer me.
Born Unfurled

How can you smile, and forget me all the while?

If you are so happy why won't you go that extra mile?
Can't you see the emergency number that my eyes dial?

Must your contentment be a shield that shuts out my melancholy?

Can you only feel love for a cute little puppy, called something like "Molly"?
Am I expected to follow suit and just play with my plastic dolly?
Or suck as a pacifier this freezing ice-cold lolly?

The world settled down in its comfy chair too soon,

While I was busy laying prayers on the pale blue moon,
Clasping to my chest some mysterious ancient rune,
Waiting for some distant, guiding star, Heavenly-hewn,
To play me its melody before I change my sad tune.

I am searching for something special

To fill this void inside of me; I've not yet arrived.
I need years of focused, heartfelt meditation,
Before my soul can be properly derived.

Wait! Wait! This spinning cog-like world.

Just as my hair, tightly curled, I myself was not born unfurled.

“Madness need not be all breakdown. It may also be break-through. It is

potential liberation and renewal as well as enslavement and existential

― R. D. Laing, “The Politics of Experience/ The Bird Of Paradise”

Little Superman

“Be silent and listen: have you recognized your madness and do you
admit it? Have you noticed that all your foundations are completely
mired in madness? Do you not want to recognize your madness and
welcome it in a friendly manner? You wanted to accept everything. So
accept madness too. Let the light of your madness shine, and it will
suddenly dawn on you. Madness is not to be despised and not to be
feared, but instead you should give it life...If you want to find paths, you
should also not spurn madness, since it makes up such a great part of
your nature...Be glad that you can recognize it, for you will thus avoid
becoming its victim. Madness is a special form of the spirit and clings to
all teachings and philosophies, but even more to daily life, since life
itself is full of craziness and at bottom utterly illogical. Man strives
toward reason only so that he can make rules for himself. Life itself has
no rules. That is its mystery and its unknown law. What you call
knowledge is an attempt to impose something comprehensible on life.”

― C. G. Jung, “The Red Book: A Reader”

Little superman shies away at school,

Knowing not how his contemporaries to rule.
He keeps his head down, acts dumb, and plays the fool.

Klein Ubermensch frets about his Schuler,

Dutifully arranging his pencil and his ruler,
He doesn't have an outlet for his lactating lunar sadness.


He thinks about his gladness, how happy he is to be himself.

Because of the cruelty of his classmates, he sees only little demonic elves.
Why waste good time and effort, developing the self ?
In a world of such pettiness, he is already on the top shelf.

There is a poet, a philosopher trapped inside.

The world is not ready, its safer his virtue to hide.
To watch himself decay, through the formative years.
Deaf to the calling of fate, the callow corn has no ears.

"But when I come to think it, do I blame 'Satan's little minions'?

No, no; it wasn't they who restrained my little pinions.
It was those who never taught me to nurture my deepest orisons.
Never to meditate, never to feel, never to enjoy, never to relax;
Never to utilize my desires, and push my abilities to the Max!
Too bogged down with routine and homework,
To ever become anything more than simple clerk!"

Life has no prior meaning, it has to be sovereignly willed.

His heart has lost its rudder, but the world will not be stilled.

What will be the result, of these piling arrears?-

The growing guilt for neglect in so many areas-
When he finally gets the bill delivered in the post,
'tis mostly malice he entertains the most.

Scything through sentiments of success,

Giving himself over to rank duress.
Berating the bloody-minded sanguinity,
That for so long substituted vital spontaneity.

A lion roars, but devours

only itself. 'tis only April showers.
His true untapped powers,
Finally arise like triumphant towers.

But the old bullies in the playground,

Have meanwhile built their own villainous mound.
For his residual syncopating sadness,
They now call him new names: 'mentally unsound'.

Magnifying his ills a hundred fold,

With poison pills new and old.
Constant surveillance to make sure he never breaks the mould.
Or leaves Dr. Frankenstein's faithless feverish fold.

Against hearts so empty and cold,

What use he has now lit a bulb so beautifully bright and bold ?


Little superman, because he never began to cultivate his soul,

Learning badly how over their eyes the wool to pull,
Knows not how his contemporaries to rule.

“When someone offers to be your teacher, kindly smile and turn the other
cheek.” -- M. J. L.
The Day I Gave Up On Mankind
Some say the road to happiness lies in sacrifice to humanity.
On the contrary, only in abandoning it did I find
My own suffice to be free. Only by,

Flooding the house I lived in,

Throwing the bookcases out of the window,
Making light of the cripple...

Only by,

Snipping the throat of daffodil,

Pouring poison into the sea,
Wantonly going abroad ripe with leprosy,

Did I breathe a sigh of sweet relief.

The day I gave up on mankind,

I kicked a pebble into the sea.
Where it went thence... To sink or to skim...
To dash the brains of a seahorse...

Or buttress an underwater Kingdom...

What business was it of me ???

The day I gave up on life,

I drank merrily; I played the harp; I danced the cobra.
I joined a local radical organization,
I looked up a jogging group,
I went to Church,
I swayed like a silver Birch,
And fell over and stared up at the sky.

I wondered why, but I didn't half-die over it.

I felt so weightless,
I might just loose grip of this grassy dome
And fall into forever with all the other stars....

Because, you see,

Mankind had damaged me so completely, so thoroughly,
So terribly badly,

I no longer held out the slightest hope

Of teaching it to sing in harmony.
Your Apocalypse
Curtains descend... for the end of this small play called History.
We gods sound our applause - some rapturous, some a little bored.
That it had to end in total tragedy was hardly a mystery,
Nothing is sweeter than a heroic failure to the heavenly Lords.

After all, we wouldn't want competition;

Merely to entertain, that was your mission.
Your fate might easily have proved worse;
For you there was no better purpose.

From our seat in the stars, we took in the breadth of your woe,
Your joy and your sorrow, surveying your mortal voyage from afar.

A catastrophe, yes; But a comedy, also.

Creating mischief amongst you made our merriment glow.
Catastrophic tides, scorching Volcanoes,
Earthquakes galore, and oh-so-much more. How we adored
Fabricating and then obliterating your tiny hopes.
Disease, starvation, war - the standard tropes.

They may be cliché, but still amuse us in their way.

Such is only fitting, for mere animate clay.
BOOM! Thus goes your last hurrah; we shout 'Hurray!'.
Didn't you sacrifice enough? Did you forget to pray?
Haha! You poor fools! That was all a ruse, a ploy to add to your dismay.
If we chose for a moment your bitter suffering to allay,
That was but a short delay, just for a passing day.

O, Look how I rhyme and dance with such glee,

Upon all the broken bones of your pathetic misery!
See how I skate upon your empty plate,
And happily mate with entrails of your hapless fate.
So in love, so erotic, and though it may seem so misanthropic...
We are gods, and to us your mortality was something so exotic.

In you we tasted transience as some delicious farmyard dish.

Forgive us if we could not grant your every heart-felt wish.
It would have deprived us of fun had we been that squeamish.

A 'God of love'? That's fair enough. But don't begrudge a little schadenfreude from those above!

O passing dust, you thought you could become as gods amongst us;
Your technology, with such guts and energy, aimed for the Heavens.
How beautifully ironic that it struck only the abyss.
As for those others who pinned their hopes on Messiahs and 777s-
Those fools we shan't much miss !

Like all good plays, of course it finally ends.

But, all in all, you put on a brave as you take your dying sips:
Night Stroll
Through the skylights, the moon calls palely down,
Gliding across at its frozen pace, tempting me from my lair.
Like a plume of smoke, emptied of its flame,
I ride the winds down the patio, incognito,
To the chip-barked path that traverses flowers, foliage, trees;
Heart still crackling with the ash of previous nocturnes
A soft, piceous breeze ruffling my long cotton sleeves.
Lantern gleaming from across the pond, I wander
Further into Cimmerian shade. Slinking through the dell,
Upon the hill, liaising with firefly and daffodil,
Bargaining with moth and May weather.
Assuring the Azaleas that everything will work out well,
Comforting the Camellias that rain will soon come,
I ramble deep into the garden, with ownmost knell,
Taking a light swig from my flask o' rum.
In the not-too-distance, through the corner of my eye,
I spy a star shaped like a hammer falling to earth,
Above the sickle of a crescent moon.
Can the ways and justice of old sustain us,
Or will they crumble, come June?
I put my mind to my ear, it is a simple shell;
I listen rapt to the strange currents that tarry.
The starry dome, above me like a gigantic blueberry.
The earth beneath my feet, so wholesome and well.
Humming a rhyme, by the old oak tree.
I throw a dime, in the wishing stream.
The old farmhouse barn, it never did seem to rust,
But I am rusted now in innermost dream.
O grim Lord, why art thou so blue ?
O grim Lord, why art thou so sombre, so serious, so blue?
Death comes to everybody, even the very few.
You have the honour to harp-sung heroes meet,
Who will all one day fall down flat at your feet.

Doesn't it fill your heart with pride?

To cut down such great men in their prime.
And other lesser souls, who have often sighed,
At being cheated of even a dime.
Must you not be glad to end their misery?
And bring a curtain to the mean horizon of what little they see.

Birth is agony, life is woe;

What more is there, else to know ?
In the "fields of rape" our souls are sown,
Into what portion am I henceforth blown ?

Of course I am only kidding in what I say,

Haven't you heard of the man named Aubrey De Grey ?
You should enjoy it while you can, you see,
The day is coming when Man shall achieve Immortality.

O grim Lord, I know why thou art so sombre, so serious, so blue.

Death came to everybody - even to you too!
Penning Poems

Penning poems for posterity,

Heroically, I bounded down the bus
Without pausing to look back
And reflect
Upon the seat
From which I flew
So impetuously
At what I left -
My gloves.

Captive of my own levity,

Drunk on intellectuality,
Full of flippant sincerity,
Whipped from behind by reality.

My fingers don't feel a thing,

Until my heart floods them again.
In The Garden
They don't twitch a muscle until you're dead,
Until all your gold has turned to lead -
Safely buried, in the garden of Mystery.

In the Womb of Nothingness;

The Tomb of all our Hopes,
Where lost loves forever Bloom:
Obsolete but unsullied,
Unmarked, perfectly intact.

Then they spoil your rest with their weeping,

Their reflexes become activated.

"We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds;

our planet is the mental institution of the universe."

― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Osiris On Ward
The King is mad.
Sound the alarms, ring the bells;
Send forth the speeding ambulances.
Get him pinned to the hospital bed.

Injections, injections, injections, and 'salutary', 'calming' injunctions.

Keep his head spinning in a thick, heavy, Mercury.
Make his lids droop, his lips drool, and his eyes roll.

He was not mercurial enough!

He laid his poor, bleeding heart open like a lamb.

A lamb to be sacrificed.

Get him locked up in that little room.

Get him pinning his hopes on doom.

Get him dreaming, dreaming, dreaming of other worlds.

Then punish him, call him 'mad' for doing so.

Gaslight your kind King, your cheerful, wise, innocent, Sun-like Lord;
If possible, turn him into a 'monarch' slave.
From a crowned caterpillar to a lowly, beautiful, pinned butterfly;
Switch the Truth into the Lie.
Make him pay more attention to his make-up.

Let him Resurrect in quiet confinement this time.

Let him Rule the Underworld, let him Rule the Under-ward.

Weighing the souls of his fellow prisoners,

His fellow demented, lost souls,
Like the great Anubis.
Jackal-god, ferryman to the Other World.
The Other Side of the River,
The Opposite Bank.

Tear him to pieces in his little box.

He is the Pig, thou ist the Fox.

Oh, it is Easter. O, my little pagan bunny...

O, my little pagan Queen...

O, my little pagan festival...

O my spleen, O my Jesus. O my Christ, O my dove, O my Lucifer. O my Morning and Evening star.

Every man or woman is a star!

Civilizations rise and fall. Gods Rise and Fall, and Rise and Fall,

And Rise and Fall. And Rise and Fall. And Rise And Fall.

But the Singularity, the God Ai, the Great Control Grid, your Lord is Forever. Two rivers
intertwined, in a perfect Figure of 8.
Osiris with his eyes of velvet,
Osiris with his eyes of rivers.
Osiris with his words like bells,
Osiris with his healing spells.

Plant-like plenitude, docile, Phoenix-like;

Taking whatever mold, turning it to purest Gold.

Close another chapter, close another dawn,

Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Rise, like the Phoenix! In his own head,

Spirit conquers Flesh.

There he sits, doll-like, plant-like, double-blind and serene,

Oedipus, without the hang-ups.
Watering himself with his uncontrolled, yet strong, healthy,
Ever-rising bladder,
Sodomized by the unruly, angry nurses,
Your sweet, lobotomized, electrocuted, feminized,
One-time Savior; ironic 'Queen'.
Grief has its own grandeur. Weeping has its sweep. But penury and niggardliness of spirit... that is
true damnation.

Hurled into this world, we all are. Given no choice, no option as to our family, our country, our
creed, our intelligence, face or physique, or whether we even wanted to be born at all. We are but
stones tossed upon the tide, to sink or to skim, to buttress an underwater Kingdom or consort with
sea urchins, who knows what our fate will hold? As we grow, we attempt to reconcile ourselves to
such fateful dispensations, either facing them with stern implacable acceptance or deluding
ourselves that there is some 'higher plan' carefully provided for by an all loving, all wise, almighty
ruler hidden behind the deceptive and confusing outer-fabric we call 'reality'. If we are lucky and
are not struck down prematurely by some thunderbolt or other, or thwarted by the extreme
malignancy of circumstances, we begin to carve out a small dominion upon this otherwise vexed
and perplexing planet. We straddle our countless cares with a stray sunbeam here or there, dousing
our ferocious, incipient fever of incomprehension with the sleek, refreshing wet flannel of facts and
logic, and, (again, if we are lucky), adding a spoonful of honey, soothing for our sensitive tonsils, to
the pot of cold, lumpy porridge we are given to imbibe. Like oysters, we begin to nurture, concealed
deep within our souls, a little precious pearl of satisfaction amongst all the salty sorrow that
invariably surrounds and often seems to drown us like an ocean of despair. Sometimes, we even
forget about this encompassing infinity of woe altogether... and almost immediately, we begin to
lose ourselves, our compass, our bearing, so that, as we amble nonchalantly and haughtily towards
our next 'adventure', we end up tripping over a rock and hurtling head first, promptly breaking our
necks. Then, our skulls are diligently trodden in by our 'rescuers'... Before we know it we are
reduced to a tiny fraction of the much resented meagre portion which was first granted us, which
suddenly in retrospect seems so very abundant, luscious, Edenic. Like a cynosure of perfection, it
calls out to us over the misty, miserly and beleaguered years we have known, beckoning us
mournfully into its all-salving, but now irretrievably lost embrace. How we lean towards it, like a
forsaken plant towards a distant, gleaming star... how we lovingly coo over it like the mother of a
lost, sweet child... lift our hands imploringly to it as if we ourselves were beggars, or toast to it like
an old comrade in arms... bargain with it like thieves before the jury, get down on our knees and
pray to it like pilgrims, attempt to coax it from its hardened husky shell of passing years...But alas,
to no avail. On our lips thenceforth forever, shall echo the engaged refrain of 'Never!'.

Yes, true damnation. True Hell. If only we had tended our sorrow earlier, if only we had sown the
seeds in the harsh, melancholy fields of our youth; ploughed them with all our strength, with all our
bitter fiercely loving dolorous rueful tears. How strong we would have been then, how we would
have avoided all hiccups and set backs such as that little pebble over which we tumbled and cracked
open our pitiless callow skulls spewing our brains across the most beautiful Persian rug in
existence. But no, it wasn't to be. Instead of sowing seeds, we popped pills. Instead of ploughing
our fields, we abraded our loins. Instead of tending our crop, we scatted salt in our own wounds.

So, now we must reconcile us not only to a life that we did not choose originally, but also to the loss
of that original life which now seems so idyllic in comparison with the barren leftovers in its wake.
Grief has its own grandeur. Weeping has its sweep, indeed. But, we are left only with blandness.
Only with blunt brutish rude apathy and ennui. How I long to expire. To fade away imperceptibly
into nothingness. To make a quiet, discreet exit from this terrible ignominious scene that has
become my Life. If you want to turn a life into such a scene, turn them over to the doctors. If you
want to make somebody beg, beg for sheer mercy and relief from what is being done to them... Get
your white coat on, needle out, and start injecting away. Poison the heart of forever.
Our Love Was Never Meant To Be
You raised me, though I were half Jew,
and not quite one of you.

My family was well-to-do,

Better off than most of you.
Still, you raised me,
Though I was not quite one of you.
You nurtured me at school,
Though I was not quite one of you.

I never felt quite one of you.

I watched you warily, with great,
Great trembling, and great, great, wonder.

I loved you from the day I was born.

Or at least did the Jew,
At the strange mercy of your Mother milk.

I dreamt my Jew-snake eyes were the bright, emerald stars

For your beautiful, great, great Night. My blood-red,
Desert-Rose heart, the Pearl for your Orient.

But our love was not meant to be.

I loved you too much;

In the way only a Jew can love a Gentile,
With great, great conspiracy,
And great, great love.

God grew jealous, so He made you murder me;

My shrieks were the cries for your sheiking crisis.

And even after then, my ghost loved you on still,

Like the lost, wandering soul of a Jew,
With great, great forlorn.

I was only half Jew,

And though I loved you with great, great yearning,

And you even tried to protect me for a while...

As I sit here in shadow of disgrace, your stars all plucked,

My gifts of gigantic pearls all shattered,

My shrieks inverted upon me in silent Hell,

My prayers of a flatterer and stowaway,

There is neither half

Of either Gentile left;

Or the once proud, wandering, lonely soul

Of a little,



and divided,

Once Chosen...

Now discarded...

The Gondolier

This old canal is filled to the brim with my tears,

For once I was a sage, a king..
And now I am a mere gondolier.
Ride with me down the crumbling streets and ruined ramparts
And marvel at the once illustrious, now vacant alley ways of my soul.

The pure face of the water reflects my pained expression

As I await some divine intercession.
But, alas, many folks come to worse ends;
And the world's spinning does not end.
At least I have a lifetime to assess the sweep of my woe,
To watch for signs of it in the undertow,
To drink it in, from the top of my head, to the tip of my toe.
That's more than many men will know,
Who have never fallen from on high,
Into the murky depths where gruesome gods lurk below.

Most men sleep through it while their family jewels

Are slowly stolen by the passing years.

I leer at the young tourist girls as they come by,

My oar will never take them where they long to go.
Truth, the most beautiful maid,
She who's charms never fade,
Will never ascend this baleful bank.
Thus, my spirit, ever-lank,
Filled with thoughts dark and dank,
In this stagnant, oppressive tank,
Will never even know how very low it has sank.
Christian Refugee (For K. V. B.)
Hair gold like a lioness,
Obscure, elusive poetess.
Ducking behind syllables,
Dodging responsibility,
Painting the canvas
Like a crooked smile.

South African, Christian refugee,

Some welcome they get.

Braving all kinds of chemicals,

Just for the Hell of it:

Making her life more difficult.

Plush with anaesthesia and brutality,

Seeks sensitivity, and freedom from formality.
Fiery preacher of nativity, of an imported proclivity,
A sublime religion of sad suicidal tendency:

Undermined and ripped off by plastic medicine.

Taught to fear truth so long,

Conscience clear sings siren song.

Resilient like a phoenix,

From the ashes of last night’s self-immolation,
Two thousand years spiritual immigration.

With kindness still in her nature.

But is there still fight left in her aegis?

She’ll need it now – and for the duration. --

Quietly, we pray.
Medusa's Uncle
Medusa's Uncle glimpsed her once,
When the sun was far from view.
Then she stood stock-still for months,
Her visage turned to a greyer hue.

She was the fairest maid he ever saw,

Her eyes glowed lilac in the moonlight.
But the ancient man was such a bore
She fell asleep for an Eternity's night.

Now a couple of restaurateurs keep

Her in their garden. Gone are the gleams
Of her eyes, but no patrons do weep
Tucking merrily into their sea-breams.

She has stood stone-still for millennia,

But all her loved ones have long ago died.
Those who pass praise her youthful air,
Medusa's Uncle is the only one who cried.

He cried for her, and he cried for others,

Whom his stare had frozen forever in tracks.
His glance so terrible, it petrified his mother,
And anyone not sensibly turning their backs.

He wanted only to love them, was it a crime ?

But instead his gaze killed her. In sooth,
I am the artist, who beheld her curt youth.
The veracity is fatal in these eyes of mine.
The Great Invisible
Did you suspect the quark, in the dark knit-work of matter?
Did you unravel the mysteries of the pyramids?
Did you guess the coral, seahorse and pearl, in the waters deep?

Did you identify the drowning children behind their desks?

Did you glimpse the nuclear explosions of the sun?

Did you see the malice behind the sparkling smile of the nun?
Did you watch the radiation give the village cancer?
Did you know that shy girl would grow up to be a pole dancer?

Did you sense that as below, so above?

Did you weep for the 'worms' killed by the 'dove'?
Did you see him slowly destroyed by the secret parasite in his gut?
Were you the one who helped the drunkard out of that rut?
Did you imagine the diamonds in the black coal of filthy hillside?
Didn't you say there's nothing behind the surface of the mind?

Didn't you invite the Trojan Horse into the city?

Didn't you say at the crucifixion? 'goodbye poor man, that was a pity!'

99.9% of life is invisible.

And yet you think you have me all cut and dried?
St. Mike McDonah
St. Michael has grown wise and kind in his dotage.
He now takes pity on other fallen angels,
Nursing them back to a semblance
Of their former splendour.

God has grown merciful on him, too,

Relaxing and allaying some of his former Hells,
To which he was once sentenced for Eternity,
Merely for the crime of being himself.
Thus, he too is more merciful upon others --
As are they.

Is this a test? Is there tribulation still to come?

Or is he truly forgiven ?
Because now there is love again,
With no further need for correction:
Let us all be forgiven.
Sunrise, unrise!

I prayed for mountains,

That I might climb.

I prayed for sunrises,

That you would discern.

My merit to prove,

Your love to alight.

Then the world spun on.

Night by dawn,

Down was torn.

Stars fleeing, flickered out.

My might too bright;

Your wood, too thick.

Even Paper
Like the silver birch shaking its trunk
Autistically, in front of darkening grey skies,
How I yearn and pine to be able
To my tangled thoughts finally untie.
Forever grasping, casting out my mind,
I did not heed the fateful sign,
As the strangled stars were struggling,
Beyond gnarled, trembling branches to align.

In unforeseen typhoons calamity struck,

Forcing my tendrils to come unstuck.
Such pain, such woe I did thence brook -
To no avail, as destiny offward snuck.

The root did wither, the stars did wane. All that's left is a frightful stain.
Now we await the falling rain, as we are already neck-deep in the mud;
Standing here, forlorn, might aswell be made into wood - or even paper.
Blueberry Bodhisattva

Calling out his inner God,

With heaps of mackerel pate and big platters of cod.
Fresh, fastidious, fatty acid Omega 3,
Feeds our brains for the visions we see!
Blueberries and soya milk,
Devoured by those of our ilk.
Our Matcha green tea ceremony,
More sacred than Holy Matrimony.

Behold, the dietician!

Stringent fasts are such fun.

Getting acquainted with our own vulnerable materiality,
Knowing ourselves down to the bowels, down to the guts,
Brings greater ecstasy than the emptiest of rituals,
Or the kinkiest of sluts!

Nutrition is my religion.
When I eat, I feel God move in me.
I touch and transcend my own mortality,
For another day, if not for eternity.


Lunar Portal
Upon a distant planet, stratosphere long since vanished,
Blue florescent light floats, gleaming amid the ruins,
Scarlet foliage, of some unknown, alien variegation,
Growing up along their ancient walls,
Within which our strange race one dwelt.
A passage way of peerless pitch,
Yawns open as night beneath a marble mantle.
Take a leap, into the wild weird:
Madness beckons, a cosmos of untold beauty,
Secret portal to new, fathomless destiny,
Hewn of Sphinx-like mystery,
Awaiting thine footsteps since time immemorial.
Calling to the intrepid explorer,
Archaeologist of a long forgotten, past life
Stirred only by deja vu.
Hapless Luna Lapdance
As she laid her arms about me,
And began to softly sway,
The night, in all its music, enveloped me;
I snuffed my cigarette
In the ash tray.

Her eyes like pale blue moons,

Her perfume like scented rose,
I had no heart or need refuse,
The forbidden undertones.

At the flickering of her smile,

My delight became an aiguille.
Luna shone through the windscreen,
I swear I saw a wolf, on hilltop, scream;
Or was that just me?

As the policeman tapped on the window...

"Hey, that's my daughter!", he yelled.

And my thoughts cried "oh Hell!',
His princess wound it down and said,
'It's O.K. Daddy, its just a dream;
So, it doesn't matter that I'm only 15.'

And I woke up bolt in bed!

As the copper shot me dead!
Stockholm Syndrome

She follows her prescriptions to the letter,

Safe in the knowledge that they know better.

Perked-up by the placebo effect,

Garnered from those in authority.

They tower so tall, over her are so erect;

So easy: surrendering to the will of the majority.

They probe and they prick,

With sessions so slick,

Yet so invasive.

Because its so pervasive,

So easy, to just along,

To sing sadly from the sheet of their hypocrite song!

'Oh I am poorly! Oh treat me, please!'

'Treat me, daddy! Treat me daddy!'

Rather than have her voice loudly drowned out

By those white-coated gentleman

She dare not live without-

Only to be roughed around by their idiotic henchman.

It would too deeply wound her vanity

To admit its all just a sad masquerade.

Just one giant profanity,

Just one big charade.

Afterall, she just craves a bit of attention.

Foolish woman, you are the bulwark of convention.

The Tryst

Her skin so pale, her lips so pink noone could resist.

Heartsong long gone, mislayed by years of myst.

Bridal veil, a pall, throwing more darkness over it all;

Could hardly dim out the grave's comely call.

A song so sad and sweet, untouched by human hands-

So she could take flight at last, a bird in distant lands.

Swooning her towards her end, scythe of crescent moon;

To the only place wounds might mend- pray it be soon.

Her husband, so worried, called a speeding ambulance;

A frightful misjudgement of comtempory circumstance.

But, thankfully, she was alive to his thoughtless deeds;

She had a hidden secret store of bitter poppy seeds.

Her skin so pale, her lips so pink noone could resist.

She made a final pact, the ultimate unswerving tryst.

Sharp needle, a tear, after neatly combing her hair;

She settled her account with life and left its meagre lair.
Beautiful Id
Freud annoyed the drug-barons, by proposing the 'talking cure',
When he spoke of 'healing through love', their jaws just hit the floor.
Still, he didn't eschew their ways completely-kidnapping remained to the fore,
Not wanting all his business to dry up, or to lose test-subjects galore.
He gave the squalid profession an ounce of intellectual allure,
Allowing it to grow beyond the confines of the four padded walls.
Suggesting the hidden sexual motives of humanity, especially of kids,
He did his best to shock - nay, appal -, like all outstanding yids.
And even if, by Joe, his work was mostly titillating fables and fibs,
At least he managed quite well of extreme prudishness the world to rid.
He excelled in showing how society, makes our true natures become hid,
But because of his inherently hypocritical profession, only half-lifted the lid.
The way his heirs rape and pillage their patients, it is an ugly sore,
That leaves all true seekers amongst us, wanting so much more.
We await that liberator of the spirit, to go so much further than he did,
To tear away the straight-jacket, the chemicals, and free that beautiful id.

“Philosophy is the only true therapy.” -- M. J. L.

Psychiatric Scapegoat

The priests in white coats are carving up another offering,

Your son, your daughter - send them to us for offing.
Once in our hands, they will be dead long before they're in their coffin.

A slow, tormented sacrifice is our new-fangled device.

So long drawn-out, unnoticeable, with a treatment that's chimerical,
We can all pretend we're doing them good with this cruel chemical,
And just lock-up all Kafkas whose axes might shatter our ocean ice.

Or why not re-introduce one of our old favourites,

One which can turn men into mice with but one slice?
Lobotomize the wise, rescue them from fate's roll of the dice,
By fulfilling their worst nightmares all at once.

After all, destiny can't rob them when they have nothing left.
So turn a sage into a dunce. After their spirit has lost its heft,
They'll be easier for both of us to control. Let your consciences lull.

Have no fear: if they continue to talk back - ohhh, the temerity! -

We'll follow it up with some electro-convulsive therapy!

If there's one thing we can't stand its talk of 'the soul'.

In our view, men are genetically-programmed machines,
Tiny cogs who are simply no use to us when they're on "the dole".
We resent it very much when a good slave asks what it all means.

Let's all pretend the notion that virtue is developed is a myth.

That poetry and philosophy are just some sacred shibboleth.
There is something inveterately wrong with your own kith -
If they throw you a sad, betrayed look, just plead the Fifth!

Sweeter to believe than that their was some fault in their education,
Your own sins for which you now seek this perverse and awful oblation.

As we rob another life of its savour, for the slightest anomalous behaviour,
Drugging your kids until their brains are no bigger than a hen's,
The cheque in our wallets, the fake lump in our gullets, shall be our "amen"s.
So, please, submit this to your most penetrating lens.

Would you like us to operate, or have you still left some decency and common-sense?
The Morgue
Nestled near the back, in the basement of this colossal, degenerate hotel,
Lies the neatly stacked, chilled remains of those who are no longer ill.
The decaying remnants of those whom even the blade could not save,
Whose tortured spirits, on disinfected tables, gave their last breath away.
No manner of modern tinkering could out-do their incurable fate,
Now they lay in a man-made limbo, lingering on, yet lifeless, they wait..
Rather like they did while still alive on all those sundry, gargantuan lists,
As the rain and wind ripped all the roses to shreds, through the rising mists.

All you geriatric gymnasts, leaping from one death-defying illness to another,
Your tricks will come to an end here, just like your incontinent old mother.
Those who never amounted to much in life grow in stature in this place.
They have been through a lot.. probably even more than you or I...

Botched jobs, tumorous children, murder-victims...

All gather here together, coagulating like a muddy river in stormy weather.
For the next few cold hours, the buzzing florescent light will be their only hymns.

Surgeons sleepy from too many long nights on shift....

Their heroic failures line these corridors. Throw another Martini into the mix,
Its time to drown our sorrows. Not a few of these quiet inmates were killed by cocktails of their
own....Pharmaceuticals is big business, after all.
But the real errors, like me, still walk amongst you. Proud, ashamed. Not nearly so tall...

“There are many things that a “slave” knows that a “free man” doesn't,
or doesn't even suspect. Perhaps even his Master doesn't either. “ -- M. J.
Brain is Broken

Brain is broken,
At least give me a small token,
The moment I was awoken,
Was precisely the moment it was broken...

Living with disease, degeneration,

Became my permanent occupation.
This is what becomes of those
Receiving 'mental health services' attention;
Induct you into a ceremony of ritual degradation,
Tell you this is your whole life's Station,
Put you on toxic medication,
Self-fulfilling its own prophesy of invalidation,
Producing chronic deterioration,
Sending the bill to the nation!

But once, in ways that still require some adumbration,

In ways that escape those fools powers of concentration -
In fact, being sadly beyond ALL demonstration...
This is why I am now hell-bent fury of frustration...
appearing of 'madness' incarnation! -
Being unable to prove the cause of reparation
And achieve a modicum of just restoration -
But once, I was the budding architect
Of my own soul's infinitely precious salvation!

Brain is broken,
At least give me a small token,
The moment I was awoken,
Was precisely the moment I was broken...

Hark! When one is in a state of psychic perturbation,

Of intense inner concentration, she requires the most
Exceptional care and compassionate give birth to the next spiritual
generation....her own personal next time, save this 'blitzcare' obliteration and
abomination! Or once more sentence your own innocent child to an agonizing, life-long damnation!
Hearing, hearing, and once again hearing its pitiful excruciating lamentation!
“The incarcertation of free thinking healthy people in madhouses is
spiritual murder, it is a variation of the gas chamber, even more cruel;
the torture of the people being killed is more malicious and more
prolonged. Like the gas chambers, these crimes will never be forgotten
and those involved in them will be condemned for all time during thier
life and after their death.”

-- Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Teenage Trends
I just heard of something, strange and new;
I know I'm exceptional, could this be the clue?
Now I can externalize, my sense of alienation;
I'll just quickly engage in, a bit self genital-mutilation!

Am I a boy, that's meant to be a girl?

Am I a girl, that's meant to be a boy?
Straight to clinic, no time to unfurl;
They're making money, my nature destroy.

So conflicted in my social identity,

So in thrall to the group,
My body is its carvery,
I'll become its poor dupe.

At least this way I'll fit in,

With the hip crowd be in.
My fleshly temple in the bin;
No offspring for me.

God, forgive me, I was still too young to realize that this was my only life;
Daubed in medical paraphernalia, from the day I was born;
Too innocent to comprehend the irreversible evil of that surgical knife.
Created whole, but now I am torn.
Little Bird Smashed
Its wings were all a flutter,
Beneath the midday squall.
Flew at break-neck pace,
Into the invisible wall.
It didn't recall its place,
It was not a domestic beast.
Hurled with such might,
Up against the glass ceiling.
Neck shattered. Dead heart;
No song.
Dr. Strangelove

By Christ, if this is your 'care', if this is your love, ....................................................

Could you not have spared us, and simply given us your more forthright, more honest

hate instead?
Hymn To The Medicated Messiah

Pure air, shining sunlight,

A conscience crystal-clear,
Reflecting a soul so white,
As the electrodes draw near.

A compact bullet of spirit,

Of bold and blistering merit,
To cut through Night's fog,
And slay the army of Magog.

O, valiant hero from beyond

Lead us to the Elysium Fields,
With a wisdom unfeigned,
And strength that never yields.

Sink not to glib compromise,

But with wild penetrating eyes,
Let forth your insane rage
Upon this unsuspecting age.

O great lunatic, O mad sage,

Write a glittering new page!
Madness Is A Form Of Love

A lunatic, according to its true definition, is he who is possessed by an amorous intoxication with
the moon: In other words, with the unconscious motive principle of all Life on earth. To others, he
can be identified as he who dances to, what is to them, an inaudible, non-existent tune. In reality, his
jig is as inwardly necessary as are the fields of hops at their annual time of rebirth. Meddling with
its natural course can cause tidal waves big enough to drown a seahorse.

For he still carries the strength, that others have lost, for wild flights of ecstasy, home-brewed by his
own gallant imagination. He would repudiate the very dirt we walk on if it stirs not the desire in his
breast. But in his proud pursuit of self-realization comes abandonment to self-revelation, to
unflinching honesty in a world of war and deception, that makes him the naked-infant-on-a-
doorstep target of all well-trained busy-bodies, conformity enforcers. How they long to divorce him
from the warm light of Nature's hearth! In his beautiful simplicity, this Noble Savage disregards the
wisdom of Christ's time-honoured tale, and asks against the entire tide of human history, against the
insipid simulacra of everyday thoughts and gestures, against the stupid, iron-clad rules of the State,
against the nonsensical taboos of society, against every bitter betrayal that has crushed the heart of
man- simply to love and be loved for who he truly is.

“I saw thousands who could’ve overcome the darkness, but for the love
of a lousy buck I watched them die.”
-- Bob Dylan
City Sage

Shunned by the trance-laden masses,

Spat on by the self-appointed 'elite',
Just around some dirty corner street
In every major city, even today,
In his sleeping bag curled up within
Some dusty back alley passage way...
A Buddha patiently dwells -
Waiting for the world's holy wonder to re-awaken.


By lying low on crowded streets,

I rise like warm vapours from vents in the pavement,
Above the multitudinous mind.
I have, I am - everything and nothing:
My words shout surrender, but my voice is filled with design;
Without a penny to my name, the entire city is my boudoir.
For them it is a battleground of all against all.
But pity and gratitude are the portion on which I survive;
Hand-outs to my cupped palms put a swagger in my stride!

On many tempestuous nights have I revelled like an awe-struck child,

Frolicking freely through the neon wilderness, or riled.
Greed makes the garbage cans brim bountifully for me,
Yet I exist without the trappings of mainstream materiality.

The moment is forever balanced perfectly within,

And I am at the very centre of the storm-
The mesmerizing mass-market parade -
The hub of it all. All verve through their nerves,
No stall - at every stall.
Inwardly still, inwardly me.
You think I'm the exception?

One of my comrades in alms is Jesus - only with breasts -

And another has tales and tunes that would put Tom Waits to the test.

One look at us, sitting with blankets on the sidewalk, and the coldest hearts melt.
We may not be at home in our beds, but are we not more at home in Die Welt ?
In this free-access condominium beneath the stars,
Love, I take in, multiply and radiate outwards
To the tops of skyscrapers down to the shadowy unconscious sea;
Which we homeless embody as the archetype of this poor suffering humanity:
For - and remember this, ye who build your castles so proud and so tall -
We are all as beggars before the mighty One And All.

“In a mad world, only the mad are sane.”

― Akira Kurosawa
Zeus Beware

Merrily, merrily! We celebrate your doom.

Nothing is more enchanting than a human tomb!
Except, perhaps, a tomb of the Gods!
Their ghastly corpses linger on in our absent noses
As fragrant and sweet as a pocket full of posies !
Millennia of your longings lay buried beneath the sod.

Skeleton bones clatter on coffins like xylophones!!!

Frolicsome! Frolicsome! We waltz around your graves.

As pleasant to us a rotting saint, as a galley full of knaves.
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, so the music swirls.
The guest of honour - a buzzing, blue-eyed fly,
Beholds it all! Like a panoramic camera's looming eye,
Deep into the night the festivity whirls.

The dolphins are throwing themselves into the nets,

The prodigies are pumping themselves full of pills.

Harken to my words! My bygone beauties,

The world's end is nigh, and, I, Hades,
Shall finally rule as Lord over this pitiful planet.
Such is the wisdom that Time knows,
With each new epitaph, my army grows.

“When practicing medicine and practicing coercion are conflated you are
on the slippery slope towards Auschwitz.”

-- Peter Stastny
Thoughts Of The Unborn

So, finally, I am.

I am ! The universe is alive.
It's my mum.
The world is a throbbing hive,
And I am the Queen bee.
It is made to comfort me.

A multiform, rippling tapestry of veins and nerves,

Support and nourish each of my incipient verves.
It has been like this since the first moment I can remember,
I suck from a cord in my tummy,
And am granted sustenance so warm and yummy!

There is little need to cheat or dissemble.

No need to pretend I'm not hurt, by the lies that you assert,
And the chemicals that you insert.

I know you love me.

Still, with each new passing day,

My hunger grows without delay.
I have already learned to wage war
For the sake of having more, more, more.

I summon my strength and send out signals of distress

Letting life know
It must make expiations for getting me in this sticky mess.

I sit snugly in this little patch,

And snatch and snatch and snatch.

Still, it usually yields to the pinings my will wields.

Somehow... I have this dream of wide-open fields,

Starry skies, hopes that penetrate beyond all whys.

But even now, I can already smell my necessary demise.

Just as I now joyously grow, soon, I can sense it,

I will be over-run by woe. My existence is a piece of
Brute injustice, of which I am both victim and
perpetrator, righted only by the decomposition of
Passing years.
So let it not shock you, if I mark my new arrival with...

Much blood, and many tears!

“Your aim is to justify life within your own Being.” -- M. J. L.

The Gravest Sin

I love you truly, madly, deeply.

I want you to be content-

Like a new born lamb, Heaven-sent,

Nursing upon its mother deeply.

You crave pain, because

It reminds you of your childhood.

It must be difficult, being misunderstood;

But I am at a bit of a loss.

Should I regale you in further suffering?

Should I tie a tourniquet around your loins,

And throw the wishing well a few coins?

Is that the compassionate thing?

I love you truly, madly, deeply,

I want you to be content-

Like a new born lamb, Heaven-sent,

Nursing upon its mother deeply.

Your self-doubt, while charming,

May be clouding sun, moon and stars;

But you're shining from the planet Mars.

Lover, your desire is embalming.

It preserves the beast in me,

And nurses the child in you,

On the teat of blackest hue.

Your tears replenish the sea.

I love you truly, madly, deeply,

I want you to be content-

Like a new born lamb, Heaven-sent,

Nursing upon its mother deeply.

Your tears replenish the sea,

Putting paid to your father's grin.

Little girl, accept yourself and be free.

Guilt is the gravest sin.

“Imagine if you were slightly odd, and the solution were to take and lock
you into a place where everyone was seriously mad. That would drive
anyone mad! If you've ever been in a madhouse, you know that it's an
environment calculated to make you crazy and keep you crazy. This
would never happen in an aboriginal or traditional society.” -- Terence
Never Before, Or Since
How I long to impregnate you with my dreams.
Your chameleon eyes, your Leonard Cohen sighs,
Your steeple of sadness and longing. Your hard knocks,
From your beloved, Catholic father who raised you.
Your weeping lilies, your perfect diction and grammar.
Your careful manners, your kind intentions,
Your vulgarly acute, natural intelligence and insight.
Your infinite masochistic, brave compassion.
Your beyond impeccable, refined, soulful taste in music.
Your maddeningly sweet, naughty, innocent little lies.
Your almost perverse freedom from hypocrisy.
Your glum, black-eyed, abysmal yet smiling pessimism.
Your quiet solitude and trembling, extreme,
Intense reticence, and politeness of heart.

Your blue, blue, blue eyes. Your complex

but beautiful features. And your causal, loose-hanging,
Pristinely unaffected, damn, blue sweater...
I never did meet a goddess such as you.
A Parable, 'Man And Truth'
“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad.”

--- Aldous Huxley

There was once a man with the true teaching on Life - the keys to Enlightenment and happiness beyond
most people's wildest comprehension. It applied to almost everyone except himself. Unfortunately, not
only was it also beyond most people's comprehension, but whenever he tried to convey this teaching,
only gibberish and sticky wet ash came out of his mouth. Furthermore, he was practically illiterate.
He prayed to God – or the devil – and asked him, 'O Lord, why have you given me this wonderful
teaching with no one to listen to me and heed your Word?'.

The blessed, miserable old git spoke thus:

'For many years, you have carried this teaching within you, ripe for the benefit of all humanity – except
yourself. Still, because you are not made to be an example, no one hearkened to your message. Worse, if
you were foolish enough to go out preaching, you were regarded as merely a bloody fool, and were
lucky if you escaped butchery for your pains, since only nonsense and sticky wet ash came out of your
mouth. Thus, you endured only mockery and humiliation for what I have given you. Indeed, you were
most vexed. But, though you are now old and will be gone soon, you still cling inextricably to your
truth, to this awful such a way showing admirable self-reverence and loyalty.. though it proved
of no use to yourself whatever and was in fact utterly futile. Thus should it be between every man and
the Truth.'
“The new order that is seeking to come into existence is mad when
judged by the limited standards of the enfeebled imagination that reigns
now in the name of reality...

The new order we are creating will lie between the realm of dream and
reality, of sanity and madness...It will have the vibrancy and intensity of
madness, the magical quality of a dream, but the fierceness of madness
will be restrained by the firm but gentle power of love, which will ensure
that the imagination is bound but not weakened by the task of
maintaining our unity as a species.”

― Seth Farber PHD, “The Spiritual Gift Of Madness: The Failure Of

Psychiatry And The Rise Of The Mad Pride Movement”
Rivers Of Eternity (For R. W.)
Two rivers miraculously intertwine; Two rivers miraculously intertwine;
Above our heads, the stars align. Beneath our eyes, the dew doth shine.
In all our colorful sins, we are akin: In all our excess glee, you and me.
Two happy lunatics- one broke free of the bin; Two happy mad- one a dearly trapped fairy;
The other, his wild fantasies enabling. The other, longing to set her free.

Love: a madness saner than sanity itself;

Dispensing knowledge like the Oracle at Delphi.
"Who is the wisest man in all the land? - Socrates"
He'll try his best to prove you wrong; never questioning cease.

Two rivers beautifully intertwine; Two rivers beautifully intertwine;

My soul is yours, your heart is mine. Words float upon lips, just like wine.
I'll try my best to prove you wrong; I'll try my best to prove myself false;
Let slip the secrets I have held anon. Even still, it quickens your pulse.
Yet still you hearken to my dark love song. To my nostrils you are sweet balsam.

Love: a madness more sober than sobriety;

Studying, like Nietzsche, a science of gaiety.
"Thou goest to women? Forgetest not thine whip!"
And I place a lilac flower on your hip.

Two rivers majestically intertwine; Two rivers majestically intertwine;

I can be cruel, or I can be kind. I can be crass, or I can be refined.
Whichever way, you may swoon; You can be shy, or you can brim over;
At my infatuated words-passion of the moon: I still feel luckier than a four-leaf clover:
Oh, how I long to cocoon you in my arms. And, besides, my heart tires of being a rover.

Love: a madness more healing than the pill.

"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies" - quoth Aristotle.
Into yours my river, and yours into mine, flows-
Carrying the bitter seeds, fallen from the rushes,

Through Fate's fearful marshes,

Which we both will downstream sow,
To make poppies of our past.
“Have you not heard of that madman who lit a lantern in the bright morning hours,
ran to the market place, and cried incessantly: "I seek God! I seek God!" -- As many
of those who did not believe in God were standing around just then, he provoked
much laughter. Has he got lost? asked one. Did he lose his way like a child? asked
another. Or is he hiding? Is he afraid of us? Has he gone on a voyage? emigrated? --
Thus they yelled and laughed.
The madman jumped into their midst and pierced them with his eyes. "Whither is
God?" he cried; "I will tell you. We have killed him-- you and I. All of us are his
murderers. But how did we do this? How could we drink up the sea? Who gave us the
sponge to wipe away the entire horizon? What were we doing when we unchained
this earth from its sun? Whither is it moving now? Whither are we moving? Away
from all suns? Are we not plunging continually? Backward, sideward, forward, in all
directions? Is there still any up or down? Are we not straying, as through an infinite
nothing? Do we not feel the breath of empty space? Has it not become colder? Is not
night continually closing in on us? Do we not need to light lanterns in the morning?
Do we hear nothing as yet of the noise of the gravediggers who are burying God? Do
we smell nothing as yet of the divine decomposition? Gods, too, decompose. God is
dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him.
"How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest
and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives:
who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What
festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the
greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to
appear worthy of it? There has never been a greater deed; and whoever is born after
us -- for the sake of this deed he will belong to a higher history than all history
Here the madman fell silent and looked again at his listeners; and they, too, were
silent and stared at him in astonishment. At last he threw his lantern on the ground,
and it broke into pieces and went out. "I have come too early," he said then; "my time
is not yet. This tremendous event is still on its way, still wandering; it has not yet
reached the ears of men. Lightning and thunder require time; the light of the stars
requires time; deeds, though done, still require time to be seen and heard. This deed is
still more distant from them than most distant stars -- and yet they have done it
It has been related further that on the same day the madman forced his way into
several churches and there struck up his requiem aeternam deo. Led out and called to
account, he is said always to have replied nothing but: "What after all are these
churches now if they are not the tombs and sepulchers of God?"
 Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science (1882, 1887), 125 (author's note: bold
Note: While the following does contain many valuable insights & accurate satire, it is also a
deliberately wanton exercise in shunning the bounds of respectability, ( perhaps for the therapeutic
value that entails in an excessively restricted, 'sanitized' society.) It is perhaps a 'send-up', that does
not reflect the full spectrum of the author's views, only a partial, temporary & somewhat hazy
snapshot. Some of it will be thought highly offensive; it is the author's view that true therapy always
needs to be permitted a free space in which to offend.
It is inspired by the idea that real philosophy always involves questioning one's own sanity & that
of others, & that philosophy should be the resolute 'gadfly' against society.

It is not just a work of philosophy, but a work of art.

However you may take what follows, I unreservedly condemn the initiation of violence of any kind
(including any activities that violate the notion of consent).
The following work “Gaslit By A Madman: The Certifiably TRUE Ravings Of A Sectioned
Philosopher”, is not to be taken at face value. It is rather a somewhat serious attempt to get inside
the head of a fairly, debatably intelligent 'mad' person at particular moment in his life (in this case,
myself), and see if his thoughts throw any light on anything (“what?! But he's mad”, I hear you cry
at the back... his opinions don't matter!!!) . It is in no way intended to detract from the very
admirable and hard work being done by Mental Health Professionals everywhere, with perhaps a
few exceptions (such as Dr. Stephen Atwood of one-time, South Wales N.H.S., or the aptly named
Dr. Talibani -- with his medieval inquisitorial, 'bargain-torture-basement' approach to the subtleties
of the mind -- of one-time, Ty Sirhowy, South Wales hospital. However, on a side note, it must be
remembered that even these two most excellent men are considered pillars, bastions and true gems
of their community by their proud and most excellent peers. So who am I to judge?? ) .

It is dedicated to those two excellent men, and also to Tony Blair -- one
of the few great leaders of recent times. I wish him the utmost success in his latest office and
initiatives in the Tony Blair Institute For Global Change, admirably described as “new policy
platform to refill the wide open space in the middle of politics”. Also, “to help make globalisation
work for the many, not the few.” Perhaps a little ominously (especially for ex-Iraqis), he also
opines that he is looking forward to getting his ‘hands dirty’ -- but I’m sure that is just a
colloquialism -- another charming euphemism of some kind.

It is also dedicated to Enoch Powell, who is less remembered and praised for his valiant and noble
opposition to the dessicration and destruction of the rights of people labelled ‘mentally ill’ than he
ought to be, a long with his other more well known, valiant and dasterdly contributions.

To quote and paraphrase Nietzsche: “The enemy I love, and the friend I hate.”

2nd & primary Dedication:

To King James I, my namesake (middle name) & authorizer of the King James Bible,

Staunch defender against the Catholic Inquisition (“Psychiatry is a continuation of the Catholic
Inquisition” -- Dr. Thomas Szasz) & passionate defender of the English Monarchy & individual
liberty, & keeper of the peace against barbaric, violent religious fanatics, (while upholoding &
clearly promoting what he believed to be true Christianity – a more tolerant, yet scripture-based
form) who was once said to be“The Wisest Fool In England.”


Hail Ra,
O Great God Of The Sun

& Lord Of The Nile

I stand watching the reeds wave
To and fro by the mouth of the lake;
Light shimmers across a watery grave,
To charm an old river-snake.

Those knitted husks hypnotize my mind,

Clouding over the bitter anguish.
By sweet vengeance, we all find,
The cure for lives that languish.

Through cracked smiles and knowing

Gestures, we satiate the dread;
Knowing that one day too we are going,
Going one day soon to be dead.

But, let us not fade sans accomplishment!

Nay, let us not pall without a boast!
To this we drink in merriment,
To this we raise a hearty toast.

Now their souls and mine are entwined,

Now they are my lovers forever;
I strangled them and candlelit dined,
On their remains across the river.

Their bones lie buried deep beneath

The shimmering surface of my smile;
(I ground what I could into a broth)
You are cracked by guilt and wreaths.

But I'm the Lord of the Nile...

Part II
Gaslit By A Madman:
The Certifiably TRUE Ravings Of A Sectioned

“Mental health is primarily a philosophical issue.

So many people have to choose reality in opposition to society, or society in opposition to reality,
and the tension can be unbearable.

When the world is mad, being sane is dangerous.”

--- Stefan Molyneux

“Sometimes, because my position has not been made clear enough, people think I’m a sort of
radical anarchist who has an absolute hatred of power. No! What I am trying to do is to approach
this extremely important and tangled phenomenon in our society, the exercise of power, with the
most reflective, and I would say prudent attitude. Prudent in my analysis, in the moral and
theoretical postulates I use: I try to figure out what’s at stake. But to question the relations of power
in the most scrupulous and attentive manner possible, looking into all the domains of its exercise,
that’s not the same thing as constructing a mythology of power as the beast of the apocalypse.”

--- Michel Foucault

“Madness, as I conceive it, means most of all the ultimate dissolution of boundaries. Of all
boundaries hitherto, and perhaps all boundaries as such. To me, that is what our age, and spiritual
transformation and health as such, is about. The dissolution of old boundaries and the erection of
new ones over‘God’s tomb’. But, contra Nietzsche, God is NOT dead: He is merely ‘over-coming
himself’. He is becoming Over-God!” – M. J. L.

“If we have chosen the position in life in which we can most of all work for mankind, no burdens
can bow us down, because they are sacrifices for the benefit of all; then we shall experience no
petty, limited, selfish joy, but our happiness will belong to millions, our deeds will live on quietly
but perpetually at work, and over our ashes will be shed the hot tears of noble people.”

“'atheism' ... reminds one of children, assuring everyone who is ready to listen to them that they are
not afraid of the bogy man.”

-- Karl Marx
"Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death....
Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege,
established institutions, and comfortable habit. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid.
Thought is great and swift and free, the light of the world, and the chief glory of man."

--- Bertrand Russell

“Life is suffering
Love is the desire to see unnecessary suffering ameliorated
Truth is the handmaiden of love
Dialogue is the pathway to truth
Humility is recognition of personal insufficiency and the willingness to learn
To learn is to die voluntarily and be born again, in great ways and small
So speech must be untrammeled
So that dialogue can take place
So that we can all humbly learn
So that truth can serve love
So that suffering can be ameliorated
So that we can all stumble forward to the Kingdom of God”

― Jordan B. Peterson
“Significance of madness in the history of morality. – When in spite of that
fearful pressure of ‘morality of custom’ under which all the communities of
mankind have lived, many millenia before the beginnings of our calendar
and also on the whole during the course of it up to the present day (we
ourselves dwell in the little world of the exceptions and, so to speak, in the
evil zone):- when, I say, in spite of this, new and deviate ideas, evaluations,
drives again and again broke out, they did so accompanied by a dreadful
attendant: almost everywhere it was madness which prepared the way for
the new idea, which broke the spell of a venerated usage and superstition.
Do you understand why it had to be madness which did this? Something in
voice and bearing as uncanny and incalculable as the demonic moods of
the weather and the sea and therefore worthy of a similar awe and
observation? something that bore so visibly the sign of total unfreedom as
the convulsions and froth of the epileptic, that seemed to mark the
madman as the mask and speaking-trumpet of a divinity? Something that
awoke in the bearer of a new idea himself reverence for and dread of
himself and no longer pangs of conscience and drove him to become the
prophet and martyr of his idea? — while it is constantly suggested to us
today that, instead of his grain of salt, a grain of spice of madness is joined
to genius, all earlier people found it much more likely that wherever there
is madness there is also a grain of genius and wisdom — something ‘divine’,
as one whispered to oneself. Or rather: as one said aloud forcefully enough.
‘It is through madness that the greatest good things have come to Greece’,
Plato said, in concert with all ancient mankind. Let us go a step further: all
superior men who were irresistibly drawn to throw off the yoke of any kind
or morality and to frame new laws had, if they were not actually mad, no
alternative but to make themselves or pretend to be mad —- and this
indeed applies to innovators in every domain and not only in the domain of
priestly and political dogma:—- even the innovator of poetical metre had to
establish his credentials by madness. (A certain convention that they were
mad continued to adhere to poets even into much gentler ages., a
convention of which Solon, for example, availed himself when he incited
the Athenians to reconquer Salamis. — ‘How can one make oneself mad
when one is not mad and does not dare to appear so?’ —- almost all the
significant men of ancient civilization have pursued this train of thought; a
secret teaching of artifices and dietetic hints was propagated on this
subject, together with the feeling that such reflections and purposes were
innocent, indeed holy. The recipes for becoming a medicine-man among
the Indians, a saint among the Christians of the Middle Ages, an angekok
among Greenlanders, a pajee among Brazilions are essentially the same:
senseless fasting, perpetual sexual abstinence, going into the desert or
ascending a mountain or a pillar, or ‘sitting in an aged willow tree which
looks upon a lake’ and thinking nothing at all except what might bring on
an ecstacy and mental disorder. Who would venture to take a look into the
wilderness of bitterest and most superfluous agonies of soul in which
probably the most fruitful men of all times have languished! To listen to
the sighs of these solitary and agitated minds: ‘Ah, give me madness, you
heavenly powers! Madness, that I may at last believe in myself! Give
deliriums and convulsions, sudden lights and darkness, terrify me with
frost and fire such as no mortal has ever felt, with deafening din and
prowling figures, make me howl and whine and crawl like a beast: so that I
may only come to believe in myself! I am consumed by doubt, I have killed
the law, the law anguishes me as a corpse does a living man: if I am not
more than the law I am the vilest of all men. The new spirit which is in me,
whence is it if it is not from you? Prove to me that I am yours; madness
alone can prove it.’ And only too often this fervour achieved its goal all too
well: in that age in which Christianity proved most fruitful in saints and
desert solitaries, and thought it was proving itself by this fruitfulness, there
were in Jerusalem vast madhouses for abortive saints, for those who had
surrendered to it their last grain of salt.”
— Friedrich Nietzsche, “Daybreak: Thoughts Of The Prejudices Of
Morality”, 14
“Philosophy exists to harm stupidity.” – Giles Deleuze


The work you see before you is based upon years of experience on the receiving end of so-called
'Mental Health' treatment. It consists in a kind of scatter-shot (wrongly & cruelly label someone
'mad', and do NOT expect them to humiliate themselves further by then jumping thru' your
disingenuous hopes of 'scholarly propietey' or 'normal respectability'... although most of what I say
is highly coherent, well supported by evidence and well thought-through – it just isn't presented in a
typical essay or scholarly format. But if this worked for Nietzshce and many others, who are you to
knock it?) deconstruction of the current paradigm, better viewed, as I argue, as a type of iatrogenic
drug-pushing, including an attempt at a 'trans valuation of values', to borrow the Nietzschean term,
that seeks to re-rehabilitate and provide a positive interpretation of notions of madness, irrationality
and general life problems and crises which are currently lumped under the ever more imperialistic,
oppressive, nauseating and demeaning title of 'mental illness' --- as if the human soul, and all that
has ever been studied of it, were but a minor and rather tasteless side branch and speciality of bodily
medicine, like its juvenile-delinquent little nephew. While it is now quite popular to talk of 'fighting
the stigma around mental illness', the fact remains that this stigma is caused primarily by the so-
called 'experts' themselves, who resort to such queasy metaphors in the first place, among far graver
ploys, and thereby either instinctively or consciously seek to diminish the dignity and beauty, the
poetry of Man's great story, his search for his own true self and his troubled voyages beneath the
twinkling stars. It may seem that I have gone too far in the opposite direction, but to those who say
this, I respond that every action requires an equal and opposite reaction. I am one who has been
trampled on and defamed to the most burning pits of Hell by this so-called 'Science'; is it any
wonder I rail against it? As the German 19th century philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
espoused, all Truth comes about through a process of the dialectical interplay of opposites. Truly, if
there is one thing I'm not, its a dupe for circumscribed, 'polite' prohibitions of speech. It is only by
exploring the limits of what can be said on the side of this much maligned visitor – of madness –
that we may yet come to a true and balanced view of the issue. For the Truth here is so
revolutionary that it cannot be restricted to tentative quotidian, painfully well-mannered, 'sociable'
phrases, which aim to avoid ruffling any feathers. On the contrary, as I see it, the goose here needs
to be thoroughly plucked and roasted so that we can finally enjoy the golden eggs she's been hiding
all these years...

Finally, it is important to emphasize that although this work only apparently (if that) skirts on other,
wider political issues, & is really only a sketch of my thinking so far, it is yet in fact not only a work
of personal & collective therapy, but a significant work of political science for today of a quite high
philosophical, spiritual depth and mastery, shedding considerable light on the most fundamental
issue of our times that suffuses and saturates all other, extremely dire social, political and existential
emergencies; in effect, in many ways laying bear the situation at which our general “collective
unconscious” is at today. Almost every word in it is laced with precisely the optimum admixture of
venom and panacea! (But, as was Nietzsche's proceedure too, pray ye, do not expect easy answers
or all the conclusions to be neatly spelled out! As he said, the aim is not only to attract the right
readers, but also, perhaps more importantly, to drive away the wrong sort of readers...) (Or in my
case, perhaps, to drive away all readers! -- *Rolls his eyes cynically & playfully, frothing
charmingly at the mouth a little like a handsome yet rabid hound* ) I hope to follow it up with a
more comprehensive, thorough & nuanced work in a few years time, if I am still living and not yet
too disabled by the oh-so-“caring” ministrations of the incredibly kind nurses, or “wards of State”!
“Now I ask you: what can be expected of man since he is a being endowed with such strange
qualities? Shower upon him every earthly blessing, drown him in a sea of happiness, so that nothing
but bubbles of bliss can be seen on the surface; give him economic prosperity, such that he should
have nothing else to do but sleep, eat cakes and busy himself with the continuation of his species,
and even then out of sheer ingratitude, sheer spite, man would play you some nasty trick. He would
even risk his cakes and would deliberately desire the most fatal rubbish, the most uneconomical
absurdity, simply to introduce into all this positive good sense his fatal fantastic element. It is just
his fantastic dreams, his vulgar folly that he will desire to retain, simply in order to prove to himself
– as though that were so necessary – that men still are men and not the keys of a piano, which the
laws of nature threaten to control so completely that soon one will be able to desire nothing but by
the calendar.
And that is not all: even if man really were nothing but a piano-key, even if this were proved to him
by natural science and mathematics, even then he would not become reasonable, but would
purposely do something perverse out of simply ingraititude, simply to gain his point. And if he does
not find means he will contrive destruction and chaos, will contrive sufferings of all sorts, only to
gain his point! He will launch a curse upon the world, and as only man can curse (it is his privilege,
the primary distinction between him and other animals), maybe by his curse along he will attain his
object – that is, convince himself that he is a man and not a piano-key! If you say that all this, too,
can be calculated and tabulated, chaos and darkness and curses, so that the mere possibility of
calculating it all before hand would stp it all, and reason would reassert itself, then man would
purposely go mad in order to be rid of reason and gain his point! I believe in it, I answer for it, for
the whole world of man really seems to consist in nothing but proving to himself every minute that
he is a man and not a piano-key! It may be at the cost of his skin, it may be by cannibalism! And
this being so, can one help being tempted to rejoice that it has not yet come off, and that desire still
depends on something we don't know?” --- Fydor Dostoyevsky
Introduction, Part II

Monologue With A Madman

by Max J. Lewy

Part I:

“Are you feeling O.K.?”

“Yes, I'm fine, thank you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I have a 'fixed false belief'”

“That means you're crazy!”

“Are you sure?”

“Not at all, its what my Dr. said”

“Well, if he says it, it must be true!”


Part II:

“So, you learned to trust your Dr. then, did you?”


“That's good.”

“So you don't go believing your own silly opinions any more.”

“Absolutely, they're all rubbish. Especially the ones I'm most convinced about.”

“Hmm. Interesting. If all your opinions are rubbish, how do you know that your opinion that they're
rubbish isn't also rubbish?”
“I trust my Dr.”

“But then your opinion that he is trustworthy must also be rubbish, or at any rate equally

“True. It seems if I can't trust myself, I can hardly trust my trust in my Dr. either. That one isn't even
in line my own senses, (especially when he's sending a thousand volts through my poor cranium!)”

“Well, what with all the peculiar, cold, clinical, painful, invasive, non-consensual things he does to
you then, that must be bloody terrifying.”


Part III

“So, you're sure you're fine?

“Yes. My memory is still addled from the last treatment.”

“That doesn't sound so good.”

“Well, it means that I don't complain so much, so I won't get shocked again so soon. So it makes me

“Ah yes. That always puts a silly smile on your face.”

“You're right.”

“Pity about the brain damage though. Is that why you're talking to yourself?”


“Yes, because now you lack inner retention. Am I right?”

“Sorry, I've forgotten what you just said.”

“I said its because you lack inner retention. You can't build on your own ideas within your own
mind, and need to express them immediately or else they just vanish. But because of your tormented
experiences, no one else can relate to what the Hell you're on about, and they've all abandoned you,
so you're left chattering away to yourself like an old loon in 'The Bin'. Isn't that right?”

“Yes, actually that's right.”

“Sorry, what is?”

Part IV

“So, you're not doing too well then after all, if I remember correctly. You're plagued by utter self-
doubt, yet full of delusional conviction at the same time, and the only person you 'trust' is
electrically and chemically raping and torturing you so badly that you've become a gibbering idiot,
who is afraid to admit it lest he receive further unwanted 'medical attention'.”

“You say it better than I could. I can never think of what to say when people ask me about that on
the spot. I just see... flashes.”



“Hmmm. O.K.”

“So basically you're extremely scared of your Dr., but so afraid your afraid even to say it; nay,
you're so afraid that you're afraid to even admit your fear to yourself, or outwardly express your
normal distress signals. Instead they appear in 'flashes' inside your own head.”

“No that's not true.”

“Are you sure?”


“But you admit you're delusional.”


“So perhaps you really are afraid.”

“Don't say that.”


“Please don't harm me.”

“Do you feel that expressing your fear will be interpreted as an act of aggression?”


“Ah. Well, that is an act of aggression just saying so. What a hypocrite.”

“I'm sorry.”

“Oh you're going to be sorry.”

Hail Jesus!
“Whoever sayeth 'thou fool' shall be in danger of Hellfire” Matthew 5:22, King James Bible

N.B.: As I draw from both camps of contemporary intellectuals – quoting
Jordan Peterson, Michel Foucault, Stefan Molyneux, & Slavoj Zizek --
hopefully I can play a small part in bridging the atrocious, gaping divide
that threatens to swallow both in a lamentable, potentially cataclysmic
frenzy of irrational violence.
1) Ruined yet rational. What knowledge do I wish to impart? 'Why don't you just spit it out?' I hear
you cry. Spit myself out. Such is the rush with which all confessions are pushed nowadays. Well, I
know how it is, so here you go: I want to yell that MY MIND IS RUINED.
Got that? Obviously not. For I want to convey what cannot be conveyed. I want to portray
the sweep, the grandeur of my loss when it is precisely the brain, the organ of communication, that
is the victim here – or culprit. Any appeals to former prowess could easily and quite naturally be
dismissed as but vain imaginings of a diseased mind. Worse still, any verbal virtue or insight that I
am still able, (and must necessarily to some extent display in order to attract a wanted audience)
defeats my thus stated aim.
On the other hand, if I don't do something to impress, why value my judgement at all? Is it
enough that I'm human, to set stall in my own witness of my own mental life? Obviously not...
I can but attempt a surface of sanity, of a sober and perspicacious intellect, that may give
some reason for similarly prudent persons to pause and entertain for a moment the dilapidated,
decimated condition I am attempting to purvey. For there is a difference between sanity and sobriety
on the one hand, and real flair and genius, or joyful serenity and eudaimonia, on the other.

2) Breaking our resistance. So: they have drugs for everything nowadays. They won't actually do
you any good, but they'll sure as hell give them to you. From the burgeoning blitz of energy that
makes you refuse to sit down in class, to that final spasm of veracity that makes you gaze back all
day with rose-tinted glasses, unable to say a word to the callous, bone-stripping present. Whole
peoples' experiences and deep personal striving towards the Good, the Beautiful, the Just, written
off in a few jazzy letters: 'ADHD'; 'Senile Dementia'. So it goes. You take your pills, and you lose.
Gradually at first, but: more and more, you lose yourself. Your ability to control your own emotion
states, to nurture and care for that little blue flame of the Self as you see fit. Soon, you just give up
trying; just go with the flow: 'Resistance is futile'! But once you lose your capacity to resist, you
lose your capacity for everything. You lose your capacity to be who you are, to delineate between
that and merely who you are expected to be. You become adrift in an endless ocean of despair
which dare not even speak its own name.

3) Begun to doubt. As I reached my latter teens, I had begun to question, to doubt. I was a Cartesian
monstrosity, a veritable solipsist, nihilist, and anything else you wouldn't want to meet in either a
bookshop or blind alley. I was all spleen and no heart, and my black bile ran deep. So many years...
So many wasted years. Years when I was being such a good boy, and for my reward? Left to sigh,
left to cry. So much potential, locked away by 'average everydayness', by the 'They'. Oh, everybody
is obsessed with themselves, especially the adults; they have their own issues. Repressions and
avoidances, which have become second nature, plus regrets which a bright young sprout like me
only begets. They can't put themselves in the mind of an intelligent adolescent. Confront them on
their negligence and they'll turn phosphorescent. They'll grow as pale and paralysed as the moon, if
you dare in epiphany to swoon. Everything must remain under control, sanitized, predictable, the
same as it always has been. They say we're becoming less traditional; but the less parents have to
pass on, the more frantically they cling to the status quo. I had such untapped energy, and nowhere
to row.
4) Cogito Ergo Amens. I think, therefore I’m mad.

Or at least I’ll be called it.

5) Seriousness.

“The crisis of modernity reveals itself in the fact, or consists in the fact, that modern western man
no longer knows what he wants – that he no longer believes that he can know what is good and
bad, what is right and wrong. Until a few generations ago, it was generally taken for granted that
man can know what is right and wrong, what is the just or the good or the best order of society – in
a word that political philosophy is possible and necessary. In our time this faith has lost its power...
Above all, as is generally admitted, modern culture is emphatically rationalistic, believing in the
power of reason; surely if such a culture loses its faith in reason's ability to validate its highest
aims, it is in a crisis” Leo Strauss, “The Three Waves Of Modernity”

“I contend that Weber's thesis (basis of modern social science) necessarily leads to nihilism or the
view that every preference, however evil, base or insane, has to be judged before the tribunal of
reason to be as legitimate as any other preference.” (brackets and italics added) Leo Strauss,
“Natural Right And History”

“The problem of philosophy is that the paradoxes of nihilism may constitute the most universal
condition or “highest principle” that rational thought has “progressed”. At the very pinnacle of
rational Western thought lays the proposition that life is meaningless. Is this the most
comprehensive insight that human reason is capable? Is this the fundamental conclusion that every
experience, all knowledge, and every moment of living existence must come to terms with?”,
Mitchell Heismann, “Suicide Note”.

A serious assimilation of contemporary thought conducts one precisely towards madness... Or as

they say in Wales, where I'm from, 'this is is driving me darn sheepbat-crazy!' --
6) Work On The Self. If one has any intelligence, one soon realizes its not the things 'out there' that
make one happy. Did I even want 'happiness'? I'd say I had an intuition of, an unwillingness to
reconcile myself to anything but something 'beyond' ordinary happiness, something that is difficult
to define, but that is best summed up as a childish sense that one's moral behaviour has a kind of
infinite worth, (in Freudian terms, a kind of recollection of being in the womb) linked to the largely
unconscious sense that some day in future, one will be rewarded and all one's upstanding
abstinences and obedience will be worth it, but in a way that can, perhaps by definition, never be
fully realized. When one begins to see the relative or even totally illusory nature of one's own
'worth', the lack of any 'absolute' good or evil in things themselves, or what that would even mean,
when one begins to ask such 'ultimate' questions, the fragile construct of docile and contented herd
conformity begins to collapse. At best, one suddenly begins to feel one's own separate existence for
the first time, the imperious demands of one's own flashing mortality. More often, one merely
languishes in almost total rudderlessness.... until the day when one's thought turns its dug-out ditch
rising up from most dismal nadir, and learns the hard lesson that not to will, not to will one's own
modest allocation of joy and delight on this earth, of happiness, however precarious and paltry, how
tentative in view of once amniotic wholeness one unconsciously recollects, or the intimidating
awesomeness of the 'God' who one inevitably envies and wishes to become, however humiliating all
this is, not to assert and defend oneself in this precarious world is to throw away one's only precious
pearls with the swine all about us, and to court the abject degradations, all the sheer misery and
inevitable Holocaust of a cold, pitiless Universe. And when one realizes all these things, and begins
to really will for the first time, in view of this abyss and dearth of objective meaning, one's inner
resources finally manifest themselves in an avatar of delirious freedom. Truly, it is not things 'out
there' that make one happy, but the free flow of the will that comes through a patient, diligent
carrying of oneself through the abyss of fear and uncertainty and commitment to faith and hope
spurred on and catalysed into eventual pregnancy then re-birth by the unremitting terror of a
premature and abject demise. With this free flow, the commitment to work on the self becomes
ever stronger, and material objects and worldly status are recognized for the distractions and
fraudulent decoys that they are. Finally again returns an increasingly pervasive echo of this lost
amniotic wholeness and fullness of Being one was originally seeking seemingly in vain.
Meaningful analogy. A physician who treats bones is called an osteopath, a physician who treats
with herbs is called a homeopath, so a physician who treats the mind is called? That's right kids, its
a 'psychopath'! * Well done!

*With due apologizes to (gentle, civilized, non-sectioning) practitioners of the 'talking cure'.

7) Reasons for madness.“People often get basic psychological questions backwards.... Why do
people suffer from anxiety? That's not a mystery. How is that people can ever be calm?
There's the mystery. We're breakable and mortal. A million things can go wrong, in a million
ways. We should be terrified out of our skulls at every second.'” --- Prof. Jordan B. Peterson
1) Parental neglect, dysfunction or abuse. 2) Existential, cultural and intellectual nihilism 3) The
education system 4) The destruction of the environment 5) The Psychiatric system itself 6)
Religion 7) The State 8) Political Correctness 9) War in the Middle East 10) Nuclear proliferation
11) Food surpluses and starvation In Africa 12) Consumerism 13) Relativism 14) Decay and wilful
destruction of tradition, organic community, and the nation state 15) Gender uncertainty 16) Diet
17) Lack of exercise and unhealthy lifestyles 18) Bullying and peer pressure 19) The 'daycare
generation' 20) Political apathy and alienation 21) Erosion of Civil Liberties 22) Stressed out, over-
taxed workforce 23) Lack of opportunity and inspiring role-models 24) The unobtainable allure of
Hollywood 25) The shallowness and trivia of celebrity culture and general everyday interactions
26) Islamic terrorism 27) Extreme right and left-wing indigenous terrorism 28) Wholesale and rapid
demographic shift 29) Aging population 30) The economic crash 31) The Banker Bail-out 32) The
corrupt, debt-based financial and economic system 33) Cronyism 34) The imminent rise of robots
and A.I. 35) Widespread and growing surveillance 36) Marital breakdown 37) Single mothers 38)
Uncertainty and conflict in relations between the sexes 39) Chemicals in food and water 40) G.M.O
41) The prospect of human cloning and genetic engineering of human beings 42) Mass social
changes 43) Growing racial, religious and ethnic tensions 44) Child violence and sexual abuse 45)
Systematic child victimization by the muslim arab community 46) Infant genital Mutilationm AKA
'circumcision', both male and female 47) School Massacres 48) Being lied to 49) Climate Change
50) Exhaustion of natural fuel and other resources 51) Worrying, anti-human secret projects and
services 52) Animal and human scientific experimentation 53) Over use of cosmetics 54) The war
on drugs 55) Over reliance on prescription drugs 56) Hospital mal-practice and excessive waiting
times 57) Tedious and pestering sales calls 58) Government over-regulation of the employment
sector and once ordinary, everyday activities 59) The criminalization of the sex trade 60)
Disinformation, conspiracy theories and 'fake news' 61) Highly agenda-driven media coverage 62)
Welfarism 63) Welfare checks 64) Tedious, machine-like jobs 65) Unemployment 66) Absence of
worldly wisdom and leisure time preparation 67) The complexity and inter-connectnessness of the
world, life in general and modern life in particular 68) The disenchantment of the world 69) Overly
abstract, non-person-centred approach to education 69) Lingering poverty and growing inequality in
the West and throughout the world, both economically and in terms of power distribution 70) The
corporation 71) Historical grievances 72) Unrecognised, largely unconscious grievances and
conflicts 73) Continuing sexual guilt and confusion, exacerbated by a superficial and hypocritical
licentiousness 74) Lack of mainstream information and guidance about vitamin intake, together
with prohibitive cost compared to free prescription, highly artificial chemical drugs 75)
Commercialization of the prison system 76) No-go areas in major cities 77) Widespread
homosexual rape in our prisons 78) Exploitation of loopholes in tax and other legal requirements
by the super-wealthy 79) The hollowing out of the middle class 80) Different rules for politicians
and the famous 81) Over-sexual censoriousness towards those in prominent positions 82) The
equation of widely divergent severity of crimes under the banner of 'sex crimes' 83) Vigilante
violence 84) Sexual and other abuse by those in power, i.e. the Catholic church and the medical
profession 85) Covered-up iatrogenic conditions 86) Misrepresentation, skewing and biased-
selection of data by the Pharmaceutical and other industries 87) Parallel system of justice and
detention at the tyrannical whims of doctors 88) Lack of powers and rights over one's own mind and
body, including the Right To Die and forced drugging 89) Returning presence of involuntary
euthanasia 90) Sterilization of those deemed 'unfit' through psychiatric and other prescription drugs
91) Burgeoning of imprecise, tyrannical laws subject to arbitrary interpretation and selective
enforcement 92) 'Hate speech' laws 93) Loss of sovereignty 94) Deforestation 95) Air pollution,
particularly in China 96) Child labour 97) Loss of confidence in the scientific and medical
establishment due to institutional corruption by Big Business 98) The enormous, largely
unexplained growth in major, debilitating illnesses, such as cancer, autism, depression and mental
illness in general, despite huge investment in these areas 99) The taboo and avoidance of talking
about death in Western culture 100) The overly sentimental attitude towards life, weakness, and
disease in general 101) The neglect and absence in teaching the traditional virtues, such as
prudence, courage, humility, etc. 102) The decline of political philosophy, which gave the more
intelligent a sense of the whole and their place within it 103) The squeezing out of small and
indigenous enterprises by the big corporations and the bland, homogenous, 'Mc-culture' that it
creates 104) The end of the history, the 'last man', and the lack of inspiring goals for which to aim
105) The uglification of our cities, our architecture and art 106) Over-population of the earth and
over-crowding of major cities 107) The high birth-rate of the most backward and uneducated parts
of our society, a long with the fall in birth-rate of the most able 108) Enormous waste and
despoiling of oceans, including major oil spills and plastic 109) The rapid extinction of native
wildlife, including some of the most beautiful and beloved species due to poaching, pollution and
destruction of native environment 110) The hunting and extermination of other highly intelligent,
sentient animals, such a Blue Whales or the netting of innocent dolphins 111) Widespread political
unrest and anti-capitalist sentiment and communist-like movements which threaten new mass
genocidal exterminations and upheaval 112) Breakdown in shared narratives due to new media 113)
Covert ties between the intelligent services, Big Business and social media 114) Propagation of fear
and diverting attention from real issues in the media 115) Monopolization of media outlets by a few,
closely-knit interest groups often sharing the same ethnicity and unacknowledged agendas, often
divergent from the interests of the public at large 116) The Israeli-Palestine crisis 117) Dishonesty
and misrepresentation of ethnic differences by the mainstream establishment, including over IQ,
cultural, social and political values 118) Censorship of anti-Islamic criticisms in the media, due to
fear of retaliation or misplaced cultural 'sensitivity' 119) Weaponization of language through phoney
terms like 'Islamophobia', 'Transphobia', and 'Xenophobia', imputing, bullying and stigmatizing with
irrational fears and 'mental illness', unsupported by evidence 120) Job uncertainty and fear of social
ostracism due to 'political correctness' 121) The overly-destructive tone and abandonment of the
pursuit of true philosophy, higher perspective and exhortation to virtue by the intellectual class,
including the 'post-modern' movement 122) The unmeasured and totally destructive pouring of
shame and scorn on our binding traditions, history and ways of life 123) Mis-treatment and
disrespect towards old people in our nursing homes, including the widespread use of toxic anti-
psychotic drugs purely in order to render them easier to quieten down and handle 124) The meat-
industry with its atrocious and unnecessary cruelty, whereby animals are kept in tiny, unnatural
'battery' pens and pumped full of hormones 125) The routine castration of the pets we supposedly
adore 126) The stigmatization of those who 'act out' of the prevailing corrupt system by way of
mental disorder or other even more insidious slurs 127) A corrupt, incompetent and politically
biased police force, who don't enforce the law impartially and often are caught planting evidence
128) Lack of access to fair trial, where most people pleading 'guilty' is necessary for the system to
even function, and means even innocent people are forced to go to jail and sully their names out of
prudent calculation 129) The 'three strikes and you're out' rules, whereby even petty criminals are
locked up for decades of their life 130) The proven executions of innocent men and women 131)
The inhumane way executions are carried out, with highly painful and unusual chemicals, even
though known, painless alternatives are available and have been for decades 132) Domestic
violence 133) Lack of discipline in schools 134) 'Dumbing down' in schools and throughout society
135) The simultaneously brutal and over-protective environment in schools, where many kids are
frightened of being beaten, bullied and even murdered, along side the notion that 'everyone must
have prizes' and 'Safe-space' culture of stifling divergent opinions 136) Stories, some confirmed and
others merely alleged, of paedophile rings amongst the highest echelons of society 137) Breakdown
of trust 138) Absence of consoling and edifying fables of religion 139) The real prospect of
imminent nuclear extinction 140) The come-back of major, more virulent infectious diseases 141)
Mandatory, possibly dangerous vaccines and increasingly aggressive 'scientific' medical
establishment. 142) Germ warfare 143) The decline of American hegemony and the rise of even
more authoritarian regimes like China 144) Involuntary organ harvesting 145) Cruel animal sports
146) Rogue States and international conflict, for instance with Russia 147) State theft and co-option
of the economy 148) State assassinations of political and social critics, even by supposedly 'liberal'
governments 149) Simultaneous support and undermining of any stable regime in the Middle East,
whether dictatorial or publicly elected 150) Increased use of torture, both officially sanctioned and
covert 151) Increased use of radio-active substances in conjunction with conventional warfare,
leaving radio-active fallout and genetic diseases for generations in their wake 152) Chemical
weapons used by unknown, mooted parties 153) Continual government over-spending 154) The
terrible inhumanity of North Korea and its worrying obtaining of nuclear weapons 155) Cyber-
warfare 156) The increasing threat of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons falling into the
hands of some random lone psychopath 157) The prospect of a technological singularity imbued
with God-like, tyrannical power with no semblance of human feeling to guide its use 158) The
problematic nature of imminent human life-extension in view of further over-population 159) The
threat of compulsory cyborg implants and chips that surreptitiously control our thoughts, behavior
and emotions or for some other purpose 160) The threat of using satellites from space for a similar
purpose 161) Divisive identity politics. 162) The possibility of the human race being split into sub
and super races, manipulated and defined by genetic engineering and other advanced techniques
163) The prospect that religion may hold some truth after all, and that a great punishment awaits us
in this life or in the next unto Eternity164) The splitting of culture and society into a mass of myriad
rival sects and ideologies with nothing to help us decide between one and the next 165) The
possibility of everyday fatalities in road accidents or other modern-day events that our ancestors
didn't have to deal with 166) Hilary Clinton's mad plastic eyes and smile. 167) The undue influence
of lobbying groups, monetary-donations and the industrial-military-pharmaceutical complex on the
political process. 168) The threat of the total monitoring and manipulation of human behaviour by
the State and Ai companies. 169) The dramatic alterations of the environment from that in which we
evolved and are naturally suited for, which has increased ever more rapidly in recent decades due to
the rise of digital and other technologies, as is only set to rise further. 170) Corruption in the U.N.,
and lack of a reliable, just worldwide authority to police global events 171) C.I.A. And other
governmental elicit and highly harmful experimentation on humans.

All of these things, and undoubtedly many more that I have not mentioned, could be considered a
legitimate reason for mad rage, or the birth pangs of a more clear-sighted, radical discontent which
are often wrongly construed as the onset of 'mental illness', whether it be 'depression',
'schizophrenia', 'attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, 'oppositional defiant disorder', or almost
any number of the superficial, distracting labels that mask the true causes of spiritual unease. None
of these labels identify a single true cause of distress or problem area, rather, what they do is create
a new problem ex nihilo, adding a stigmatic label and license to strip away an individual's personal
rights, a prelude to medicating the poor chap with toxic chemicals that will lastingly impair his or
her brain chemistry.

❝ A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found
out what's going on. ❞

— William S. Burroughs
8) Secret human experimentation: an 'excuse note' for paranoia.

MKULTRA, Subproject 69, run by Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron, in which patients were given
Electro-Convulsive Therapy at 30 times the normal power a long with psycho-active substances; the
granting of immunity to Dr. Shiro Ishii, the Japanese scientist who conducted experimentation
involving involuntary surgery on 10,000s of people without anaesthetic; Mustard Gas tested on
soldiers in the 1940s; release of whooping cough and other pathogens on Tampa Bay, release of
millions of mosquitoes carrying yellow fever and dengue fever on upon Savannah, GA, and Avon
Park, FL; the Guatemalan project whereby prisoners, asylum occupants and soldiers were
intentionally infected with STDs such as syphilis; plutonium injections given to patients during the
Manhattan Project, by Dr. William Sweet; testing of Agent Orange, the highly toxic chemical
dropped on Vietnam not only causing catastrophic skin abnormalities but also atrocious birth
defects for generations, on prisoners by Dr. Albert Kligman; Operation Paperclip, whereby Nazis
scientists who had done the most ghastly experiments on humans were given American citizenship
and employed by the U.S. Government; Dr. Cornelius Rhoads intentional infection of Puerto Ricans
with cancer; the Pentagon's irradiation of non-consenting African American cancer patients in the
60s; Operation Midnight Climax in which unsuspecting brothel punters were given high doses of
LSD and other substances; irradiation of civilians in Pacific Territories as a result nuclear tests, and
subsequent studies, such as Project, 4.1, on the inter-generational impact; the Tuskegee experiments
whereby African-Americans with syphilis were withheld penicillin for decades and their disease
progression studied.

(MK-Ultra is widely known about – you've probably heard of it already. But, please look this stuff up if you
doubt it. )

“Do no harm”, indeed. This is just what we know about one government, that of the U.S..; this is
only what has been uncovered; and many other governments are known to be just as bad, or even
worse. Perhaps 'mad rage' isn't the answer, after all... when you think of it, its rather a measureless,
sobering, and cold-headed terror that is called for. But, certainly, a slight excuse for a poor innocent
raised on the Chronicles of Narnia, or to bewail the loss of his football team, or to stick his chest out
with pride that his ancestors defeated those 'evil Nazis'.. for such a one, would not a kinder world
indulge his moment of incensed realization? Alas, there is no 'kinder world'... ---

“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.”

--- Dr. Josef Mengele

An icy star.

"Paranoia is a icy star, but a star nonetheless."

--- Douglas P.

Already too great a concession. The avoidance of talking about frightening and unsettling things is
already a much too great concession to fear, itself a demonstration of REAL, as opposed to merely
officially and conventionally identified, mental illness.

9) A tragi-comic interlude:

The patient. The patient is clearly suffering from paranoid ideation, delusions of grandeur, manic
episodes, arrested development, attachment disorders, and not to mention a panoply of barely
suppressed infantile fixations. And that's just the good part!

Admission Permission. 'Care' in the community, or would you like an admission? You see, we're so
important, we're so prissy, we're so proper, to be *ahem* 'allowed' (don't you dare say 'kidnapped'!)
into our highly-sought-after modern-day-workhouse, you have to get our permission!

Lock him up. Lock him up! Lock him up! Throw him in a cell and throw away the key! We can't
have this man on the loose! What will the children (who we're drugging half-senseless) think? He
must be seen to get his just desserts (although we're not allowed to actually describe it like this,
anyway its more sinister and subtly, psychologically effective if we pass it off as 'caring concern'..
you see, even little kids in the backs of their little minds break like a twig and pale in horror at that
which they know is a much more humiliating, devilish and all-encompassing servitude) ! If you're
locked up as a punishment, that's one thing, but if you're going to be locked up for 'your own good'
too, with no evidence, due process or jury, then, we all know no one is safe. Especially since we're
all sinners against ourselves, nowadays.

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most
oppressive." C.S.Lewis

So modern. Oh we're so modern! We're so enlightened! Just lie back and we'll get those electrodes

Alright, we've trashed his cerebral cortex. You can release him now.
Just make sure to give him a life-time prescription of Clozapine. That'll keep him in 'recovery'; he'll
be so recovered he'll be drooling into his pillow every night like our faithful dog for the rest of his
pathetic little life!

Friendly psychiatry. Oh we're busy fighting the stigma, don't you worry. Its not easy to keep on
making hundreds of billions of $ when one step in our office means permanent social death. We
want to welcome the world with open arms...! Those old big iron-gated State-asylums are long-
gone...though, still no photography in our 'hospitals' of course.. we care so much about your privacy
that we check on you every 20 minutes all through the night and knock on your shower door if you
take more than 5 minutes,,, minions! --- *ahem * I mean nurses – spruce up that bedside manner,
we've got souls to zombify!

'Sectioned' by Philip Porter.

“New board game idea for Waddingtons: SECTIONED. The aim of the game is to die as quickly as
possible. As you go around the board you collect nonsense diseases and psychiatric drugs.
Discharge squares make you go around the board without consequence and you lose a psychiatric
drug until you land on a sectioned square. Once you collect 5 drugs and 5 diseases you are sent to
the ECT square where upon throwing a 3 you are electrocuted and killed. Coming soon: Virtual
Reality Sectioned features all the horror of being on a ward from the comfort of your living room.
Ages 8 upwards.”

#SabbataiSevi “The Lost Messiah”

10) More about this section of the book:

Someone asked me "Are you O.K.? Should we be concerned about you? Are you really mad?"

Answer: Madness is the theme I write about, but its also a part of my aesthetic and stylistic
approach. I play with it and embrace it, rather than trying to distance myself from it. I don't try to be
a dry, scholarly, anaesthetized, therapeutic commentator, but also an entertainer and artistic
performer, if anything more in the romantic and renaissance traditions or Artaud's Theatre of
Absurd. combined with an ironical post-modern & Platonic element, than the one of modern
psychology. That is a basic reflection of how I think these things ought to be done more often; as I
say in my previous post, I feel the 'personality' element needs to be put into things more throughout
society. The melding of life and art has also been as basic concern of great thinkers like Nietzsche,
Oscar Wilde, and lots of others who I'm heavily influenced by.
I feel it would be a bit hypocritical to defend madness and those deemed 'mad' in an
impeccably 'sane' manner, whereas by going in the opposite direction I feel I make my own writings
more authentic and morally courageous. Much of my aim is to question and break down the
boundaries between 'sane' and 'insane', 'analyst' and 'analysand', which I feel are in many ways
highly artificial and thus counter-productive to the real aim of authentic living and healing honesty,
in many ways putting the 'patient' at an unfair disadvantage as the mere receiver of favors he often
didn't even ask for. How patronizing is it to say the 'patient' has nothing to teach, & is not providing
a 'service' of his or her own? As the wise Seth Farber rightly says, there is a fundamental 'equality'
human consciousness that is belied by the highly hierarchical & stuffy 'professional' nature of
In a society which is severely curtailing emotional and verbal expression, there is also a
moral imperative to maintain as wide expression as is still possible, to keep pushing at the
boundaries before they become narrower and narrower and collapse in on themselves entirely into a
rigid little box. I therefore insist upon the right to be responsibly irresponsible, or
irresponsibly responsible. I also feel that an allergy to genuine and deep emotion is part of our
general cultural malaise – a too great a wish to live at 'the surfaces' – as it has always been, and that
a good reformer and rhetorician uses affects to his full advantage so as to make people really FEEL
their existential state and the plight of others, in a way that may well appear 'mad', and be
frightening to others used to a more 'sanitized' and mollycoddled, 'mature' yet also really
infantilized regime. Of course, anyone who attempts to change a society's values and modes is
always liable to be attacked as 'crazy' and all other manner of slander, as he or she challenges the
established interests of the status quo. By openly embracing the 'mad' aesthetic, I also hope to
forestall any further accusations of unintentional, real mental illness (which I would argue must
always be unintentional & crushing, diminishing rather than enhancing & enriching of a person's
sense of Self & the expression of their personality in order to qualify as a real ailment – although
that important fact is hardly recognized at the moment! ). It is also an open pressing of this question
and debate, by its mere existence.
The off kilter, anarchic approach to writing presentation and possibly quite 'manic-
depressive', at times seemingly hyperbolic or deliberately paradoxical & offensive content and
approach also in itself creates what I consider to be an atmosphere more suited to genuine thought,
with its bold, even sometimes reckless daring and abandon. This aesthetic and vibe is thus a truly
philosophical vibe; an intoxication of wine and berries, loosening the tongue and the constraints of
vulgar propriety. It also attempts to re-invigorates with a sense of wonder, fear and trembling,
cathartic sorrow, and playful, childish amazement, the perennial companions of a true authentic
attitude towards the Universe and scientific quest, which always sees everything anew and as
startling, as if from the eyes of a child or idiot, and feels it intensely. The overall attempt (not
always successful, granted.. this is only my first prose-oriented book) is to convey a feeling for the
great, dizzying PLEASURE of genuine thought itself. This decadent pleasure is in fact one of the
most, perhaps even the only truly moral pleasure – as I say, most actions, most attempts to 'save'
others, or save the world, are highly suspect & corrupt. Part of my aim may perhaps be said to
intoxicate with language to prevent and avert the need for a cruder chemical intoxication in myself
and others! Because language & insight is both moral & a pleasure to all truly higher mammals. The
aim is transformation, not arid intellectual insight.

What makes people valuable is not primarily their ideas – its their vibration. If a person can
communicate the right vibration to others, the ideas themselves will come naturally of their own

(There is also a very sad factor I'm still very embarrassed about, whereby I am now in fact
possibly incorrigibly and permanently drunk (though I am also quite teetotal!) as a result of the
drug-rapery of psychiatric treatment itself, which, as I say, caused me severe, actual and lasting
iatrogenic, nervous damage, even though the Dr.s refuse to & cannot admit it due to the nature of
their own guild self-interests, as they so often deny their atrocities against others, the horror stories
of which line the walls of history, & now the internet.) I do not pretend that my former faculties are
by any means still intact, only that they are still well above par due to God's grace to me early on.
In ancient times, as Nietzsche says in the quote earlier in my blog,
madness and genius were not merely mildly associated, but practically only madmen could be
innovators in the realm of ideas or customs; and wise men would actively pray for and cultivate an
aesthetic of madness to be MORE convincing. It is also however in keeping with the true zeitgeist
of our times, which in its unprecedented destruction of tradition and race towards possible oblivion,
either literal or technological, 'post-human', a long with the omnipotence of 'the Noble Lie' and dual,
subterranean aspect of reality and political and social discourse, as well as the more overt radical
divisions and multiple competing, yet passionately held narratives of what constitutes reality and
the correct values, is truly an age of strange miracles, terrifying marvels and often outright popular
insanity that give the lie to 'quiet, everyday normality' better than anything that has ever happened
previously throughout history.

Most of all, in opening myself up to ridicule by voluntarily adopting a 'mad' persona, I thereby 'turn
the other cheek'.

So, please don't be worried about me, (especially as that is the very thing that got me wounded in
the first place). If you want to assist me, and really care and aren't just responding with a reactive
fearful desire to contain and suppress what seems strange and unusual to you, just think about my
ideas and what I'm trying to communicate here -- how it must feel to be labelled 'mentally ill' and
have your rights taken away, and become an object for others to 'treat' against its Will, (especially
when he or she is already feeling extremely vulnerable and fragile), for instance -- and please try to
take them on board a bit more. If you really want to help, buy one of my other books, and help
promote and popularize my work and thought further. Then why not write a review on Amazon or
Goodreads? Follow me on Twitter (@GaslitByAMadman). And if I am ever subject to unwanted
psychiatric or other State-attentions, why not take an interest in my case and try to defend me from
further cruel abuse like I have already sustained due to no prior crime of my own. Any of those
things would be most appreciated.

It is, however, natural, and actually part of my schtick and mystique for some people to be kept
wondering a little on this question, so I do not resent it. It is all a question of each person's current
What Am I?

Am I ‘mentally ill’? Am I a significant minor philosopher of madness? Am I

a partially functioning victim of dreadful, life-changing iatrogenesis? Am I
an average, ordinary welfare scrounger who happens to write bad, yet
somehow prize-winning poetry? Am I Dionysus the Crucified, joyous mad
proto-type of the adorable Savior ? Am I old desert-dwelling Set, father of
darkness and chaos? Am I a distant descendant of that proud old tax-
collector, St. Matthew? Or a cousin of dear old Anton Lavey? Am I a
terrible, fanciful narcissist? Am I devout, self-sacrificing campaigner for
human rights, putting my own neck and freedom on the line? Am I just a
bored, cynical, romantic, (none too) cunning old scribbler of words and
would-be money-maker? Am I just someone who likes to imbue his plots

and poems with big, colorful, archetypal tropes?

“Do not ask who I am and do not ask me to remain the same: leave it to our
bureaucrats and our police to see that our papers are in order. At least spare
us their morality when we write.”

--- Michel Foucault

“I am becoming” -- Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails

The Ressurection Of Satan (“Love thine enemy”)
Lonely thoughts, my favorite kind.
Free at last, of my own kind !
Lonely, lonely, lonely as a god;
Creating values, shy of the rod.

I am unparalleled. Throughout all the galaxies,

I reign supreme

The very center of the cosmos,

That is my spleen.

The most beautiful fallen angel,

Come to earth to teach Joy.

He'll kiss your wounds in the morning,

And then later, refresh them with his whip.

Oh, how over-flowing,

Oh, how sweet,
My tears are like acid,
To the holes through His feet!

He wears a crown and I savor each thorn,

They hung Him on a cross, upside down.

He is still-born,
His is new born.
The Morning Star,
And the Evening Star,

Hell's Scapegoat;

Jesus and Satan,

Perfectly entwined.

“When you give to someone in need, don't let your left hand know what your right
hand is doing” (Matthew 6:3)
Hail Lucifer!

“Words betrayed her: beautiful

butterflies in her mind; dead
moths when she opened her
mouth for their release into the
― Glen Duncan, “ ”
I, Lucifer
11) Etymologically. Etymologically, the word 'mad' is the past participle 'mei-', an Old Norse word
meaning merely 'to change'. And even today, it is 'changes in personality' that are often considered a
form of mental illness. This fills me with such outrage that I can barely speak. The notion that one's
'personality' is a priori complete and any alteration in it must be considered pathological is a
sacralization of death itself. For it is only in death that our character and persona become 'set in
stone'. Ordinarily, as one grows up, one's 'personality' is the mere unconscious, unreflective reaction
to one's environment, in no way fully chosen or willed into a beautiful, ideal and mature shape.
Ordinarily, we are groomed to be mere slaves of our society and progenitors. To achieve genuine
fulfilment, requires what Carl Jung called individuation, a process of deliberate self-creation and
realization, i.e. of change from the state we found ourselves to originally be thrown into. Moreover,
for someone who is consciously unhappy, change in oneself, or sometimes in one's environment, is
the one absolutely essential requirement, and this pathologization of it is the most stifling and
oppressive thing imaginable. To be told you have to 'remain' in the fetal, unformed, self-effacing
state in which you currently are, truly makes one want to give up the will to live!

It is precisely in this all too sudden, vexed realization of the vanity and folly of one's
previous ideals and presentations to the world, receiving no support from one's social environment,
that produces the manifest rage and anger also associated with this word 'mad', that is often so
incomprehensible to others. The fact is, though, that kept within proper bounds, i.e. not manifesting
any grossly violent behaviours towards others, this is an extremely healthy and natural reaction.
There are so many absurdities and contradictions, or even outright abuse, in the way most people
are raised, and in the way the world operates as such, that the true pathology, the greatest sickness
of all, is simply to go a long with it all un-noticing of its follies. If this is so – which it certainly is -
one is forced to ask why is it not recognized by those invested with the care of 'mental illness'? The
only logical answer is that these so-called 'services' are, in some respects at least, an intentional ploy
to re-enforce the status quo and prevent people from rebelling against and 'changing' the gaping
flaws, rampant injustices and ecological disasters in the current way in which society is organized,
in which so many people have a vested interest.

Two very different meanings. Two very different senses of 'crazy' (i.e. ‘mentally ill’):

1) Clinically 'sub-normal'. Either perceived or actual inability to function in society at a

minimum level, with basic sense of reality in order to stay safe.

2) Harboring far more intellectual, spiritual illusions or delusions, which may come back to
bite one or others at a later date, or perhaps impoverish one's happiness to some (or even a
great) extent, but which pose little immediate harmful danger in everyday life. This latter
sense applies to many, many people who do not fall under psychiatry’s radar, if not everyone
(even though, potentially, it may be just as or even more dangerous. For instance, take a very
high-functioning man or woman who nonetheless believes that 95% of his fellow citizens
need to be permanently 'treated' with highly toxic psychiatric drugs which are proven to
shrink the brain. Such a man is a potential menace to his fellows far more than someone who
lays in bed all day & counts invisible demons, precisely due to his very lop-sided
competence ).

When I say the word. When I say the word 'madness', I have visions of the bubbling, molten
surface of the sun, ready to explode into the Universe and change EVERYTHING with its almighty
yellow light.
11) How medical theories give rise to new 'epidemics'. “As his (E. Shorter's) body of research
shows, history was full of ever-changing psychosomatic symptoms shaped in large part by the
expectations and beliefs of the current medical establishment. 'As doctors' own ideas about
constitutes “real” disease change from time to time due t theory and practice, the symptoms that
patient present will change as well,” he writes. 'These medical changes give the story of
psychosomatic illness its dynamic: the medical “shaping” of symptoms.'

Shorter believes that is was Lasegue's famous paper and the public interest in the medical
debate surrounding the diagnosis of anorexia that forged a kind of template for self-starvation. As
the medical establishment settled on the name, the agreed-upon causes and a specific symptom list
for the disease, they were, Shorter argues, 'disseminating a model of how the patient was to behave
and the doctor to respond'. What was once a mishmash of conflicting medical theories surrounding
self-starvation had no gained the appearance of a precise disorder with a specific at-risk population.
That new conception of this illness took hold not only among women who had already
manifested disordered eating but in the population at large. There are no broad epidemiologic
studies of eating disorders from the time, but the anecdotal evidence for what happened next is
persuasive: soon after the official designation of anorexia nervosa, the incidence of the disease
began a dramatic climb. Whereas in the 1850s self-starvation was a rare symptom associated with
hysterics, by the end of the century the medical literature was littered with references to full-blown
anorexics. As one London doctor reported in 1888, anorexic behavior was 'a very common
occurrence', of which he had ;abundant opportunities of seeing and treating many interesting cases'.
In that same year a young medical student confidently wrote in his doctoral dissertation, 'among
hysterics, nothing is more common than anorexia.' from “Crazy Like Us: The Globalization Of The
Western Mind” by Ethan Watters

The above quote is not surprising for anyone at all familiar with the nature of modern psychiatry.
Dr.s generally see what they already expect, making little or no attempt to understand the patient on
his own terms in the tiny slot of peremptory, 15 minute appointments (even your average
bootlegging, moonshiner makes more attempt to get to know and empathize with his customers --
since in his case, his freedom often depends upon it). On the other hand, the well known
psychological 'labelling theory', together with related concepts, dictates that ppl will very often play
up to expectations, and manifest their 'diseases' in socially mandated ways (this is never more the
case with psychiatrists, who are people who one senses get very annoyed when you don't conform
to their exceptionally narrow expectations, so one easily allows oneself to be bullied into doing so)
Once again, this demonstrates irrefutably the social nature of 'mental illness', with its innate quality
being a form of communication, centered around certain semantic forms of distress related to sub-
optimum factors within one's environment, rather than being primarily, or even in any way, a
physiological brain abnormality.

12) Drug rape. Dr. Rufus May remembers with clarity how it felt to be pinned to the floor of a
psychiatric hospital, for his trousers and underpants to be pulled down to his ankles by a gang of
strangers and to be injected in the buttocks with mind-altering drugs.

'”It feels like rape” he says, “Its humiliating and degrading. I know of people who have killed
themselves rather than be readmitted to hospital, having had such bad experiences of being
subjected to or witnessing the use of force.”
It doesn't just 'feel like it', Ladies and Gentlemen. It IS constant rape, constant invasion, violation
and destruction -- not merely of one's body, but of one's innermost sanctum, one's own mind -- over
months and years, rather than minutes. Every fucking second their chemicals are in your blood
stream you feel like you're being held down on the floor on your tummy with Satan's big fat veiny
purple dick up your backside, with your forehead smashing against the tiles. Its like the difference
between having your city receive an unexpected and rude, over-lavish gift one morning from a
'madman' who you suspect to be wielding a knife but doesn't actually use it to inflict any real harm,
or even have one -- although the experience is obviously still quite disturbing -- or having it
blockaded, the population starved to death over bitter months and years and the buildings eventually
burnt down by a trained, legion and ruthless, psychotic army. Then in the afterlife, your ghost
drooling forever like a dog, YOU are forced to make amends and supplicate, constantly bowing
your head to the feelings and opinions of your evil oppressors and slaughterers!

Oh, the shame...

13) Mental Illness is Real. One thing I would like to point out to people on the mad activist wing is
that just because the people invested with the authority to officially stamp one as 'crazy' are
themselves stupid, evil or literally insane, doesn't mean there is no such thing as being genuinely
'mentally unwell'.

The notion of a mental malediction has been in our vocabulary long before the advent of
psychiatry, even Plato uses the idea. It connotes originally and primarily simply some REAL
derangement of the mind or bad assortment of ideas/character leading to REAL unhappiness. That
is totally different from all the numerous modern 'diagnoses' which are nearly all relative to social
norms or averages (almost none of which I support) rather than REAL happiness and virtue
In my own writing I tend to try to celebrate these divergences from the 'norm', as well as
generally pointing out the adverse effects of psychiatric practice. The fact that I use the word
'madness' is neither here nor there. It mustn't be taken as accepting the way others use it. To my
mind, society as a whole is certainly very mad. Those who are labelled it may or may not be
especially mad. At any rate, they are treated appallingly and if it weren't for that many of them
would be able to lead far happier and more productive lives
I do not think it is good to be prudish or 'phobic' about certain words just because our
enemies use them. Rather, we should reclaim them and turn their rhetoric against themselves, like
other Pride movements have. That is a far better way of undermining their sordid intentions. To my
mind, while part of the job of a mad activist is to deny the validity of the current diagnoses and
medical paradigm, and thereby refute some of the slanderous accusations and 'treatments' aimed at
those who are labelled with them....It is ALSO to get everyday people to recognize and
acknowledge their own madness, and thereby become more accepting of others who receive that
label in their society, a long with their great potential i.e. by recognizing that 'madness, too, is a
form of love'.
Perceived efficacy. The alleged, perceived efficacy of psychiatric drugs (which in themselves are
highly toxic and harmful) is actually nearly always a result of the extremely important law known
as ‘regression to the mean’(a long with other tangential phenomenon & non-chemical causation,
such as placebo affect) . The fact that this is not perceived is due the culture of hysteria and
entrenched pathologization with which unusual, or more free, behaviors are unjustly and mistakenly
14) Gaslit by a madman! If someone says 'I am the Queen Of England", and happens to be wearing
the right regalia and be at the right place at the right time: Does that make them the Queen of
England - even when they are really just an ordinary back-ally whore in a pretty suit? Probably not.
But would the latter necessarily then mean they are mad, to act so above themselves? No. They
could, after all, they could just be enjoying themselves, or maybe be making a genuine and very
rationally-self-interested bid at the throne! Even if it fails and others think they are mad, might they
then not be impersonating that part -- of madness – lets say they just want get out of work or like
scorning the opinions of others-- too –? If not, doesn't that mean 'mental illness' is nothing but an
appearance, with no essential reality behind it? Is it then not merely the enforcement of a certain
social style and taste, rather than a psychological reality and genuine 'illness' -- in other words --
basically a scurrilous lie intended to defame show-boating, light-heartedly courageous or eccentric
individuals ? Individuals who maybe in fact attempting to relieve the most deadly social malady of
all times -- unthinking social conformity and cowardice in the face of other people's opinions, one
of the root causes of the The Inquisition, Holocaust, Soviet Russia, war itself, and countless other
tragedies. Furthermore, must we not then say, since mental illness understood in such a manner is
merely an appearance, that those who believe in it as if it were an important reality, actually locking
ppl up and 'treating' them for it in one big further charade, are THEMSELVES highly delusional --
and highly dangerous? I.e., that they themselves are the ones who are in fact most genuinely,
ghastly and sincerely mentally ill -- unless, of course, they too are just acting.
;) (But, of course, surely, that would just make them MUCH more dangerous and even more socially
pernicious... wouldn't it? Since they are literally kidnapping, ruining the reputation of and chemically
lobotomizing millions of ppl over their stunts...just like their Nazi forebears... )
15) Erroneous belief in essences. Psychiatric labels, such as the term , ‘O.C.D.’,’ADHD’,
‘sociopath’ ‘depression’, or ‘schizophrenia’, are reifications, imagined entities that people think are
something ‘deep’ and the ‘essence’ of a phenomena because they don’t understand it and it is used
by supposed ‘experts’.

Just consider the phrase ‘I didn’t know I was depressed’; what exactly does this mean? Was the
person not aware of the emotional pain they were in? That is a contradiction. No one can suffer,
either physically or emotionally, without being aware of it, since suffering is by definition a
conscious experience. At most the sense of awareness being given such a diagnosis could supply the
person with is that they were more unhappy than was necessary or usual. Otherwise, they’ve just
been given a dumb label, which they now erroneously take to confer on them some kind of
increased understanding, believing it to identify the cause of the phenomenon (which is even more
the case with ‘schizophrenia’ and some more complex, pretentious terms) rather than merely being
a vague, medicalized word for it - a word that actually does more to distort it than shed light on it,
(in this case, distracting people from their real relationships & the absences in their life, &
surreptitiously leading them towards a fake chemical 'solution' that does more harm than good)
making people stupider & more ignorant in thinking they have knowledge when they don't (since
that is the hallmark of true ignorance, as Socrates pointed out long ago). As Nietzsche and various
other philosophers have pointed out, such belief in essences is a bogus residue of primitive ways of
thinking common to nearly all superstitious primitive forms of religion (including the modern
primitive, religious pseudo-science of psychiatry).

There is no 'essence' or known 'personality type' that causes people to behave the way they do,
everyone's inner life and behavior is the result of a far more complex series of highly unstable
factors that are also probably largely unverifiable -- certainly not verifiable by contemporary
psychiatric methods -- and a matter of little other than speculation. (To repeat: the psychiatric labels
in the DSM (psychiatric) Bible are not causes, merely pretentious latin words plastered over the
phenomenon.) Not only do we not know what the situation is in the case of a given individual, but
we have scant knowledge, about what causes what in theory -- in general -- either. 'Science' can map
or come up with certain general statistical probabilities of behavior, physical changes in the body,
brain and verbal utterances, but seems to be limited when it comes to studying the mind, due to the
unmeasurable, unquantifiable and inaccessible (in others) nature of spiritual phenomenon. Unless
there are some very highly advanced techniques that we do not yet know about, for instance, using
very advanced computers & genuinely scientific mapping techniques which may at least be able to
predict behavior & even one's thoughts with a high degree of probability (but, remember, even these
can be fraudulent and used merely as window-dressing for phoney psychiatric labeling &
pharmaceutical profiteering) , the best we can do is to form such hypothesis about ourselves
grounded in the concatenation of our own sensations, & very tentatively (& hopefully
compassionately) apply the results to others, which is what Nietzsche himself did.

The aim should not be to come up with imagined, over-simplified ‘causes’ of phenonemon, but
simply to observe, describe and map the phenomenon itself, (preferably in all its complexity), as the
phenomenologist school attempted.

(Addendum: In fact, certain other psychological traditions (maybe humanist learning – thinkers
such as Carl Jung, or the great literary novels -- or even Kabbalah) may provide a much more
realistic & sophisticated characterization of 'personality types'. Psychiatric diagnoses merely distort
them though, painting them in a false & unhealthy light by preying on popular prejudices against
certain highly marginalized groups & beliefs.)
An excess not deficit. It is commonly thought that the 'madman' suffers from a deficit of reason. In
fact, just as often the opposite is the case: he suffers from an 'excess' of it - or rather of everyone
else's deprivation.
16) What qualifies as a known disease. Distress exists, hallucinations exist, 'schizophrenia' doesn't.
It is just a subjective, cursory and ignorant opinion, presuming an unknown, common cause (“It’s
important to note that their apparently biological nature derives from natural history and clinical
presentation, not from diagnostic tests, and not because we know their root causes.” Steven
Reidbord MD, ’Are psychiatric disorders brain diseases?’ ) for the often extremelyvdiverse
behaviors of wildly diverse people, that if they look at all alike it is only because of the human, all-
too-human, culturally conditioned and financially motivated perspectives of lots of MDs, without
the slightest bit of evidence or plausibility that there is such a common cause. What is called
'schizophrenia' consists of many different behaviors and attitudes, some of which could be
construed as 'diseases' (if you wanna stretch the use of language in that manner), and some of which
certainly are NOT diseases but merely different ways of perceiving the world, or merely different
lifestyle choices, and none of which deserve to be lumped together in such a totally artificial
category and treated in the brain-damaging, iatrogenic way they are at the the moment. All distress
and lots of unusual states involve changes in both brain and body, that does NOT prove they are all
one, identifiable 'disease' caused by the same thing, or even a disease at all. The label
'schizophrenia' may well correlate to certain atypical populations of people, but can only ever be an
extremely tenuous correlation, given the way it is diagnosed. Thinking otherwise is conferring god-
like powers on psychiatrists, who by experience are merely apishly bad philosophers (and bad,
immoral people, too). I am not arguing that there is 0% correlation between that label and some
forms of atypical distress... but that is not nearly enough to ratify it is a genuine disease.
'Schizophrenia', in the sense it identifies 'symptoms' rather than a cause, is rather like the term
'headache', which can either be caused by de-hydration, too much sun... or a brain tumor, or
countless other factors. Yet once you get the label 'schizophrenia', there is no inquiry into the cause
and you are all treated the same, which is about as scientific as treating a brain tumor by taking a
paracetamol with a glass of water..or sunstroke by removing parts of the brain...

In order to save a lot of confusion, for something to count as a 'disease' worthy of its own
official name, it must be able to identify a specific cause of specific ailments, and consistently
separate those who have it from those who don't. Psychiatry is nowhere near being able to do that.
All it does is slander people and put them into one big, artificial group in which they do not belong
so that it is easier to make money off their misery.

Nothing but a name. Plastering a fancy and intimidating Latin name over one's ignorance does not
a disease maketh.
17) Irrational intimidation. People who resort to malicious attacks on people because of their
beliefs are appealing to their victims lowest instincts - simply to change their utterances out of
social or physical intimidation - which only goes to reveal their own hypocrisy. Giving into such
fear to some extent only validates their contemptuous valuation of the victim of their accusation,
shows the latter's cowardice, and makes him ripe for further attacks. Yet it is equally damaging, if
not more so, to the soul of the aggressor who hypocritically jumps at our throats in the name of
perceived 'justice' (even if done with basic good intentions or in a cause that may otherwise be
sound), since by doing so they are assenting to the general maxim 'intimidate someone into
agreement with you', and by doing so agreeing to submit to and re-enforce the tendency to be
governed by the same irrational intimidation themselves, in their own Being. They thus deprive
themselves of the moderation and autonomy necessary for any authentic moral valuation
whatsoever, negating their own human dignity as well as others.

If one is sure. Must we not hypothesize that ideological censoriousness stems mainly from
insecurity and doubt in the truth and justice of one's own beliefs? That it comes ultimately from the
desire to make others as lost, doubtful and enslaved as one is oneself? If one is sure in one's
conviction, he or she will want to persuade others not force them to proclaim the same things, since
an idea which is instilled by force can just as easily by forced out; whereas once an idea has been
apprehended by Reason it can never be obliterated by brute intimidation or violence, (except by a
physical destructive attack on or dissolution of the brain).
18) Deadly truths and life as insanity. The truth is, we are all destined for complete annihilation,
both individually and socially. One has to be mad to face such truths; 'Reason' is too goal-
orientated. So: go mad! Madder still, to be active. Not to rest, to lay down in soothing illusions ---
of which there are none left, at least for us - but to always be on the move, constantly re-inventing
one's identity and raison d'etre out of the pure joy of the journey, in opposition to the status quo. The
essence of life is to change in order to stay the same, to retain the same kernel. It is no co-incidence
that the word 'mad' and the word 'manoeuvre' have the same opening letters and sounds. 'Acrasia',
the root word of 'crazy', means to suffer a disconnect between one's deepest judgement and one's
actions. When all is ultimately futile, that is precisely what is called for here.

Wariness is wise. Wariness is wise; don't let them make you afraid of your fear (like they made me)
by convincing you its 'paranoia'. Fear in due measure, at the right time, not only makes us better, but
is essential to the preservation of everything we hold dear.

19) Only chance or madness. Without a purpose in life, man has only chance or madness to
make his life interesting. Hence why purposeless men are often drawn to taking to the streets
as drifters, where the roll of the dice can mean the difference between a sodden sleeping bag
or a night at the ritz; a back alley stabbing, or a beautific fling with a wild heartworn lover.

21) One thing and another. Ruling through Law is one thing, but the tyranny of custom or
professional opinions is quite another and totally unacceptable. The fact that these
professions are systematically saturated with ideology, lies and is institutionally prone to
error and abuse is just an added biscuit taken.

22) Conseuqneces of Psychiatry. The systematic suppression and oppression of society's

shamans and prophets in the form of psychiatry, has not only been a catastrophe for these
particular individuals – some of the most luxuriously bountiful specimens of mankind --- but
has also been instrumental in the demolition of the entire Western society. By casting the
alarm and foreboding of our most wary seers, (whose sociobiological function was in fact to
warn us of future perill and present injustices) as a type of 'paranoid schizophrenia', or other
'mental illness', drugging them up to prevent it from unfurling in a positive healthy way and
becoming properly articulated, and locking them away in cramped, tucked-away-out-of-
sight wards, the legitimate warnings which they offered to us and the world became silenced
and ignored, permitting social maladies to dig their teeth ever deeper into the social body.
The precipitous social decay of the West, which appeared for decades more or less mere
speculation, but which now anyone with one eye left open can see all around us, (especially
in the fate of Europe, which now seems all but sealed in the erection of new Eurasian
Caliphate), is a direct consequence of this grave, unholy, almost incredibly cruel practice.

20) Sometimes, better to be beaten than caressed. There does not seem to be such a thing as
'kindness' or 'love' devoid of the ability of reason and assess true value. (Having a Jewish father
myself, we know something like this rule already quite perfectly in relation to infant genitalia, of
course – that abomination before the Lord!) Whether someone bears milk or spits fire is all
irrelevant if its not done for a worthy cause. I don't want for 'kind' words; I want the fuckin' integrity
of my body and agency respected and protected. A petty glance of sympathy for the damned in Hell
is just one more cause for tears, another futile offering of hypocrisy. In that situation, in which one
is being flayed alive, one may rather be beaten than caressed, in order at least to show that the
person has a modicum of empathy and polite understanding for one's rage. Also, you can sue them
for it and get more sympathy later.

Validating their ‘Othering’. Psych. labels are a dangerous form of stupidity that supposed civilized
and ‘nice’ people use to justify one’s denigration of the Other, giving the user a false sense of
understanding and sophistication. One of the things which is most noticable about them is the
discrepancy between the supposed signals, the ‘symptoms’, and the gravity of the slander which
they comprise. For instance, saying that someone is a ‘sociopath’, means literally (insofar as it
means anything) that they have ‘no conscience’; yet how can you know this about someone? What
if they simply have a very different conscience ? What if they are not defective, but have actually
overcome morality and are superior? You cannot simply lump someone who was too primitive to
develop a conscience in the first place with someone who’s conscience has evolved to a point where
it is unrecognizable as such to most ordinary people! And yet this is exactly what so-called ‘experts’
and their scam ‘science’, saturated with moral sanctimony, encourage! You hear this word bandied
about very often nowadays by people who are quite clearly suffering from a gripe of some kind.
Since it is usually a case of more or less developed, rather than present or absent, denigrating
someone to this extreme degree may well rob them of what little conscience they have left.

In exactly the same way – only much more pronounced -- so-called ‘paranoid schizophrenics’
naturally and understandably do become paranoid once the State starts accusing and professionally
persecuting them --- and then, lo! and behold --- the idiotic families and evil psychiatrists who
caused this, point to the very results of their own wicked science of slander and claim they ‘were
right all a long’, and wring their hands about how terrible it is that the poor victim of their
butchery’s ‘illness’ has so woefully ‘deteriorated’.

Both cases, (but especially the latter,) are an extreme over-reaction resulting from the perceived
threat of non-conformity to custom, of a free-spirited & often healthy wildness, being treated no
different from the way a ‘witch’ was once treated, resulting in precisely the social maladies that they
are ostensibly intended to tackle.
Hail Lucifer!

“The only animal from which

humans have nothing to learn, in
fact, is the sheep. Humans have
already learned everything the
sheep's got to teach.”

― Glen Duncan, “I, Lucifer”

Mad men par excellence.

“He who thinks great thoughts, often makes great errors” – Martin Heidegger
(The following material is adapted slightly from wikipedia and other websites rather than being
totally original of my own. Oh, I'm terribly sorry m'dam... but some of us do have to rush our books
out a little early before we are poisoned half to death in State custody, you know! )
Wilhelm Reich (24 March 1897 – 3 November 1957)

Reich, King among Mensch.

From wikipedia:

“Wilhelm Reich was an Austrian doctor of medicine and psychoanalyst, a member of the second
generation of analysts after Sigmund Freud.[1] The author of several influential books, most
notably Character Analysis (1933), The Mass Psychology of Fascism (1933) and The Sexual
Revolution (1936), Reich became known as one of the most radical figures in the history of
Reich's work on character contributed to the development of Anna Freud's The Ego and the
Mechanisms of Defence (1936), and his idea of muscular armour – the expression of the personality
in the way the body moves – shaped innovations such as body psychotherapy, Gestalt
therapy, bioenergetic analysis and primal therapy.[6] His writing influenced generations of
intellectuals; he coined the phrase "the sexual revolution" and according to one historian acted as its
midwife.[7] During the 1968 student uprisings in Paris and Berlin, students scrawled his name on
walls and threw copies of The Mass Psychology of Fascism at police.
After graduating in medicine from the University of Vienna in 1922, Reich became deputy director
of Freud's outpatient clinic, the Vienna Ambulatorium. Described by Elizabeth Danto as a large man
with a cantankerous style who managed to look scruffy and elegant at the same time, he tried to
reconcile psychoanalysis with Marxism, arguing that neurosis is rooted in sexual and socio-
economic conditions, and in particular in a lack of what he called "orgastic potency." He visited
patients in their homes to see how they lived, and took to the streets in a mobile clinic, promoting
adolescent sexuality and the availability of contraceptives, abortion and divorce, a provocative
message in Catholic Austria.[10] He said he wanted to "attack the neurosis by its prevention rather
than treatment."
From the 1930s he became an increasingly controversial figure, and from 1932 until his death in
1957 all his work was self-published.[12] His message of sexual liberation disturbed the
psychoanalytic community and his political associates, and his vegetotherapy, in which he
massaged his disrobed patients to dissolve their "muscular armour," violated the key taboos of
psychoanalysis.He moved to New York in 1939, in part to escape the Nazis, and shortly after
arriving coined the term "orgone" – from "orgasm" and "organism" – for a biological energy he said
he had discovered, which he said others called God. In 1940 he started building orgone
accumulators, devices that his patients sat inside to harness the reputed health benefits, leading to
newspaper stories about sex boxes that cured cancer.
Following two critical articles about him in The New Republic and in 1947, the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration obtained an injunction against the interstate shipment of orgone accumulators and
associated literature, believing they were dealing with a "fraud of the first magnitude."Charged with
contempt in 1956 for having violated the injunction, Reich was sentenced to two years'
imprisonment, and that summer over six tons of his publications were burned by order of the court.
[n 2] He died in prison of heart failure just over a year later, days before he was due to apply for

A true modern day martyr.

Also from wikipedia:

Paul Erdős (Hungarian: Erdős Pál (26 March 1913 – 20 September 1996)

Cogito Erdo Sum.

“Paul Erdos was a Hungarian mathematician. He was one of the most prolific mathematicians of the
20th century.[2] He was known both for his social practice of mathematics (he engaged more than
500 collaborators) and for his eccentric lifestyle (Time called him The Oddball's Oddball).[3] He
devoted his waking hours to mathematics, even into his later years—indeed, his death came only
hours after he solved a geometry problem in a conference in Warsaw.
Erdős pursued and proposed problems in discrete mathematics, graph theory, number
theory, mathematical analysis, approximation theory, set theory, and probability theory.[4] Much of
his work centered around discrete mathematics, cracking many previously unsolved problems in the
field. He championed and contributed to Ramsey theory, which studied the conditions in which
order necessarily appears. Overall, his work leaned towards solving previously open problems,
rather than developing or exploring new areas of mathematics.
Erdős published around 1,500 mathematical papers during his lifetime, a figure that remains
unsurpassed.[5] He firmly believed mathematics to be a social activity, living an itinerant lifestyle
with the sole purpose of writing mathematical papers with other mathematicians. Erdős's prolific
output with co-authors prompted the creation of the number of steps in the shortest path between a
mathematician and Erdős in terms of co-authorships.
Possessions meant little to Erdős; most of his belongings would fit in a suitcase, as dictated by his
itinerant lifestyle. He took amphetimines despite the concern of his friends, one of whom bet him
$500 that he could not stop taking the drug for a month. Erdős won the bet, but complained that
during his abstinence, mathematics had been set back by a month: "Before, when I looked at a piece
of blank paper my mind was filled with ideas. Now all I see is a blank piece of paper."[After he won
the bet, he promptly resumed his amphetamine use. Proofs from the The Book
He had his own idiosyncratic vocabulary: although an agnostic atheist he spoke of "The Book", a
visualization of a book in which had written down the best and most elegant proofs for
mathematical theorems.
Lecturing in 1985 he said, "You don't have to believe in God, but you should believe in The Book."
He himself doubted the existence of God, whom he called the "Supreme Fascist" (SF). He accused
SF of hiding his socks and Hungarian passports, and of keeping the most elegant mathematical
proofs to Himself. When he saw a particularly beautiful mathematical proof he would exclaim,
"This o s from The Book!" This later inspired a book titled Proofs from the The Book.
Other idiosyncratic elements of Erdős's vocabulary include:
1_Children were referred to as “epsilons” (because in mathematics, particularly calculus, an
arbitrarily small positive quantity is commonly denoted by the Greek letter (ε))
2)Women were "bosses" who "captured" men as "slaves" by marrying them. Divorced men were
3)People who stopped doing mathematics had "died," while people who died had "left."
4)Alcoholic drinks were "poison".
5)Music (except classical music) was "noise".
6)To give a mathematical lecture was "to preach".
7)To give an oral exam to students was "to torture" them.”
And, to think, those shrinks look at me askance when I call kidnap 'kidnap'!
Pythagoras of Samos (Ancient Greek: Πυθαγόρας ὁ Σάμιος, translit. Pythagóras ho
Sámios, lit. 'Pythagoras the Samian', or simply Πυθαγόρας; Πυθαγόρης in Ionian Greek; c. 570 – c. 
495 BC)

Pythagoras the rigorous mystic! Sacred mathematics is indeed the true reality; everything we
experience can be reduced to a certain ratio, which determines its effect upon us, or the nature of
our interaction with it.

“Pythagoras was an Ionian Greek philosopher and the eponymous founder of

the Pythagoreanism movement. His political and religious teachings were well-known in Magna
Graecia and influenced the philosophies of Plato, Aristotle, and, through them, Western philosophy.
Knowledge of Pythagoras's life is largely clouded by legend and obfuscation, but he appears to have
been the son of Mnesarchus, a seal engraver on the island of Samos. Modern scholars disagree
regarding Pythagoras's education and influences, but they do agree that, in around 530 BC, he
travelled to Croton, where he founded a school in which initiates were sworn to secrecy and lived
a communal, ascetic lifestyle. Following Croton's decisive victory over Sybaris in around 510 BC,
Pythagoras's followers came into conflict with supporters of democracy and Pythagorean meeting
houses were burned. Pythagoras may have been killed during this persecution, or he may have
escaped to Metapontum, where he eventually died. The teaching most securely identified with
Pythagoras is metempsychosis, or the "transmigration of souls", which holds that
every soul is immortal and, upon death, enters into a new body. He may have also devised the
doctrine of musica universalis, which holds that the planets move according
to mathematical equations and thus resonate to produce an inaudible symphony of music. He
probably prohibited his followers from eating beans, but he may or may not have advocated a
strictly vegetarian diet.”

Legend has it that he was chased from his house by attackers and after coming to a bean field he
chose to face his death rather than cross it.
Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci ( 15 April 1452 – 2 May 1519)

Leonardo! Leonardo! Filled with such an ingenious bravado!

“Leonardo Di Vinci was the famous Italian Renaissance polymath, whose areas of interest included
invention, painting, sculpting, architecture, science, music, mathematics, engineering literature,
anatomy, geology, astronomy, botany, writing, history, and cartography. He has been variously
called the father of palaeontology, ichnology, and architecture, and is widely considered one of the
greatest painters of all time. Sometimes credited with the inventions of parachute, helicopter and
tank, he epitomised the Renaissance humanist ideal. Many historians and scholars regard Leonardo
as the prime exemplar of the "Universal Genius" or "Renaissance Man", an individual of
"unquenchable curiosity" and "feverishly inventive imagination",and he is widely considered one of
the most diversely talented individuals ever to have lived. According to art historian Helen Gardner,
the scope and depth of his interests were without precedent in recorded history, and "his mind and
personality seem to us superhuman, while the man himself mysterious and remote".”

He only slept 2 hours a day, (20 minutes every 4 hours), and is often believed to have experienced
hallucinations. Nowadays, if so, he would be considered to have schizophrenia, not to mention
ADHD, and his copious labels of disorder and tall medication board would no doubt be the only
prodigious thing left of him.
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (15 October 1844 – 25 August 1900)

Nietzsche! Herr Nietzsche! When life seems unbearable, you make it once again peachy!

“Friedrich Nietzsche was a German philosopher, cultural critic, composer, poet, philologist, and
a Latin and Greek scholar whose work has exerted a profound influence on Western philosophy and
modern intellectual history.

Nietzsche's body of work touched a wide range of topics,

including art, philology, history, religion, tragedy, culture, and science. His early inspiration was
drawn from figures such as Schopenhauer, Wagner, and Goethe. His writing spans
philosophical polemics, poetry, cultural criticism, and fiction while displaying a fondness
for aphorism and irony.[16] Prominent elements of his philosophy include his radical critique
of truth in favor of perspectivism; his genealogical critique of religion and Christian morality, and
his related theory of master and slave morality; his aesthetic affirmation of existence in response to
the "death of God" and the profound crisis of nihilism; his notion of the Apollonian and Dionysian;
and his characterization of the human subject as the expression of competing wills, collectively
understood as the will to power.[18] He also developed influential concepts such as
the Übermensch and the doctrine of eternal return.In his later work, he became increasingly
preoccupied with the creative powers of the individual to overcome social, cultural, and moral
contexts in pursuit of new values and aesthetic health.

On 3 January 1889, Nietzsche suffered a mental breakdown.Two policemen approached him after
he caused a public disturbance in the streets of Turin. What happened remains unknown, but an
often-repeated tale from shortly after his death states that Nietzsche witnessed the flogging of a
horse at the other end of the Piazza Carlo Alberto, ran to the horse, threw his arms up around its
neck to protect it, and then collapsed to the ground.
In the following few days, Nietzsche sent short writings—known as the Wahnzettel ("Madness
Letters")—to a number of friends including Cosima Wagner and Jacob Burckhardt. Most of them
were signed "Dionysos", though some were also signed "der Gekreuzigte" meaning "the crucified
one". To his former colleague Burckhardt, Nietzsche wrote: "I have had Caiaphas put in fetters.
Also, last year I was crucified by the German doctors in a very drawn-out manner.
Wilhelm, Bismarck, and all anti-Semites abolished." Additionally, he commanded the German
emperor to go to Rome to be shot and summoned the European powers to take military action
against Germany, that the pope should be put in jail and that he, Nietzsche, created the world and
was in progress of having all anti-Semites shot dead.”

His only mistake was he went mad too late.

Jesus[e] (c. 4 BC – c. AD 30 / 33),

Oh sweet Jesus, blessed Son of Man, please relieve them of their sins!

Also referred to as Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus Christ,[f] was a first-century Jewish preacher
and religious leader.He is the central figure of Christianity. Most Christians believe him to be
the incarnation of God the Son and the awaited Messiah (Christ) prophesied in the Old Testament.
Virtually all modern scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus existed historically,[g] although the quest
for the historical Jesus has produced little agreement on the historical reliability of the Gospels and
on how closely the Jesus portrayed in the Bible reflects the historical Jesus.[21] Jesus was
a Galilean Jew who was baptizedby John the Baptist and subsequently began his own ministry,
preaching his message orally and often being referred to as "rabbi". Jesus debated with fellow Jews
on how to best follow God, engaged in healings, taught in parables and gathered followers.[26] He
was arrested and tried by the Jewish authorities,[28] and turned over to the Roman government, and
was subsequently crucified on the order of Pontius Pilate, the Roman prefect.[26] After his death,
his followers believed he rose from the dead, and the community they formed eventually became
the early Church.[29]
The birth of Jesus is celebrated annually on December 25 (or various dates in January by some
eastern churches) as a holiday known as Christmas. His crucifixion is honored on Good Friday, and
his resurrection is celebrated on Easter. The widely used calendar era "AD", from the Latin anno
Domini ("in the year of the Lord"), and the alternative "CE", are based on the approximate birth
date of Jesus.

Magic aside, if he came back today, how would you tell 'Him' apart from a psychotic, Dr.? It must
be remembered, 'He' was neither the first nor the last person to be severely persecuted for claiming
divine inspiration. Actually, it has long been the norm, at least in certain cultures, and things have
only gone backwards since then. I'm sure most people, if given an informed choice, would much
prefer a quick showy crucifixion in line with their Work, than a slow agonizing chemical
lobotomization in pointless behind-closed-door obscurity. Oh well, I expect I'll probably end up
with both if I keep the schtick up too long!
Aleister Crowley (born Edward Alexander Crowley; 12 October 1875 – 1 December 1947)

Oh Mr. Crowley, oh Mr. 'Beast',

Please tell me this at least:
Why is your poesy so terribly flowery?!

“Aleister Crowley was an English occultist, ceremonial magician, poet, painter, novelist,
and mountaineer. He founded the religion of Thelema, identifying himself as the prophet entrusted
with guiding humanity into the Æon of Horus in the early 20th century. A prolific writer, he
published widely over the course of his life.
Born to a wealthy Plymouth Brethren family in Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, Crowley
rejected the fundamentalist Christian faith to pursue an interest in Western esotericism. He was
educated at the University of Cambridge, where he focused his attentions on mountaineering and
poetry, resulting in several publications. Some biographers allege that here he was recruited into
a British intelligence agency, further suggesting that he remained a spy throughout his life. In 1898
he joined the esoteric Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, where he was trained in ceremonial
magic by Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers and Allan Bennett. Moving to Boleskine
House by Loch Ness in Scotland, he went mountaineering in Mexico with Oscar Eckenstein, before
studying Hindu and Buddhist practices in India. He married Rose Edith Kelly and in 1904 they
honeymooned in Cairo, Egypt, where Crowley claimed to have been contacted by a supernatural
entity named Aiwass, who provided him with The Book of the Law, a sacred text that served as the
basis for Thelema. Announcing the start of the Æon of Horus, The Book declared that its followers
should "Do what thou wilt" and seek to align themselves with their True Will through the practice
of magick.
After an unsuccessful attempt to climb Kanchenjunga and a visit to India and China, Crowley
returned to Britain, where he attracted attention as a prolific author of poetry, novels, and occult
literature. In 1907, he and George Cecil Jones co-founded a Thelemite order, the through which
they propagated the religion. After spending time in Algeria, in 1912 he was initiated into another
esoteric order, the German-based Ordo Templi Orientis(O.T.O.), rising to become the leader of its
British branch, which he reformulated in accordance with his Thelemite beliefs. Through the
O.T.O., Thelemite groups were established in Britain, Australia, and North America. Crowley spent
the First World War in the United States, where he took up painting and campaigned for the German
war effort against Britain, later revealing that he had infiltrated the pro-German movement to assist
the British intelligence services. In 1920 he established the Abbey of Thelema, a religious commune
in Cefalù, Sicily where he lived with various followers. His libertine lifestyle led to denunciations
in the British press, and the Italian government evicted him in 1923. He divided the following two
decades between France, Germany, and England, and continued to promote Thelema until his

To say it again: when he does it, he gets a cushy special State mission and gaggle of women
obeying his every whim. But when I and others claim.a similar 'inspiration'...well, I think you know
the story by now!

So, is it really such a slur to follow in these footsteps?!

More Crazy Geniuses.

Edgar Allen Poe

“Men have called me mad; but the question is not yet settled, whether madness is or is not the
loftiest intelligence…”

Richard Feynman

A great theoretical physicist and explicater of science, Richard was also a notorious prankster. He
would spend his free time picking locks and cracking safes around the premises to show how easy it
would be to break in somewhere. He also became fluent in Mayan and learned how to throat sing.

Oliver Heaviside

The British mathematician was known as an eccentric who placed huge granite blocks around his
house and went for long periods of time consuming nothing but milk.

Henry Cavendish

Although he basically discovered hydrogen, Henry had notoriously bad social skills and sat at home
all day. His discoveries weren’t found out until nearly 100 years after his death by James Maxwell
and by that time other people had made pretty much all of his discoveries and received the credit.

Nikolai Tesla

After building a high frequency oscillator he invited Mark Twain over because Mark was having
digestive issues. He told Mark to stand on the machine and about 90 seconds later Mark ran for the

Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov

This Russian biologist was famous for creating animal hybrids. Stalin ordered him to create a race
of slave ape men who would serve communist Russia. He ended up inseminating several monkeys
with human semen although none of them became pregnant. Or so it seems.
Sidney Gottlieb

An American military psychiatrist with a Ph.D. in chemistry, he was the man responsible for the
idea to fill Castro’s shoes with thallium to make his beard fall out.

Robert Chesebrough

Not only did he invent vaseline, he ate it every single day.

Henry Winstanley

An English engineer famous for designing the first lighthouse of Eddystone, he was so confident in
his work that he decided to stay in the lighthouse whenever there was a storm. In November of
1703 the lighthouse crashed to the ground during a storm with the eccentric inventor inside.

Franz Reichelt

Known as the “flying taylor” this Frenchman was an early paratrooper pioneer who dedicated
himself to finding a way for soldiers to survive falls from airplanes. After a few test flights with
dummies being thrown out of windows he decided to go all out and jumped off the Eiffel Tower
wearing his invention. Unfortunately the results were not life sustaining.

Buckminster Fuller
This genius inventor, famous for creating the geodesic dome, among other revelations, only slept 2
hours a night and wore three watches so he could keep track of time in different time zones.

Leo Fender

The inventor of the telecaster and stratocaster guitars allegedly couldn’t play a single chord.

Werner Heisenberg

The famous German theoretical physicist who came up with the Uncertainty Principle quantum
mechanics but when he was asked during his doctoral dissertation about how a battery works, he
was most unsure.
Samuel Morse

Samuel came to the conclusion that Blacks, Jews, Catholics, and the entire country of Austria were
out to destroy America. Ironically, his invention facilitated global interconnectivity and therefore
immigration as well.

Sergei Bryukhonenko

Sergei is known for keeping a severed dog’s head alive for several minutes. He created the first life
support machine and needed to test it out.

Rudolf Diesel

After inventing the diesel engine he committed suicide because he thought his invention wouldn’t
be successful.

William Chester Minor

An American surgeon who was responsible for adding most of the example quotations to the
original Oxford Dictionary. He did this while in an insane asylum because he had killed
somebody in a bout of paranoia. His incarceration gave him plenty of time to think of examples


Come to think of it though, its very difficult to find a single genius through all of history who
wouldn’t be called mad either by their own time, or by our kind Dr.s today. Let us diplomatically
claim Eugen Bleuler, the “genius” founder of modern psychiatry as perhaps the only
21) Emerging Proud: a rallying cry. I wish that my story were an archetypal tale of awakening and
success, like ‘Camelot’ (a name designating the contemporary Welsh town of ‘Caerleon’; where I
was once committed), ending in the slaying of the dragon and a hero’s homecoming to his rightful
throne. Alas, my own story is more fitting for troubadours who dwell less on romance, and more on
sheer penury; but even then, without the clear cut ending that might at least give the wan tale its
mythic resonance.– no tragic, sudden demise, but rather long drawn out, tortuous thwarting of the
bloom of youth serving only to truncate and mediocre the otherwise hilly peaks, rather than to give
them relief by way of the equally necessary valleys, cascaded with rivers of sweet sorrowful and
cathartic tears only to enhance the grandeur of their eventual triumph.

More cenotaph than cynosure, I cannot claim to be an avatar for others; I am more a warning
of the way not to travel. Yet for those who have the ‘subtle fingers for nuances’, an eye for the
‘Devil’ – that is ‘in the detail’ – I believe that many hard but crucial lessons can still be learned from
my own unfortunate escapade, which should help prevent the need for others to experience them in
the regrettable and highly prodigal way that I did. Rather than revealing all just yet though, here I
shall merely attempt to summarize some such hard-fought wisdom.

As I say starkly in one my poems (‘Clap Those Hooves’), ‘The world is not out to love you, its out
to shove you.’. Have no doubt, what we are facing here is a merciless life-death struggle where the
outcome will determine not only the quality and bearableness of your own existence, but the
ultimate rulers of this planet. Let that certainty steel your resolve, and spur you to awaken from the
dogmatic, ideological, pre-programmed slumbers of your youth and so-called ‘education’. There is
no time for frivolity, for messing around. We are taught, we are led by our masters, those who seek
power and profit above all else, to believe that this world is a mere fair-ground ride or all-but
perfectly-ordered machine, where we can just afford to wile away the hours, days, and years of lives
on mindless ‘entertainment’ or getting our noses in front of the Joneses in the pre-ordained, rightful
rat race, safe in the knowledge that should we fall or fail a sympathetic, all-knowing system will
take care of us. One look at history, slaughter upon slaughter, oppressive government after
oppressive government…or the real nature of this so-called ‘caring’ system, in which 10s, 100s of
thousands, or even millions of innocent, trusting people are drugging, often forcibly, into oblivion
by poisons that are scientifically proven to damage and shrink the brain…. and the curtains begin to
fall away. Truly, the world is so very difficult to fathom, and if you start making claims that you
can’t totally prove, they will seize their opportunity and strike where you’re vulnerable. Thus, I
limit myself to what I know with certainty, and make only a few reasonable calculations and
deductions from that sure knowledge. I know from my very own personal experience, a long with
countless testimonies of other oh so-patient ‘patients’, that this present system forcibly poisons and
detains such numbers of people, in a way that I can testify without a shred of doubt from my very
own experience, from their own research papers, their own certified ‘Dr.s’, and from any logical,
non-ideologically motivated insight into the nature of the process, causes immense iatrogenic harm,
which can range from what they call in other circumstances, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder to a
variety of known (and undoubtedly some still unknown) disabling brain and body ailments.
I deduce from this, that there can be no trust in either the benevolence or competence of our
governments. Hence forth, all conspiracy theories remain on the table. The only rationale against
them, the only thing that would turn them into a ‘mental disorder’ is the sacralization of blind,
stupid trust, demonstrably false faith in the ‘powers that be’. This very sacraclization, and the
enormous will to impose stigma on the questioning of society’s foundations it represents, is itself
the ultimate affront to free minds and sufficient refutation of the so-called ‘science’ in question.
Thus, we have already encountered two enormous reasons for, so far from trusting the
‘benevolence’ of the ‘powers that be’, actually asserting their positive malevolence. Though this
case could be no doubt explored in infinitely greater and more disturbing scope, for reasons that
have already been alluded to, along with want of space, I will rest my case here.
So, briefly, what do I offer in replace of this saccharine, self-serving, deceptive trust? What I offer
is the myriad and wondrous nature of your own, personal lived experience and the
unfathomably mysterious and wondrous (though often unspeakably brutal and implacably
foreign) nature of the Universe, which calls out for our own independent inspection, free of all
pre-conceived dogmas and ‘just so’ stories. What I offer is the DIVINE MADNESS, the lunatic
curiosity and ultra-functioning of our epistemic faculties, of philosophy, of living in such an
uncertain world, together with the heroic endeavour and steely warrior mentality, which craves
sacrifice, danger, and heavy loads, in the noble pursuit of the goals of personal and collective
freedom, self-realization, betterment, and healing through the uniquely human power of the Word,
and yet all too often is left (yet nevertheless manages) to find its frugal succour and sweetness of
existence merely in the bare accomplishment of animal survival in a world so commonly arrayed
against us. The joy of lifting the lid on our maniacal overlords – or joining them in their plot. Let
the fact that we have all survived this long, so many generations up ’til now, that we are at
bottom all forged like polished steel in the unforgiving Darwinian fires, give you heart and
confidence for the future, but do not let it blind you to the stupid every-day assumptions, herd-like
stagnation and complacency which we have been raised like farmed cattle to suffer – lest next time
you get caught on the wrong side of history. That is merely facing your destiny, that is
22) Idiosyncratic biological weakness of personal history & other factors. Aswell as 'problems
in living', general unhappiness or character weaknesses nowadays called 'mental illness' are
also often caused by an array of idiosyncratic biological factors & flaws, peculiar to each
individual relating to their specific and unique personal history. Just as many different things
can give a person pleasure, or there are many different ways to make a fortune, or many
different possible causes of death, so the physiological factors involved with human misery
are a deficiency or disorder based on that person and their ancestors own unique history of
experiencing and acting in the world. It could be that one person has a heart that is slightly
tired, weaker than it ought to be due certain stressful experiences that person endured in
adolescence, or a genetic defect, that makes the person weary at the prospect of life or
unable to comport themselves effectively in their career, at least without strain. On the other
hand, it could be liver damaged by alcohol, that gives the individual a certain lackadaisical
disposition and inability to concentrate properly. It could be permanently raised cortisol
levels due to some extremely traumatic incident, or permanent shifts in their whole energetic
system, caused by assorted disfigurement of the brain synapses and organs at a pivotal time
when they were forced to function in ways that were not natural to them. Such things
naturally and inevitably sometimes make a person very blue. They are weaknesses
intimately related with character flaws (which themselves are clearly also a real and natural
cause of depression, even if not admitted, but not necessarily so endemic in the body but
merely due to faulty patterns of thought and ideological awareness picked up in youth,
which can still be changed), and as such may often interfere with the idea that person has of
who they are supposed to be. The reason they cause such unhappiness may either be this, or
it may be the general disfigurment, poverty or cacophony of the organs itself. After all, one's
sense of happiness is little else but an overall sense of smooth and majestic functioning, both
internally and out. If there is an inner frailty, the best one can do is learn to cope with it
gradually and adjust one's expectations downwards, or re-align one's inner symphony
consciously at a lower, more modest volume; but it should never be expected that such a
person will be totally 'happy' or in perfectly boistrous good cheer... or that expectation will
itself serve as added pressure and cause of grievance, inhibiting their natural expressions.
There is also far more common causes of unhappiness and ill-feelings, which is just that one
has not thought through the nature of one's environment and oneself thoroughly enough to
master and feel confident about it, so it isn't even biological weakness, just a failure to think
through and realize one's desires.

The idea of an artificial, nigh-universal chemical fix is laughable, since all it can do is addle
the sufferer's sense of perception, causing added confusion in the sufferer by creating in her an extra
struggle to stay in touch with reality and maintain the awareness of her genuine weakness and
inadequacy that conscience demands, thereby causing more stress on mind and body (this is of
course especially true if the sufferer is forced to take the pills, but it is probably also true even if
they take them voluntarily, since the unconscious will still rebel and attempt to compensate at the
idea of a purely artifical, unearned high, and the brain itself will also attempt to adjust by
dampening down one's enjoyment to usual levels even while on the drug -- as the lasting brain and
body changes in patients who have been on such drugs indicate). In other words, it would only
threaten to take away the sufferer's dignity, both in reality and in her own eyes, by attempting to
undermine and detach her from her own conscience... while at the very same time making her
objectively less competant in her surroundings due to faulty judgement -- thus turning her 'ordinary
unhappiness' into unbearable neurosis and Hell on earth.

Remember, when you try to drug someone up, you are telling them that their feelings are
worse than worthless, and have no bearing in reality. Is that anyway to treat yourself or those you
care about? Or does misery stem precisely from a sense that's one's own feelings and wishes are
being invalidated? Its also a bit like you're driving a car, and the engine begins to make funny
noises, and slow down a bit giving signs of a problem... and then you just turn the stereo up and put
your footdown to tide you over for a minutes before the car bursts into flames with you in it.
Stopping would been too much hassle! Just as even ordinary, honest, decent-hearted pygmies
realize that 'good mental health' does not consist in trying to blind oneself to problems and one's
falling short from one's own real standards, it certainly does not consist of taking a pill which
attempts to do exactly that, x10.

23)Love as mental illness. Is love itself a form of mental illness? Undoubtedly, with those white-
coated snake-oil salesman in charge, it is highly liable to 'become one'...

Arguably though, since love is provoked by a lack, and at its most intense perhaps by quite a serious
lack... often a certain deficit of character or body that is supplemented by... or a derangement that is
put to rights by...the return of the cherished presence of the beloved... it is indeed precisely that.

Men and women need each other to produce offspring, as well as complementing one another in
many, many other ways, often depending on personal history. For instance, a woman may look to a
man for guidance, protection, provision, or a sense of status in public society. Whereas a man may
look to a woman as a haven of kindness, delicacy & warmth in a perpetually harsh & war-struck

A truly self-sufficient Being, such as, Democritus's gods in 'The Nature of Things', so he argues,
wouldn't feel love. They would feel only joy. Even a desire to benefit others, presupposes an
emotional need to do so. The reason this is hard to understand is because all living things as we
know them exist in dynamic interaction with their environment, of which love is usually seen as
relatively preferable component and an inseparable prelude or companion to joy.

Love is not merely a lack, but also the natural way in which we genuinely identify a lack and begin
to lean and work our way towards filling its void in the most self-conscious and winsome attitude.
Therefore, if love is really an illness, it seems one can say it is one of the most healthy forms of

Beauty in madness. According to the philosopher Immanuel Kant, beauty is 'purposiveness without
purpose'. The same could be said for madness, which is a deeply aesthetic state of being. To grasp it
means to comprehend the essential meaninglessness, the rudderlessness of existence and exalt in the
sure command of one's own pure animal vitality. Lo! I teach you the madman.
24)Dormant faculties. According to many mystics (true practical psychologists), most of us use
only about 3% of our brain's potential. According to Einstein, it was 10%. Even conventional
psychologists and neuro-scientists (fie on ye!) agree a considerable percentage of it is not being

As well as more active misuse, (real) mental illness is also chiefly caused-by/synonymous-with
parts of the brain that aren't being used, or the parts which aren't being called into use and properly
educated ('drawn out') by the environment. Rather than activate and focus those parts of the brain
like any rational model would do, psychiatry works by attacking, destroying and/or disabling those
parts, very often just as those parts are beginning to awaken (since that often produces a
disequilibrium with the environment and certain 'changes' that are wrongly perceived by those
around them as 'mental illness'), thereby limiting the victim's horizons and capacities to match their
constrained and un-nurturing environment in a way that looks like an 'improvement' to the average
unintelligent cookie-cutter drone or 'Mental Health worker', i.e. to those who usually cannot see
beyond those limited horizons themselves..---

Changing environment. It also does not take a rocket scientist to recognize, and has often been
noted in the literature, that the environment we currently live in is very different from the
Savannah's of Africa we evolved in. Hence not everyone may be properly adapted to it, and ancient
instincts, such as the stress or 'Fight or Flight' response may be called forth by novel stimuli in
inappropriate ways. For instance, if one comes face to face with a lion, running away might prove
the best solution; but if its one's Starbucks cafe supervisor is doing the roaring, you can't expect to
just flee the building and expect to keep your job the next day. It is the job of education, starting in
infancy, to train, tune and enhance our ancient primitive instincts in a way that is suitable for
civilized modern day living.---

Height of absurdity. Furthermore, it is not merely the different environment from that in which we
evolved, but the rapidly accelerating pace of change relative to previous societal norms. As
humankind has 'progressed', it has in many ways drifted further and further from the culture which
it evolved in tandem with, such as ancient, polytheistic religion, and closed, much smaller, tightly-
knit, kin-based societies or tribes, Accumulated knowledge has ceased to be passed on due to
various natural catastrophes, man made ones such a war and famine, changing technology, or is no
longer useful. In addition, the progress of modern ideas has been such that there has been an ever
increasing rush in this direction, so instead of happening gradually over thousands of years,
dramatic shifts can take place in only a single generation, in which case not only do people not have
the genetic component of adaptation that would be ideal, but they also do not have the long
acclimatization period in which to rationally, habitually and empirically predict and adapt, either. In
sum: to blame the failure to adapt on 'natural chemical imbalances in the brain', in such a heavily
artificial and unnatural environment, particularly where the signs of social decay and abuse are so
rampant as they are today, is the height of absurdity.

25) The disadvantages of self-control. The exhortation to self-control is really an exhortation to

obedience and submission. (When they said I lacked 'self-control', what they actually meant was I
wasn't controlling myself according to their demands... and they proceeded to take actual self-
control away from me) If we are really going to free ourselves of the crippling influence of
convention and actually arbitrary, oppressive so-called 'authority', we probably ought to rid
ourselves of all self-control that is not absolutely necessary.

Not what but how. People nowadays don't seem to realize, its not WHAT you think that matters, its
HOW you think (or don't think) that's important. So long as they don't see that, they will always be
missing a central piece of their own true humanity.

Real change. The cave-dwelling masses and everyday non-mental -patients, while all too fatuously
and recklessly embracing ideologies of social 'progress', are frightened of a real change in their
Being and locked into a pattern of stagnation and decay. The madman, (remember, the etymological
meaning of the word 'mad' is to 'change') at least in the normative, ideal sense of that term, (as well
as often he or she who is so-labelled), has awakened to the need for spiritual becoming, both in
himself and others.
“Peace is purchased in the
currency of loss.”

―Glen Duncan, “I, Lucifer”

The Gag Of Being by Max J. Lewy (“the joke Messiah”)

If life is a sad comedy,

and death is the 'punchline'..

Man is the 'gag of Being'!;

An ape who fancies herself a God,

Heart laying muffled, gagged in agonizing,

Desperate, unbearable silence its entire life...

Just when it thinks its got it all sorted

& opens its mouth, at last confident, to speak....

KABOOM!!!!!!! ..there rolls her head across the safety mat!...

(“Man is the poem of Being” -- Martin Heidegger)

26) Autobiography of values as requisite. To counter-act the tide of artificial, false pretenses to
expert, scientific 'objectivity', and the docile, herd-like conformity that actually entails within social
science, within the healing professions, and within society a whole, I propose that a personal
account of one's life-story, focusing on how one came to arrive at one's central, integral values,
become a standard for all such careers. This would be a move towards bolstering the development
of personality and character throughout society, preventing people from hiding entirely behind their
professional veneers, and presencing the real-lived experience and actual, rather than false selves, of

I don't not propose this merely as a helpful task for the 'professional' on the way to qualifying, but
as a central piece that he must present to his or her clients/patients. A kind of C.V., but, as I say, with

Harm, punish, or 'treat'. If you harm, punish or 'treat' an bad man, he might just re-consider his
wicked ways; but if you harm, punish or 'treat' a good one, he is often liable or prone to re-consider
his good ways.

A quick test. Test for sanity in three little words:

Sense of irony.

27) Madness and Art. Madmen and poets are alike: they both give freer reign to their emotional
and linguistic expressions than is considered decent. And, both of them too, do it largely for socially
admirable, therapeutic reasons. Albeit the 'mad' one is more often misunderstood, since people
forget that all life, and the unartistic life most of all, is a good opportunity for art, for therapy.

The unartistic life is the most drab, automatic, unredeemed kind of life, in which salutary
disruptions are still possible. No one blinks twice if they see an eviscerated heart in an art gallery
nowadays. But if they see an eviscerated heart while it is still in someone's chest. That's magic.

Dolly Sen on Madness. "Madness might mean my mind is at war with itself but psychiatry has
made me a refugee from my own soul. Art is the map out of all of that"

28) Why Study Philosophy?

“Stupidity is a structure of thought as such: it is not a way to go wrong, it expresses in law the non-
sense in thought. Stupidity is not a mistake, but a fabric of mistakes. We know stupid thoughts,
stupid speeches that are made whole of truths; but these truths are low, are those of a low, heavy and
lead soul. Stupidity and, more deeply, what it is the symptom: a low way of thinking. [...] when
someone asks what the philosophy is for, the answer must be aggressive, since the question is ironic
and biting. [...] she serves to harm stupidity, she makes stupidity something shameful.”

-- Gilles Deleuze

There are many reasons to study philosophy, from moral, to practical, to hedonistic/Epicurean (the
philosophy of pleasure associated with 3rd century B.C. garden philosopher, Epicurus), to scientific,
to even religious.

Once we recognize that we don't know the ultimate answers to the most ultimate questions about
how we should live, and the nature of the Divine and reality in general, the continuing desire to live
a morally good life, a pious life, a happy life, of even simply an honest life, seems to compel us, as
the great philosopher, Socrates, (who said 'All I know is I know nothing') famously maintained, to
devote ourselves to this quest. In fact, as Plato famously argued, our ordinary, pre-philosophic
beliefs are similar to living in a dark cave never having once glimpsed the light; we simply grow up
acquiring beliefs much like an uncleaned shelf acquires dust over the years, never inquiring into the
their ultimate basis. We are like a tree already with a trunk and branches but poorly formed roots.
Thus often our self-value and sense of meaning in life is very precarious, because we are literally
living a lie. This is the ultimate source of much of the rage and despair we see in people today. Even
if the quest for an ultimate basis of our beliefs may turn out to be partly elusive, it seems that human
beings, or at least some of them, have a great longing for such a basis that compels us to make this
quest for the satisfaction of our own conscience, a quest that can be enormously therapeutic and by
which we can come to know what Leo Strauss called 'the true human community', which due to the
inherently separate and private nature of the body, can only ever be a community of thought, of
ideas, or of the mind.

Science today, just like religion in the past, claims to be an authoritative source of knowledge. It
claims to be unlike religion in being based on a rigorous method of experiment and observation
which all but guarantees its validity. However, until we have thoroughly investigated such claims in
the light of ultimate questions about what knowledge is and how it can ever be securely obtained, it
cannot or should not have any binding force over us. In matter of fact, there is widespread dispute
and controversy even within the scientific community itself about the reliability of much of the
research published even in its most eminent journals, especially regarding the social sciences. And
stories of corruption abound. Therefore, while certainly an important part of our culture that has led
to many technological and material advances, it does not seem that 'Science' is a very sure
foundation of knowledge. And this is even more true in the domain of values, of which science
itself generally admits to being an incapable arbiter and in which the biases of Power and Custom
still heavily distort things.

Yet the notion that Facts and Values are totally incommunicable with/ irreducible to one another is a
highly dubious, if not outright fallacious modern notion that we must be sure does not go
unchallenged. In order to create or discover values that are in accord with our ultimate happiness, to
realize our true will, to be effective in the world, we have to understand the nature of the machine
we are dealing with as best we can. And that includes, most crucially of all, the machine that we
ourselves are. One wouldn't try getting into the cockpit and flying a plane if one had never studied
it, so why do we think we can operate the most complex machine in the known universe, the human
brain, without similarly studying and coming to understand human nature? And the nature of
society which has shaped us, and provides much of the domain for meaningful action? That is why
these are questions which have long dominated philosophy as well as more recent modern day
'Science', and we shall be paying particular attention to them in our own inquiries.
Thus, philosophy is not merely a moral or scientific imperative (though it certainly is that), but
essential to our own happiness and sense of mental and physical well-being. It is not really some
specialized 'discipline', as it is often distorted as today, (or merely a collective endeavour in the
manner of 'Science'), but actually a crucial stage in all of our individual and collective development.
That is also why it has often been described as 'a way of life', since the questions it raises are deep
waters which one can easily devote a whole life time to trying to unravel; and thereby doing, one
will undoubtedly perform a most invaluable social function, an 'archetype' (to quote C. G. Jung) of
acting as a guide to truth and the best manner of life for others - for according to many, the function
of a philosopher, as he who views 'the Truth' as it really is, is almost inseparable from spiritual
leader or law-giver for a whole society, or even, nowadays, the whole of humankind. However, we
seek to have as many 'leaders' as we can! Particularly for the young (although potentially at almost
any age), it marks their coming into their own and discovering themselves anew, after a life time of
socially inculcated programming, permitting a form of direct and intimate connection with the truth,
with reality that can be hugely inspiring and empowering, rather than the extremely mediated
manner, via institutions of power, which we are used to. This is one of the reasons why philosophy
or the life of free thought is often put forward as the good or happy life, since it allows for an almost
'god-like' sense of self-sufficiency and spiritual independence on the part of its practicioners that
makes them a blessing to both themselves and to those around them. That is why I do not urge
people to simply become 'readers of philosophy' deferring to tradition or popular currents but active
philosophers in their own right relying as much as possible on their own steam; in other words,
since the nature of reality is individual, the quest for meaning itself is not an abstract, bloodless
quest that others can do for you, but fundamentally the most vital and potentially life-changing
question of all: 'what is MY meaning?', which though some may find challenging and can certainly
be informed by the thoughts of others, (why not study the Great Works?), the beauty of it is that it is
also essentially a matter of harking to responses of one's own heart, which many of us have
suppressed for far too long to the detriment of our own sense of self-worth and happiness. Lastly,
the love and facility for questioning and multiple perspectives and answers it opens up acts as a
tremendous vaccine against censorious fanaticism, to which we as a society today are becoming
increasingly once again prey, as we have so many times before. This is just one more reason why it
is so crucial that all young people today be taught philosophy, which in a supposedly 'free society'
represents the basis of true, (rather than merely ideologically stated), freedom and sense of all-
around well-being.---

Gaslit by a madman. The greatest pleasure and the root of almost all other pleasure in life is to
articulate the proper relation of objects and personal values.

For instance. 'I love it when you make me feel crazy, Mr. Cuckoo.'”
'I love it when you doubt yourself for me, my princess of tears.'

29) A spanner in the works. Madness, particularly in the realm of thoughts and expressions of
opinion, acts as a spanner in the cog-like operation of the world, presencing the universal tyranny of
convention and habit as opposed to authentic individual emotional and cerebral expression.
Inauthentic individuals, so habituated to slavery that they recoil from true freedom as a threat to
their own existence (hence the claims that mad people are 'dangerous', 'either to themselves or
others', potentially violent, etc.), therefore instinctively react with hostility and try to shut it down.
In fact the notion that 'madmen' are somehow more dangerous or violent than the average human is
a notion totally repudiated by the evidence, which, on the contrary, given the exceptional brutality
with which they are treated and slandered, is in fact an overwhelming and immortal testament their
unparalleled mildness and the native pacifism of outcasts and eccentrics everywhere.
He who is wise. He who is foolish defers to 'authority', often without even realizing he is doing it,
and thinks he has knowledge. He who is wise recognizes the vanity of all outer authorities, is
committed to radical, free and perpetual inquiry, and rests proud and ironically in his own moderate,
provisional conviction.
30) Psychopathy: the integrated consciousness's hidden reverse. Though this is rarely admitted,
the ideally 'normal' man has a hidden underbelly much like society itself (think the Jungian
'shadow'). While the average man limits himself to only a plain & bland mainroad, the fully integral
man opens his consciousness to all the little dirty, exciting backalleys of human cultures and
manifestations, from the most sublime mountain path, to the most poignant sovenier thriftstore, to
the most criminal ditch, of which he is a perfect reflection in microcosm. While outwardly he may
seem the perfect mild-mannered sage, inwardly, in his fervid imagination, he knows all the
forbidden pleasures of the beast of prey. His serenity is a mere by-product of the the veritable
Witch's Sabbath which lingers just behind his temples. All manner of murders, rapine, and tortures
have been plotted and effortlessly executed there in sheer, innocent movie-house form. For one
must know one's enemy. And to know him, one must become him. It is precisely this debauched
debonair's capacity to get inside the most harmful minds that renders him so masochistically
courageous and immune to them, identifying sympathizing & scorning his assailant's jouissance
from his cheerful Olympian view even in his own agonizing, yet ecstatic, Christ-like death-throes.
Similarly, given the improbability of gaining any influence in this world without a chest full of
atrocities, his own path to success may well itself be regrettably lined with corpses. Even if he does
not ride the road of ambition, it is most probably because he well realized aforehand the dreadful
nadirs of depravity & filth it meant residing within, quite possibly permanently .

A school for contempt of one's fellow man and everyday 'nice, ordinary people'. Not the worst
aspect of being a psych patient is the way one sees the naturally 'nice' and or even 'kind' people
routinely co-opted and so happily enslaved to the purposes of evil, which really crushes the soul and
your positive feeling for ordinary people. We ourselves become guilty and corrupted even by dint of
compulsory association, since if we were really pure, we'd kill ourselves first.
“I'm in love, truly, madly, deeply
in love with perception.”
― Glen Duncan, “I, Lucifer”
How I fell Into The Vulture's Clutches...
"....And there is a charge, a very large charge
For a word or a touch
Or a bit of blood

Or a piece of my hair or my clothes.

So, so, Herr Doktor.
So, Herr Enemy.

I am your opus,
I am your valuable,
The pure gold baby

That melts to a shriek.

I turn and burn.
Do not think I underestimate your great concern.

Ash, ash—
You poke and stir.
Flesh, bone, there is nothing there——

A cake of soap,
A wedding ring,
A gold filling.

Herr God, Herr Lucifer

Beware Beware.

Out of the ash

I rise with my red hair
And I eat men like air."

Sylvia Plath, excerpt from "Lady Lazarus"

Growing up is tough. Perhaps it has been an awful lot worse in the past. But today, it is still very
hard, even in the more developed countries. Jordan B. Peterson, now the hero of a generation,
makes this abundantly clear: in his work, we see how lost many people are; how lost many of us are
or have been at times, (which we know even better from personal experience, if we are honest).
Our education system draws no attention to our spiritual life, to the cultivation of the virtues and
dispositions that make life genuinely ‘meaningful’ (to use Peterson’s term). Many people, such as
those Peterson speaks of, become highly brainwashed by the system, in a sense keeping their heads
firmly in the sand and never questioning their social indoctrination. They merely become more and
more fanatical. I wasn’t like that. I suffered from, if anything, the opposite pathology. Suddenly,
when I read Nietzsche’s “Beyond Good And Evil” at 17, I found myself engulfed by so many
doubts and reservations about the education I had received hitherto, and about the ‘values’ that most
people take for granted, that it paralysed my ability to continue with life – with my formal schooling
– in a productive manner. However. I was so enthralled to the system, so ‘institutionalized’ by 14
years of public curriculum schooling and classroom routine, that I was unable to act independently
and decisively to extricate myself from this same system. Thus, I continued on, going to University,
in a degree (Philosophy and Mathematics) that I didn’t even want to be doing. I think I would have
faired better with P.P.E. – Politics, Philosophy, and Economics – but that wasn’t available at a top
University other than Oxford until a year later. I should have taken an extra year and switched
course, or simply abandoned the Mathematics, as I was only interested in the Human Condition at
the time… but I was too indecisive, didn’t think Philosophy alone sounded as impressive or offered
the same ‘career prospects’, and, not knowing what I really wanted anyway, I was afraid of making
any kind of a scene.

In the last year I was at University, because I was expressing my unhappiness, & had always been
curious about psycho-analysis, after seeing it romantized so splendidly in the incomparable films of
Woody Allen, I foolishly consented to see a psychiatrist – thinking I was gonna get the full, in depth
couch & dreams approach, intrepid, disabused psychological delving & diving with a seasoned
guide. But in reality.... The white-coated lame wad asked me a bunch of stupid, childish questions
from his standard, poxy little ticklist, & unfortunately when he asked 'Do I think I receive messages
from the T.V.?”, in my sweet naivety I simply answered 'Yes'. (Doh! The T.V. is a form of media; its
whole job is to send you messages!) As a result of that moronic misunderstanding, the jumped-up
invalid labelled me 'schizophrenic' there and then.... & that's how it happened folks! That's how
Eden got nuked! Because I claimed a t.v. sends messages!

Anyway... they didn't kidnap me at that point. I merely returned to University after being kept in for
a night on ward, & then I just about passed my horrible course, after 4 years of intellectual sclerosis
in the bloom of youth (though far, far worse was to come!)...but by the end of it, I was masturbating
compulsively (to internet pornography), which continued for another 2 or so years at home again in
my old bedroom of my parent’s residence. Then, to cut a long story short, I suffered a (minor) injury
to my private parts, which I was convinced was more serious than it actually was, yet still I
continued with the self-abuse, with ever mounting guilt and worry. I began having physical
symptoms – coughing up phlegm, pains in my head – as well as extreme states of dysphoria upon
attempts to withdraw from my addiction. I was concerned that I was verging upon doing permanent
damage to my nervous system. To combat this, as well as the unpleasant effects I just mentioned, I
began fasting and meditating for days or weeks at a time. After a week or two of fasting, I would
then feast myself prodigiously, especially on lots of meat (yes, I invented the ‘meat-only, ketagenic
diet' a good decade before Peterson... which now is officially being used to treat 'schizophrenia',
btw!... and, unlike him, I was roundly committed for it!) and blueberries.
To cut a long story short, my worried mother took me to see a Dr., (who I just went a long with, not
considering it of any great significance and vaguely hoping they might send me for a brain scan to
see what was happening with my nerves). However, due to the fact I had spent all of the last two
years largely alone in my bedroom (‘negative symptoms of schizophrenia’, and because I said that I
was concerned that my excessive habits might be causing a problem with my brain (together with
my unorthodox but actually quite effective attempts to rectify the issue), plus my frenzied feasting,
they thought I was delusional, psychotic. So one night, when I was least expecting it… they came to
my house and Sectioned me (though vivi-sectioned might be more accurate).

The above is of course only a brief summary, and it doesn’t nearly convey the inner turmoil that I

was in at the time. But that inner turmoil was Nothing compared to what I
suffered after that, as a direct product of my Sectioning (for those who don’t already know, this
means I was involuntarily detained At Her Majesty’s Pleasure in a so-called mental ‘hospital’).
I’m sure its rather common (‘normal’) to be rather distressed when State workers accost you at your
home, and basically kidnap you indefinitely (the technical term for it is 'Kafkarian Nightmare'). But
the reaction I underwent at this time was extreme, even by normal (or even abnormal) human
psychological standards. The combination or years of constant masturbation, combined with
succeeding attempts to heal myself via fasting, meditation, and feasting, had ignited enormous
reserves of energy. At home, I had been able to keep my environment under very tight
control, restricting my movements, my entire attention, and dietary practices exactly as I required so
as to free myself from the aforementioned addiction and its attendant malaise, a long with
progressing my spirit even further. When all this control was completely taken away from me, all
the energies that I had been just about directing for productive purposes completely imploded
within me; it was as if the rug had suddenly been slid from under me. I was told and
basically forced to accept that all of my attempts to control my own actions were wrong and
either prevented or prohibited from acting on them, meaning that I was suddenly
terrified of all my own impulses, as every expression of
them was punished like a ton of bricks by the most vicious
slander, contempt and humiliation, potentially rendering me a
medical captive for life if I didn't lie to hide my excruciating
agony and grin and bear it . When you become scared of your own impulses, Ladies
and Gentlemen – especially when they are running at literally 100 MPH, feeling under heavy
assault because of them with no way to defend yourself – the intense conflict causes them to self-
destruct. They destroy you. That is exactly what happened, causing precisely the nervous
breakdown I had been expressing fears about previously for which the Dr.s had ridiculed me
and sectioned me in the first place! No growth is possible under such conditions. During this
time, no words can ever express how distraught I was or the agony I endured. For 6 months, I felt
the most acute, extreme, excruciating and constant restlessness, which I was absolutely unable to do
anything about no matter how much I paced around the cramped wards, and I watched internally
as my nerves were crushed against my skull and gradually gave up the ghost. They
said all
my suffering was in my imagination. : ) All a ‘hallucination’.
They say ‘you can’t feel brain damage’! They couldn't care a less about my agony -- they
laughed at me as I begged for mercy... (to recall the beginning of this book:
“ (though I begged you on my knees before to stop, over & over, & you only chuckled at me &
smiling “knowingly” & whispering complacently at
carried on anyway,
your young callous nubile little female assistant psychiatrist to
impress her:...

& I've suffered in Hell for 12 years as a direct result of their actions. They also do list
in their idiotic 'scholarly' manuals that sleeping problems and unquenchable thirst are a good sign of
such damage though, and for the last 12 years I’ve been waking up over 20 times every night, ( as
well as, actually more importantly, sleeping extremely shallowly compared to how I used to)
whereas before, even in all my distress, I slept right through them every night. I’ve also had a
more or less constant sense of some kind of nervous thirst, which nothing would satisfy and is
unbearably frustrating & difficult to describe. Added to that, I have had a complete derangement
and profound loss of my identity, memory, functionality, etc. since that time, which has only
slowly re-gathered itself after 12 years!
Before I was (vivi)sectioned, I felt I had just turned a corner – I had finally extricated myself
from my addictions – and it was now just a matter of calming down my excitement from all the
fasting and meditating. I was extremely hopeful of writing my first novel within a couple of years.
As it was, it took me 12 more years of Hell/most bitter purgatory (Its one thing to be too scared to
move. Its a lot worse when you're afraid to stop moving too – for 12 years.) to recover even a
semblance of my former self from the iatrogenic effects of my ‘treatment’, producing a mere one
book of extremely angsty poetry (named “Madness: a form of love”).

It is only really since the last 6 months (early January 2019), having come off the drug-poisons 2
months before that, after 12 years of oppression and being subjected to 'friendly little'
compulsory monthly get-togethers with my drug-rapists, that I have once again regained my
footing and my life has become worth living again.
Though they labelled me with 'schizophrenia' & said I would only 'deteriotate' without their
abuse, as events have transpired I have jumped thru' their hoops successfully for 12 years,
though gnashing my teeth at them secretly every second of the time, & only when they leave me
alone again do I find some semblance of peace & genuine sanity, & I am able to produce
something I deem worthwhile. At the time of writing this, I have just written a 400 page book
entitled 'Gaslit By A Madman' (please check it out) mostly within the last year, deconstructing
my experiences, & for the last several months, I am actually quite happy for once! Or at least
1000x less miserable than in their clutches!

Although it was only becoming gradually clear to me at precisely the time the psychiatrists entered
& ruined everything, all my 'problems' were due to inexperience with life, with never having had a
mentor to guide me in this business called 'life' & being basically already traumatized by years of
'schooling' –i.e. Slave-farming -- against my Will. As I said, I was a philosophical nihilist, who
thought that the very idea of life having a meaning was absurd, so I had absolutely no interest in
what other people consider 'life' & didn't know how to put any value in it. I actually was, however,
an enormously strong specimen, with enormous latent ambitions that had never received any
cultivation from my environment other than in the wrong directions. I wanted to be a Master,
perhaps a leading Stateman of my age, not a compartmentalized wage-slave; I wanted to be
legislating Laws for society & working for important transformation of the culture for the
betterment of human lives, ( either through writing books & giving lectures like Jordan B. Peterson
or through active duty in parliament, like the great & inmicable President Donald John Trump, the
Goldenboy & short-term Savior of a Nation. May the Holy Lord Allah bestow Peace upon him)
This idea is never taken seriously in schools, & at 23 when shrinks swooped in, I was only
gradually acquiring the courage to realize that is what I wanted & to think that much 'outside the
box'. This is how psychiatry in reality picks off the strongest, not the genuinely 'sick'. Now that I am
relegated to only the tinest fraction (literally, much less than 5%) of my former potential, having
seen the 12 most important years of my youth, when I should have finally been bursting into bloom
& taking control of my own destiny after my miserable school years, planting the seeds for a life
time.. having seen all these years go entirely to spoil & laid waste at their hands, utterly
uncultivated, I am still, even after all they did to me now able to function quite happily on my
own (I call it 'being permitted to savour & enjoy my “negative symptoms”'.... without
the meddling interference of a over-excited gang of do-gooding orangutangs trying to tear my
pants down & stab me in the backside with their beloved little 'bananas', the cerebrally
scrawny little nincompopps thinking they're giving me such a damn 'treat' – love them, the
poor little mad dears ! ) , just writing my own aphorisms pointing out the failings in society,
reflecting on the Universe, praising that which is Noble & godly through verse, & kindly educating
others on how they could transform their lives for the better. How many others, or psychiatrists,
could say they'd still be this sane (not that they are now!) after having 12 years of their youth
literally stolen from them? The whole business is about cutting down the tall trees while they're still
little sapplings, out of jeasousy. What I was undergoing was a spiriutal pregnancy ( I needed a
Socrates, not a Dr. Mengele, for Christ's sake ) , & they caused my first born & only child to
miscarry. For that I will hold a hex upon them until our general annual income level has been
largely reversed (at least), which at this rate seemingly may be another life time in itself; but, come
that time, be sure... I'll be the one playing Dr. ; )

“Sorrow Will Come In The End” by Morrissey

Legalized theft
Leaves me bereft
I get it straight in the neck
(Somehow expecting no less)
A court of justice
With no use for truth
You pleaded and squealed
And you think you've won
But sorrow will come
To you in the end
And as sure as my words are pure
I praise the day that brings you pain
Q.C.'s obsessed with sleaze
Frantic for fame
They're all on the game
They just use a different name
You lied
And you were believed
By a J.P. senile and vile
You pleaded and squealed
And you think you've won
But sorrow will come
To you in the end
And as sure as my words are pure
I praise the day that brings you pain
So don't close your eyes
Don't close your eyes
A man who slits throats
Has time on his hands
And I'm gonna get you
So don't close your eyes
Don't ever close your eyes
You think you've won
Oh no

(Disclaimer: These are Morrissey's words, & he's hardly Jack-the-ripper material. I am not
actively seeking to engage in violence either; I never do.)

Max Lewy, author of 'Gaslit By A Madman: On Philosophy, Madness & Society' , “Gaslit By A
Madman: Illuminated Poems', & “Madness: a form of love”

And here is one my own poems:

The Morgue

Nestled near the back, in the basement of this colossal, degenerate hotel,
Lies the neatly stacked, chilled remains of those who are no longer ill.
The decaying remnants of those whom even the blade could not save,
Whose tortured spirits, on disinfected tables, gave their last breath away.
No manner of modern tinkering could out-do their incurable fate,
Now they lay in a man-made limbo, lingering on, yet lifeless, they wait..
Rather like they did while still alive on all those sundry, gargantuan lists,
As the rain and wind ripped all the roses to shreds, through the rising mists.

All you geriatric gymnasts, leaping from one death-defying illness to another,
Your tricks will come to an end here, just like your incontinent old mother.
Those who never amounted to much in life grow in stature in this place.
They have been through a lot.. probably even more than you or I...

Botched jobs, tumorous children, murder-victims...

All gather here together, coagulating like a muddy river in stormy weather.
For the next few cold hours, the buzzing florescent light will be their only hymns.

Surgeons sleepy from too many long nights on shift....

Their heroic failures line these corridors.
Throw another Martini into the mix, Its time to drown our sorrows.
Not a few of these quiet inmates were killed by cocktails of their own....

Pharmaceuticals is big business, after all.

But the real errors, like me, still walk amongst you.
Proud, ashamed. Not nearly so tall...


(Just remember, guys, “begging never works” . ; ) )

"“We did not lack modesty—on the contrary—but something
urgently drove us to defy modesty together as immodestly as
possible.” ― Georges Bataile
Quotes from other survivors:

“When Miss Callaghan had discovered enough “symptoms,” I was sent to the Bellevue children’s
psychiatric ward, to be officially diagnosed and to made an experimental animal for Doctor Bender.
I was one of the first children to be “treated” with electric shock. I was six years old...
And so I spent my childhood waking from nightmare to nightmare in locked rooms with scraps of
torn comic books and crusts of bread and my friends the mice, with no one to tell me who I was.
When I was seventeen and the shrinks thought they had destroyed me, they set me free.
I was free.” – Ted Chabasinski, (Ted is currently working as the directing attorney for Mental
Health Consumer Concerns (MHCC). )

“If you are diagnosed with schizophrenia, they talk with you like you are not there. They talk about
you but not with you, but you have to hear it. But if you really want to talk, the doctors and nurses
in the hospital don’t have time for a conversation. I’ve spent about ten years of my life in and out of
psychiatric hospitals. I’ve been out for two years now, and I feel strongly that the hospital did me
more harm than good. ” – Beate Braun, Germany (from Mind Freedom International testimonies)

“When I went to the mental health system, I felt that my problems were compounded by somewhat
of a punishing factor. They indicated to me that I was going to get back out there and conform to the
standards no matter what. They did not show that they really cared about what I wanted or needed.
My problems were also compounded by the attitude of those people in the mental health system. No
one tried to understand me as an individual. They assumed that most people in the system were
brain dead, retarded, and had no potential. “ – Joe S Baletta, Oregan U.S.A. (from Mind Freedom
International testimones)

“Now, some people will say, “But Jim is not really mentally ill. He’s not like the rest of them.”
First, I was lucky not to have been made permanently mentally ill by The System. I could have very
easily become “chronically mentally ill.” It was pure luck that I didn’t. Second, when I have
listened to other people who have recovered from serious mental illness, they uniformly say that is
what people say about them too. “ James B. Gottstein, (President/CEO, Law Project for Psychiatric

“I’m the mother of Jeff, who has been forced to take psyche meds for 30 years by mental health
courts and psychiatry. His life has been stolen from him. My son has been stolen from me. His
issues began as sugar issues as a late teen. Sugar causes inflammation. Inflammation causes
depression. He was diagnosed with “melancholia” and hypoglycemia about the same time by our
family doctor. He was given an antidepressant and a he downward spiral began. After being forced
to take the first generation drugs in the 1990s, my Jeff would have akathisia so badly he would tell
me, “Just out a bullet in my brain, Mother. It would be a kindness.” – Marilyn Welton, Former
Hearing Assistant (Bsc, Psychology)
“I am a proud psychiatric survivor. After encountering overwhelming emotional problems in
college, about a dozen psychiatrists labeled me psychotic, schizophrenic, bi-polar, depressed, etc.
Inside psychiatric institutions, including twice in a Harvard teaching-facility, McLean Hospital, I
survived solitary confinement, involuntary psychiatric drug injections, weeks deprived of my
liberty, and other degradations.
While in solitary once, I recall symbolically punching the impenetrable steel screen over the only
window, and vowing silently that when I got out I would resist this abusive system. Harvard’s
volunteer program, Phillips Brooks House, placed me as an intern with one of the early activist
groups, Mental Patients Liberation Front. This became my career, and I learned all I could about
community organizing, starting with an intensive training by the group ACORN. “ – David Oaks,
(Former Executive Director Of Mind Freedom International, graduate of Harvard University)

“There were absolutely ZERO positive effects of the Thorazine and Stellazine I was given.
Negative, many: sunburned very easily, numbed out, could not focus or think clearly or be aware or
“alive”, “forgot” how to draw (scary, as I was a painting major), could not read, lost interest in sex,
stopped having periods, was constipated a lot and had trouble urinating. First few days I vomited
and had diarrhea. Heavy emotional “depression” that I didn’t have in such a severe form before the
drugs. Hallucinations and “delusions” that I never had before or since being on the drugs. Did not
realize this at the time, but a key negative effect was stopping or slowing in the process of
emotional release, i.e. crying, trembling, laughing, etc. One day I could not move my neck at all.
Currently I have many physical distresses in my body, showing up in the form of back pain, neck
pain, etc., and I have a feeling these are related to the length of time I was on Thorazine. I basically
lost almost two years of my life due to the drugs. The worst part was eventually believing that I
“needed” these drugs to “calm me down.” “ – Janet Foner. (Janet leads Mental Health Liberation
workshops in many parts of the U.S. and other countries. She consults, develops leaders, writes
policy, and serves as a board member of SCI. Janet is a wife, mother of two young adults. )

“In the late 90s, I had two small sons and was working full time as a Special Education teacher. A
hard job made harder by a gossipy teacher team leader who openly held me in low esteem, as she
did many students and other teachers. She was fairly wealthy because her husband was a successful
pharmaceutical salesman. That matters because, back then, Utah had a strong anti-psych med

I enjoyed my children, but my husband felt overwhelmed and I ended up doing all of the work with
them and I had few friends and was fairly isolated. I started feeling a lot of anxiety.
I remember talking about it with some co-workers and of course their answer was “get help” as
opposed to something like being supportive or just decent. It seemed like they actually started to be
meaner. They certainly were talking about me behind my back.
I went to the EAP for the 15 sessions I was allowed and they sent me to one of only three
psychiatrists they had under contract.
He was very into all the medications and did a lot of fast talking about benefits and side effects. It
was hard to keep up. Ultimately, he gave me a stimulant, a benzodiazepine, and Wellbutrin, the one
they now use for smoking cessation, he mentioned that as a reason to be assured it was safe.

I started taking the them as needed, and the Wellbutrin daily. After a few days on the Wellbutrin, I
started feeling really paranoid and angry. I remember actually hiding under my desk during my
lunch break. My husband told me I seemed weird, but also told me I had to go to work. Other
people at work told me I couldn’t get a substitute and I had to go to work. The students never
complained, but at some point I must have said or done something. I’m not even sure what. No
student actually avoided me or claimed I hurt them. After a few days of this. I decided it was the
Wellbutrin (the Internet was new to me) and stopped taking everything, but the Xanax (I believe
that’s what I was taking). I felt better, but my principal started taking action against me. Of course
he let it fester for 2 weeks and they called me into a meeting with just me, the principal and a vice-
I went to the Union and their lawyers said there was nothing they could do, another lawyer I went to
said the same. I finally went to a local civil rights lawyer and the whole thing stopped (they aren’t
allowed to just fire people for having problems like that, it’s the same laws that actually created my
job) except for the shame. I had been bullied as a kid and had grown up in a house full of filthy
garbage and it brought that deep shame back.
I was offered a job in another district and they held it over my head and threatened to “black-ball”
me if I left or made trouble. So I was stuck there for another 20 years.
I believe all I did was swear at kids and use the “f” word, but in Utah, that’s bad. It couldn’t have
been that bad because I continued to do my job more or less successfully for decades. It set the
stage to be undermined and mistreated for the rest of my career. I really can’t get over the really
deep shame and it’s part of why I retired. It’s hard to live under all that shame. It’s sad to me to
think of all the important responsibilities I had on me and the only care anyone had to offer was
pills. It’s my dream that no new mother or teacher ever has to feel that throw-away, but I know it’s
getting worse.
I’m not even sure how I survived all of that, but I’m sure it hurt my sons a lot. “ – Pseudonym
“Maggie Hewitt”..a friend who prefers to remain anonymous, . due to the wrongness & humiliation
of her so-called 'treatment' by the System.

OAKLAND, CA PROBABLY 2000 “After I called 911 for swallowing a bottle of Remeron, the
paramedic put a Hannibal Lector mask on my face because I was crying and scared. Being strapped
in was reliving all the trauma my father put me through. They took me to a hospital where again I
was tied to a bed. My hospital gown opened revealing my breasts. I cried and said "No" and the
nurse told me "no" like he was disciplining a child. It was obvious the people who worked there
liked control. The nurse liked the fear in my eyes when I asked how long I would be there and she
said "I don't know". The lady in the room next door to me was screaming in pain and the staff
people laughed and told her to relax.
My parents joyfully put me into the psychiatric system. My father who came THIS close to abusing
me sexually. My father who raised his arms to heaven and told me he was like Jesus Christ because
he could love my mother who was unlovable. My father who stood in front of my mother and told
her there was blackness oozing out of every hole in her body. Dr. Peter L. Zhang read affidavits
from my parents, talked to me for 5 minutes, observed me and diagnosed me with schizophrenia.
He made getting along with my mother a condition of getting out of the hospital. My mother who
repeatedly forgets my father's abuse of her, looks up to him for guidance, and talks about him like
he is a hero or a god. Dr. Zhang forced me to take Olanzapine with a huge nurse to hold my arm
down and another to inject it into me. I tried to open a dialogue with him... Ask if he could get to
know me and my history enough to know why nature and spirituality were so important to saving
my life, why I had huge reservations about western medicine and why I couldn't swallow pills
(partly because of a suicide attempt in 5th grade). He wouldn't even let me talk about it. He said
'You will comply"
I've left Dr. Matthew S. Wilson 3 written messages about negative side effects from Olanzapine
(heavy slow walking, shaky hand, mouth so dry I can't stand it). It's been 4 months and he refuses to
call me or write back. I have called him 10 times to ask him why he has not completed my
guardianship removal paperwork that my mother gave him 4 months ago and no matter how many
times I am told by his staff thatI will receive a call I never get a call back. Now check THIS out. In
order to finish tapering off Escitalopram I need one more Rx but they will not give it to me unless I
make an appointment. I made the appointment so I could get the prescription, but then I decided I
don't trust the doctor anymore so I cancelled it.. What do they do? THEY CALL MY MOTHER -
CANCELLED IT. 4 months of waiting and this is what they can pick up the phone for? They didn't
even call ME. My mother and I have given them my number 4 times. It's like they were telling her
on me. This has made it clear to me my doctor never wants me to get better.”

– Ruyi Lin, Organic Gardener & facebook friend

"Psychiatrists often are immoral, perverted, deluded, egotistical, narcissistic, sociopathic, mentally
twisted and deranged and also have severe psychological and emotional disturbances themselves.
They're also very greedy and corrupted, opportunistic in nature. Hence the reason, why they seek to
be in this profession". Anette Riikonen, Finland. (former patient & victim of iatrogenic trauma)

“Have you noticed a condition starts off in psychiatry, then evolves into different branches, so big
pharma can make even more money by drugging others, and people promoting these conditions can
make more money by taking money from pharma, doing talks, writing books, or making media
For example. We had Depression. Then it branched into acute depression. Clinical depression.
Major Depression. SAD. Now grieving is in the DSM as a disorder if you grieve for more than two
Then we had Kinetic disorder which became ADD. Then there was ADHD. In 1980 it was 3%
diagnosed, then big pharma got involved, paid Biederman and co to write tons of papers with
scientific sounding language, and it became 6-9%, then is now an average of 11% of kids in the US,
with 15%, even 20%, and lost keys, impatience, boredom, zoning out, now classed as ADHD and it
has ended up with Ned Hallowell diagnosing strangers on TV in six questions and telling the public
to get diagnosed.

Then ODD, now there is Intermittent Explosive Disorder. Next will be losing your temper disorder.
Showing anger disorder. Then getting pissed off syndrome.
Now there is Childhood Bipolar in the USA. What price this insanity spreads to Canada and the rest
of the world. Then when it has, there will be infancy Bipolar, then newborn Bipolar, then in the
womb Bipolar.

Then infancy, newborn and in the womb ADHD, ADD, ODD, Major Depression, Intermittent
Explosive Disorder.
They are making it up as they go along by using scientific sounding language. And have you
noticed how nearly all of the researchers are pharma backed?
They might as well just put being a human in the DSM.
Psychopathy and Narcissism are the two that are in there and rightly so, describing the people who
think up this insanity

If you want to avoid being classed as having a mental condition or disorder then they way to do it is
to die.
They've brought heartache and heartbreak to my family.”

 Alan Berkeley, Vancouver U.S.A. (human rights activist with personal experience of
psychiatric 'treatment')

“My elderly mother was diagnosed with dementia, which I do not dispute. What I did dispute, all
the way of taking my case to the Court of Session in Scotland, is the psychiatrist's use of the Mental
Health Act to remove her from my care, detain her in hospital for the remainder of her life, and
prevent her from being rehabilitated and from getting assessments and treatment for deteriorating
health and mobility. The Courts treated the case as a issue about medical opinion and refused to
interfere. My mother died in hospital while I was still trying to get her out.

The experience for my mother wasn't always obvious, she kept her feelings to herself. But at one
point she told me, "Please would you kill me, love? I've had enough of this." She was talking about
being confined in a noisy dementia ward, not the dementia itself. I told this to my MP, and it was
passed on to the ward staff, whose response was to put her on suicide watch rather than to let her go
home to die in peace.
My mother was not proud of having the illness, neither was I, but it made her more witty,
affectionate and endearing and brought us closer together. On one occasion when she was in a
nursing home for a trial period, she greeted me with "Ooh, love, I've been looking fo you. Please
can you tie us together with string? I don't want to lose you." Many carers curse the disease which
has robbed them of the person they knew. For the medical staff, courts and tribunals, the diagnosis
also seemed indicate a change in value, and the most humane thing to do was to put her into care
and hope she dies peacefully in her sleep - any attempt to continue to live a normal life was cruel.
For me it was an opportunity to have a much closer relationship with her, and to give back to her for
all she had given me, Better than a sudden death which takes someone before you've had chance to
say sorry and goodbye, it was a slow death which gave me time to cherish my mother and tell her
how much I loved her. I was rewarded when she called me Daddy or Husband, not because she
didn't recognise me, but because those were the terms she used for those closest to her, who protected
her and loved her.”
“ – Barry Gale, Chairperson at Mental Health Rights Scotland (Bsc Physics from Imperial College,

“My son, William attended University, where he graduated with a BSc in Computer
Science, and started working for a Supermarket. One Friday 2005 he spent the night
away from home supporting a colleague whose brother had recently died. This event
affected my son, causing him to behave abnormally and when he returned to work. he
was sent home to ‘sort himself out’.
He was admitted to a 72 hour assessment psych unit, where he was put on medication
within hours of arrival. After 72 hours he was discharged, with no problems being
diagnosed. However, at the end of the course of medication he suffered akathesia,
which was misdiagnosed and has resulted in many years of medication. A tribunal
judge noted in 2011 the psychiatrist agreed 'William and his parents are not being
unreasonable' wanting the depot stopped, but still it has continued.
I have now been told by his current psychiatrist, I will not get my son back the way
he was, and been given me permission to grieve. William is no longer able to have a
conversation, spends a lot of time waving his arms around, is nbo loger able to use a
computer and is unlikely ever to be able to work again” – Peter Coleman

“I expected to be treated the way I treated others, which was with respect, & no
intention of force or harm.”
“Everything faded into mist. The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the
lie became truth.”
― George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four
31) Psychiatry’s inversion of health and sickness. In all discernment between healthy and
pathological behaviors, the key thing to be aware of is that the nature of the former is to be a
deliberate, willful action -- realizing one's 'true will' to quote Aleister Crowley -- whereas that the
latter is to be picked up unconsciously or half-consciously from one's environment, sometimes with
a dimly conscious but burgeoning awareness that it is vulgar, stupid or slavish. Psychiatry precisely
inverts the true nature of this dichotomy, labelling healthy, i.e. willful liberation as pathological, and
unhealthy, slavish unthinking conformity as healthy: it is the exact opposite of health.

t"Its sickness is for its traits and the traits of its parts to be traits by which the soul does not do its actions that
come about by means of the body or its parts, or does them in a more diminished manner than it ought or not
as was its wont to do them." Alfs parts, or does not them in a more diminished manner than it ought or not
as was its wont to do them." Al Farabi

A leap in the void. Madness is hope, madness is another vision; madness turns a blind eye to deeper
indecision, and hurtles forth full pelt towards its imminent mission. Thus the untapped instincts,
come into play: energy lavas up from the crack between inertia and headway. For when there is no
ultimate wherefore, just endless questioning 'why?', it becomes so natural, to naturally only sigh:
one forgets how to say 'Yes!' and 'No!', to command with certainty of goal, to the inextricable fate
that lies. So one must break out of this habit in small pieces of insanity, uncertain as to purpose, but
forging forth nonetheless! A leap in the void! A daimon's caress!
Born synthesizer. As the will to embrace contradiction, or to embody opposites --- real or imagined
--- within one's own person and affiliations, MADNESS is the natural synthesizer and born
diplomat of diverse, seemingly antithetical, intellectual, moral, religious, political and cultural
32) Inspirational preaching from the damned. You can teach yourself to feel differently. That is
the essence of being a conscious spiritual Being.

And yes, you can choose your thoughts. And you're right that is one of the main methods to
effecting/affecting yourself positively in general. It is all a matter of constant concerted
determination. An Enlightened individual is constantly vigilant about everything they do, both
internally and externally. He or she only indulges himself or relaxes his defenses such that it makes
for overall spiritual growth. Everything else is recklessness and dissipation. It is precisely a matter
of paying close attention one's feeling/emotional state. This feeling is our deepest and most
RATIONAL impulse, a succinct summary of all our intelligence put together that, because it is so
very rich and densely packed, can only manifest as a general FEELING, rather than individual,
isolated thoughts which can cognitively, intellectually only be processed one at a time in much more
detail than is compatible within the general but highly attuned summary of emotion.

Over weeks and months, if one keeps up this diligent and vigilant attitude of self-carrying, self-
discipline, one's sense of consciousness and emotional fulfillment will vastly improve. Instead of
feeling guilty for one's constant dissipation and bad decisions, one will experience a sense of
euphoria of easy and graceful self-mastery, with a genuine learning from every day occurrences
taking place and superior adaptation to and mastery of one's environment. Eventually, a far more
positive attitude to life will manifest itself and the limiting factors which you use to curse and
bewail will fade into insignificance as you accept your lot in life with equanimity and gratitude.
And, ironically, once you achieve that, the sky is very nearly the limit. But, at the same time, you
will have recognized the vanity of all outward signs of success and with it the true reality, infinite
majesty and self-sustaining quality of the Spirit. The terrors cease to terrorize you and even the
pains become less painful and much more in between.The only remaining task is to pass this onto
others and take everything else none too seriously, basking in what glories fall one's way but never
lamenting, sighing and least of all, gnashing one's teeth over their absence.
That is the wondrous journey that awaits you. (And that’s just the beginning...)

History Of Orthodoxy. The entire history of orthodoxy of all kinds ---- psychiatry especially --- is a
history of those who cannot or are too lazy to think taking their craven, envious revenge upon those
who do.
More damned preaching. None of us have to be enemies, we are all trying to do the best we can. It
is our job - each of us - to harmonize that 'best' as much as we can by building bridges between one
another on a day to day basis, until the whole world is connected in one Great Brotherhood.

Nobody has a monopoly on the Good; it is the common property of all mankind. it is something we
can all have a share in; it is not made to be hoarded. Everyone's happiness matters intrinsically in
itself - whether you agree with their views or not. It is easy to display magnanimity towards
someone you agree with - that's not magnanimous at all. If you really want to make the world a
better place, you will go out of your way especially to care for and improve the people you don't
agree with most of all. As Jesus said, 'I did not come to heal the healthy.'

Remember, it is only the pettiness of personal egotistical self-protectiveness, a 'hoarding of the

Good' and pessimistic,unduly despairing attitude towards others - a mere projection of one's denied
true self - that makes us unhappy most of all; it makes us feel isolated and deeply alone, as if the
whole world is against us. Then we lash out at others and they become enemies, not because they
had to be but because we made them so.

If you have an arrogant, dismissive, and, still worse, belligerent attitude towards others, you can be
sure your hubris will only rebound back on yourself eventually.

33) ((Oh God, he's really losing it now...)) Giving free reign. Giving free reign to one's expressions
can bring about a kind of flow, a real unity between Appearance and Being, that paradoxically is the
most apparently misunderstood comportment of as far as others are concerned, who are irresistibly
drawn to the idea that something is deeply 'amiss', rather than just recognizing it as an existential
assertion of freedom and willingness to create art, to disrupt and cause an Event to occur; as if
everything were so perfect normally, in the humdrum world in which nothing ever really happens
and all will mechanically interact like clockwork in which we are all but equally cogs with no focal
point to make it meaningful, that any 'disruption' to this Heavenly Normality must be some kind of
clinically objective insanity. They are all so busy adhering to social convention and keeping their
heads down, hemmed in by millenia of social terror, which literally has meant mortal terror for so
much of our human ancestors, and still threatens great risks today... although only because of the
Universal Ignorance and Law Of Unconsciousness that reigns, maintained (presumably) by those
unspeakably malevolent devils at the top of the pyramid, who always lie out of sight but whose
sinister power saturates and colors everything, all of our interactions, threatening to discharge itself
on anyone who steps out of line..even though this power could not exist without the unwitting
collaboration of the masses...thus, these sleepwalkers remain sleeping and afraid, rather than
manifesting their spontaneous creativity, and engaging real, spiritual attention through embracing
disruption and unpredictability, which is co-eval with awakening of consciousness; so much so, that
the fact that someone else does the opposite seems terribly amiss to them -and extremely dangerous.
34) Beyond Good & Evil. The perpetration of 'evil' deeds usually stems directly from doubts
concerning the existence of God and sometimes itself too represents an authentic search for Him, to
feel His will clashing with one's own and thereby making both of them manifest themselves for the
first time, in contradistinction to one another.

Compulsory optimism. I feel as though I have been compelled by God to remain optimistic in the
most laughably and interminably dire of spiritual-biological situations. Though for a long time I
have been incensed with anger and grief, and still curse what has happened to me, I have even still
been almost equally incapable of hesitating or flinching back from the hand that fate dealt me, the
unavoidable journey that became underway. ---

Divinity out of desperation ((yep, he's lost it alright...)) . Do I dream of God? I am already neck
deep in the bloody Sod! Seek sanctity in the concrete? Leap for eternity – or admit defeat! Shelter in
sanity, akin to poverty--- or embrace madness. For madness is a form of love. ---
35) Beyond rational self-preservation ((lock him up! He's a danger to himself..!) . Enlightenment
thinkers such Thomas Hobbes and John Locke tried to appeal to and foster what is called man's
rational self-preservation, inserting it above all other goals as the centrepiece and pivot of the whole
of society. Notice here the two concepts, reason, on the one hand, and self-preservation, on the
other, are heavily intertwined, which still remains the case today. Madness, on the other hand, is
commonly associated with throwing caution to the wind, tightrope walking over a precipice just for
the sheer Hell of it, and embracing a variety of dangers that may very well end in personal
extinction. However, when one considers the nature of our own inevitable mortality, is making self-
preservation our highest goal really so rational? In order to face life in all its grim reality, is it not
necessary, at some point or other, to eschew 'rational' self-preservation for a bold leap, (if only in
the imagination, if not outward practice), towards an affirmation and embrace of this inextricable
fatality? Especially if one seeks to give birth to something greater than oneself, like the Christ, and
take on the grave sacrifices that sometimes requires. In other words, rather than 'rational self-
preservation', isn't the ability for the‘insane self-annihilation’ of loving sacrifice equally, or an even
greater sign of maturity - or of true morality?
Thus also the Buddha would seem to have it, who equally, in view of the passing away of all
earthly things, preached 'Loss of self' rather than the steady incremental Lockean accumulation of
an estate that is eventually destined to perish anyway; he who is said, out of compassion, to have
given his life up to be voluntarily devoured by a starving tiger.

Reminds me of those ‘voluntary patients’ on the ward that I was on!--

36) An explanation of intent. For those who are concerned that my writings are too subversive, I
want to assure you that I am not hoping to bring donw the System! This book is mainly just trying
to create something of value to others, (or maybe just sell a few books), as well as providing a
valiant defence &counter-attack that myself & others can use to fend off attacks in future. While I
hope my writings can be of some use to sufferers, I hope they can also help the 'suppliers' gain
renewed clarity about the nature of their own tricks and dissimulation, & the pain they inflict —
perhaps they can learn to employ them a bit more kindly — , as well as acting as a calmative rather
than merely stimulant effect upon the minds of others, perhaps simply a barometer of the mass

It is not always easy to live a lie, even if you are the one telling it – often especially if you are the
one telling it; and the whole world suffers from it, becoming more and more unnecessarily agitated.
But I do not throw light on lies in order necessarily to save everyone, at least as they currently
construe their own salvation. And I do not especially urge you to share my writings with others –
though I guess it could be an option. You see, the world is currently over-populated, and putting
potentially cataclysmic strain on the environment, so for these writings to become too widespread
and counteract the programs I comment on in this book could even be potentially negative. Often
even the apparently 'sick part' is redeemed in the Whole... On the other hand, there is usually some
room for improvement, & it is not clear that the world can last much longer if it goes on
'progressing' or 'improving' in the way it has been & is doing currently.

Nietzsche said, practising the lofty contempt he exhorted, ‘he who builds on the multitude, builds
on mud’. It probably behooves us all to be a bit more content with our stations, and simply improve
the quality within rather than instigating pointless and self-defeating rebellion. God is within. Why
act silly with your cruel political and non-political rage against yourselves, & one another? Do the
people realize what mad hatters they must look like with their history of massacring one another
and destroying their best and brightest? It is the masses who are to blame, just as much as the
erstwhile leaders. In all probability, those in high positions of society are all too ready to appreciate
quality in others — its just that, unfortunately, sometimes we don't show quite as much of it as we
might. Perhaps you should be aiming, if anything, to make yourselves kinder & more pleasant, not
bad-tempered and angry towards them, as they are only doing what their nature has prompted them
to do and what is rational as it seems to them, just as you are. The more angry and harsh you are
towards them, the more they will be like that towards you, even though they are ‘better off’ than
you and you consider that ‘unjust’. They do not consider it unjust, as there is no reason in principle
why all things should be equal, anymore than Einstein and slab of cement ‘should’ be equal.
The Universe and life itself are based in inequality; the human being could not exist without the
brain, which orders everything else in the human body around. Not very 'fair'', right? Very
'undemocratic', surely.

Life itself could not exist without the cell, and its constant rejection and assimilation of its
environment, over against more basic matter. To make equality your central moral value demands
the destruction of all life – the return to the lowest common denominator of base matter (see

Perhaps society, and the whole of human history, is like a very complex flock of birds during its
annual time of migration. A single bird cannot change the general pattern of migration of its flock.
Any movement in one direction or other the single bird makes will simply be compensated for by
another bird moving in exactly the opposite direction in order to compensate and thus maintain the
general pattern. At most, the birds can claim more happiness for themselves by embracing their
positions in the pattern and feeling more at one with it. This pattern would be considerably more
complex in humans than the migration of birds, giving human beings the appearance of agency
based upon merely localized perspectives, which yet appear grand to ordinary humans.

While political systems can and do change somewhat, to be the vehicle of that change one would
have to be a colossus of world-historic proportions, and if one were that, it would be absolutely
irrational to try to create a system based mainly upon the principle of equality. That would be like a
future Olympic Gold medal runner saying, lets abolish all Olympic running and just go on friendly
walks from now on until eternity. Or like a Maths genius saying, nobody is allowed to do anything
but basic sums. Truly, only a madman would think to do such a thing. And if one is that irrational,
could one ever be clever and wise enough to achieve that much political effect?

Hopefully me speaking like this, while at the same time validating your concerns about psychiatry, I
am thereby immunizing you from excessive, agonizing moral indignation, which could be miserable
for you, since indignation is often a poison of the soul, while also not being of much overall use.
This may sound harsh, but it is probably the only way one can get away with doing this at all, and it
is always walking a tightrope between cultivation of excellence in oneself and others, and potential
detriment to the public good (especially since some people will use the knowledge & power you
give them in negative ways) . My compassion for those who suffer negatively as a result of the
system, actually for all humanity, though should be clear from the sympathy for the real victims &
sufferers, & attention to the true source of their suffering, in my writings. If you want to benefit
humanity, from my perspective, it may well be better to get involved with activism concerning the
environment. (Not 'green-house emissions' though; I mean the general protection of ecology &
wildlife) ((On the other hand, the prospect of Universal technological-medical-ideological control-
grid, which I allude to in this book, does indeed seem extremely pressing to all of us as well, the
rich as well as the not-so-rich.)) The main reason I write about psychiatry is because I have suffered
devastating personal losses as a direct result of the harmful aspects of the system I explain, (&
because I love the truth & understanding the nature of true healing) so for me it is a really important
form of therapy. I'm sure that applies to others too though (so hopefully my writings can be helpful
to a few of them), as 'mental health issues' continue to skyrocket every year. Fortunately, mental
health service provisions are increasing almost directly proportionally, so at least the problem is
clearly being addressed.. .
Well-timed philosophy. What good is a thought or a word let loose at the wrong time of History?
The tipping point is of central concern of all would-be philanthropists. A thought which could save
the world at one moment, 5 years down the line could destroy it.

37) An impious fable ((now, this is really getting sinister..) . By opening himself up freely to
ridicule and astonishment, the madman relieves the pious of his feeling of responsibility for his
complicity. If the madman were to behave in a more respectable and less child-like manner while
espousing his heresies, the pious would tend to feel like he was in the presence of a very bad man
and be acutely aware of his own compromised situation. By playing the fool, the madman draws the
pious into his conspiracy by a series of subtle maneuvers. He combines use of pompous language
which the old prig cannot help but be impressed with, no matter how he mean-spiritedly belittles it
to others, while simultaneously adopting a child-like seeming desire for attention that allays the old
jumped-up priest's easily wounded ego and gives him a false, complacent sense of superiority. The
result is that subtly, slowly but surely, the psychiatrist falls under his the madman's sway, taking
surreptitious delight in his strange fancies. Unfortunately, being the very bad man he is, he is too
stupid to even recognize the benefit he is getting from his patient and persists in ridiculing and
slandering him, ever more puffed up on his own fragile ego and his perceived superiority.
Ultimately, the sad story does not end until he has completely sapped the life out his patient, like a
parasite from its host, moving onto the next unfortunate, unacknowledged guru, until, finally, the
shrink himself eventually and genuinely cracks up in a manner far, far worse than any of his
patients ever had before he got his claws into them, his weak ego no longer managing to keep itself
together even with all the sacrificial lambs strewn behind him in his wake. Now, no longer just
feeding off the misery off adult oddities, he gets in deeply with the underground child-trafficking
network and begins sexually violating and slaughtering defenceless little boys and girls in cold
blood; before eventually, his history of infamy comes to a much over-due end with a routine,
peaceful prescription pill over-dose. May his spirit, in dying, finally be availed of some of the
wisdom that was so tragically absent throughout his infinitely prodigal and pathetic excuse for a
life. Amen.

(You see how kind I am? I even wished the wicked man well, even though his patients didn't die
nearly so 'peacefully'... thanks to him.)
38) “Being a mad activist”: in suitably mad, imperiously dictatorial and extravagantly wild
musings ( I was drunk on cortisol at the time, its a gas) . To me, being a mad activist means being
consistent in one's inconsistency and parading it in their face. It is to wage a war against all kinds of
superficial logic . Some of the things that might involve, among other things, are: dismissing the
notion of 'progress' as a delusion while simultaneously doing one's best to realize it; denying that
oneself is deluded while insisting on the nigh- universal prevalence of delusion in society, a long
with its salutary necessity in many cases; never to make a truth-claim without assuming the zetetic
nature of our situation; appealing to the evidence while being willing to roll one's eyes at the way in
which nearly all current 'evidence' is acquired; never claiming the moral high ground without
simultaneously forfeiting it out of a sense of common destiny and responsibility for all humanity, a
long with a love of sheer hell-raising; marketing one's message to the lowest common denominator
while simultaneously blaming it for what has gone before; being equally scathing about the self-
serving abusive elite while safeguarding the claims of the wise few; making our case diligently,
calmly and rationally with those who are still able to think and performing cartwheels on acid for
the rest; being both a prophet of Judgement and a Redeemer who forgives all; being willing to
practice the 'madness' that one preaches; going back on one's word just for the sake of it; being
predictably unpredictable; extolling the circus fool while dressing as a straight-laced clerk;
punching the wall with one arm and playing the fiddle with the other; never to express a subjective
value judgement without asserting its universal validity, while at the same time maintaining one's
right to one's own perspective; proclaiming and demonstrating the indomitablity of the human spirit
side by side with the reality of unbearable and grave iatrogenic harm; to insist on one's own unique
special privileged status while at the same time issuing a clarion call under the charmed and golden
banner of the general Rights of Man."

Ironically. Ironically enough, I generally find that psych. victims are the most sober, sane, and least
likely individuals to romanticize 'mental illness', after all the label has cost them. They are, in fact,
all too clear-sighted and beaten down by it all. --- As am I.

Hence the prospects for readers of this book are not all too promising.
39) The Soul Commandment. In my opinion, ever since Moses, the Law has progressively
disintegrated/multiplied like a virus, to the extent that it is itself one of the leading -- if not the
leading -- cause of evil and immorality in the world today. The inherent tendency of Law is to
separate man from his natural conscience, make him or her more slavish and impair his capacity for
careful judgement depending on particular circumstance, thereby dividing him and making him
worse. The aim from the point of the Decalogue onwards should have been in the opposite
direction: to REDUCE the numbers of laws, down from 10 to its barest and most essential kernel.

The two forefathers of this approach that I am aware are Jesus (Love thy God with all your heart,
Love thy neighbour as thyself) and Aleister Crowley (Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of
The Law). I feel that the first, Jesus's, is too demanding, and has resulted in counter-productive
hypocrisy, whereby grave violations of others is couched in the terms of love and encouraged due to
the overly extrovert, anxious interventionist approach such dictates unwittingly foster; whereas I
feel the latter, Crowley's, is too licentious, ill-defined, selfish and socially irresponsible, leading to
an active embrace or callous indifference to violations of others.
Thus, I now present my own, somewhere more in between these two, yet with the more negative
slant of the Moses' Decalogue (remember, a Law couched in negative, prohibitive terms is always
much more liberal than one couched in terms of a positive, affirmative order, in that with a negative
prohibition, the tacit entailment is that everything else whatever is permitted; whereas, with an
affirmative commandment, everything else is in fact tacitly prohibited! So the latter, while
appearing to be more liberal, is actually a lot more restrictive and illiberal) :
The Sole/Soul Commandment: “Thou shalt not impose thyself on another in a way that destroys
their nature.”
The entire aim of legal studies after that should simply be to write treatise elaborating what this
Law entails, not with the end of making more and more specific Laws, but with the aim of honing
and developing moral judgement and practical wisdom (phronesis). There would also still be room
for a more positive moral component of learning, but for obvious reasons that would not fall under
the legal, (i.e. punitive) domain.

All so-called 'mental illness'. Given their arbitrary and stifling nature, (a long with that of society
as a whole) all 'mental illnesses' are basically a form of drapetomania.

(The term 'drapetomania' derives from the Greek δραπέτης (drapetes, "a runaway [slave]") and
μανία (mania, "madness, frenzy") It was what Southern and colonial slaves were 'diagnosed' with if
they displayed an 'unhealthy' reaction to their captivity.

40) If you believe in truth, you are delusional! Thus, as things became even more extreme, and
relativism spread from ‘values’ to truth itself, we increasingly began to see the crazed spectacle of
Professors of Psychiatry ‘scientifically’ labelling everyone who simply happens to have different
beliefs from themselves as ‘sick’ and ‘delusional’i.e. meaning they have a ‘fixed false belief’...
while their prestigious, highly rewarded colleagues in the Humanities, Philosophy or Literary
Studies department loudly proclaim there is ‘no truth, only interpretations’! No doubt somewhere or
other, the two doctrines have been combined and solidified in the very same individuals such that if
you still believe in ‘truth’, you are delusional, i.e. you have a fixed ‘false’ belief and require
urgent ‘treatment’! Pretty deranged, eh?
Truth as the best healer. Real truth saves lives; real truth works better than any pill.

Especially for the honest.

A Look At The “Science” *guffaws
uproariously at the use of the word*
‘Successes’ of anti-psycohptics.

The following information is taken from Robert Whitaker’s “Psychiatry Defends Its Anti-psychotics:
A Case Study In Institutional Corruption”, available on his “Mad In America” website.

In the Leuch meta-analysis of 28 ‘anti-psychotic’ drug trials (2009) --- one of the largest ever --- it
was found that only 1 in 6 of subjects (supposedly undergoing ‘psychosis’ for the first time)
responded positively to it, even according to their psychiatrists.

And yet, anybody who knows anything about these drugs is that they are extremely toxic with a
host of euphemistically called ‘side-effects’. According to Harrow (2007), the foremost study
comparing ‘schizophrenics’ taking anti-psychotics long term and those not, the recovery rate of the
latter (those not taking them) was 40%, compared to only 5% for those taking them. In addition,
those not taking them had far better scores on cognitive tests, less anxiety, fewer ‘psychotic’
episodes, and more employment.

Furthermore, the decline in functionality the drugs cause goes hand in hand with indisputable biological
harm. As Robert Whitaker says, “There is evidence from multiple researchers, in the U.S. and abroad,
that antipsychotics shrink the brain, and that this shrinkage is dose related. The same neurotoxic
effect can be seen in studies in rats and monkeys, and in those animal studies, the shrinkage cannot
be attributed to the disease. And as Joanna Moncrieff noted in her blog in response to Lieberman’s
article, there “are no studies that show progressive brain changes in people diagnosed with
schizophrenia or psychosis in the absence of antipsychotic treatment.” Despite it s proven
correlation with general dysfunction, the ‘experts’ hypothesize that drastically shrinking their brains
is actually good for people diagnosed with ‘schizophrenia’! --- And we’re the crazy ones!
The drugs also wreak havoc on the subjects dopamine systems, blocking receptors and
thereby causing an over-growth of them. This explains the rate of ‘psychotic’ episodes among those
withdrawing from ‘anti-psychotic’ drugs, along with the vastly inferior long term outcomes of
those who stay on the drugs compared to those who come off them.

And yet, the ‘experts’ (Joseph Lieberman, et al), concluded in accordance with the standard
protocol, in spite of all this, that ‘anti-psychotics’ should remain the universal treatment for first-
time psychosis, a long with a ‘maintenance’ dosage as standard practice until they die.---

Mortality rates associated with anti-psychotics.

People treated with these drugs die at least 15 to 20 years earlier than average, whether it be from
increased suicide risk, other sudden death, like heart attack, or via various serious chronic illnesses
they are known to cause, such as diabetes and cancer. (see Appedix for details)WHO found that
schizophrenia outcomes were much better in poor countries, like India and Nigeria, where only 16%
of patients were maintained on anti-psychotics, and culture more supportive.
Science speaks. In April of 2015, Dr Richard Horton, the chief editor of the prestigious medical
journal, the Lancet made the following public comment - "The case against science is
straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by
studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of
interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science
has taken a turn towards darkness. — Richard Horton, Offline: What is medicine’s 5 sigma? The
Lancet, 11 April 2015

(Unfortunately, due to a potentially sad turn of events this section may not have been completed
further in time before the author's possible, recent and latest wrongful incarceration for his
'Dionysian frenzies'. Or else he just wanted to rush it out for his birthday. Please see Robert
Whitaker's, Dr. Joanna Moncrieff's, Dr. Peter Breggin's, and Dr. Peter Goetzsche's books, among
others, for further detailed research establishing beyond a shred of doubt the laughable and
misanthropic nature of the Pharmaceutical Industry's claims for the crummy wares they are so
scurrilously hawking)
41) 'Hate speech' laws: an invitation to collective psychosis.

From the Metropolitan Police's central website:

"What is a hate crime?

If someone does something that isn't a criminal offence, but the victim, or anyone else, believes it
was motivated by prejudice or hate, we would class this as a 'hate incident'. Though what the
perpetrator has done may not be against the law, their reasons for doing it are. This means it
may be possible to charge them with an offence.

More from the metropolitan police website (cut & pasted, June 2019):

The essence of spiritual backwardness and tendency towards disease, both individually and
collectively, is repression, i.e. a failure to bring to consciousness, to verbally articulate and express
the source of one's grievances and emotional attitudes in general. Just as an individual who does not
positively cultivate such a practice of self-honesty and self-revelation is liable to delusion and
inappropriate and harmful emotional outbursts, when such a normal activity is rendered actually
illegal on a societal level the likelihood of personal and collective disaster increases exponentially.
It is as if the regime is trying to play a sadistic trick on our collective psyche. Under such tyranny,
criminal violent reactions are the necessary and inevitable corollary - disagreements and grievances
that are not allowed to be worked out verbally and rationally will inevitably be worked out in a far
more brutal and destructively devastating dialectic - which will then no doubt be used as an excuse
for even greater repression, surveillance and oh-so-considerate 'mental health checks'.

I hesitate to add, (since it is so blindingly obvious and practically cliche), that the notion of what
constitutes 'hate' is so utterly arbitrary and tyrannical, at the complete whim of the powers-that-be
that we'd hardly be more reduced to slavery were we put in literal shackles and forced to plough.
Fundamentally, if all it takes is another person's opinion that you have done something wrong, for
you to be considered an actual criminal, then we are all as good as guilty. And do you not think that
any genuinely malevolent, regressive forces in society would be the first to label the fierce
passionate opposition they provoke as 'hate'? Where would Martin Luther King have been? He'd
have been silenced a lot sooner. As would Gandhi, as would Churchill. So would any great leader;
since any real leader at all enacts change of some sort, and change always provokes opposition from
someone with a vested interest in the status quo.
There is practically no more hateful law imaginable than a law against hate. Trying to create a better
society through censorship is like trying to create a healthier body eating only fast foods.
'Hate Speech'

Rather than expose an opinion to the light,

You cause it to fester out of sight.
Rather than having faith in reasoned discourse,
You violently suppress it with brute force.

You outlaw natural human emotion,

The tail of the coin to Love's heads,
Yet expect our body politic to proceed
Without commotion.

You are seething repression,

You are the clenched fist of authority,
Selectively enforced at a tyrant's whim,
Masquerading as a dove.

You are nothing but a spanner

In the great Wheel of human progress.

Positively criminal ((I told you!!!) . I am so out of step with the times its positively criminal.

Excessive codes of 'civility' as cause of hateful outbreaks. Excessive codes of 'civility', which rule
out certain antagonistic, strongly felt forms of speech, when such cosy 'civility' is not truly felt are
one of the leadingyet most over-looked causes of hatred and violence. The reason that throughout
society and on all social media websites especially there is enforced civility is because the powers-
that-be were afraid of people's differences being worked out in a peaceful manner and them
growing united and thus harder to control and dominate.
3 Steps. A lot of people, especially those in power, are terrible, terrible liars. First they tend to write
the Laws in an immoral way, so that non-violent criticism & 'offence' are equated with actual
violence. Second, they selectively enforce so that its generally considered acceptable to routinely
label & violently discriminate against people who think or behave differently under the guise of
'mental health' against the interests of the 'patients', & people can seemingly get away with
absolutely anything under the guise of 'concern' (If someone like me can have guys chasing after
him on Facebook telling him they 'can tell him he is going to murder someone or himself' because
they didn't like my writings – writings of someone who has never threatened anyone in his life yet
has been 'treated' like absolute garbage by others, at a time he was known to be perfectly polite,
honest, kind, self-effacing, mild-mannered & decent by all who had ever known him, imagine what
ppl with genuinely rough manners & who are actually very socially awkward & do express violent
thoughts, if only as a form of therapy, have to put up with). Thirdly, if need be, as has often been
reported, (if rarely in the major newspapers), they assassinate & frame the people who speak out
about it & who they target who they are not able to drive to suicide, genuine insanity & violent
outbursts, so that it looks as if what they have said has actually come true.
42) On self-identity and freedom of conscience. Nowadays, if a ‘woman’ came into a psychiatrist’s
office and professed to be a Champion Bull, raring to butt horns in the otherwise peaceful long-
grassed meadows of her youth once more ... the good Dr. would quite rightly feel obliged to
continue the interview in aggressive snorts and threatening raking at the carpet, like any other
modern, non-bigoted professional. But if this erstwhile proud Minator were to opine that there is no
such thing as ‘schizophrenia’ or ‘mental illness’, someone’s professional opinion would be gravely
offended and someone else’s dosage – that of the poor, once righteous monster -- would be
judiciously and roundly quadrupled.

Resentful silence. Intellectual (and much spiritual) progress occurs dialectically. When a thought
arises to inner or outer speech, one has a chance to put a 'NOT' in front of it --- and often does for
the first time. If it is not permitted to be thought or said, that doesn't mean it won't be; it merely
continues to fester without questioning in resentful and inchoate silence.

43) “Shamans And Acute Schizophrenia” In the seminal 1967 study of this heading in The
American Anthropologist, Julian Silverman concluded “Significant differences between
acute schizophrenics and shamans are not found in the sequence of underlying psychological
events that define their abnormal experiences.” As Seth Farber, a Clinical Psychologist,
writes in his excellent book “Madness, Heresy, and the Rumours of Angels”, ‘The major
difference Silverman did find was that in primitive societies these abnormal experiences
were valued and individuals were provided with an interpretive framework that enabled
them to make sense of their experiences and to integrate them into their daily lives.” Farber
continues: “The implications of this are staggering. Yesterday’s shaman is today’s chronic
schizophrenic! The kind of person who in a bygone ear, would have been initiated into the
vocation of shaman, medicine man, spiritual healer, is not likely to be initiated into the role
of tragic-victim-ofthe-most-serious-mental-illness-known-to-modern-civilization.”
Mircea Eliade, the prominent historian of religion, describes a shamanic initiation thus: “In
no rite or myth do we find the initiatory death as something final, but always as the
condition ine qua non of a transition to another mode of being, a trial indispensible to
regeneration: that is, to the beginning of a new life.” As Seth Farber sagely observes, “The
procedures of the mental health establishment abort a process whose ultimate aim is spiritual
rebirth, the creation of a new being, the formation of a more mature sense of personal
Biblcal argument for psychiatry. True Christians are said to be able to drink poison & handle
snakes without suffering harm (or “dying”, at least) .

44) Freedom of insanity. In other, previous climes and ages, (Classical Greece, for instances),
people derived their sense of pride, their sense of freedom, and superiority to others in the exercise
of a dispassionate and sovereign Reason, as recommended in Plato's 'Republic' and other works.
Nowadays, precisely the opposite holds sway: we find our own worth and liberation in acting
precisely contrary to the dictates of an all too tyrannical Reason. Said slightly differently, perhaps
we find a 'higher Reason' in acts of sheer insanity.---
As proof. As proof of the former proposition, just witness the recent 'immigration crisis'. Such
wilful letting go of reality and forceful self-destruction can scarcely be imagined.... Not only that,
but witness the gleeful, indignant zeal with which millions of young people are prepared to stifle
legitimate opposition, through threats, assault, or even murder (as in the case of Pym Fortune and
many others) of anyone with even half-a-care for the perpetuation of their ancient, 2000+ year old
civilization and all its fiercely, painfully won gains... truly, this is a sight to make lesser, (certainly
less syphilitic) mortals - those still with some lingering clinginess to instrumental and prudent self-
preservation or fair-minded civic duty- blush bloodred. Faced with such attic-dwelling Mrs.
Rochesters, one can but heave a sigh of admiration, in the hope that our own eccentricities be, if a
little less barbaric, certainly not a dot or gaggle of rice-crispy-coated pterodactyls less barmy!
Why conform? "Why should I conform myself to your or society's standards when neither you nor
it conform to mine?" --- A mad infant sage

45) Jihadi Jackass. To all ye young Jihadi Jackasses: You say you want to slaughter innocent
civilians en masse? I say to you: become a G.P.. You say you want to corrupt their souls
before their dead, so they go straight to Hell? I say to you: qualify as a shrink. You say you
want to slice out our innards like the pips of watermelon? I say to you: become a surgeon.
You say you want to lay waste to our whole civilization, nay, the very land and estuaries we
exist on? I say to you, once again: become a nuclear engineer. You say you want to
indoctrinate our children with poisonous ideologies? I say to you: become a state school
teacher. You say you want to mould their impressionable little minds like putty for a bizarre,
self-righteous cause? I say to you: Make movies. You say you want our children to breathe
acid? I say to you: become a managing director of a leading automobile company.. You say
you want to exalt in mindless destruction? I say to you: join the R.A.F. You say you want to
hasten the Armageddon? I say to you: Become a leading research scientist. You say you
want our teeth to rot and our guts to pop like white mice in a trap? I say to you: join the
coca cola company. You say you want our race to come to an end under clouds of terror? I
say to you, once again: become a highly successful politician. You say you want our
children's brains to develop more malformed than Satan's antlers? I say to you: become a
rich pharmaceutical executive, looking out malevolent and serene, across the ruins, from the
charmed balcony of his high rise penthouse.
(by the way, for those who don't already know... many claim that Islam has often been supported &
funded, & may well have been partly created by The Vatican as a proxy, just like psychiatry)
“Their friends gazed down, toiled daily at their books,
but they had other ways of learning
Love’s grammar in the other’s looks,
one glance became their grade from passion’s burning.
Their learning deepened through love’s spell,
writing notes that spoke of love’s caress.
Others learned to count, but love taught well,
that nothing ever counts but tenderness.”

— “Quas and Layla fall in love”, The Fire Of love: The Love Story Of Layla and Majnun

46) Oh my words... "Oh my words... Your silence is deafening!" --- A sectioned writer.

The least moderate age. The least moderate age calls for the least emotionally moderate man. Push
things to excess until you feel a definite need to return; only by breaking boundaries will you truly
learn. Range in singing voice is rightly considered a wonderful thing, why must our day to day life
be so limited? Only slaves are expected to go about their day without singing, weeping and jumping
for joy.
47) On The Innocent Therapy Of Language. People commonly, increasingly nowadays get very
upset when someone says something they don’t agree with, which is simply hilarious because it is
proven, both scientifically and by reason and experience, that people do not believe things based on
the evidence and arguments of others; in fact, they are more likely to believe their own initial
contrary opinions even more strongly. Furthermore, the phenomenon of ‘reverse psychology’ is now
well-known, so telling someone to do something — unless you are their superior officer, and there
are real punishments in place for disobedience — may just as easily be taken as telling them not to
do it. Just think of how children are raised: parents spend the first 18 years of their lives drumming
into them how to behave. The result? First opportunity they get.. almost always, they do exactly the

The purpose of language, as I see it, is more rarely to influence others to action than people think,
still less to signify what one ‘believes’, but more as a form of therapy… by presencing the
phenomenon of reality and the rational relation of words and thought, and thereby bringing clarity,
stimulation, reassurance and fullness to their mind, as well as sympathizing and validating their
concerns and value such as to relieve stress, anxiety and aggression towards themselves and others,
& simply questioning beliefs & entertaining alternatives, thereby if effecting outward action at all,
merely acting so as to bring to light any un-owned, suppressed motives causing negativity towards
others and oneself, any unanticipated consequences of actions, any self-destructive acting out, or,
most of all, any contradictions and confusions of the will due to confusion of ideas.

I think if we could begin to look at it more this way, we would all be a lot calmer and more rational
in debate and discussions, and the whole tone of society would drastically improve.

When you’ve been hit by psychiatry, and everyone invalidates your suffering, calling you crazy as
they ruin you against the sound of your pleading for mercy, you cease to feel that your words will
ever be valued — believed — simply because you are saying them, so your only recourse becomes
to try to lay bear phenomenon simply through the rational relation of your ideas, rather than relying
on any faith your listeners have in you. So because one is disbelieved anyway, one ceases to rely
so much on trust, and total accuracy of expression (if you can't get someone to believe that there is
even one wolf outside, what does it matter if you say there is one wolf or ten wolfs, even if there are
in fact ten ?) , and becomes less concerned about contradiction, but concentrates on Heideggerian
‘presencing’, or truth as aletheia… and more on merely stimulating thought & the play of the
imagination for its own sake . In that fashion, perhaps one can become even more of a mediator of
diverse, apparently contradictory perspectives and viewpoints.

As an example of the line where therapy comes into play: if one is at a public rally, with masses of
people, and one is chanting to kill minorities about the city, or giving a speech about it, that is
probably genuinely dangerous. (Although, lets face it, even in that case they were probably going to
do it anyway. ) On the other hand, making racist jokes, even extremely ‘cruel’ ones, in private may
well relieve tension and aggression in a harmless way, actually making the individuals less harmful
and aggressive towards others of any race. Just imagine what the opposite does: any person who
wanted to tell such jokes, or felt mildly racist, would obviously then feel his or her grievance,
anxiety and rage towards other ethnic groups enlarged, not diminished by a rule forbidding them. Is
the aim here to stoke grievances and bring them to boiling point by putting a 'lid' over them, &
provoke violent outbreaks.... or to gently diffuse them through therapeutic release? Well?

Another example would be Yukio Mishima’s statement that, if he had not become a novelist
describing violent and sadistic themes, he would undoubtedly have become a serial killer. A similar
thing may probably be said for many of his readers, who, if they did not have the emotional outlet
and sympathy of his works, would have been much more likely to resort to crude, anti-social
expressions of the phantasms and demons that he assisted in helping them process through his often
shocking words. This is probably true of lots of novelists, and people, or whole nations in general: if
they are not allowed or able to express themselves at the level of words and ideas, they instead
express themselves at the physical, barbaric level. indeed, verbal contest is the necessary
sublimation of cruder, violent rivalry into socially useful & non-tragic outcomes. That explains why
the rise in political violence, acrimony and modern-day censorship and p.c. culture have arisen
directly parallel to one another.

Wittgenstein once said about Otto Weininger: “If you were to reverse all of his assertions, they
would still be equally fascinating and worthwhile.” That tends to be how I view all utterances. This
is much closer to truth as aletheia, the Greek and Heideggerian notion, rather than strict formal,
propositional veracity. More puritanical attitudes — those who judge you negatively in a moral or
legal sense for what you say — I feel are largely for due to unfortunate hypocrisy — those with
little imagination, more interested in ‘virtue signalling’ than real life, genuinely moral concerns and
the true causality of action, which as I explained is quite often the reverse of what one is commonly
told to expect.

As I understand it, prohibitions of speech exist primarily to create more problems within society,
and thereby more business for the government. Whether or not this is a good thing for society as a
whole is rather debatable. (It is also the direct product of, carrying a direct lineage from the work
Nazi-thinkers like Carl Schmidt, who fretted that a non-violent society would take away the
'seriousness' of life & render it too 'boring' to stomach. In other words, folks... our tragedies & woe
are a charming comedy & necessary amusement to the gods.)

Addendum: It hardly need be said, (which is why I didn't even bother to mention it, or forgot until
now) that the concept of 'protecting' people's 'feelings' or pieties from 'hurtful language' is just about
about the most hilariously and bald-facedly, shamelessly, snake-like 'idea' Satan ever dreamed up,
let alone dared aired in a public forum. To say this is a transparently snake-like lie used to
manipulate unfortunate people's emotional & intellectual backwardness against themselves would
be a great understatement. Avoiding 'triggering' point of views is merely a form of avoidance, about
the most neurotic thing one can do & a very evil thing to train young people to do; in therapeutic
terms, one should logically be seeking out these points of view as an ideal lead into avenues of
personal growth, i.e. learning more about oneself, the issues, & attaining greater (& in this case
obviously sadly lacking) self-mastery. In reality, this is all about pre-maturely certain or
Machiavellian ideologues attempting to close down their political opposition, & exploiting the
energy, naivety & (genuine but wrongly directed) sense of grievance of the youth to further their
agendas & keep people piss-ignorant at the same time, thereby killing two birds with one stone. If
'University Students' are not able to encounter opposing opinions without dangerous emotional
distress, why the heck are they at a 'University' rather than a creche ? (Do they realize they are
following Adolph Hitler's reading tips to the letter? i.e. “Build a dense moasic of supposed facts
about what you already strongly believe.”) One can hardly learn much if one isn't able or willing to
encounter wildly diverse, often opposing opinions. The concept that they are at university rather
than a place with 'Creche' written in clear, big bold colorful, infant-friendly letters over the door,
merely flatters their arrogance, & thus makes them potentially much, much more dangerous. 'The
Coddling Of The American Mind', indeed.

What is the world coming to? What is the world coming to when even the gestures of madness get
no respect, and have to be supplemented by agonizing, hypocritical and mediocre displays of
obeisance towards the rituals of 'sanity' ?
48) Necessary to superfluous. In past centuries, the controlers (priests, politicians, the very rich,
etc.) needed the rest of us to produce the goods and act as servants that enabled their high standard
of living, as well as fighting in their wars against one another. Increasingly, with the rise of high
technology, such as modern agricultural techniques which require very few actual laborers, and
even more so with the incipient robotic and Ai revolution, we are becoming superfluous,
representing merely a liability and a potential threat to their supremacy. This is why illness, both
mental and physical has ballooned in recent decades, a long with the deliberate promotion of social
decay, as the better condition we’re in (and the more awake we are), the more competition we pose.
With the prospect of rejuvenation of aging and clinical quasi-immortality as well, there simply isn't
enough room for everyone and their kids anymore.
The mistaken insistence on ‘evidence’. While concrete, fresh empirical evidence or purportedly
reliable ‘data’ can be beneficial in buttressing an argument, (and much could be brought in support
of supposed ‘conspiracy theories’, and already has been by countless others) most ignorance stems
from people refusing to draw and give sufficient weight to the logical, plausible inferences from
what they already know, because they are untrained in deducing such probable inferences, &
because they usually don't like these inferences very much, as their lives hithero have been built on
false inferences, lies & propaganda.
49) The chief problem. The chief problem the madman faces is how to deal with the paralyzing
guilt he feels for his overweening and unjust superiority to others in his vicinity, a long with
alienation from his own true nature. He solves it either by becoming 'beyond good or evil', thereby
repudiating the notion of equality, thus allaying his guilt... or by getting himself iatorgenically brain
damaged to the point where he is no longer superior, in the process destroying his true original
nature. This is exactly the situation our whole civilization currently faces compared to other, more
primitive peoples, and from the unprecedented rise in use of prescription drugs, especially on the
developing, vulnerable brains of innocent children, it is equally clear which of the two ‘solutions’
we are opting for.

Consequences of the dehumanization of madness on the collective mind. The villifcation of

madness and the various phenomenon which are labelled as ‘mentally ill’ in our society, such as
‘grandiose delusions’, ‘hallucinations’, ‘paranoia’, etc., a long with all the other countless
‘disorders’, represents a form of collective repression that not only has unspeakably dire results for
those so labelled, but wreaks utter havoc on the collective unconscious and the collective conscious.
Rather than being the shamen, the spiritual leaders of society, such men and women are quietly
tortured and cast into ignominy. Thereby, society is not only deprived of its natural guiding elite, but
everyone in society is trained to feel a senseless (‘paranoid’) fear and hatred of their own deepest
spiritual roots, that prevents them re-connecting with these forbidden aspects of themselves and
manifesting their true potential.
Take for instance ‘paranoia’. This stigmatization of questioning the benevolent motives and
fundamental agendas of one’s government is one of the most cynical and blatant causes of that

government getting out of control and the citizenry failing to protect their own rights and freedoms.
The same applies to all the other associated phenomenon of madness, which as has been argued,
represent a perenial bed-fellow and midwife of intellectual and spiritual awakening. Just as the
criminalization of drugs produces an association between drug-use and general criminality that does
not exist independently, re-validating society’s negative view of drug-use in its own eyes, so the
category of mental illness and the inhumane, disabling treatments with which those who fall subject
to it suffer, is not merely a product of but re-inforces and creates society’s negative attitude to those
who manifest these various ‘mad’ phenomenon.
All the while, the fact that the sacred key to everybody’s own self-realization is so maligned
and spat upon understandably produces a deep, unacknowledged sense of disconcertedness and
pessimism in the population as a whole, the root cause of many other of society’s ailments and self-
destructive tendencies. In truth, the real mental illness is the senseless conformity which the ‘mental
health’ establishment sacralizes. This sanctified madness then, unconsciously aware of its own
short-comings, in order to sustain its own self-conception as reasonable and sane, is driven to ever
more fervent quest to identity and persecute those it delusionally deems ‘mad’, for the sake of
externalizing and thereby gaining some sense of control over its own deepest insecuries, and having
an Other to label & stigmatize in opposition to which it can re-affirm its own false, insecure and
groundless sense of Self

Inversion of true value. The most important and dreadful issue of our age is that all the recognized
'authorities', including the Law itself, are now promoting hatred in the name of 'love', vice in the
name of virtue, intolerance in the name of 'tolerance', and illness in the name of 'health'.

Every moment is a little death. Most human beings are so hungry for something to die for that they
will make themselves miserable to death when forced to live at peace. Having meaning in one's life
- valuing it - is scarcely distinguishable from being willing to throw it away for an ideal, and
certainly bracing and testing one's fear of death up against things is one important way to achieve
contentment that adds both a sense of heroism and realism to one's life. Remember, every moment
is a little death and your conscience will not rest until you accept that and invest your thoughts and
behaviors with 100% resolution and the fierce pitiful love that all mortal things, still more your own
infinitely precious and passing Self, rightly elicit.
50) Mind-bending poetic musings: the twisted, pathetic mating calls of the chronically and
irredeemably insane.

The reason our deepest thoughts and emotions can't be said, or even sung, is because they are
individual and are of endlessly shifting and indefinite form. Words and music are both too
Universal, too humdrum and too specifically molded, too finite to convey them. That is why music
is so unerotic. True egoism - love; the flesh; truth itself- is unknown to it.

At least mere words still leave something to the imagination, a tremulous shudder of doubt to fill in
with heroic action and obscene innuendos. A deafening and abysmal silence pervades all speech,
that is its strength. Silence within music just becomes another part of the music, a part that is even
more limited.

My love isn't beautifully and finely crafted like music; my love is limitless terror and a lilac
handkerchief thrown into the void. The only soundtrack I can possibly imagine to it is the music to
a stabbing in an Alfred Hitchcock film. But how would that do justice to its infinite gentleness?

As Ludwig Wittgenstein famously said 'Whereof we cannot speak, thereof we must be silent.' At the
end of the day, if everything is only a matter of interpretation - ourselves most of all - and ultimately
we have no fixed nature... to speak is to lie; and nothing speaks and lies so strongly as music.

Ultimately, the reason it cannot inspire us with lust is that we comprehend it too well, so that even
the music intended to threaten most, like Marilyn Manson or, say... Cradle Of Filth! - becomes
totally nonthreatening to us. And that is same reason we love it in a more Platonic sense.

The reason sexuality has been seen as dirty in traditional Christian culture is related to the fact it is
intimately connected to silence - to the Real - whereas Christianity is the religion of The Word, the
Logos which is itself a Mythos that sings and paints elaborate poetry over the abyss. Still, the cracks
run deep - as, so I'm told, do the fingers of the good Bishops into those little 'cracks'.

The only solution is a new prosaic poetry, i.e. a philosophy that does justice to the abysmal silence
and mystery, the unparalleled singularity, of sexuality, the individual, of Being and of death. Only a
real live human being who combines this unfathomable authentic complexity with outward finite
beauty of form is capable of inspiring both erotic devotion and Platonic love.

Ordinarily, we tend to think that Platonic love is for the deep, mysterious soul, and the erotic
component is of the flesh, but actually it is not that simple. The opposite is at least as true. The flesh
by itself is as unerotic as music. Hence why few people can be aroused by inanimate sex dolls. It is
only the selfish will of another, indeterminate in itself, as it limits, molds and sacrifices itself in the
arena of objectivity, or even more tantalizingly, chastely struggles not to do so, that holds any
interest for us.

Men's ears are not meant to be sexual. Silence is golden in a woman; by it a woman conveys her
respect and admiration for a man's power and her own chaste unwillingness to betray and define
herself. On the other hand, women respond to the voice of a man precisely because it is so unlike
music in its naked, baldly and boldly unscrupulous, and less weighed down by regalia penetration
of the air.

But at its best, a man's voice serves only to underline the sacred silence of the conjugal act and its
The Cross. Man is destined to the intersection between Eternity, (by virtue of our contemplative
faculty), and the moment, (by way of our animal impulses), like Christ nailed to the cross. It is the
friction between these opposites that makes life so intoxicatingly joyous. That is his madness, that is
his glory. Psychiatry, along with all other reductionist behaviourist approaches to the human animal,
see him only in terms of the latter dimension --- i.e. as an animal driven by crude impulses of the
moment to find shelter, rub up against his fellow herd animals for warmth, or be strung along as
puppets to artificial chemical interferences--- and thus inevitably begin to actively reduce him to
that diminished and undignified state.

Alternate dimensions. We all exist in alternate dimensions; each of us is a Universe unto him or her
self. Because of my unique, life-transforming iatrogenic injuries, combined with my already being a
rare Jewish-Aryan crossbred, proto-typical Ubermensch... I am even more ('neuro')divergent than
Other “Religious-Related (in this case, mainly
Christian) -Psychosis” (!) :
From an email to one of my (seemingly former.. but I hope to win her back!) friends & allies:

“The quote about 'Give the Emperor what is his' is ironic; its not a contradiction. Its simply
consistent; he was more or less saying. 'the Emperor deserves nothing apart from what God
decides', or even 'the Emperor deserves nothing, God deserves everything'.

When Jesus said he came to bring a sword, that probably means mainly spiritual war. Ideally.
Turning the other cheek is partly an act of defiance, as well as a willingness to take upon oneself
some unexpected sacrifices & go the extra distance, to occasionally make yourself vulnerable for
the sake of proving to your enemy that you are brave, worthy & yet at the same time prepared to
make reconciliations & work together. Its about proving you're a worthy ally in both war & peace.
You see the same ethic in someone like Michael Stipe of the band R.E.M., who praises vulnerability
& makes himself vulnerable & lamb-like in his interviews. But, he also attacks people politically in
certain songs. He is a cross-dressing, sexually flexible gay atheist who supported Hilary Clinton,
but in his ethos more of a true Christian than nearly everyone.

A child is wise, though. Ha ha. A child is the seed of a god; most adults are dead seeds that weren't
properly nurtured. Worship the child & value him properly, & you get back to God & true human
potential. Pretty obvious.

I find your own interpretations of the Cross & the 'circle' very stimulating though. I don't think what
you mentioned are contradictions at all, but I think that superficial contradictions are necessary in
order to achieve the Truth, especially in writing & communication. Contradictions don't exist in the
minds of of Great Thinkers, (although dynamic energies & perspectives do...) but they always exist
in writing or speech. That's because the Truth is not communicable, & the purpose of writing &
speech is to stimulate towards the inner Truth, rather that to set up new dogmas. Anyone who takes
any particular saying as Gospel, has not understood it. Because as Nietzsche said 'The will to the
unconditional is always a sign of pathology!"; there are caveats with nearly everything. Reality is
too rich to be reduced to language, except perhaps very temporarily. Real philosophers like Jesus &
Socrates pass on their message by sleeping in young men's houses who they like & making the
right, brooding eye contact, haha. Its a 'personal relationship'. ?ᅡᅠ I think any religion which does
not have a deep, deep reverence & appreciation for suffering is very superficial.

It doesn't mean that Christianity wants you to suffer. It means that it honors suffering in a noble
cause, & holds as Holy -- especially so, because they need it by far the most -- even those who are
lost in the misery of darkness , & can't see their own worth or find happiness in Life. That is such a
relevant message for Today. As Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails said "The way out is through" --
that is the message of The Cross. The way to happiness is through embracing necessary suffering,
mainly the suffering of the past & hurtful memories/suppressed thoughts. The Cross symbolizes the
eruption of Eternity & ecstasy in Time, by way of the vertical plank. That is the only crucifixion it
results in for most people. By believing in or worshiping Jesus, he takes on the majority burden of
Group Therapy & you share in a smaller part of that great honor if need be, while being lifted up
both hedonistically & morally by the recognition of his virtue & sacrifice. Suffering already exists
for most people, so holding it as Holy makes it more bearable, not worse. Holding it as Holy
actually takes you into direct contact with God. You will be compensated for your woes.
Literally. In a certain sense, you will become literally One with God & share in his act of
Creation. The aim is not to deny or diminish suffering but bring it to Climax. He or she who
cannot feel compassion for other or him/herself does & is not capable of great forbearance
does not deserve joy -- & he/she knows it. He/she who can will be raised, one way or another.
Joy without virtue of some kind is often, perhaps always, equal to a kind of death. Love kills,
literally. It is an anesthetic that kills cells in the body, but if it is combined with the right goal-
orientated focus, the gain exceeds the loss. & 'magic' literally manifests in one's life. There is a
reason these evangelists have a crazy glint in their eyes; they know something.

The Circle can also be very positive, as in the Circle Of Life & the embrace of that. It represents
completion & Wholeness. Wholeness can be not just repetition, but also the way to move forward &
contain Eternity within you at all times. Without embracing Eternity within you, it probably isn't
possible to move forward. & why would you prefer to move forward without knowledge or at least
a feeling of the Whole? That is blindness.

The death & the Resurrection is a symbol for all spiritual transformation. Its indispensable & central
for any kind of spiritual health, whether or not one thinks Jesus was the main or only god-man or
believes in the other Christian paraphernalia. Its probable that the New Testament is only a very
partial account of the Truth, suitable for Jesus's mission at his time. But if you understand the
message as I explained it to you, you will probably begin to experience miracles, if you believe that
you will. If you want to. But it is a question of moderation; too many miracles or too much love
make one dizzy & become detrimental, & start to kill more cells than they create. One has to build
up gradually; and not everyone has the discipline. That is why there are so few magicians like
Aleister Crowley. The Light can be blinding, & if it is forced upon someone who is not ready for it,
what will happen? I ask you. --- They will merely shut their eyes! That is why darkness has been
necessary in our Time. People don't want to see. But, as their eyes heal, it becomes Time to begin
re-introducing a little Light -- gradually. Light is Love, & Love is Light -- & one day there may be a
kind of Universal Love. But, Universal Light, especially with the wrong eyes is nightmarish -- it
literally destroys the mind. Destroys life. There has to be a vehicle of that Light who can tolerate it
& dish it out in moderation in a way that promotes social harmony. & it must nearly always be
mixed with a certain amount of darkness. Perhaps so much darkness, not in the negative sense of
terrible anguish & woe -- more mystery. People exist in their own worlds, & only those with the
Will & the right eyes look beyond the curtains. That is pretty much how the world is today anyway.
Because, in a sense God is Eternal & He is already active. But he also constantly changes form, &
seems to be more impressive at some times more than others. He is associated with the Meaning,
the Joy, the Purpose, the Climax, although he is really present through the entire process as well.
That doesn't mean He doesn't exist. It means He respects an extremely demure humanity who prefer
to be left on their own most of the time rather than suffer his intruding Light. The Fall itself
occurred due to too much Light. That is what the Kabbalah teaches. History itself seems to be the
mending of humanity's eyes.

Christianity is not about envy but about Love & Desire. The aim of preaching is not to make people
unhappy, hahahahaha. Its to make them feel the love & desire for God, a deep spiritual ecstasy with
its roots in the ground & its branches in the Heavens, & convey real spiritual Truth. All good music
is true preaching. All true preaching is a kind of silent holy music. The aim is get over our tragic
past as both individuals & as a society, & march forward into the Eternal Jubilee of Aleister
Crowley's Ever-Conquering Child. Satanism &Thelma is itself a child of Christianity, & one of the
best & most faithful, if not the most. Crowley was the Christian prophet of the last Century -- a
great, mad yet disciplined genius. Today we have David Tibet of Current 93 & Hillsong. Does
Hillsong sound unhappy ??? It is the Crowleyian Buddhist, David Tibet, who sounds so
sad. Because he enjoys it. He is literally communicating with God & trembling with extreme
ecstasy as he sighs with resignation with wet eyes. He is another prophet. As am I. Jesus saved my
friend's life, as he does many -- more than all Dr.s put together. I thought you would know this

Thank you so much for your emails. You are a total inspiration. <3 “


From a previous email:

“Don't you think the archetype of Jesus can sometimes help, being a symbol of redemption, etc. ? I
think that empty promises are a problem ((ed: refering here to ppl with psychosis whose 'voices'
promise them things if they follow certain instructions)); I would tend to see it as a re-occurrence of
false promises made to us during our upbringing, re-emerging in nightmarish & mocking fashion as
a temptation. I would suggest that good things are a bit more likely to happen if we see the
relationship between belief, action & fulfillment as more intrinsic rather than a matter of obeying
orders, then waiting, & expecting a desired result; its not so much that we are rewarded from
outside for our compliance, but we reward ourselves through our own Charity & Constancy. If we
cock our heads searching for the reward rather than remaining humbly true & modest in our
expectations, wantinf more than our just desserts, that itself will make it less likely to manifest &
possibly produce the reverse result.

As Jung knew, Christianity is an enormously profound & beautiful religion.

The Cross is a kind of cross-hair to aim at; the horizontal plank symbolizes the constant regular
progression of time, the vertical plank symbolizes an eruption of God, the infinite, & salvation in
Time, within the moment. The combination acts as a Target & Seed Moment to nail oneself to in
order to no longer be blown around among the vicissitudes, but remain forever loyal & True, &
chained to the Earth & married to Life, as Nietzsche wished of us.

The figure of Jesus acts as a model of forbearance, compassion & loyalty to our own painful
memories & the parts of ourselves that are being repressed, but which we need to have patience
with & allow to exist & surface a little in order to heal. Or to the suffering of those around us which
provokes our own discomfort. The Resurrection is a symbol of ecstacy & hope lying at the other
side of our agony.

In our culture, Jesus is also the father figure of our entire 2000 year old civilization, so
estrangement from Him means estrangement from the true unconscious & perceived source of
Power & Paternal Authority, who gathers our entire Culture & Society together. That is very, very
unhealthy & will inevitably cause neurosis; while on the other hand, return to Him -- to our own
primordial roots & deepest Selves -- will naturally cause great catharsis & allow genuine healing to
finally occur. Since he Himself, is the archetype of the Healer & Boundless Compassion, that just
makes it still much, much more powerful. Of course, if we avoid this resource we will become sick;
it is like having a gold-mine at your feet, which, unconsciously we know & we are aware of; but for
some reason or other, your conscious mind has forgotten. So our unconscious mind already knows
that a great opportunity is being unnecessarily wasted. Of course, that would drive us crazy; to have
such Power & riches at our disposal, & fail to be accessing it!!!

(I probably have a lot more to say about
Christianity, but this will probably do more
than well enough for now... if it doesn't get me
burnt at the stake or 'crucified', even today!
I'm sure it would if I lived in certain Islamic
51) Pious asininites. I certainly wouldn’t want to promote anti-intellectualism as such, which just
makes people unnecessarily proud of their own stupidity and so keeps them ignorant, but, on the
other hand; often, particularly in our day, the most sophisticated people really are the most lost.
They’ve used their facile intelligence merely to rationalize their own wickedness to themselves and
lead others ever further astray for selfish motives. In a world where the intellectual establishment,
or even wisdom itself, has been brought into disrepute by excessive cynicism and exploitative
manipulation, far better and nobler than making a show of your cleverness and up-to-the-minute
consciousness of hip new intellectual trends, to parade your own naivety and immunity from them.
Don't turn your nose up at unusual beliefs or even pious asininities. Sometimes the more
pious and more asinine the better. In a world where excess sophistication has brought us only
despair, seeing our best men and women stalwartly espouse such simple-minded yet good-natured
convictions and living by them (without enforcing them on others), listening tolerantly to objections
yet, at the same time, shutting their minds to them all in radiant good health --- without being stupid
or beaten down --- is one of the chief roots of courage in a very cynical and dark world. If Jesus did
come back, it would not be as your average Professor, afraid of being considered a pure fool. He
was considered a madman and a holy fool even in his own day, remember.

On Herr Nietzsche. Nietzsche's main failing is that he didn't go mad earlier. 'My Sister And I' is
almost undoubtedly his best, most explosive work --- even if he didn't actually write it.

52) Fresh honest blood. I am but a drop of fresh honest blood dripping from the sedative needle in
society's veins. If you find me agonizing, wait 'til you see the long term effects. Or even the bill. ---

Right to be afraid of madness. People are right to be afraid of madness. Not of going mad
themselves, which hardly ever happens (or those commonly labeled 'mad', needless to add) – at
least not without a lot of medical attention first. But they are right to be afraid of the madness of the
world, the madness of the Universe, the madness of society, which does not follow their sane, kind,
ordinary rules. If it has any order at all, it is a grotesque, monstrous one designed almost solely for
catching good people out.

Release the Christ-force. Let your Will say: I am the Christ! Let your Will say: He is the Christ! Let
your Will say: They are the Christs! Let your Will say: We are the Christs! Let your Will say: I am
the Mary! Let your Will say: She is the Mary! Let your Will say: They are the Marys! Let your Will
say: We are the Marys!

53) Hamlet: The Mad Genius Par Excellence. In Shakespeare's play, Hamlet's 'imbalance of
the mind' creates disruption & chaos in order to reach the goal of avenging his father.

“Hamlet is far too on top of things to be mad. Hamlet’s intellectual brilliance is first brought out in
Act I, scene V when he plans on acting mad to confuse his enemies. His insults at Claudius and
Polonius in Act II and Act V SC.III are rooted from deep intellectual thought rather than erraticism
, showing that the feigned madness runs through the plays entirety.

Hamlet is exploring alternative ways of processing reality and reaching his goals, which are not
necessarily mad, but which appear mad. The method to his "madness" may be unethical but that is
a different discussion. He creates chaos and tension to establish desired outcomes..

Through the play he proves to himself beyond reasonable doubt that Claudius did kill his father
before proceeding with his plan to murder him. This action demonstrates a clarity of mind rather
than impulsive violence more consistent with madness." ( extract from the website Kialo)

But this is just the extreme version of what many people do instinctively; they look to make an
impression on their surroundings, creating uncertainty in order to become the vehicle for change.
For the possibility of change implies uncertainty & a certain amount of chaos by its very definition;
it implies that the future is still partly unknown. By becoming the agent of disruption, one grabs the
Bull by the horns and events begin to revolve around one, so one is able to work the changes that
are desired.

Hamlet's deep, famous disquietitions are part of what gives the 'tension' to his character, & turn him
into such a force of nature, being willing to set everything upon its head, even the very life instinct
itself (“to be or not to be, that is the question”). And this willingness is what allows & prepares &
gives him the impetus to set everything else on its head too, in order to achieve his goals (i.e. his
own Reason).

This is in fact what so-called 'madness' often is: a creation of chaos with the view of imposing a
new order. This is in fact what the nature of human thought & action always is – a disruption in &
challenging of the status quo, a form of 'madness', since all action by definition enacts a change in
the prior world, & all thought enacts a change in the mind, premised on a prior uncertainty, i.e. a
chaos of ideas. Without chaos there can be no thought (this chaos is generally associated with the
so-called 'right brain', artistic function). It has often been remarked by thinkers such as Nietzsche &
Cioran that the mind itself is a type of 'disease', a derangement in the smooth-functioning animal
body. Perhaps a better way of saying it is simply, not that the mind is a 'disease' – since it is not
necessarily unpleasant or unhealthy, & without it there could be no positive feelings either. But,
instead one can say this: The mind itself, to exist or function at all, requires a certain form of
madness to set beside its 'sanity', for its sanity to work upon or work with.
54) ?he temptation of madness. Throughout the history of thought, absurdity has often
paradoxically been seen, not as an objection, but as an actual recommendation to a theory.
Hence Hegel asserted 'Contradiction moves the world, all things contradict themselves', and
with this dialectical principle conquered Europe. Similarly, Martin Luther argued 'if we
could grasp by reason who the God who shows so much wrath and malice can be just and
merciful, what need would we have of faith?', a motto which the great Danish philosopher
and theologian Soren Kiergegarrd elaborated on and made his own, and which has since
become a standard fare amongst believers nowadays.
In more recent times, leading intellectuals, such as the Dadaists and Surrealists, with their
playful and chaotic mining of the unconscious drives; Existentialists with their concentration
on the nauseating absurdity of existence; Post-modernists, with their claim that the only (or
absolute) truth is 'there is no (or no absolute) truth'; and Uncertainty Principle-ists, (or at
least their popular, sensationalist interpreters) with their assertion that something can both be
and NOT be at the same time; or Godel's 'Incompleteness Theorem', undermining the
pretense at all systems, all proclaim the basic truth of absurdity.

There certainly seems to be a temptation to see something deep in it: it naturally goes hand in hand
with our seeming epistemological frailty as human beings and the failure and/or impotence of all
philosophical systems. It is almost as if one becomes enraged at this sense of futility and seeks to
blame it on reality as such, and thereby at least vouchsafe for oneself this small semblance, this
flattering and world-annihilating, world-encompassing, mockery of knowledge, rather than admit
one's own failure.

Undoubtedly, there is a freedom in it, & joy when one asserts a contradiction, (literally entailing all
propositions), one positively trembles with the power of world destruction and creation at one's
fingertips; one becomes aware of the power of the mind to shut out and negate the whole idiotic,
machine-like world, if that is what is necessary. To rebel against the most fundamental structures of
society, thought and the Universe. Let us then rejoice in this great titilating capacity, alternatively
either ultimate salvation or ultimate ruin, rather than in stiff-necked fashion trying to silence its
allures. Like the flash of perfect skin from a beautiful actress's debauched thigh upon the silver
screen, like a masquerade ball mask that maddens & excites precisely by dint of its superficial
veneer & the unfathomable nature of what lies beneath, creating probably worthless, but
nevertheless fascinating mystery, let us learn to savour and respect the possibilities of jouissance
which it elicits, while not altogether becoming its depraved doting imbeciles.

As I understand it, in its most grand & spiritual sense, madness is the synthesizing of all previous
rules to their point of their obliteration, to the point of the creation of totally new rules & values, as
Nietzsche wished. Reason may essentially be called rule-following (as Kant explained, with his
categorical imperative); madness is rule-destruction, rule-synthesizing & rule-creation. In a time
that is bored to death & sick of the old ways, it is this madness that we crave, & the evidence is all
around us.

The new aristocrats. A welfare bum, disabled or non-disabled, is the closest thing our society has to
landed gentry, to a class devoted solely to the virtues which only blossom under leisure. The meek
shall inherit the earth!

My advice. This is my advice to you: Become mad, at any cost. At any cost! Realize your
fantasizes, and do no harm! And do no harm! There is no intrinsic meaning to life, no rational 'goal'.
It just carries on and on, being born, dying and being re-born. The only thing that makes it worth
anything is your own superabundant, over-flowing, sweet will, your affirmation of existence simply
for being existence, of your will simply for being your own will. Beautify your will, make your Will
beautiful to you! Set the goal of life, & let it be Christ (Christ means Savior, & one who stands for
'Truth & Love' – genuine kindness & benefit to humanity, not the fake stuff all around us). If you
don't do this, you will never be happy.

As my friend &recent part-time mentor Seth Farber (see the Egyptian god, 'Seth'... though
hopefully he is more like my guardian angel!) says, “Life is intrinsically quixotic. Be realistic:
strive for the impossible!”

Given the situation of Europe, or the whole globe today... “Miracles A Dozen” could well come in

At last, the question arises: do you still have the capacity to look at the misery &
injustice being inflicted all around us, & the untamed, Dionysiac man in his natural,
wild, tumultuous & turbulent beauty, without resorting to disingenuous, envious &
spiteful accusations of 'mentally unwell' at its objects, or those who yet speak the
truth of these matters?

55) The Times They Are A Changin’ by Bob Dylan

Come gather 'round people

Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you
Is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come writers and critics

Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won't come again
And don't speak too soon
For the wheel's still in spin
And there's no tellin' who
That it's namin'.
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin'.
Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There's a battle outside
And it is ragin'.
It'll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come mothers and fathers

Throughout the land
And don't criticize
What you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin'.
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'.

The line it is drawn

The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
The order is
Rapidly fadin'.
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin'.
“Anywhere you look, people essentially want to buy into the same joyful
adoption of nonsense, politically speaking.” -- Jerome Reuter , January

Madness: A Form Of Love

“A lunatic, according to its true definition, is he who is possessed by an amorous intoxication
with the moon: In other words, with the unconscious motive principle of all Life on earth. To
others, he can be identified as he who dances to, what is to them, an inaudible, non-existent tune.
In reality, his jig is as inwardly necessary as are the fields of hops at their annual time of rebirth.
Meddling with its natural course can cause tidal waves big enough to drown a seahorse.

For he still carries the strength, that others have lost, for wild flights of ecstasy, home-brewed by
his own gallant imagination. He would repudiate the very dirt we walk on if it stirs not the desire
in his breast. But in his proud pursuit of self-realization comes abandonment to self-revelation,
to unflinching honesty in a world of war and deception, that makes him the naked-infant-on-a-
doorstep target of all well-trained busy-bodies, conformity enforcers. How they long to divorce
him from the warm light of Nature's hearth! In his beautiful simplicity, this Noble Savage
disregards the wisdom of Christ's time-honoured tale, and asks against the entire tide of human
history, against the insipid simulacra of everyday thoughts and gestures, against the stupid, iron-
clad rules of the State, against the nonsensical taboos of society, against every bitter betrayal that
has crushed the heart of man- simply to love and be loved for who he truly is. “
“For you, my darlings, freedom to
do what you like is the discovery
of how unlikable what you like to
do makes you. Not that that stops
you doing what you like, since
you like doing what you like more
than you like liking what you
―Glen Duncan, “I, Lucifer”
12 Rules For M. A. D. (‘Miracles A Dozen’) Recovery:

How I Defeated Mental Sickness And Reclaimed My Life

Believe In Your Own Star (Form An Unshakable Attachment To Life)

Slow & Steady Wins The Race

Reconnect With Your Instincts

Don’t Be Bossed About By Others But Conform When Really


Turn Negatives Into Positives

Recapitulate And Build On Your Former Strengths

Direct Your Fear Of Threats And Sense Of Enmity Outwards On Real,

Well Defined Targets & Fully Assess Your Environment For Hazards

Recognize The Ability For And Embrace Change (Express And

Evaluate The Axioms Of Behavior And Belief That Have Carried You
This Far)

Build A Framework Of Core Values And Belief In Your Own Mind

And Endeavour To Live By Them

Express Yourself Thru’ Garbled Poetry When Things Are Too Painful
Even To See Clearly

Cultivate Detachment, Or Even Scorn

Bring Back Your Story To Help Others

“When you give to someone in need, don't let your left hand know what your right
hand is doing” (Matthew 6:3)
1) Believe In Your Own Star (Form An Unshakable Attachment To

“With life, no matter what you do, you are all in.” -- Jordan Peterson

In some sense, I was always very attached to life. I had a lot of life in me,
and a very vague, dim, but also rather lofty and grand – extremely so
perhaps – lingering hope for the future somewhere deep inside me. At a
more conscious level, I was lost for years in doubt, nihilism and despair. I
was a like a farmer who had been given a plot of land to tend and sow, but
instead was just standing there, sighing ‘What is the point of sowing these
seeds? What does it all matter anyway’. Then, suddenly, this plot came
under attack and became highly threatened by wild beasts – a marauding
herd – and, suddenly, I became highly, highly concerned and motivated
with holding on with all my might to this once seemingly accursed and
almost pointless plot of land, the only property I had – the only slim
chance I had at anything. My very life.

The sooner you realize that this is the way it is, the better. As Martin
Heidegger said, the way to embrace life to the fullest is to face squarely
your own mortality. Then grab Being by the horns. There's nothing else &
you can't make it go away or otherwise by demuring from life. You won't
remain free from sin by avoiding embracing life in all its injustice &
cruelty; you will only sin a thousand times worse. To reject life is to fail to
'Love Your God'. God is the Universe. To fail to love it is to go through the
motions and avoid your responsibilities, avoid facing reality. Nietzsche &
Jesus meant exactly the same thing.

What you are most afraid of is usually not your own troubles, but your
own possibilities; that if you allow yourself to begin to rise & achieve your
dreams, others will try tear you down. Which they often do. But always
remember, when you give yourself license to believe in yourself & shoot
for the stars, far from being 'narcisistic', you are actually unconsciously
communicating to others that they have license to do the same, which is
the most philanthropic of gestures.
( Zizek on False Modesty:
On Sabbath, Jewish believers meet in a synagogue and each of them says something. First, a big Rabbi says ‘Oh my G-
d, I am not worthy of your attention G-d.’ Then, a rich Jewish merchant comes and says ‘Oh my G-d, I am also nobody,
don’t even consider me, I am also not worthy of your attention.’ Then, I hope you know the joke, a poor Jew stands up
and stands up and says: ‘G-d, I am also a nobody.’ The rich merchant kicks the Rabbi and says: ‘who is this guy that he
thinks he can also say that he is a nobody! )

Do not feel over-run by the Group; the Truth, the Power all lies within the
single, fully activated human mind, & there alone. The Group is just a
miracle army or rescue-brigade you can utilize.

Furtherfore, if you begin to have confidence, faith, that good things will
happen to you, & focus on them, they are much more likely to occur. By
all means be wary, but only within the context of a fundamental faith in the
safety of your own actions & affirmation of life. Believe in your own Star.

2) Slow & Steady Wins The Race

Those who panic about missed opportunities & rush to climb the
mountain of life without surveying the territory for possible threats will
suffer more badly than anyone & feel unimaginable regret. Life is long.
When you are young, you cannot realize this. You do not, you will never
understand. Take things slow & steady, & what will be will be. You can
never force things into Being that do not have their own organic gestation
& time to unfurl as they will, like a flower from its bud, from its stem,
from its root, from its seed. The aim of life is not to act; it is to grow
actions, through persistent inward attention and focus, from the soil of
understanding and Will, and merely seize the moment when they are fully

Don't grasp at life; let it fall naturally & effortlessly under your clasp.
Being, the feeling of being alive, of being secure in life, emerges gradually
from meditative awareness of existence, over months & years. You will not
be the same person at 30 as you were at 20. Let life happen; give it a
chance. Don't sabotage it from a needy sense of emptiness by rushing into
addictions to try to desperately fill it up, as that is precisely what will keep
it empty, if anything ever will. Rather, let it be filled by faith, & faith in the
passing of years & the unfurling of your personal destiny & mission. Life
is long. Plant your seeds & they will grow one day, like you never even
expected or dared hope. That is the greatest beauty of being alive.

As I said, people will try to tear you down once you begin to spread your
wings, so, be prepared & be cautious; but don't let that stop you. Slow &
steady wins the race.
3) Reconnect With Your Instincts

There is a terribly poisonous notions nowadays that pleasure & health are
somehow at odds. There is really still an inherited notion, from Chistianity,
that pleasure itself is sinful that wreaks absolute disaster on all, especially
the young. People are afraid to enjoy themselves, & they don't realize that
pleasure is the body's natural way of guiding you towards what is most
healthy & beneficial. The main reason this does not seem so, is due to the
imagined sinful nature of pleasure itself, combined with the unhealthy
habits in which children are raised. For instance, the reason that children
will go for fizzy, sugary drinks, is not because these drinks are more
pleasant in themselves. Its more a combination of self-hatred, based upon
parental neglect/ absence of love, & the fact that is what they are
acclimatized to from early on – its what their parents give them. They then
do not realize their preference is merely due to acclimatization due to the
way in which society wrongly persuades children (& adults) that their
identity is much more fixed than it is, & that their instincts & tastes cannot
be developed. It also seems 'uncool', meaning, in other words, that is
seems like sign of weakness to actually care for yourself by admitting you
made bad choices in the past & choosing healthier options. In other words,
as I said, it is almost entirely due to a lack of love.

If we make war with our tastes & instincts, they may never develop, & we
will be at constant war with ourselves & thus our vitality & potential
enormously stimyied. It is quite possible – normal in fact – for pleasure
and health to be in100% harmony. It is merely a question of being kind to
ourselves, & altering our habits gradually in such a way that the capacity
for pleasure in them is developed. But if we see healthy things as a
punishment, something we have to make a big effort at, that pleasure will
never develop, because the way we see things itself determines how they
manifest, psychologically at least. Most of the time, it is in reality much
more healthy to stop tormenting oneself than it is unhealthy to simply
continue with 'unhealthy things', if doing healthy things seems such a great
effort; because stress & effort & inner conflict are intrinsically draining to
our health & strength, & could & must be used for real tasks in the world
rather than 'looking after our health'! Leisure, & ease of functioning are the
sin qua non of true health & spirituality, as all good rulers & artists know;
there is nothing healthier than just having time for relaxation, for 'doing
nothing', & just letting oneself become like a galvanizing lightening rod
held up in air, or net collecting butterflies, a shelf collecting beautiful dust,
ready to be struct by whatever thoughts & inspiration naturally occurs,
rather than going to too much effort to make it happen, which is often the
most self-defeating thing you can do. I believe that the truth of the matter
here goes back to my previous rule, too: that people fail by attempting to
do things too rapidly, turning it into self-defeating chore.

It is also important to know that all the nonsense cooked up by Dr.s &
nutritionalists is actually nonsense. Unless you feel palpably healthier &
better as a result of on their suggestions (& do try to be aware of the
placebo effect in your assessment), then please don't even give those
materialistic pipsqueaks advice a second glance. There are so many really
great health foods, but the Gold Standard is simply how you feel over the
course of the days & weeks (usually the very day or moment you consume
them) ; not talk of 'clogged arteries' & other bog-standard drivel. The stress
their fear-mongering creates is far worse for you than anything. If you
invest power in things outside of yourself, outside of your own mind/body,
that will inevitably only tend to make you weaker, so you should always
work towards the opposite; towards greater self-sufficiency and self-
reliance. & any dependency is largely a psychological dependency.

The same, of course, applies with all the sexual mores & guidelines
handed down by society. Sexuality is a natural blessing & source of joy –
the only thing that can soil it is the human mind. The usual outcries are
therefore almost entirely imaginary, hysterical & without moral basis but
popular insanity, destructive vanity, envy against those are getting more of
it than you are, or sheer delight in cruelty under the guise of morality.
Perhaps see the great Wilhelm Reich's work for what health looks like on
this matter. As Wilhelm Reich knew, all health, of both mind & body,
stems from balancing & fostering the right type of personal energy (i.e.
Energy flow around the body, & to some extent also one's environment).

Feeling & emotion is itself, & should be, a condensed form of Reason.
Learn to trust one's feelings, & recognize how they are nearly always
organically related to one's reasonings or deeper knowledge. Learn to tune
them, by gradually listening to & cultivating them, until you can trust
them. Reconnect with your instincts.
4) Don’t Be Bossed About By Others But Conform When Really

It is never healthy to submit to another's order, or emotional pressure,

unless there are physical repurccusions to refusing to do so, or one actually
enjoys it. It is never moral to be cowed by someone else when one's
instincts rebel against it. If they are trying to cow you into doing 'what is
right', which they usually are, the previous sentence remains
nevertheless100% true, since the premise of all moral actions is autonomy
& fearless courage, & it is virtually impossible that the enaction of any
single duty could be more important that the development of those
intrinsically desirable & moral character traits. So it is, that precisely the
thing that everyone else is telling you is “wrong” and sending signals not
to do, is precisely what you must & ought to do, i.e. be true to yourself
&learn to ignore & scoff at their intimidation & blame tactics.
Someone who has already been unfortunate enough to attract psychiatric
attentions, however, will unfortunately be under constant assessment to see
if they are simply meeting up to other people's expectations & standards,
however frivilous, with very serious repurccusions for failing to 'comply'.
Thus, for a poor 'mental patient', it is extremely important & very difficult
to seperate the essential from the non-essential when it comes to
submitting to others people's desires, because you are basically under
Martial Law on that front. I simply recommend to take a bow, grit your
teeth & conform, & gradually work your way out of that sticky fly trap
into regaining the respect and trust of your oppressors, & with it regaining
your liberty. At the same time, for the sake of your own sanity &
development, it is equally imperative to bear in mind the first point, which
is that there is nothing 'moral' about submitting to other people's dictates in
itself; it merely makes you a slave & breeds inward resentment which you
will take out on others in hidden ways. So, you must endeavour to take
back your pride gradually. Don't be bossed around by others (but conform
when really necessary.)

5) Turn Negatives Into Positives

In the ordinary course of events, 'bad', unhappy events are always

entwined with good, happy ones. The 'butterfly effect', whereby even very
small, seemingly inconsequential events totally change the course of big
ones as well, (i.e. A butterfly flapping its wings in one place, can be the
cause of a hurricane a thousand miles away), means that none of the good
events that occur in one's life would occur if not for the unpleasant ones,
(although, admittedly, other good events could indeed occur) For instance,
one may suffer the untimely death of a close relative, & then, as a result of
the way that takes one from one's usual, everyday train of thoughts,
perhaps putting one in a more emotionally sensitive & sad mood, & taking
one out of one's usual schedule, happen to encounter a girl who resonates
with one's depression at a dreary coffee house, who turns out to be a great
love of one's life. Or, one might go completely awry from one's course in
life by taking the wrong course at university, & still happen to meet such a
girl a few years later, so that it becomes difficult to resent one's 'wrong'
path due to the overwhelming, positive feelings one has for her. Unless a
total calamity occurs, like sustaining a serious head injury that renders one
a semi-idiot, the Universe tends to have a way of balancing itself out &
redeeming itself overtime if one is only receptive to its gifts. By paying
attention to this central fact of our existence, drinking it in &
contemplating it in a leisurely & tranquil fashion over the course of the
natural passage of time, we can come to a state whereby we are able to
embrace the entire Universe, in its eternal marriage of necessary events, of
joy & sorrow, in the ecstatic attitude which Nietzsche called Amor Fati; a
far deeper and profounder joy than any mere transitory event can ever by
itself provide

Though it will probably not be particularly popular to say this, it may also
be very helpful to pay attention to this way of thinking in the moral sphere,
in order to combat excessive indignation which is one of the chief causes
of unhappiness & objection to life. If one thinks about it carefully, the
force with which people cry out against the misery of the world can at
times be a little hypocritical, since unless the world had problems, i.e.
unhappiness of some sort, there would be little left to accomplish. That is
one of the central conundrums that much maligned post-modern
movement sought to come to grips with, & it should not be scorned. The
absence of anything left to do, to achieve, could easily be seen as a tragedy
as a great as any in human history, which may strike the heart of mankind
which has for thousands of years be accustomed to the 'conquest of nature'
in the name of the betterment of mankind as a cause for unmitigated
nihilism. Unless there was hardship, kindness itself would lose its
Without understanding this central fact, one understands nothing about the
world today, whose problems themselves are largely the product of this
excess & surfeit of beneficient resources, which goes against our very
Nature, that sagely whispers its counsel: “poverty is the mother of
resource”. Turn negatives into positives.

6) Recapitulate And Build On Your Former Strengths

When things start to go wrong in our lives, it may sometimes be worth

pondering why they weren't so bad earlier; or, rather than simply
despairing of ourselves and repudiating our whole past, once we realize
how awry we have already gone, & are only just beginning to realize it, it
is well worth refraining from despair & trying hard to see the good in
ourselves & our past up until now. This can stave off a lot of self-
destructive behavior & self-hatred that periods of transition & growth are
often accompanied by.
When one falls into downward spiral, getting labelled 'mentally ill', it
can be extremely valuable to recapitulate one's former strengths, rather
than looking to move forward at a time when one's strength is very low &
new things are very difficult. Mental Health professionals constantly tell us
to look outside of ourselves for answers; to go out more, & listen to what
they have to say; to take their 'medication'. But, in my experience, real
lasting health occurs primarily through seeing the good that is already
inside oneself, & learning to love and take care of it better, to build on it
further. If you don't have any good inside of you, its not clear to me that
anything else is going to help much. But we all have good inside of
ourselves, which is why we are still alive, as the Universe constantly
separates the wheat from the chaff, keeping only what is still ripe for
Very often, for some reason as we get older, particularly in our teens,
we tend to forget a lot of things, a lot of the things that kept & made us
strong earlier. This is often related to the sense of nihilism, of not knowing
what to do with our lives, that often sets in around this age. It is therefore
extremely important & valuable to fight this dangerous tendency, & think
back to all the virtues that we manifested, barely even realizing it, to cope
with the jungle of the playground & the frightening, confusing world
around us when we very little. On leaving school, one often feels that one
has spent many years in docile obedience, putting great effort, & for what?
But instead of scorning this great effort we put in totally, we should look
upon it in admiration, & as a sign of what we might achieve if such effort
were applied intelligently to our own ends, rather than that of our bullying
school masters & anxious, old-fashioned parents. Children can also often
be quite kind & gentle, then when we get older we sometimes scorn this
attitude, since it has caused others to view us as weak & not gotten us very
far; this too is a mistake, because it is precisely the kindness of childhood
that when combined with the dominating strength of adulthood can work
miracles of success, that cruelty & harshness merely sabotage. The
kindness of childhood only worked such little effect because we weren't
big & intimidating enough to stand up for ourselves at the same time &
gain the respect we deserved; even then, it may often have protected us &
made adults take more kindly upon us at times, rather than garnering a bad
reputation early on. Recapitulate and build on your former strengths.

Intermission: On The Notion Of 'Effort' As A Virtue For Life (& The

Relative Superior Merits Of Technique)

A small child is banging his head against a brick wall. The wise father
watches on, his formidable brow locked Into a deep frown. After a long,
irritated silence, In which nothing could be heard but the banging of a
child's Head against a wall, The reverent man finally exclaims: 'You're
never going to succeed like that. You have to bang Your head alot harder
against that wall if you want to find out What's on the other side!'
Meanwhile, a cat who had been Preening himself lazily in the sunshine,
eyes the couple warily, And then slinks nonchalantly around the side of
the wall.
8) Direct Your Fear Of Threats And Sense Of Enmity Outwards On
Real, Well Defined Targets

“In conditions of peace, the war-like man attacks himself.” Men in

particular, but also women, are warriors by nature, germinating from
closed societies that were at constant warfare with their neighbours for
thousands, if not millions of years. Without an external enemy to brace
themselves against & test their strength, they become utterly & Hellishly
It is imperative for the healthy man to hold as holy his aggressive, war-
like instincts & direct them outwards towards real threats, of which there
are many. Ideally, one would hope that this ideal was tempered with the
ideal of making peace & love with his fellow citizens & mankind in
general, but such idealism is only healthy with the framework of
fundamental vigilance & animosity. Friendship & brotherhood are
something that the strong man extends willingly to those who treat him
with love & respect in turn; they are not something that a mouse earns by
his disarmed, vulnerable lack of weapons. Finding a good enemy can be
the savior of many a man lost in internal introspection & doubt. That is
just about the only good & health-giving aspect of psychiatry; it offers
itself as a very obvious enemy & threat that produces a certain kind of
inadvertant resolution in its victims by opposing the thing that is claiming
to 'care' for them, thus making us Whole & united against our predator if
this predator doesn't chemically destroy us, ruin our lives & confuse us
too much first.

We clearly see this approach to mental health by a lot of people today,

who are simply not honest enough to admit it. Most of the Left, and
increasingly the Right, are as individuals largely sustained in their mental
equillibrium only by their opposition to one another, which gives them a
sense of validation & the dignity of moral crusader & warrior. Again, this
links in to what I said in the previous rule; a lack of 'problems' can itself
be the biggest problem of all. As had been said countless times, man fears
boredom more than almost anything else. I would personally suggest we
thus make it a matter of pride to direct our wits & spears to battling this
most intimate, ultimate & spiritual of foes, rather than resorting to
primitive bloodshed to entertain ourselves like chimpanzees. But, others
seem to disagree.

The world is full of dangers, of real predators that can ruin your life & yet
people often pretend don't exist. The nature of reality is Darwinian; it is
eat & be eaten. The most important thing when you are young is to make
sure you are safe, & not think that the world is just some kind of giant
playground & or safety net there to entertain your reckless behavior. So,
scan your whole social environment for predators, & feel very lucky if you
can remain in one piece. Many, many are not nearly so fortunate; all my
fellow iotrogenically mutilated psych. victims, for instance.

Do not over-extend yourself; do not be ungrateful; do not be indignant,

especially over trifles; life is a life-death struggle, & you deserve to be
happy for just being alive. Why forsake this natural gift of reality available
at all times through judicious use of the imagination, in order to busy
yourself with petty concerns that make a laughing stock of yourself,
demeaning this fundamental gift of life, as if life needed to be
supplemented by trinkets & petty, petty little victories of one's own irate
ego against one's fellows? You are better than that, you are more than
that, & if you treat oneself & others with such contempt, it will be
because you are deceiving yourself as to the real threats all around you &
leaving yourself into a rude awakening & unnecessary, tragic disaster &
the most bitter & sorrowful & eternal gnashing of teeth. Don't say I didn't
warn you.

Your worse fears may well be quite accurate, & you would be a fool not to
pay attention to them for the sake of average-everyday complacency.
Imagine how serene, what clarity of mind you would feel if you made a
definite effort to clearly delineated the imaginary from the real threats &
kept them constantly in mind to guide your action to razor-like focus &
perfection. Your fears can mostly be over-come, even the fear of death,
but only by facing them & understanding the reasons you have them – by
preparing for the future & bad outcomes, we make it much, much easier
to deal with when & if they occur. Do not let others give you false
assurances; examine the world, not just from a narrow empirical,
everyday point of view, but, extending outwards to an entire social, &
then logical & metaphysical, a far grander point of view, because for all
you know, Hell may well exist & on your present course you may well be
destined for it (but do you need to be? Are you going to still be so
aggrieved & distraught that your friend has better outfits than you do,
when you have eternal damnation to try to avoid?). Let that sink in.

So.. direct your fear of threats and sense of enmity outwards on real, well
defined targets & fully assess your environment for hazards.

9) Recognize The Ability For And Embrace Change (Express And

Evaluate The Axioms Of Behavior And Belief That Have Carried You
This Far)

It is necessary to embrace both the past & the future. Clearly, for
someone whose mood is perpetually very low, much change is needed.
Therefore, the first thing is simply to focus on this most fundamental fact,
and allow it to happen. As has often been said, unhappiness and absence
of change is usually the result of some kind of emotional resistance or
other. Also simply not realizing that it is possible, i.e. Viewing oneself as
one has been told one is by others, as a fixed, known quantity & 'essence'.
As we grow up, our parents, teachers, Dr.s etc, place various labels upon
us, which we erroneously, in our innocence, take to be something deep,
when in fact they are just meaningless words that have nothing to do with
what we really are. It is crucial to comprehend that, at bottom, we are not
'schizophrenic', 'depressed', bipolar', 'ADHD', etc., etc., etc.... at bottom,
we are merely energy, & we can manifest in almost anyway we like, & we
are defined simply by how we manifest, in the phenomenon that we
make up from moment to moment, not according to some 'essence' that
we don't properly understand but that is supposed to be revealed to us in
the words that other people put upon us. Again, as I have said earlier in
this book, a phenomenological approach to ourselves & the world is the
beginning of wisdom; simply observing phenomenon, 'the surface', &
recognizing that that is the important thing. Inattention to the surface, &
prioritization of the opinions of 'experts' over it is the root of almost all
ignorance & suffering. Once we begin to pay attention to the actual
phenomenon itself, we can soon begin to work on it & change it for the
better. There is in fact an underlying nature different from the surface as it
appears to others, (hence why the behaviorists are so wrong-headed), but
that nature is more akin to a realm of untapped possibility & freedom,
thru' judicious use of the imagination & learning to rationalize one's
existence more, rather than a realm of terrible circumscribed limitation as
supposedly revealed by psychiatric diagnosis. (In this sense, the LGBTQ
community have some truth to their position, in that freedom is at least
as essential to our nature – to human nature – as even our sexual nature,
so the ability to define one's own sexual orientation/ gender is in many
respects a legitimate part of that. But if we can define our very sex, surely
we should at least be able to define our own personality as well without
being unduely limited by psuedo- medical quackery 'diagnoses'!)

When one becomes very mentally ill, due to heavy external pressure, one
becomes like a machine obeying certain rules that one doesn't
understand. One is constantly panicking, & acting in such a way as to
supposedly avoid the potential threat, even if the actual threatening
object has been largely removed & now only exists in one's imagination. I
imagine this might be called PTSD (Post-traumatic-stress-disorder), or a
form of it. It is what psychiatry caused me to have for 12 whole years. The
way that I eventually solved & dealt with it was by an immensely difficult,
laborious, & slow process of defining what the heck I was doing &
learning to re-imagine alternatives, i.e. Elaborating the 'axioms' on which
my machine-like action was running. In general, it is only by making
explicit our own assumptions that we can begin to revise them & change
them for the better, so this is an absolutely crucial part of improving one's
mental health.

For example, a person who has always been depressed, or been

depressed for a very long time, may simply assume 'this is how life is'. In
order to begin to heal, the first thing they have to do is begin to question
that assumption and entertain the possibility that life can be immensely
joyful. Another example would be someone who believed that the
opposite sex was just for sex, & that the possibility of finding a real soul
mate did not exist. Until they address this fundamental assumption that
has somehow protruded into their consciousness due to our vulgar
popular culture, their relations with the opposite sex are always going to
be extremely limited compared to the potentially sublime feelings of love
of which human beings are eminently capable, but often suppress. There
are many other common examples which it could be very beneficial to go
into, but probably far too many; so always question your assumptions, &
how they might be limiting you unnecessarily. Recognize the ability for
and embrace change (express and evaluate the axioms of behavior and
belief that have carried you this far)

10) Build A Framework Of Core Values And Belief In Your Own Mind And
Endeavour To Live By Them

Human beings just love their beliefs. Yes they do. Nowadays, we tend to
be made to feel guilty for having any real beliefs, or have done, since the
gospel of 'relatavism'. The emphasis on the insistence that 'everyone has
a right an opinion', & that somehow all opinions are equally 'valid'. This is
really the death of opinion, & with it the death of the human soul.
Because an opinion which someone is not able to hold forth as 'the right'
opinion, they do not really have the courage to even fully assert. It is just
a collection of words they bandy about, giving them no real grip on reality
or confidence in themselves & their own moral quest. This is not at all
'moral'; it is just weakness & leaving oneself prey to be dominated by
others, by those evil enough to keep you fooled in this way.

Building a framework of core values, in which one truly believes, i.e.

which stem from an honest assessment of reality, & are in touch with
one's own inner conscience & feeling, rather than just rationalizations &
justifications of one's behavior handed down from on high... is one of the
most empowering things that a person can ever do, & will forever give
them pride & dignity amongst their fellows & all life's challenges. Most
mental illness, especially among the young, stems from personal
insecurity & doubt, a feeling that one doesn't even really have the right to
exist. If one can align oneself with the True & the Good (as Jordan
Peterson says), that is an absolutely fantastic & almost bullet-proof
antidote to that most essential malady which can turn a mouse into a lion
over a period of a few weeks. The most essential thing is to justify one's
own existence, and true 'self-worth' is not achieved by the flattery of
others; its rather achieved by becoming immune to the opinions of others
by deciding to become an active agent for Good. Furthermore, the ability
to justify oneself intellectually & morally to one's fellows is just about the
most powerful tool for success in the whole world. Even most Presidents
can't do it, but if you can do it better, you can be President if you want;
because being President is all about making others believe in oneself by
the power of argument & the word. If you can follow your own own rules
& logic in action as well, that will give you Character; a permenant feeling
of solidity, achievement & effectiveness in action that radiates from your
innermost being to all those around you.

It is also very helpful to try to delineate between those beliefs that are
real, & really govern one's actions, & those which are just for social
display & don't really play an active part in own's behavior at all & simply
clog up the system. So try to root out the latter. As Jordan Peterson says,
lots of so-called 'atheists' still believe in God at some level, but that is just
one obvious example. On the other hand, lots of 'Christians' don't actually
apply their so-called faith to their life at all. Such ideas are often more like
fixations that confuse the mind, & obsess precisely because they are so
confusing & 'mysterious', rather than solid beliefs of any real worth. Take
the idea that 'Jesus died on the Cross for my sins & I am saved from
Hellfire by believing in Him' – this is largely just a piece of nonsense that
obsesses & captivates precisely due its incomprehensibility. To people
with no proper intellectual training, nonsensical ideas appeal because
they seem precisely the most difficult ones to refute – if you can't even
understand clearly what you're saying, & no one else can either, as well
as having absolutely no basis in experience, that evasiveness makes them
seem almost impossible to refute, especially to non-philosophers. Like all
madness, it can be quite intimidating to others & gives the appearance of
being deep, in the 'lets not even go there' kind of sense. That can be
handy too though. For instance, being considered too clear a thinker can
itself be dangerous; remember, the 'fool' retains the element of surprise
& chance of being under-estimated.

Finally, one of the most inportant things to bear in mind (may sound
hilarious coming from me! -- but shouldn't, so much anyway) is
consistency, or rather, harmony & integrity in one's beliefs, actions, values
& character traits. What will work for one person, will not always, in fact
rarely work for others, because in others it will be merely grafted on
artificially, & be out of place & ungainly in the new context of the other
person's traits, undermining both them & the new attempt at adaptation.
Attaining to Ultimate, Universal values requires much more abstraction
than most peeps are willing or capable of, so usually its best for most
people not even to attempt it – otherwise you get stupid, intolerant
religious (including secular, pseudo-religious, of course.. I always use the
word 'religious' in a wider sense) dogma & strictures inflicted on
everyone, which do not belong to & are totally out of place on most of
the people they are inflicted upon.

(A relevant out-take from previous section of this book:

Learn to allow for and tolerate exceptions. Every rule has its opposite exception. The task of education is not to just
teach the rules, but -- even more crucially – how to identify the exceptions...since these 'exceptions' are very often the
strongest and most valuable instances.)

Build a framework of core values and belief in your own mind and
endeavour to live by them.

10) Express Yourself Thru’ Garbled Poetry When Things Are Too Painful
Even To See Clearly

Sometimes when one is very unwell, the mind no longer follows the
legislative Ego. As I said above, one is an out-of-control machine
responding to a threat that is no longer present, except for in the mind. At
such times, it is not really possible to form definite, solid opinions & rules
an act on them. But, in order to even begin to work towards doing so, it
can be very helpful to start beginning to express oneself more. In poetry,
as opposed to a prose treatise, one merely presents a possible, proposed
view of things, based upon one's subjective, tentative take upon it, letting
the opinions & feelings stand in their own dignity, which is precisely what
is needed for someone whose mind is very clouded & unable to run in
exact accord with an objective reality.
In doing this, hopefully if there are any kind people around you, you will
get some attention for one's efforts, which will boost one's self-esteem
somewhat & give others to understand you in a more sensitive light, as
someone who feels & has an inner world that deserves & requires taking
care of. That in turn will buttress oneself sense of self further, towards the
re-attainment of a strong, stable Ego which is able to assert itself
objectively again, i.e. True health.

Poetry can be a kind of cry to the world, & plea to be viewed a real
person, whose thoughts & feelings matter. In a world in which this kind of
personal respect for people, especially young people, is becoming
increasingly endangered & rare, poetry is perhaps the best antidote
imaginable. When you read a poem, you instinctively feel you are being
taken into the innermost reaches of a person's soul, with the reverence
that that demands. If that experience is not held as holy & revered by our
society, there is little hope left for any of us. If one's innermost, careful
thoughts & words don't matter, what possibly can matter? As Nietzsche
said, 'the world revolves inaudiably'; it revolves around thoughts. If we
cease to pay attention to our thoughts, the pivot of all action &, in the
time when technology has conquered Nature, the pivot of all material
reality, then everything will fall to pieces.

Express yourself thru’ garbled poetry when things are too painful even to
see clearly.

11) Cultivate Detachment, Or Even Scorn

“Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen.” , as the saying goes. Probably the single
strongest way to attract others & make them thing highly of you is for you
to express indifference to them. Indifference should always be the
standard position. The Buddhist notion of 'attachment' or clinginess is
very true. The world tries to detatch us from ourselves & make it the
center, as do others; harrassing us constantly & demanding a reaction.
That is its greatest trick. You have not known true sanity until you have
withdrawn from this constant game played against you into the peace &
tranquility of your own mind, in communion with the Eternal rather than
the evanescent every day, wearing stimulus of others. The mantra of
'love, love, love' blasted everywhere at full volume, (or nowadays, by the
Left, tacitly underpinned by the real message 'hate, hate, hate') is hardly
very conducive to this goal.

Furthermore, to see clearly & draw power into oneself, it is necessary to

be prepared to actively, to habitually cultivate scorn for what has power in
the world & look down upon it from the perspective of the ideal of one's
own values. Fear of power, & association of power with truth, is our
greatest folly & precisely the main thing power uses to control you. Do
not think you will be rewarded for your servile cowardice. It is a simple
fact that the vast majority of accepted opinions are false, even ludicrous,
& even if you realize that intellectually, one can still make vastly more
progress by cultivating the right emotional attitude as well & ceasing to
be bothered by things.

Be a high lighthouse on an island amidst the turbulent, shifting waves of

others. Cultivate detachment, or even scorn.

12) Bring Back Your Story To Help Others

“History calls those men the greatest who have ennobled themselves by working for the common
good; experience acclaims as happiest the man who has made the greatest number of people happy.”
-- Karl Marx

The world is in dire need of healers – material needs are already more
than satiated by the 'miracles' of modern technology, & within a decade
or two all other jobs except the cultural & artistic ones, i.e. the
psychological, spiritual ones, will be almost entirely obsolete &
redundant. Those who have experience of spirutal transformations, who
have been lost & now are found, represent an enormous well-spring to
slake the spiritual thirsts of others -- of those who also suffer -- & lead
them too toward the light. Your story & what you have learned, once you
recover, is invaluable, often far more so than the petty qualifications so-
called 'experts' who are often merely conformist parasites who have
never really grappled with the true sources of human angst & woe, but
merely parrot a therapeutic party line that keeps them in business, i.e.
Often isn't effective but keeps the customers coming back, keeps the
customers sick & dependent, looking outside of themselves for answers.

The nature of beauty is conquest over adversity, of order out of chaos, so

you mustn't think that any miseries or negative patterns you've
experienced in your own life disqualify you from being a guide for others.
On the contrary, they are the raw material, the chaos for your life-artistry
that will equip you with the skills to teach & heal others; they are shade,
the contrast necessary to draw out & fully allow the light to presence
itself, the source for heroism which is the true health rather than mere
clinical 'normality', the very notion of which discourages us & makes us
feel more ill by its instinctive perversity & total absence of ambition &
courage, of which we secretly know are demanded of us by our higher
selves. What the world needs isn't more 'professional therapists'; what
the world needs is more real people, people who bear & bare the truth
about themselves, who recognize the truth about the world we live in &
aren't afraid to speak it, & who are themselves simply by their gob-
smacking, unexpected existence an authentic, undeniable testament to
the potential for healing & the ever-graceful, amazing resilience of the
human spirit under almost any conditions – even the conditions of
Gilliam-esque, Kafka-esque modern-day 'mental health services'.

Your story is unique to you, but at the same time carries Universal
significance & lessons that can be applied to countless others. By
beginning to understand this overlap better & better, & how the soul of us
fits in with the soul of others & society in general, as well as helping
others, we also arrive at an infinitely deeper sense of our own real
identity, our virtues, weaknesses & idiosyncracies, & our God-given
mission in the Universe. Once we become perfect according to our own
nature & have done the rightful work upon ourselves, the natural
teleology of ourselves in relation to society & the Universe can finally
manifest, & give birth beyond itself as it has always longed to without
doing any harm to others, but was never able to due to its own self-
sabotaging imperfections, perplexities &'pathologies' resulting from a
consciousness divided between itself & the world, by the loathsome
'amore propre' which Rousseau long-ago warned us about. Could
anything be more important?

Bring back your story to help others.


Now that you have done all that, & much more, you will finally be able to
give yourself the Love you have always deserved, but just never seemed
to get the right encouragement to in our sadly disenchanted society.

Love yourself with all your heart. Always remember, external things can
never mean more to you as your own intrinsic organs & very substance,
which is itself the pre-requisite for any other kind of love or enjoyment,
even though as you grow older you will inevitably begin to die off &
sacrifice yourself for something outside of yourself; -- romantic love
especially being how we pass on & re-affirm what we are & yet work for
something beyond ourselves at the same time.

You are always your greatest gift.

Additional Mad (“Miracles A Dozen”) Poems:
Lynched Nymph

Eyes and skin like the Night.

Teeth white like Heaven's pearly gates,
Hair turbulent and brown like the Muddy River..
When I think of what they did to her it still makes me shiver.

Plucked from the cotton fields,

Thrown in the back of a van with just three wheels,
One for the Father, one for the Son, and one for the Holy Spirit,
Hung her from a high branch without receiving a demerit.

The sound of her screams fell silent,

As her feet left the ground.
They buried her in a shallow unmarked grave
Sniffed out by the land-owner's hound.

Her melancholy spirit still haunts this wood,

Crying out for vengeance against folks in a white hood.
Now the townsfolk, their consciences are like that Muddy River,
But at least they have pure blood.
Clap Those Hooves
(For dear old “Uncle Lavey”)

When the lust to dominate has fallen into disrepute,

Impotent prayers, effeminate pity are the rotten fruit.
The philosophy of fairy dreams and romantic schemes,
From the lips of a frigid little wench who won't put out.
Do you really think you can do without military clout? -
Bore your enemies to death with your sweet nepenthe?
Oh, you sweet fool. Go on praising the 'moral rule',
But if you still have any balls left, sure don't practice it you lousy mule.

Real men, set your penises to 'thrill'.

The only thing which stops this world from falling off a steep hill;
Or else you'll end up being ground down by the seductive windmill
In the skies, that spins and spins its laughable lies.
Guys, use your eyes. Don't be led stray by the feeble tricksters.
'Love' is just the invention of pretentious liberal hipsters.
The world is not out to love you,
Its out to shove you.

"Hail Satan, arise!"

For the sake of all, men stand tall;

Work your charisma back into the Law.
Be mindful to the feelings of others,
Thus, you will win them under the covers:
Turning them into nurturing sisters & loyal brothers,
Charmed by your war dance moves.

Therefore, clap those hooves! Clap those hooves!

Just know you are going to have to cut down alot of
competition if you want to be the one setting the grooves!

Clap those hooves.

There is a world of spite out there which, your defiance, behooves!

And, when its all securely under your thumb,

Perhaps it will cease to play so very dumb.
Ode To Coke Zero

O Coca Cola, you are so fair;

I drank you once, as a dare.
Lost all ability in the sack, of course;
That one sip, it ended in divorce!

O! My jealous and fizzy love;

Never again shall my heart rove.
When those girls on MTV shakes their asses,
I turn to you with longing in ashes.

I turn to you and my stomach inflates,

From metabolic disturbances, and my liver dilates.
At a drive-thru, or on the settee;
With every kiss.. a tryst of diabetes!

Black as gall, sweet as the noon-day sun;

We are destined, surely as your commercials run.
Decadent & fatal as wine on the lips of a Nero...
You were my sin, you were my Zero.
Barack Obama: The Perfect Nihilist
Globalist puppet supreme,
Coldly, rationally, calculatingly steering us towards ruin
And disaster, for the sake of narrow, immediate gain.
Waging phony wars to keep up the charade,

It must be so funny being in his shoes.

Such charming and utter cynicism.
They themselves are the biggest, the grandest of illusions,
And yet they live with none.
It sure beats some creepy circus show,
These world-historical mannequins.
Perfect nihilists.
World rotating around his empty core.

What energy and gusto they have to carry on the act.

That's true heroism. No wonder they are not unpartial to a round of applause.

One genuine, naive social activist, a modern day

Martin Luther King came before the secret court:
'The Patriot Act' had him on terrorist conspiracy:

"Gee, what do you expect, man?" thinks Barack.

"Hey, I was raised with nothin'."
"Am I my brother's keeper?"
"I came from dirt, man."
"Don't expect me to tidy up after your mistakes, fool."
"I'm just a humble man trying to look after his own back."
"Don't you dare cast that look at me, you black bastard."
Mad Marching Protest Song
Sing, sing, the mad, street rebel sonata, the insane serenade!
Sing, sing, all you basket cases! With your bouncy-ball maces!
Lunatics of yesteryear, crawl out of your hiding places,
Let loose the bars on our oh-so-patient cages!
Unite, unite! Take mad flight! Bask in insane delight!
For tonight, oh tonight, we will make quite a sight!

General Disarray, you give the orders!

We're going to push through beyond all former borders!
Mademoiselle Mishap, we fall into your lap.
Lets see all their synapses snap!

Dream ditties of long-held hopes,

From ancient lore to useless old ropes!
Lunatic conscience, Lunatic unconscious, come alive!
Madness, sweet madness, this is the only way we know how to survive!
So get down, and jive; to the beat of off-beat,
To hymn of mad din. Get your fatuous faces out of that bin,
Beating this proverbial shield of tin,
That we may change course, and yet win!

Let this song inspire you to insane acts of

Non-violent kooky harmlessness!
Let us pray out loud and proud
For a crazed international armistice!

Oh leap over the balustrade,

Oh dive into the sea,
Suicide on command,
If that's what it takes to be set free!

For we have long grown tired, of lazing by the settee,

So we'll stink bomb your cafeterias, with perfume from Paris!
Knight in shining armour, Don Quixote reborn,
We'll stride down the mainline, while you duck beneath the awn.
We'll pop our heads above the safety nets,
We'll sing on the high note,
We'll throw our pills at the invalids in high places,
And fill out their sick notes!
Mind your step, Herr Dokter,
We're coming for you White Coats!

We're coming for you, we're coming for you,

We're gonna turn your bank balance upside down.
Now you'll see the natural veracity, to that perpetual frown.
Your Joker smile will come to an end.
I Am Perplexed
i. Come so far only to be stymied,
The land of The Bard turned to oppressed dhimmies.
And in the darkling hours I wait,
To finally chew off the awful meal I ate.

The girls, the girls fall like rain,

The stars, the stars, are drunken and lame.
Shield me not, shield me yes ---
Have pity on the dead children I tried to caress.
Broken by flowers, parched by the sun;
They shed their tears over everyone.


Come so far only to be stymied,

The land of The Bard turned to insane dhimmies.
Broken by love, mangled by morals;
Taken for granted and rested on our laurels.
And in the darkling years I wait,
To finally chew off the awful meal I ate ---
Full of anger and incensed hate.


(From Britain to its young white Northern girls)

The Gilded Cage

Living out of reach of the salt of the earth,

I flap my pinion in my palace, nary a mortal to be heard.
I dine on delicacies, plucking my harp with melancholy.
And yet I have become such a drab, ordinary bird.

Expansive vistas native to the eye of my kind,

Savannahs, forests, oceans and canyons,
Bustling cities, hilly peaks and verdant valleys,
Are all eclipsed by extravagant custom-made walls.

Trapped here in my fortress of tears,

Lusting for the Heavens, lusting for the earth;
I seek holy communion, I find only dearth -
While normal men just get on with their careers.
Destined to shine and decay out of sight:
A gilded cage, an aborted flight.

A mere artifact, from a world gone wrong.

Pale emperor of dirgeful song.
Too sedentary on his throne to take wing,
A nest too well-feathered from which to fling.

I am kept like a prisoner under lock and key,

By my own confabulous, real-life luxury....
Wishing Well
What's that siren, what's that bell?
The S.S. are back with their van of Hell.
Little John Cotton is plied with rum,
His heart is beating to a poacher's drum.
"Better not squeal, better not tell...
Or they'll find you at the bottom of that wishing well."

What's that siren, what's that bell?

The Social Services are back with their van of Hell.
Little John Cotton holds his bum,
Better not move, better play dumb,
"Better not squeal, better not tell...
Or they'll find you at the bottom of that wishing well."
What's that siren, what's that bell?
The boys in blue are back with their honor to sell.
Little John Cotton cries for his mum,
She's dead now and won't ever come.
"Better not squeal, better not tell...
Or they'll find you at the bottom of that wishing well."
What's that uniform, what's that? Hell!
They're going at him with their 'truncheons' all pell mell.
"Better not squeal, better not tell...
Or they'll find you at the bottom of that wishing well."
Now little John Cotton is selling himself on the street,
Just another one of those kids they call 'prime meat'.
"Better not squeal, better not tell...
Or they'll find you at the bottom of that wishing well."
What's that siren, what's that bell?
The gangstas in high places have money to kill.
Little John Rotten is doing drugs,
First they injected him, now he's one of their thugs.
"Better not squeal, better not tell...
Or they'll press legal charges and lock you back in a cell."
What's that uniform, what's that? Hell!
Little John Cotton got into the wrong car.
"Now he's squealing, now he's screaming...
They've thrown him in a cage and they're feeding him through a grill."
What's that siren, what's that bell?
The psychos in high places are getting paranoid.
They want to wipe up after themselves,
Its just good business, its just good hygiene.
Too late to squeal, too late to tell...
They found little Johnny at the bottom of a wishing well!
The Only Forgiveness

What am I forgetting? What have I forgotten?

There must be a reason, why I feel extremely rotten.

I once had enough thoughts to revive a nation,

What thoughts do I need to have, to renew
My life's station?

Is it my will, or is it my brain,
That is the reason my life
Has become,such an unsightly stain.

Oh Lord, I don't have it in me anymore;

Why won't you just forgive me anymore ?

"No, my child, you are not forgiven,

Remember, when you are tempted to bow
And barter your soul for those fake promises;
The only forgiveness is success."
Hair Docktor Talibani

Lustrous curls, a prophet's beard;

From their thatch, he can tell you're weird.
'Anyone on the street could tell you're schizo',
And, after all, what am I but the over-paid
Stooge of popular prejudice?

I have been doing this job so long,

I can no longer hear a bird's song.
I merely inspect its plumage,
And then cover it in bondage.

In my old country, where fanaticism rages,

They all look a bit like you;
I have transcended those unlucky few.
Now when I look into a man's soul,
All I see is a disgusting, threatening outgrowth of bristles.

When my servant takes his razor to your face,

I don't just put you in your place...

I clip your over-grown heart.

Love Longs To Play Tyrant ( A California Sermon)
“Eros is a tyrant” -- Plato

Love doesn't ask permission;

Love takes.
Love is full of derision;
Love hates.

imperious and lugubrious,

A savage Dolores,
Beyond compassion.

Unspeakable violence,
Unspeakable delights,
Unspeakable potency,
Unspeakable frights.

Delectable days,
And ecstatic nights.

Philosopher of the bedroom,

Lord of the realm,
The judges do our bidding,
Our 'love' free from sight.

While publicly donning the mask of indignation

And waxing lyrical about pity,
Behind closed doors we are working
Diligently non-stop to slit your throats!



A Stray Man Speaks

So, I flew. I hit the road and sampled the haunts of the 'underworld'.
Strange Hades, a place of rebirth and redemption,
as well as oblivion and gnashing of broken teeth.
An old man, with a long grey beard, stares openly into the distance.
He has a striped, woolly hat on, and big colorful, worn-out gloves.
A kind of Santa for all seasons. Come rain, snow or sunshine,
he remains a permanent fixture, an all-watching, unhesitating gaze
over the passing years. Omniscient, but impotent. A mere piece
of society's throw-away human trash.
The wind ruffling his ancient anorak, the sound of the ocean in his ears.
He has seen the young come and go,
at the all-night, flashing-light disco
of demotic despair.

How often he has heard the music blare.

How often has hid away in dusty-cornered make-shift lairs.
How often he has seen the oracles of the street make their prophesies. How often he has shared
bread and wine
with low-down criminals, sensing their tortured, yet ever persistent,
though often denied, humanity. How often has he seen the
do-gooders do-good, through the tainted, self-serving
authorities in which they wiggle and minister.

Were the traffic lights candles, what would be their prayers?

Were the police sirens choirs, who do they praise ?
Were the streets old-fashioned heroes, who would be their Helen?

That old man is me, for I hit the road,

I went off the beaten track...
And... I never did go back.
Born Of Blindness
You succoured me on the milk of sweet human kindness,
Then knocked me off my balance with deadly wilful blindness.
To the sad world I was once a most wise and regal highness,
Now I languish here in complete and abject blindness.
Parasitical vultures pounced upon my self-effacing shyness,
So accustomed was I to love's unconditional blindness.
If you would depart I will be at the mercy of their slyness,
Those white-coats cover my aspirations with blindness.
My feelings, though knotted, have forsaken all entwinedness,
To you my heart has shut out the light to perfect blindness.
Now I see the earth through a veil of dank and bitter wryness,
How I curse my perpetual, lopsided and ill-fortuned blindness.
Now, try as I might, I cannot do the world much kindness,
It has no use for ones like us whose deeds are born of blindness.
The Lilac Lighthouse
Lilac spectres, hovering above the rollicking waves,
Greet me at night from across the oceans... as I hold
The fort by the old lighthouse, beautiful and bold...
Caressing my mouse-white beard, upon this misty eve.

Like lavender flowers, of pallid hue, they skate upon,

The perfect blue, of the frozen skies... Flooded with white light,
From the bulb in my citadel by the sea. What dreams they carry,
From what storms they are sent, over life-less bodies,

Broken by tempest, shall remain shrouded in night.

But, that they come and go, of this there can be no doubt.
Oh the agonizing nights spent alone here, left only to watch
On while so many souls ran aground on the breakers.

We begin as starfish, and end as empty shell.

I bore witness with my shining torch, until this day,

When my madness finally sets sail, and I join them...

Throwing myself off the high porch, into the eternal blue....
Miscellaneous Madness:
Satanic Plagurism, Tall Tales, Odd Dietary Advice, Paeans, &
“God bless irony”

An Old Classic.

Pornography by "TheMasterTherion" (Let me just say briefly that I do not condone any of the
seemingly more misanthropic activities rumoured to be associated with this man, i.e. any activities
which involve harmful violations of the will of others, such as blood sacrifice (although it is not
proven that he engaged in that or even promoted it, except probably with animals – but then that is
not noticeably worse than slaughtering them for food, especially in terrible factories conditions or
according to other quite similar religious codes we commonly see around us today.)

"Now to give battle one must find a disputed point, and struggle for its mastery. English
pudibundery being the main strong hold of the Puritan, I now concentrate my guns on that position.
With the exception of the Chinese classics and one or two of the Hindu and Buddhist, all authors of
antiquity are wholly or partially concerned to discourse frankly, joyously, amusingly, of the sexual
act. Of modern authors we observe that only the pornographic survive. Shakespeare, Sterne, Swift,
Rabelais, Villon, — what names have we to put against these? Milton and some lesser.
And to-day? What authors of the last century do we find on our shelves? Byron, exiled, yet with
wealth sufficient to mock his foes; Shelley, expelled from Oxford, exiled, robbed of his children;
Keats, bullied into consumption; Blake, nigh starved; Flaubert, Baudelaire, Gautier, Zola, Richepin
all prosecuted, suppressed; Verlaine, his life a mere holiday between spells of prison. I cannot quote
you the good authors, the popular authors; neither I nor any one else can remember their names.
All this babble about indecency is the merest froth; as Vizetelly dies, broken by imprisonment for
the crime of having translated Zola, that same Zola is being feasted at the Guildhall by the Lord
Mayor of London.
But, then, of course, the question arises “what is pornography?”
It has been justly remarked that the greatest men are those who play upon the whole scale of human
emotions, from the spiritual to the obscene. The humour of Aristophanes, Shakespeare, Sterne, and
Rabelais is identical with that of the ordinary smoking-room story; only a deal better done. Nor is
there any other eternal humour; other kinds depend on the accidents of the age.
You never find a single impure line in any of these authors, any gloating on impurity. The laughter
is hearty, there is no schoolboy sniggering — no consciousness of guilt.
(So even with Keats' Gadfly and Sharing Eve's Apple; Browning's bawdy jests in Pippa Passes, the
Ring and the Book, One Word More, La Saisiaz and elsewhere; cleaner, truly, than the furtive
eroticism in Prometheus Unbound. Shelley was more consciously under the curse of Jesus.) It is this
“consciousness of sin” which is to my mind the essentially Christian attitude. It is this which
inspires the outcry against art and simple pleasures; these swine nose everywhere for filth, and grunt
with shocked glee when they find it.
All serious subject are tabooed as “bad form!” (I must add in parenthesis that the eugenic prigs and
sex-problem pigs are every whit as bad. They are just as shocked at Rabelais as the other Puritans).
There is nothing impure in passion, if only it be elemental and strong. The whole soul storms the
height of heaven, exults, laughs, enjoys, falls exhausted. The thing is clean.
It is the lady novelist that drags her snail-track across the desert of bad literature. Nothing so excites
my loathing as to see these ghouls licking their chops over the adventures of some dirty slut of a
Princess. They scent indecency in passion beyond the marriage-tie: they will not even allow a man
to be in love with his own wife. Why shouldn't he be? He is now and then. I happen to know it. The
long and short of the whole matter is this, that there is nothing clean but ecstasy.
Whether that ecstasy is the divine spirituality of Visvarupadarshana, or the sexual splendour of
Epipsychidion, or the laughter of Catullus, all is pure and perfect.
It is the vision of the God that is pure; it is the veils that stain. Whether the curtain of falsehood be
moral, or ethical, or romantic, it is a stain. Weakness is evil and impure; strength is divine and clean.
A mountain is more naked than a marsh. By your leave, gentiles, I will continue to live on the
“Saintly Rags & Dirty Sonnets”: A 'Brief' Tale
His greasy trousers drove her to distraction. She very nearly called the ambulance once.

Lardy da, lardy da, lardy da,

He couldn't care a less of course, until the real threats came in. But, enough of that for now.

He only ever wanted to be a star. He only ever wanted to be cultural pioneer. He wasn't too much
concerned with his exterior everyday veneer. What a crime, what a sin; your Laws, your 'morals' are
paper thin.

“Your trousers are filthy!” she'd cry. Optimus Einstein Bartholemew II looked at his dear mother..
his tender heart, hurt & bewildered as usual. He was pondering the technological Singularity, &
whether Hell on earth could yet be averted in his own lifetime.

“I'm only saying it because I care about you, other people notice too but just don't say anything!”

Yes, indeed.

Albert Einstein, Bartholemew's namesake, had been a bit absent-minded, & shabby too at times, &
he was almost universally heralded as the greatest genius of the 20th Century,. W. H. Auden was a
notorious mucky-pup. Nietzsche even pranced around in his room naked, occasionally hammering
out Wagner on his piano. Perhaps if young Optimus was allowed to parade his lackadaisical attire
for once without constant nay-saying & psychological black-magic from his mother, he might
actually garner something of a reputation for caring about higher things, perhaps he might be
thought of as a Saint of some kind, (Nietzsche himself was nicknamed 'the little Saint' by his
housemistress, despite his rampant 'hate speech' against Christians... & her cooking skills) rather
than a messy, naughty little boy who couldn't take care of himself.

Its a little bit like the Amazonian medicine men were ridiculed & spat upon for hanging around in
only laurel leaves, & enjoying themselves all day in the forest (&actually healing people, unlike
Western medicine), instead of rushing to become lumberjacks for enterprising timber-merchants,
whereas now if they fancy it they can make a veritable fortune selling DMT trips to high-flying
sales consultants & rich kids from Miami lifting barely a finger.

Sadly, it seems that particular thought never occurred to her...

– nor did she take any DMT trips.

When he started gaining actual literary success, it confused her no end that this little ungrateful brat,
fruit of her loins, so recalcitrant to basic hygiene, could be seen side by side in magazines &
journals with those above her own social echelon. For a long, long, long time she resisted this result
with all her might, ratcheting up the personal attacks on his attire so that he spent a whole year in a
Mental Asylum, losing half his genius & much more besides in the process. Still, as they say, you
can't keep a good dog down forever. (Well, perhaps you can, with enough detracting put-downs
from one's nearest & dearest...)
But eventually – fortunately -- Optimus Einstein Bartholemew II did get there (though not before
spending 6 months on the Winter street of Brighton in hiding from his 'benefactors', of course.) . In
his hey-day, he ended up resurrecting the Sonnet for Her Majesty's 80th Jubilee, with a little fusion
Jungle thrown in from his own youth (which Her Majesty loved also), reminding her of her own
glory days as the prime symbol of the now (supposedly) harmless & ineffectual, humiliated “dress-
up-doll” nature of the ancient class-tyrants.

Not that the whole episode didn't leave a bit of a sour taste in the mouth. I mean, at first he was only
doing it to make his parents proud; then, the way it turned out, it was as if he only did it to get back
at them! It didn't matter how he tried to forgive them & continue their relationship on a better
footing; they wouldn't forgive him for proving them wrong by not being a sick patient the rest of his
life, or thanking them for their barbaric actions that more than half-destroyed & mangled their own
original creation.

This is how we pay for the very crimes committed against us, & go on paying & paying. Until they
actually do kill us.

What crimes had been perpetrated against dear Optimus's parents to make them wage such a
indefatigable war on their own legacy, I wonder? Could it be the tireless demands of society upon
them to conform during their own upbringing? Hm, maybe its the progress of History; the older
generations always feeling hard-done by, missing out on all the new technologies, their marvellous
abundance & the delicious fruits of their own labour.

Personally, I think they were simply born under the wrong star.

Anyway, it seemed to him that each spark of initiative, of virtue, dignity or authentic individuality
he ever showed in their presence was scorned with utter vitriol & a vehement, indignant attempt to
stamp it out lest it spread, & perhaps really take root. They say that spreading your own wings is the
best thing you can do for others, since it gives others license to do the same. (But, some people just
do not want that. Most likely your own parents are among them.)

At any rate, needless to say, the 'success' that his parents had once dreamed of for him as a small
child became only a mortal wound after the whole psychiatric debacle, filling them with a sense of
only greater bitterness & defeat. You see, once you declare war on someone by having them
'sectioned' against their will, there is rarely any going back...

Stop in your tracks & you are deemed crazy, by all around you, unconscious & lazy. Wear a spotty
shirt to a restaurant & you better stay alert, or the neighbours will be out to get you; they could well
call the cops & have you thrown in jail 'for your own good'.

Does it even matter, though, if the inner bird does sing? “What inner bird?” they cried. “Can't you
just be a good little parrot, like the rest of us? Savour your patched eye is all!”
‘Recreational’ drug use is medicinal drug use. The potential of currently illegal substances such as
LSD and DMT, as well as more common and less potent ones such as marajuana, to provide radical
new, mad vistas of consciousness, and so heal the mental sickness with which mainstream society is
so disastrously afflicted ( see the work of Terence Mckenna), is no less important than their capacity
to treat physical illness or relieve physical pain. While all substances can potentially be used ill-
advisedly, the depreciation of supposed ‘recreational’ uses ignores the dire and gaping need even so-
called ‘normal’ people have for fresh inspiration, hedonic sustenance, and the health benefits that all
true enjoyment, relaxation or true insight brings. It merely repeats the fallacious and artifical
seperation between these supposedly mutually alien aspects of ourselves, a long with the
superstitious, ascetic and crude utilitarian privileging of the mere functionality of ‘health’, over the
supposedly wicked nature of happiness in this world --- a sad residue of religious puritanism and
centuries of slavery to sadistic dogmas of control --- even though it is only Epicurean pleasure that
ultimately justifies life itself. This attitude is so pervasive and so perverse that it simply cannot be

Ravi Das, a neuroscientist at University College London who is researching the effects of ketamine
said: “The potential benefits are definitely downplayed in face of these drugs being used
recreationally,” he said. “People view their use in a research setting as ‘people are just having a
good time’.”

From this vantage point, must one not wager the theory that almost the whole of modern medicine,
most obviously in terms of mental illness, but even in its approach to illness as such --- including
physical illness- -- as simply a form of prolonged Christian hatred-of-the-flesh and jaw-dropping
sado-masochism on a mass scale ? That is why Prof. David Nutt equated the barriers to research to
the Catholic church’s censorship of Galileo’s work in 1616. “We’ve banned research on psychedelic
drugs and other drugs like cannabis for 50 years,” he said. “Truly, in terms of the amount of wasted
opportunity, it’s way greater than the banning of the telescope. This is a truly appalling level of
censorship.” Ignoring the importance of psycho-active drugs for promoting health is bad enough,
but to ignore or denigrate the importance of pleasure to this aim, is like discounting the use of the
eyes in driving to work in the morning! ---

A bold proposition. I put it to you that nearly all illness, both physical and mental, stems
fundamentally from this cruel over-sight. Instead of healing them with Love and positive nurturing,
stimulating our bodies to heal themselves naturally the way God intended, we have become so
terribly lost that we only resort of devising ever more complex, intricate and expensive ways of
torturing in ever excruciatingly more detail and sophistication, of massacring and artificially
manipulating the so-called ‘objectionable’’ parts of ourselves. This is all done because sick people
who you can ‘treat’ endlessly are so much more profitable --- and easier to control --- than healthy
Even according to many generally recognized experts, such as Dr. Garry Egger, lifestyle is
the cause of 70% of clinical illnesses. And the effects of love and a positive mind-set, or their
opposites (‘stress’, etc.), on the immune system, and general health, are equally well-established. As
Howard Bloom argues in his excellent books ‘The Lucifer Principle’ and ‘The Global Brain’, illness
generally is largely a socio-biological mechanism whereby the cells or individuals who are not
contributing positively to the group, or receiving enough positive attention, engage in an
evolutionarily-evolved process of self-destruction.

Making 'insanity' a defense against criminal charges merely relieves ppl of

responsibility for cultivating their own minds, & encourages people to go insane (at
least if ‘treatment’ was any more lenient than prison – in reality, ppl who plead
insanity often end up locked up longer in equally harsh or even worse conditions).

On the other hand, treating people for 'mental illness' via involuntary treatments, such
as heavily mind-altering pills & indefinite, traumatic detentions in mad-houses, very
often, if not always, robs them of their sheer ability for remaining sane, both relieving
& depriving them of responsibility for their minds & actions, since by definition it
takes away their motive role in the construction of their own minds & actions, &
turns it over to psychiatrists & their ‘medications’. It is thus their Dr.s who should be
legally culpable for any crimes of patients who have been treated involuntarily by
them; for example, in relation to the many recent shootings in America, since nearly
all these kids were subject to unwanted psychiatric drugging before their horrible
atrocities. But the same applies to all other cases.
The real legal defense should be for those who have been treated & thus
psychologically & chemically manipulated against their will, NOT for those who
have through their own negligence, under normal conditions, relinquished control of
their own minds, actions & attachment to reality.

“I'm suing Solvay because I believe that Eric Harris did what he did because of this
drug... Eric was forced onto these drugs and I feel sorry for him, like so many other
kids who are put on these drugs. I don't have ill feelings against him since I don't
think you can hold him accountable because he didn't know what he was doing.”

-- Mark Taylor,
Victim of Columbine
School Shooting in 1999
“It has been suggested there is no liability for a wrongful death in New York of a child, senior, or
person with a disability. I requested further citations and if anyone has specifics, please share. One
of the clear issues we are constantly faced with when we see what we define as a wrongful death is
that the requirement has to, in part, indicate some kind of medical malpractice. When the entire
field is a malpractice, individual practitioners of that field adhering to the practices, procedures, and
products of that field is not seen as a problem, and therefore psychiatrists are routinely not held
accountable for what many perceive as wrongful deaths. This happens because psychiatry and
psychology, and many other forms of western medicine, possess authority both in economic and
other resources and state power. The problem is that the fields of Psychology and Psychiatry are
often themselves, promoting fraud, and therefore, malpractice, so adhering to its canon of
ethics and practices increases the possibilities of malpractice.” Lauren Tenney, PHD

(Bold, Italics, & underlining added by me.)

Stefan Molyneux's 'Universally Preferable Behaviour': A Critique

'Universally preferable behaviour', or UPB, is the moral theory of the prominent contemporary
philosopher Stefan Molyneux .The book which explains it is available for free here on Mr.
Molyneux's website: Freedomain Radio – Free Books It sets out
to provide an objective, rational foundation for many of our common moral valuations, as well as
clarifying them and providing guidance regarding more controversial moral and political issues. In
this essay, I attempt to evaluate some of its chief arguments. I shall pass over the introduction,
which is mainly about explaining the need for such a foundational moral theory based upon
objective reality, which is all quite sound and I do not disagree with, and head straight for the core
of the 'proof' for the new theory herein revealed.

Stefan's first argument for UPB is that 'if there is no such thing as UPB, then one should oppose
anyone who claims that there is such a thing as UPB, However, if one “should” do something, then
one has just created universally preferable behaviour.'. He also says 'if I argue against the
proposition that UPB is valid, I have already shown my preference for truth over falsehood- as well
as a preference for correcting those who speak falsely'. I find this argument highly flawed. Though
the latter excerpt is in fact correct, the idea that these preferences are 'universal' is wholly
undemonstrated and in fact highly unlikely. Actually, there are many circumstances where
one should not argue with one who believes in UPB, or many other doctrines that one believes to be
false. If someone has no innate moral compunction and a spiteful, malicious disposition, yet believe
that they will go to Hell if they do harm to others, then only a naïve fool would seek to relieve them
of this belief. In other words, what Stefan has demonstrated is only that his imagined interlocutor
has a preference to point out the truth in this one circumstance, not that everyone 'should' do so
'universally', or that the interlocutor necessarily believes that everyone should do so universally.
Stefan's second argument for UPB is that 'everything that lives is subject to certain requirements,
and thus, if it is alive, must have followed universally preferred behaviours.' , such as 'breathing,
eating and drinking'. This assertion ostensibly has some truth to it, but unfortunately it runs counter
to some of Mr. Molyneux's other statements and the intentions of his argument. Firstly, Mr.
Molyneux says UPB is not what people 'do' universally prefer, but what they 'should' universally
prefer. (pp. 20). Thus the fact that all life forms do prefer certain conditions seems of no obvious
relevance to his argument. Secondly, as Mr. Molyneux also says elsewhere in the book, rightly in
my opinion, the conditions of life are not always preferred, as the act of suicide demonstrates. The
fact that the imaginary interlocutor would have to be alive in order to counter Mr. Molyneux's
argument, once again, would not seem to make his preferences 'universal'.
Stefan's third argument is since most people believe in UPB, tacitly at least (e.g. by the
commonality of their preferences), it is true. This is a false argument, and once again, runs directly
counter to what Mr. Molyneux says elsewhere about opinion not altering reality, (in relation to
democracy). Secondly, it could be denied that preferences are universal, and not merely very
common – especially moral preferences. His forth argument is along the same lines, pointing to the
fact that while 'choices are infinite', 'human beings make very similar choices'; therefore 'not all
choices can be equal'; 'to say that there are no principles of universally preferable behaviour would
be to say that all choices are equal'. This is also quite false: it could simply be that preferences and
their justifications are usually quite general but still relative to individual factors rather than being
'universal' to all humankind. It also repeats the same fallacy as the previous argument, in attempting
to derive an 'ought' simply from the 'is' of people's actual preferences, assuming them to be based on
'universal' moral values, rather than merely prejudice or some other form of arbitrariness.
Stefan's fifth and final argument is similar to his second – he basically says that all life forms, and
man in particular as the most successful one, must have evolved by acting on UPB. Forgive me if
my critique is beginning to sound a little monotonous, but I can only say that this again repeats the
fallacy of trying to derive an 'ought' when his argument only indicates the 'is' of shared human
preferences, i.e. not as that there is a universal standard of what human beings should prefer, but
simply that man has (purportedly universal) preferences. In addition, it begs the question whether
all human beings 'succeeded' through the same morally relevant preferences: for instance, maybe
some succeeded by hard work, and others succeeded by exploiting the hard work of others via
fraud, such as religion?
Summing up this section, I would have to say that Mr. Molyneux has been far from convincing in
his demonstration of the existence of UPB. However, one of the real Achilles' heels of his theory, at
least in the view of this reader, is introduced in a subsequent section. This is in his bold and
uncompromising insistence on its 'universal' aspect, whereby, according to Mr. Molyneux, the moral
rules governing the relations of human beings are as uniform as gravity upon falling rocks. But,
equally, wouldn't a geologist be laughed at for insisting that all 'rocks', from chalk to diamond, had
exactly the same propensity and pace of erosion? While I would agree that the theory should be
stated in such terms that moral guidelines exist for all human beings, the notion that there are no
distinctions among human beings that might have a bearing upon the morality or rationality of their
actions seems to me an evident absurdity, which is confirmed elsewhere by Mr. Molyneux's own
statements that someone with an IQ of 65, or a small child, cannot be held responsible for their
actions to the same degree as a cultivated and intelligent adult. As we shall see, Mr. Molyneux's
insistence on this point, together with what he calls 'logical consistency' are the errors which turn
out, unfortunately, to be the faulty notions with which he builds much of his structure.

To get an understanding of how Stefan intends his theory, it is necessary to turn to the way he
applies it to: rape, murder, theft, etc. His first strategy is a reductio ad absurdum, whereby he
assumes that rape is morally good. He claims that this is illogical, since a rape can only occur if the
victim resists, and that thus 'attacking virtue by definition enables virtue', and this is an
'insurmountable paradox'. But is it? By the same logic, one could say that fighting evil in general
cannot be virtuous since it is only enabled by the evil which one is fighting. So far from being an
'insurmountable paradox', I would say this is par for the course when it comes to moral behaviour,
which is always 'enabled' by its opposite or the threat thereof. Mr. Molyneux's next argument is
almost equally puzzling. He says 'if only one of (the two men in a room) can be good... we have a
logical contradiction that cannot be solved', referring us to the aforementioned example that 'a valid
theory cannot predict that one rock will fall up, while another rock will fall down'. But,
why should both men even have the capacity to be good at the same time, let alone actually be good
at the same time? What is there in the notion of morality, or universal preference, that means it
necessarily cannot be mutually exclusive, competitive or relative? We wouldn't say they could both
excel equally at winning a chess match with each other at the same time, so why should they both
be able to necessarily excel at morality? Again, by the same logic, it cannot be virtuous for one of
two men in a room to give CPR to a dying child, because then the other one couldn't do it. It would
thus be equally or more moral to simply let the child suffocate to death. Mr. Molyneux's third
argument is perhaps the most eye-brow raising of the lot, wherein he says that 'because he will be
physically unable to get an erection.... his ability to perform the “good action” becomes impossible'.
Surely this could just be obviated by describing the principle as 'he who has raped is good', rather
than 'he who is raping is good'. This 'logical problem' would also obviously apply to any moral code
that defined actions themselves as solely constitutive of virtue, rather then also having done them.
So: a fat man giving food to a starving person could also not be defined as remotely virtuous,
because at some point he will not be starving, (or, there will be an absence of starving people to
feed), and he won't be able to feed them, and hence he is 'unable to be good'. A much better and
much simpler argument would seem to be that it is not universally preferable because not everyone
wants to do it - and even fewer victims 'prefer' it to happen to them, nor 'should' they as it will not
be conducive to their happiness (the true 'universal preference', in my opinion) or anyone else's.
Why Stefan doesn't mention this, and instead sticks to his strictly 'logical' approach all but defies
Moving onto Stefan's discussion of rape as a possible APA (aesthetically positive actions),
according to his definition of being universally preferable but not enforceable through violence, it
might seem he is correct in saying that rape cannot be an APA, as it is enforced through violence.
However, even here, there is a conflation regarding who the enforcement is enacted on. In the case
of rape, the enforcement is on the victim, whereas in the case of UPB, presumably the enforcement
is upon the potential perpetrator – therefore, one cannot necessarily say the rape is not an APA.
Furthermore, by 'enforceable', Mr. Molyneux means 'ought to be enforced', which is an entirely
different issue from whether or not force actually is in fact used. Again, the argument that it is
simply not in any way preferable for many people would have seemed more sensible. Here Mr.
Molyneux also gives 'being on time' as an example of a genuine APA, which is a 'universally
preferable' rule that can be 'totally avoided'. However, if I have a business meeting, and my boss
turns up an hour late with no prior warning that he is a tardy individual, could that really have been
avoided ? If one knows someone has a habit of turning up late, then one can avoid them – although
if they were your boss if would probably mean getting a new job - but the first time it happens ? If
'avoid-ability' was such a strong determinate of whether something is morally imperative or merely
aesthetically preferable, as Mr. Molyneux says it is, then in fact it would seem that 'being late
without warning' was no better than rape. Mr. Molyneux then asks whether 'liking jazz' or 'liking
classical music' can be a APA, saying that if so its maxim would be 'subjective preferences are
universally preferable.' However, surely there could be other, better justifications than the fact that it
is merely a' subjective preference', which is really assuming what one sets out to prove. For
instance, could one not make the Nietzschean-esque argument that 'liking classical music' is
inherently better for one, and a sign of a more developed sensibility, than liking jazz or pop? In
other words, the correct formulation is not “subjective preferences are universally preferable', but
'healthy or refined preferences are universally preferable'. If that is not 'universal' enough for Mr.
Molyneux, I can only stress again that the concern for 'universality' is a basically arbitrary bugbear
that distorts the whole theory and is far from 'logical', just as it is not 'logical' to say that all rocks
have the same erosive properties. 'Universality', it seems to me, is a relative and imprecise
definition – if one was being strict about it, one wouldn't be able to say anything at all, except
perhaps something like 'Existence exists'. The aim of philosophy, and science in general, is chiefly
not to make fewer distinctions, but more relevant distinctions.
Thus again, in the discussion as to whether rape is a 'personally positive' preference, Stefan opines
that that maxim would be 'personal preferences must be violently inflicted upon other people', and
that one could not propose 'personal preferences may be violently inflicted upon other people' since
that is not universal enough. But why? As far as I can see, all Mr. Molyneux has given us in support
of his preference for 'universality' is the analogy with all rocks falling down due to gravity, which is
hardly a water-tight argument, as I have explained. And who is to say that 'may be violently
inflicted' is not universal enough? Mr. Molyneux says that if they are not completely absolute and
universal, they 'fall into APA territory, and so cannot be inflicted on others.' However, are not APAs
also supposed to be a type of 'universal (italics added) preferences' ? Again, by Stefan's logic, what
would be the place for physical combat sports like wrestling and boxing? If 'personal preferences
may be violently inflicted upon others' is not valid, doesn't that mean such sports are not in the
personal preferences category, but either in the morally good or evil? That would seem rather
bizarre. (perhaps this issue results partly from the aforesaid conflation of the actions being
enforceable on the actor/perpetrator as a result of their behaviour, which admittedly, is one mark of
a 'moral' imperative, and on the acted-upon/victim, as part of the initial behaviour itself, which
admittedly is generally immoral and violates the NAP, but is an entirely different issue.) In his
'Seven Categories', has not Mr. Molyneux simply built 'non-violence' into his definition of
aesthetically positive and personally positive, assuming the violence can only ever be justified in
response to immoral behaviour, without justifying this rationally? In other words, has he not tied
violence, under the guise and excuse of scientific universality, to enforcement of the 'good' and
UPB? He then eliminates rape from 'the good' (illogically, I have argued), and then from APA and
personal preference on the basis of his fundamentally arbitrary definitions, which assume what he
should be attempting to prove. Going back to his discussion of the NAP where perhaps he supposes
to have proved this, we see here his only argument is that a theory must be universal, or, to quote,
'rocks fall down'. This seems to be a very weak argument. It is exactly like ignoring penguins and
ostriches ans insisting 'All birds can fly' is more correct and 'scientific' than 'Some birds can fly'
because of its greater universality. One cannot simply assume there are no morally relevant
distinctions to be made between different instances of initiating force. And afterall, if the more
universal a theory is the better, how is one even justified in bringing in the word 'initiation'?
Wouldn't it be more universal, and thus, according Mr. Molyneux, more 'rationally consistent',
simply to say 'it is universally preferable not to use force at all'? As I said, this insistence on
universality is fundamentally arbitrary and results in assuming what needs to be proved.
Stefan argues that rape cannot be a personally negative action (PNA) since in that case the victim
couldn't justify using force to resist, whereas the rapist would supposedly be justified in using force
to carry out the assault. It would seem that this argument is not water-tight either, firstly because
resisting attack and initiating are not strictly identical, especially in all circumstances, so there is no
reason in theory to subsume them under the same maxim, regardless of what Mr. Molyneux claims
about 'universality', and, secondly, the notion that PNAs can never be enforced by violence is, as
has already been argued, simply assumed rather than proven.
Stefan argues that rape cannot be an aesthetically negative action (ANA) because they cannot be
enforced by violence. Again there is a conflation between 'enforced' on the victim and ought to be
enforced on the perpetrator. He also says that 'being late' would be an ANA because it is avoidable,
but, as I have argued, it isn't always. It would seem more a question of the intimacy and
invasiveness of the crime, together with the traumatic emotions it tends to provoke, rather than its
'avoidability', that is at issue.
Stefan argues that 'rape' fit the criteria of evil, because it involves the initiation of the use of force, it
isn't logically contradictory to categorize it thus, its avoidable, and it doesn't fit into any of the other
categories. He argues here that if the maxim was 'it is moral to take one's pleasure, regardless of the
displeasure of others', that would be logically inconsistent because, in that case, it would be moral
to enforce two contradictory behaviours, such as rape and the resistance to rape. I grant that this
would indeed be contradictory based on Mr. Molyneux's definition of 'moral' behaviour. However, I
have argued that Mr. Molyneux has failed to prove rape could not fall into one of the previous
categories. Furthermore, he has still nowhere proven that there is such a thing as moral behaviour or
UPB that ought to be enforced. Nor has he proven that the initiation of force is always evil to any
mildly sceptical enquirer, - he has basically just assumed it - as I have already explained. Actually, it
seems that 'universally preferable behaviour' is a highly misleading term, because Mr. Molyneux
means by it not what is really universally preferable, but what people 'ought' to prefer, (despite his
arguments for it only supporting the former, as I have already shown). This 'ought' is totally
abstracted from any context that might give it meaning, and is not rationally binding except in Mr.
Molyneux's own twisted logical realms. In truth, universal humanity is not an organic whole - it has
no reason of its own - only the reason of its individual members. Thus, if one is going to find
universal values, real 'universally preferable behaviour', a universal 'ought' or Good that holds true
for all mankind, one will have to do it by examining each individual's own Good, and finding what
they all have in common. That universal goal common to all mankind, as Aristotle argued, is
happiness or eudaimonia. However, what constitutes happiness for one human being may mean dire
misery for another. Thus, there are never going to be any logical manoeuvrers one can do, no matter
how acrobatic, that can prove there are rationally binding rules for human interaction whereby each
subjugate one's own happiness, in whatever degree, to the happiness of others. Thus, while the
proposition 'it is moral (rational) to take one's own pleasure, regardless of the displeasure of others',
is impossible to enforce multi-laterally, as Mr. Molyneux pointed out, but the problem is, Mr.
Molyneux has not proven that it is rational to enforce (or how it would be done) or
follow any moral rule, any rule that abstracts from the primacy of one's own personal experience in
view of a consideration of how it impacts upon all human beings, particularly if one can enforce
one's own personal pleasure. Despite all his pretensions to scientific rationality, Mr. Molyneux's
adoption of a 'God's-eye' perspective in an attempt to define rationally binding preferences which
exclude the initiation of violence abstracts from the most central feature and presupposition of
reality itself, the Ego or individual consciousness. In my opinion, without facing this central
thorn head on, one is condemned to mere sophistic trickery and willful delusion, with little or no
hope for alleviating its repugnant consequences in our own lives or those of our species as a whole.
It is not when we trick ourselves and each other into believing in illusory moral/legal absolutes, but
when we learn to see both the whole in ourselves, and ourselves in the whole, that true charity
begins. This takes a different kind of moral discipline, based not in abstract logical procedures but
the kind of empathetic expansiveness of spirit that Mr. Molyneux at times can be so adept at. I
personally wish there was less of the 'logician' and more of that side of his character in this
particular book.
As I see it, there remains an even more central flaw in Mr. Molyneux's theory. That is, his very
definition of 'the good' is circular. He defines the morally good, the 'ought; by 'universally
preferable and enforceable through violence'; but he also defines 'universally preferable' by 'that
which universally ought to be preferred', as well as defining 'enforceable' by 'what ought to be
enforced'. Thus, all he is doing here is making the questionable and undemonstrated assertion that
moral rules must be universal to all human beings, but nowhere does he define what he means by
'ought', nor does he demonstrate it to be rationally binding, or even rationally significant. In fact, it
seems the way he is using it is not in terms of the rational 'ought', as in, 'If I want X, I ought to do
such and such in order to obtain it', but merely as a form of sanctimonious moral exhortation.
Unless Mr. Molyneux can clearly express what he means by this 'ought' in a way that identifies
some objective facts, it must be assumed that he is simply making the category error of conflating
facts and injunctions abstracted from the individual souls which either make those injunctions or
give them some validity. In other words, it might sound good to be able to 'prove' that one 'ought
not to rape, murder, steal, etc' in the abstract, and be a little chastening to some who are easily
impressed by such things, but since the 'ought' here is not defined in terms of anything actually
existing in reality, or anything else that seems to warrant any rational consideration whatever, it
appears to be nothing more than Mr. Molyneux's own somewhat imposing personal injunction
passed off as existing 'in reality' itself, when the only 'injunctions' that reality gives, at least that I'm
aware of, are our own impulses, which Mr. Molyneux should take as his premise in the
demonstration, but instead ignores in favour of proving 'logical contradictions' (which turn out not
to be contradictions at all) in the acts under question. In the section on rape, Mr. Molyneux argued
that rape couldn't be morally neutral because it was enforced by violence; however, Mr. Molyneux
merely assumed that force was objectively immoral if not used to enforce 'the good'. Admittedly, if
we grant him this one assumption, he may be able to hoodwink us into quite a lot, but my wager is
that he will never be able to prove that anything is objectively immoral or moral, in a rationally
binding and non-trivial sense (as well as its rationally binding sense, 'immoral' and other value-
laden words also have a factual sense of 'that which is generally considered immoral' – but that
does not give rational legitimacy to the general view, it merely multiples and complicates the
definitions of the words), except that which is detrimental or conducive to our own happiness –
since that is the true rational basis or refutation of our preferences. If Mr. Molyneux believes that
reality gives other kinds of injunctions of its own, surely he should explain how it does so and what
their nature is before he attempts to define what they order us to do and not do, in the same way that
if we were wise we would want to know what a legal code is and how or whether it is enforced
before we moved onto learning specific laws that we were expected to obey and how they came into
If one turns to Mr. Molyneux's discussion of murder, we see that his arguments are mostly
analogous to the case of rape and so dubious for the same reasons. One point that I could still make,
is that in his discussion of whether an opposite moral rule could apply to a man who was asleep, i.e.
'I can shoot a man in his sleep anytime I want.' During this discussion, he says this is absurd
because 'a man's nature does not fundamentally alter when he naps'. I would just like to say here
that there are, however, cases when certain states of being may indeed call for opposite moral rules
(although 'sleeping' hardly seems to be one of them). For instance, if I have murdered someone else,
the arguably 'murdering' or executing me could be justified, even though my 'nature', at least
biologically speaking, is still largely the same. In this case, my status is not really 'naturally'
different, but artificially so – i.e. as a result of human (my own) actions. Another example would be
if my tribe is at war with another tribe, I may be able to justify putting to death my enemies
although the difference is not based on nature but on society. In other words, reversing moral rules,
at least in some circumstances, is not really the obvious 'logical impossibility' that Mr. Molyneux
maintains, but a procedure that is probably necessary to most, if not all, moral theories.
Let us now discuss Mr. Molyneux's approach to the topic of theft, which is important to understand
as from his arguments here he goes on to make very bold assertions regarding the immoral nature of
government taxation, that make up a large part of his practical philosophy. He begins by trying to
demonstrate that we are own our own bodies and, in general, are responsible for their effects. He
says that 'the very act of controlling my body to produce speech demands the acceptance of my
ability to control my speech – an implicit affirmation of my ownership over my own body'. But as
he points out himself in the next paragraph, this control may be by a 'demon' or some other agent. In
other words, one might say the agent which controls the body, may not be the same one who
experiences pleasure and pain within it and so bears the brunt of the 'justice' inflicted upon it.
Logically, one has need to enforce justice on the demon, not on the person the demon is possessing;
how that can be achieved seems highly uncertain, though. He goes on to say that 'rejecting
ownership of the body is to reject all morality, which as we have seen above, is utterly impossible',
then using the same argument as his very first one for UPB, i.e. that 'to reject morality is to say that
it is universally preferable to believe that there is no such thing as universal preferences'. Firstly,
one should point out here that Mr. Molyneux has already seemed to admit in the previous paragraph
that a person can be insane, or theoretically demonically possessed, in which case they cannot be
held morally responsible. Rather than saying that this leads to the absurdity, if generalized, that
there is no morality, to be consistent he should simply accept the fact that if one allows of it in
specific cases there is no ostensible reason why it cannot be generalized, and thus ownership of the
body and morality remain moot. If he still wanted to affirm ownership of the body and morality, he
would have to do it on an empirical rather than a logical basis, inferring their responsibility not from
their speech acts, which may or may not be controlled by demons, but from his own inner
experience of control of his own body and extrapolation to others. Going back to the second stage
of his argument here, as I have already argued, one is not necessarily asserting 'that it is universally
preferable to believe that there is no such thing as universal preferences', but merely that oneself has
this preference.
Mr. Molyneux argues that unless there is a right to exclusive self-ownership of one's body and
ownership of the effects one's body, in effect other people have a right to our organs. Although this
idea is repugnant to most of us, it is neither the only way to interpret the negation of such a right (it
could be that other people have a lesser right to our organs, for instance in harvesting them after we
die) , nor in itself necessarily absurd. The next section is where Mr. Molyneux brings in his view
that mentally deficient people cannot be considered equally responsible to the more able, which, as
I have already argued, seems to conflict with his seemingly dubious insistence on universality. Next
he argues that saying men have less than 100% property rights involves an infinite regress, 'wherein
everybody ends up with infinitely small ownership rights over pretty much everything'. Clearly,
saying 'one owns 50% of what they own', does involve such a regress. But, that just seems like
sophistry to me, since one can logically maintain that 'one only owns 50% the body one has direct
use of', or 'one only owns 50% of the speech utterances that come out of “one”s mouth', or 'one only
owns 50% of “one”'s monetary takings in the last fiscal year'. In fact, given the fact that all these
things, particularly the latter two, are partly caused by social factors, i.e. the actions of 'others' - not
merely our own volition - there is prima face a rather good reason for saying such things. Which is
not to say that Mr. Molyneux doesn't have some strong practical arguments against such policies,
but as far as I can see, you won't find them in this book. Another point I would like to make is, that
if we are 100% responsible for and possess total ownership of the effects of our bodies, that would
seem to imply that children are the property of their parents, which needless to say, seems a rather
repugnant and practically indefensible view. In the next sections, Mr. Molyneux repeats some
similar arguments as for rape, saying in this case that theft 'both affirms and denies the existence of
property rights', since the thief necessarily wants to hold onto what he has stolen. This argument
seems sound enough, although it appears the 'thief' may have different notions of what constitutes
property than Mr. Molyneux, which may in his own mind, and even according to UPB, legitimate
his own 'reallocation' (for instance, I cannot see a logical contradiction in the Marxism dictum 'to
each according to his need, from each according to his capacity').
We will briefly look at Mr. Molyneux's argument against the initiation of violence, and in favour of
self-defence. Once again he says that if the initiation of violence is moral, it requires 'that he resist
virtue to enable virtue, which is self-contradictory'. As we have already seen, this is far from a water
tight argument. When Mr. Molyneux does try to prove the right of self-defence, his first and second
arguments are by analogies, saying it would be 'akin to a medical theory that said that illness is bad,
but that it is evil to attempt to prevent or cure it' – since this is merely an analogy, it lacks any
rigorous binding force, but, if one does try to take it seriously, one may well opine that often the
best way to 'treat' an illness is not to engage in any dramatic procedures, any dramatic 'self-defence'
that might make the ailment worse, but merely to carry on in a good-natured and stoical way. Next
Mr. Molyneux argues that if one tries to place self-defence in any category other than moral or
immoral, it 'is to say that violence cannot be inflicted on others – but the very nature of violence is
that it is inflicted on others'. This seems like a confusion between the violence of justice
enforcement and the violence of the act itself, which for clear understanding are important to
differentiate. Just because the act itself is violent, that doesn't automatically mean that violence is
justified in resisting it, which seems to be what Mr. Molyneux is saying by lumping it in his
'immoral' category: as moral philosophers, that is something that we have to try to demonstrate, not
assume. Anyhow, as far as I can see, Mr. Molyneux has nowhere given any good reasons to think
that all violence is either moral or immoral, he has merely built it into his definitions. I think this all
relates to the above where it was insufficiently demonstrated that rape, or other forms of violence,
could not fall into 'personally positive' or 'personally negative' categories of behaviour. Mr.
Molyneux's assertion that 'self-defence cannot be required behaviour, since required behaviour can
be enforced through violence, which would mean that anyone failing to violently defend himself
could be legitimately aggressed against. However, someone failing to defend himself
is already being aggressed against, and so we end up in a circular situation where everyone can
legitimately act violently against a person who is not defending himself, which is not only illogical,
but morally abhorrent.' doesn't seem strictly correct, because it is quite possible for the powers that
be to enforce such required behaviour, for instance, a child who is bullied at school may be
punished further by his parents for not standing up for himself (although obviously I am not
recommending this, but it is not strictly 'illogical').
One of the weirdest sections in the book is entitled 'Don't eat fish'. Here Mr. Molyneux argues that
'fish' is too specific a word to be part of a moral rule, rather 'eating is either moral, immoral, or
morally neutral.' Suffice to say, when your moral theory entails that devouring whole living human
beings is morally indifferentiable from munching on a carrot, it may be a good time to pause and
reflect if you might have gone awry somewhere...
In the next section, on 'Animal Rights', Mr. Molyneux makes some interesting assertions but doesn't
really come to any conclusions. When he says that 'No human being can exist without killing other
organisms such as viruses, plants or perhaps animals. Thus “Human life” is defined as “evil.” But if
human life is defined as evil, then it cannot be evil, since avoidance becomes impossible.', this is a
fallacious argument, because human life itself is avoidable - for instance by not eating. Again, when
he says the proposition 'it is evil to kill people' doesn't make sharks evil, because they can't avoid it,
this is faulty logic. Presumably, what he means to say here is that it is NOT always evil to kill
people, just as he has just argued that it is not always evil to kill fish, for the reason that some non-
human organisms simply can't avoid it. He goes on to opine that rational consciousness is a
necessary distinction to a moral theory, which I would agree with, but I would argue that there are
probably quite a lot of other relevant distinctions which Mr. Molyneux overlooks for the misguided
pursuit of 'universality', which, as we have just seen in his 'Don't eat fish' section, leads to him
coming sadly acropper in some areas.
The next section of the book concerns the practical implications of the theory, where we can clearly
see the nature of Mr. Molyneux's own reformist agenda, as present in his other books such as
'Practical Anarchy' and 'Everyday Anarchy'. Here he argues, in effect, that soldiers cannot
legitimately kill, because all that differentiates them from civilians in a costume. This is, in my
opinion, a rather rhetorical and facetious, a 'straw-man' argument, since few people have seriously
argued such a thing. While perhaps Mr. Molyneux has come cause to be contemptuous of such
official stamps of approval, (in view of the way many armies have historically conducted
themselves) it would be sophistical to deny that the 'costume' is merely part of the paraphernalia
that tends to come with job, which gains any legitimacy it may have from the selection process and
military policy, ultimately derivable from the consent and approval of some high ranking sectors, if
not most or even all sectors, of the nation - often in view of that nation's self-defence, which Mr.
Molyneux has already argued is a legitimate concern. Furthermore, even soldiers – whatever
costume they are wearing - are rarely allowed to kill indiscriminately, away from the field of
combat. But, the point here I would like to make is that there are other factors which legitimate or
incriminate particular actions than mere biological factors - in this case, it would be something like
'the consent of the governed', just as consent of a woman is relevant to whether or not sexual
activity is classed as love-making or rape.
Next Mr. Molyneux presents his view that the government uses violence to exact obedience, in the
form of taxation, etc. This is an important insight, but he stretches it a bit far by arguing there
is no distinction to be made between this kind of violence and more vigilante attacks, and by saying
that there is 'no social contract' at all. As Socrates argued in Plato's Crito, there does exist some kind
of tacit contract between the individual and society if he has in some sense chosen to live there -
just as Mr. Molyneux believes there is a tacit contract of parents to care for their children, since they
have chosen to have them. While the contract may not be as strong as in this latter case, (given the
relative difficulty in today's society of living anywhere else but the society one happens to be born a
citizen of), and I think Mr. Molyneux is hitting at a very important point in view of his total
philosophy, which in my opinion presents a possibly far better way of doing things ( I urge
everyone to read 'Practical Anarchy' and 'Everyday Anarchy' before beginning to form an opinion of
this matter), I might argue that is is still a bit wrong to over-look the aspects of consent which are
involved in such things as armies and taxation, relative to brute vigilante activity, and reduce it to
purely a kind of 'alternate universe' thinking where up becomes down, and down becomes up –
although I must admit there is an element of that in it which people would do well to take on board
(and of course, the fact that citizens have a duty to obey the laws of society doesn't relieve the law-
givers of the duty to make just laws which don't stifle the economy or overly restrict human
freedom). The other point that I would like to make, is that since Mr. Molyneux has failed, (or so it
seems to me), in arguing for the strictly immoral nature of all murder and theft, even if armies and
taxation are examples of these his argument is not totally conclusive that these are necessarily
immoral or negative. The reason why a policeman can only do his job with a 'uniform' on is clearly
so that other people are aware the source of his (however alleged, in Mr. Molyneux's view)
authority, and do not feel that they can call on the defence of the (however alleged) authorities in
resisting it, which, (even if you don't think this authority is ultimately valid), would most likely
breed all kinds of mayhem and unnecessary devastation.
Mr. Molyneux makes a good argument about the irrationality of signing over one's rights to others,
i.e., that if one is not competent to make decisions oneself, one is doubtless even less competent to
sign over one's entire fate to supposed 'experts'. However this may be, that doesn't seem to address
whether or not it is rational to arrogate the right to make decisions about other people's lives to
oneself. If one really is able to make better decisions for others than they are, that may well be a
good reason, based upon benevolence, to arrogate such decisions. However, suffice to say, there are
good arguments against this as a general social policy, at least in practice, one of which is the one
Mr. Molyneux makes here, and others which are dealt with rather well in Mr. Molyneux's other
books. The next section makes a number of good arguments about the problematic nature of
centralized monopoly of violence (i.e. 'government'), although for more detail I recommend the
aforementioned two books on anarchy. I must admit, I'm not sure that Mr. Molyneux has totally
dispatched the notion that a break-down in such a centralized 'authority' may result in civil war, at
least if the transition wasn't very wisely handled, but he has certainly made an encouraging and
powerful contribution to clarifying this topic. Next Mr. Molyneux makes some interesting points
about religion, and more points about government. But we will move onto his assertions regarding
the 'majority', which he basically asserts, on my interpretation, is an artificial category that cannot
have attributes lacking in its individual members. While I think what he says has some validity, and
I would by no means rush to enshrine the holy sanction of any majority decision in society or
among other groups, I would still tend to take issue with it on the basis that, just as a group of atoms
can make up something larger than its parts (for instance, a biological cell), so a majority is not just
the sum of its individual members but has a significance and power of its own, by virtue of its
collective force. In social terms, I am imaging this means, for instance, that the majority has a basic
power to inflict its will on the rest of society, which if they fail to submit to the society will tend to
disintegrate into civil war. Thus it is useful to enshrine majority rule as a value to prevent anarchy
(in a more negative sense). Another example would be the hand, which is commonly composed of
five fingers. For this hand to be effective, it is necessary for all 5 fingers to work together, even if I
am only 51% certain of the goal which I am operating towards. Thus a kind of 'majority rule'
ideally operates in that realm, too. Having said this, I think there are other, often much more
important values than majority rule which also need to be very much taken into consideration.

Mr. Molyneux closes the book with some more sections of a society run according to UPB, which
would be free of the harmful myths of religion and the State. These are rousing and still valid in
their way, but unfortunately the UPB framework that was supposed to buttress them here seems
faulty. To my mind, there is also somewhat of a lack of connections drawn between the UPB
framework, even if it was valid, and the better society they are intended to create. I just cannot see
how the supposed 'logical' contradictions in a Statist regime necessarily lead to its failure, which
seems to be far more a result the other considerations – for instance the inherent problem with
public property, for which no-one has any direct incentive to keep in good condition, as explained in
'Practical Anarchy' – than the 'violations' of UPB argued for here. While he does make some
excellent general points, (for instance the way in which a society founded on a false, Statist morality
will draw morality itself into discredit), I think Mr. Molyneux could conceivably have done a better
job of joining the dots for us, although, given the problems with the alleged proofs in the book there
is probably not that much point until a wholesale re-think of the theory has been achieved. My own
view is that most of the proposals for society, such as a reduced State, are far better argued for on a
practical basis as Stefan has done in his other books. As far as morality goes, I would sooner base it
on a combination of natural selfishness, agnosticism or tentative faith as regards religion and good
conscience, i.e. on the desire and the nihilism-vanquishing reflection that all
individuals rationally and objectively prefer to attain happiness, and how for all we know there may
yet be some kind of mysterious, unseen Oneness to humanity or the Universe, some karmic law and
divine plan which hasn't yet been discovered, the mere possibility of which makes in advisable, on a
Pascalian like wager, to behave beneficently towards others for the sake of one's own soul in this
life and the next. Along with that, one should of course add and expatiate upon that fact that one the
best ways to attain happiness, even in this life, in any functioning society is to contribute positively
towards the lives of others with as much empathy and kindness as possible,to contribute
magnanimously to society, which is the very 'ship of fools', the precious life-raft that we are all
sailing on - which is one the most inspiring and motivating aims in life, that, for socio biological
reasons if nothing else, fills one with a momentous pathos, impetus and energy, of which Stefan
Molyneux's heroic project to save the dying Western world through the battle of ideas
is undoubtedly a remarkable example and model for our times.
As I mentioned before, part of what landed me in the dog-
house is my obsession with diet; fasting, feasting, eating
blueberries etc... The mad Dr.s thought I was crazy because I
was paying hyper-attention to such things, using meal-times as
a form of meditation, as recommended by Osho in his book
'The Book Of Secrets', & many other espousers of the
Doctrine Of Enlighenment. Boy, did those damn Docs hate me
religiously sniffing those medicinal little berries for a few
minutes before eating them so judiciously! So forthwith, in
celebration of this strange fact (& because a healhy diet is
actually extremely important to good health of both mind &
body.. Doh! Who'd have thunk it?) , I offer my own dietary
recommendations in this books aswell, also like Jordan
Peterson, whose famous ketogenic diet I invented 10 years
before him, (& was sectioned for it)
Max's M.A.D. (“Miracles A Dozen”) Dietary
For Breakfast:
2 pieces of good quality, soft, plain brown wholewheat bread
2 mugs of hot chocolate, each featuring:
1 tea spoon of pure cacao powder, hot water with a little milk
(either dairy or alternative is fine), 1 tea spoon of Manuka
honey, 2 teaspoons of Ground Flax Seed, Pumpkin Seed,
Walnuts, (if you don't have exactly these nuts or seeds, just use
others.. as long as they aren't poisonous) 1 tea spoon of shelled

For Lunch:

2 whole chicken eggs

A little cheese, & a little ham
One or more mugs of the following ingredients: 1/3 of a tea
spoon of wheat grass powder, matcha green tea, spirulina
powder, Damania Powder, Bacopia Moneira powder, Ume
Plum Paste
1 Omega 3 Fish Oil Tablet,
& about 1/8 of a standard cup of Aloe Vera Juice

For Dinner:

A big meal featuring plenty of non-processed meat & standard


Avoid stimulants, artificial, processed products, such as too

much Ketchup or other sauces, coffee, or most sweets (other
than a little occasional honey). ((However, I think
incorporating a modest amount of your favorite 'treats' for the
first few months at least won't do any harm at all; as Nietzsche
said, 'everything in moderation: even health!” ))

I have been following the above about 5 months, (since the

psychiatrists finally allowed me to feel comfortable adjusting
such things myself without having them looking
disapprovingly & threateningly at me over my back) , & as a
result feel over 100% better, much better; I am now
completely at one with my in-take, & full of energy, a very
healthy weight, & never experience the slightest indigestion.
Though there are obviously many other diets that will work
just fine as well, (& much of the benefit, the joy is in
experimentation! Always experiment.) I can very strongly
vouch for this one. It contains an extremely balanced
combination of vital nutrients, as well as the standard fats,
carbohydrates & proteins, & fiber. It is extremely nutrious, &
pleasant, & also easy on the stomach.
One key point:

The health impact of food is considerably related to one's

mental attitude towards it. You should view all your foods as a
type of medicine. You should pray to them a little, & harness
the placebo effect as much as possible. You must be at one with
& satisfied with your diet; feeling in control is a must. If you
feel unwell, ask yourself & try to work out which food you're
eating or not eating might be associated with that feeling.
Don't be afraid to go without food either, if you feel that is
what your body is telling you or you have no enthusiasm or
appetite for it. Its rarely a good idea to force yourself (or
others). If you're not enjoying it, you're missing the point.

My recommendation to anyone is to start with a balanced, or

rather, medium diet, (because there is no such thing as a
'balanced diet' separate from the individual person's
requirements who it is supposed to be 'in balance' with)
containing such a contrasting variety, and then experiment
with adjusting gradually in whatever direction makes them feel

That is my recommendation & 'secret technique' for everything in

life. Start with a bit of everything – in the middle -- then start
moving a little, piecemeal, in whatever direction you find is best
for you. Simple.

Other optional dietary additions to the above:

Maca powder (in hot water, with other ingredients.. honey & milk,
say )
Bee pollen (in hot water, with other ingredients..)
Catuaba Bark (for tea)
Almond Milk
Oat Milk
Hazelnut Milk
Coconut Milk
Goat's Milk
Pomegranate Juice
Citrus & other exotic fruit juices
Blueberry Juice (promotes brain regeneration – after stroke, for
Acai Juice
Goji Berry Juice
Tumeric (promotes brain renewal & bone strength)
Hemp Oil
Bananas (contains calming & happiness nutrients)

Final point: Always shop around for good quality products, as

even some so-called 'health' products are mixed with all sorts of
pesticides & chemicals which could totally counter-act their
supposed 'health benefit'. Pay close attention to taste & the way
you feel drinking/eating it; if it strikes you as somewhat poisonous
& makes your stomach hurt immediately after inbibing it, you
should usually heed the warnings of your body (on the other hand,
the thrill of trying strange foods might be too much for a lot of
ppl, so in their case it could just be their own chicken-liver that is
causing the problem... as always, you have to 'know thyself' quite
well before you can get the maximum benefit from this kind of

Oh and...
Disclaimer: The author is NOT a certfied Dr.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(However, he is simply certified... )
Christmas Message 2018 To A Once Great Britain (From The Holy Fool)

I had been hoping to speak to you today about saving Europe.

“The night is darkest right before the dawn”, they say.
But, I can see… that is not going to happen. What with these ‘medications’ these past 12 or so
years, I still can’t even look at the camera, let alone make an epoch changing speech.
As The U.N. Migration Act arrives, as the Asia Bibi case reared its ugly head, as Hate Speech Laws
become more and more openly insane and humorlessly, bald-facedly brutal and misanthropic.. and
stating-the-obvious is decried everywhere as ‘racism’ and ‘bigotry’,… as the organized rape
continues across the country… as the ideological and chemical brainwashing and stupefying of our
young accelerates, and our own little boys and girls are forced to forget which one of the two they
are… as infant genital mutilation, both in its already well-loved male and now new ‘fashionable’
female varieties becomes increasingly popular… as the bloodshed increases in London and our
other cities, attacks on us Jews especially become more prevalent, and, as if to add insult to injury,
as even our puny, pathetic excuses for ‘philosophy’ departments are quietly erased… all the while
the public sits back and does nothing with not a single major commentator or political party calling
for any imminent, radical action (except perhaps to instate the Sharia into domestic Law)… With
the time never being so ripe for change, with our rulers only further cementing their stranglehold on
power and having already virtually closed the deal – and yet still no sign of anything, any clear
uprising – its clear that we’d need a veritable Second Coming to save us now. So, pack up your
bags, while you still can, and fly, fly, fly far, far away…. To America, to Israel, to Russia, or to
Poland. Perhaps there you will survive a few more decades. Guard your freedom vigilantly this
time. Never suck up to authority, it will only get you in a worse mess. Do not allow them to drug up
yourself or your children (though I don’t suppose one can much stop them, much of the time).
Don’t worry, if its any consolation the ones who did this to us (including yourselves) will not last
long themselves either. They will be enslaved and destroyed by the same system they set in motion
out of greed, cowardice, resentment and rank stupidity. They will not remain ‘above the fray’ for
long. The same drudgery they have inflicted on others will be returned upon their own children,
x10. You can be sure of that.
Only the very few at the top of the new Egyptian pyramid already mostly formed stand a chance,
those who will have first access to the new technologies; technologies that will render the rest of us
totally obsolete and therefore obliterated. With all the environmental crisis that the planet is
undergoing, we shouldn’t mourn the eradication of over 99.9% of humanity too much. Those who
remain may have a chance to build something worthwhile on the ruins. Let us demonstrate, in our
death throes, at last the noble transcendence of the petty egoism which got us in this situation by
embracing what is to come and praying for a better outcome in that not-so-distant future for those
few who remain, even though none of us will be among them. Besides, it is probably no better than
we deserve. This is no worse than we ourselves treat the ‘lesser’ animals, who also feel great pain.

For the record though, the so-called ‘white race’ did not create slavery; they merely were the first
and only ones to abolish it. Now, we are so obliging, ‘we’ re-introduce it: Back by popular demand!
21st century technological slavery, total chemical, ideological and electronic subjugation of the

personality. Have your fill, folks. You voted for it.

The most dignified expression of which we are still now capable of is ‘Thank you, Master’. Let us
humbly request the protection, the dignity, the security of having our servitude recognized, at least,
so they don’t suspect that we are dupes as well, treating us with double the hatred and scorn of
ordinary, respectable, legally recognized chattel, and all the added unpleasantness and artificiality in
personal relations such hypocrisy and self-delusion creates.
Let us still be grateful that we had this chance to exist at all.

A small, bubble of life in a vast, echoing ocean of Nothingness. (Almost like how we used to feel

about our own country! Remember those good old days??? They don’t seem so bad now, do
they?… They don’t seem quite so intolerably ‘racist’ and stiflingly ‘homophobic’, now, do they?)
Let us make an effort to truly exist and become conscious of our existence as much as we can, while
it lasts.

The fact that it will not last, just makes it that much more precious, beautifully fragile and touching;
its finitude beckons us to care for and love one another with the infinite poignancy of mortal beings
for one another. Furthermore, in our poverty and abject desperation for this world, we become
closer to God and to… the next world. If Jesus was still here today (and hadn’t been butchered by

those violent ideological and religious fanatics… some things never do change. ) , I think
perhaps that is what he would like us to dwell on, (while we tuck in merrily to those ‘lesser’ animals
I mentioned– totally kosher, totally halal — totally industrialized 1st Century B.C.murderous
mayhem, now with an edgy high-tech, digital age twist).
Mad (‘Miracles A Dozen’) blessings to all.
***Disclaimer: The author is a mere mad poet, he cares little for politics or petty religious, tribal
squabbles, seeking where at all possible only to subdue (or better yet avoid them in the first place)
rather than further inflame them. But, refusing to acknowledge they exist, so far from alleviating
them, is tantamount — nay, it is actually the surest way — to promoting them… just as any two
year old could tell you, the surest way to making him miserable is to pretend he doesn’t exist —
neglect, let alone active repression, are far more effective ways to stoking rage and hidden seething,
occasionally bursting out in huge ‘fits of hate’, rather than having the ‘adult’ setting the tone for a
more open and tolerant environment based upon the higher, more authentic respect of mutual and
self critique in which differences are worked out more rationally, healthily and enjoyably — a
lesson for mothers, ‘Daycare Centres’, schools and States everywhere! You see, if those ‘lesser
animals’ could communicate better with us and ‘hatefully’ stand up and tell us how much suffering
we’re inflicting upon them, we’d probably have a less ‘hateful’ (i.e. overtly murderous) attitude to
them, too. While one isolated act of speech may provoke annoyance in others, a general culture of
freedom of speech tends to dramatically reduce anti-social acts and feelings and is the pre-requisite
of social, moral and even scientific progress. Letting someone else speak costs you nothing, while
to forcibly prohibit them from doing so amounts to saying they have nothing worthwhile to add on a
subject, since you already know everything on it; which is the extremity of hateful arrogance and
bigotry and testament either to your own inability to control your own emotions, dupish
presumption, and/or desire to exploit others without anyone calling you out on it.***
On “Tightrope Walker” by the band ROME. The title "Tightrope Walker" recognizes and exalts
her careful ability for balance of her natural female instability, together with a quality not
traditionally associated with women: courage. This encourages her to struggle against her natural
(or socially conditioned) feminine weakness, and become more like a man in a certain respect,
rather than resentfully and reactively failing to recognize and eschewing their virtues like many
women mistakenly do today.

The first two lines recognize the doubts and troubles that women often go thru', emphasizing the
narrator's sensitive and sympathetic nature. The next two consider her sexual impurity, rather than
shaming her for it like traditional morality might, it emphasizing that this is common failing of
mankind in general in order to help relieve her of her sense of guilt.

Next, there is the mention of dancing, a traditional female activity that expresses the joy and
flowing nature of life. Then there is the ironic rehabilitation of 'intolerance', steering the listener not
to be shallow and weak conformist to popular ideology. Then there is talk of her devotion to 'him';
the male narrator praising the female subject for her deep passion and commitment to erotic love,
the foundation of a fulfilling and happy life for both sexes.

Then there is talk of 'freeing herself', exhorting her not to be slave to general conformity, which is
very common and lamentable even in men but even more present in women. Then again, the
mention of being 'without fear', of being courageous. Then there is a the talk of 'slightly bowed
grace'; an exhortation to humility, the concomitant of all honesty, and delicacy of gestures, the
concomitant of all happiness, and perhaps another reminder of the doubts and troubles she has faced
and of the narrator's sensitive, appreciative nature and of the sureness of his own command, that
doesn't require a partner equal in strength and pride, only one who is beautiful, inwardly and out.

In the next verse, the male narrator reveals the perhaps surprising and humbling fact that he doesn't
feel equal to her. He would be 'back on his knees', yet she does not allow him to 'flow in her river'.
So, you see, the whole song expresses a mere contemplative celebration with no attempt to enact
any kind of mastery or subjugation at all, rather the opposite. It is a devotional song of worship.
This is actually one of the main and perennial ways most men feel towards women.

In the last verse, there are more celebrations of her enchanting, overwhelmingly mysterious nature,
which is the main role and attraction of a woman which she would be wise to cultivate, both for her
own pleasure and that of her partner. There is also the praise of 'cruelty', which works as an apt and
salutary antidote to the false, self-destructive and disingenuous over-praise of love, openness and
the softer virtues in the world today. This is a girl who is not undiscriminating or a push-over, but is
highly refined and judicious in her actions, not afraid to say 'no' and inflict pain on either herself or
others when it is necessary for the sake of Truth, Beauty, and Justice. Again, in that respect she
possesses more traditionally 'male' virtues. The final line 'wild milk' leaves us on a softer, more
maternal yet still 'free' note. She is a wolf mother, combining maternal instincts with natural,
sovereign freedom, rather than homely domesticity and subjugation of any kind. Her relationship
with men is purely out of utmost mutual devotion, allowing her to express her natural instincts most

The entire song, with its title, puts her in the heroic role of the precursor and bridge to Nietzsche's
ubermensch, described in the early chapters of "Thus Spoke Zarathustra".
A brief farewell address:

I'm probably not going to go out of my way to publicize my work much further, or attract a much
wider audience. It would be nice to get the word out a little more ('cos I've hardly sold any so far..
50 at most!) , but it could also be risky and perhaps inadvisable for it to become too widespread,
possibly for mankind in general. Truth in general tends to just provoke ppl with anger, and more
hassle for ppl to deal with, as they are too attached to the shadow-play around them and the light
itself can be very painful to their attenuated, all-too-hungover, hyper-fragile eyes. I actually feel
now that the world is ticking over quite nicely as it is. The first step is to adjust oneself to the world
as it is, embracing it 100% and only then going about shyly trying to make one's tentative footprint
on it, extremely careful not to tread on any sacred soil. Mad people may well be being mistreated,
but they are also contributing to their own downfall, and the kindest thing we can do as survivors is
to warn others before they fall into its trap without returning malice with more malice towards a
psychiatric profession that are already sorely starved of love themselves. Just look after yourself
and one another, and be wary; don't try to bring the world into more disrepute than it already is,
when you know in your hearts it will not change. Any change that occurs must be gradual, starting
from within and carried forth only with gentlest of love. Otherwise it will probably end up as an
abortion. Don't even push over the tables of the money lenders! Remain above the fray,
psychologically at least, even if you are forced by your own self-interests to become actively
involved in the warfare which seems to escalate daily around us towards breaking point. Mass
movements always only result in great bloodshed and tighter crackdowns. I am not telling you to try
to stop them, because even that could be dangerous and they will come anyway since my readers
here are so few; I am merely recommending to you as my dear friends, who are clearly a cut above
the rest for having come to me, that for your own sanity and well-being, you shouldn't actively try
to provoke them or get emotionally invested in them since that will only lead to crushing
disappointment; or sadistic and ugly gloating... followed soon afterwards by crushing
disappointment. You don't want to end up being tortured under the 'Patriot Act'. Utopia is a fool's
bid, especially 'Utopia from below'. Savor your indignation while you can, for one day it will pass
and you will be left with only the ashes and perhaps memories of a love you never dared show. If
you want to see a real 'Utopia from below', read my poem City Sage 'cos its the closest anyone is
ever gonna get. But I am saying this equally to Conservatives as well as people on the Left.

I hope you enjoy my books while you can, my good, good, good, friends. My writings are made for
the few: the wiser, perhaps very damaged, yet still joyful few. -- People not only such as yourselves,
but also ppl like Jeffery Lieberman's much yelled at but quite wealthy and reasonably well educated
stock broker, perhaps. Ppl in need of humane education, otherwise lost in the world of cut-throat
brutal contest (to hone their battle skills and make their off hours more pleasant and harmonious).
Even as I attempt to gather a readership here, the truth is that they are not totally or primarily made
for tribes at all, but hopefully even more for lone, extremely, hyper solitary individuals: individuals
typical of our modern 'atomized' (to quote Michel Houellebecq's great contemporary novel) age,
who yet crave the company and guidance of the voice of a fellow lonely seeker's travels -- if only to
ween them from the din of the mass crowd, from the many to the few, to the one, until they have
found their own solitary voice, silhouetted like a wolf howling against the moon. Since Truth is One
but perceived only in the private innermost sanctum of the individual soul.
However, I intend to draw back from distributing my still all-too-raw, bloody tears around for a
while and reflect a lot more on life, madness, and the Universe until I've reached a more spread-out,
harmonious, kinder, and even more considered view on them all, hopefully to share with others. If
there is still even any place for books in 10 or even 5 years time (like mine especially), which there
may not be.
Thank you so much for joining me a long the journey so far.
More Mad Maxims
“My own 'sins' were mainly wrath, & despondency earlier on in my life,
(& also one might say, 'lust ', judging from my account earlier perhaps) ,
as should be quite clear from this book . I confess them here, repenting
in the hope that God will thus grant me the renewed power to fulfill my
mission. However, this whole book is in some ways a bad joke against
myself & attempt to punish myself for falling into the clutches of
psychiatry in the first place. Let my attempt to punish myself be itself a
form of self-kindness, having lacked the basic privilege of self-
determination for the last 13 years & now perhaps a little over-eager to
indulge in it. Let it be an act of forgiveness & purging for the fellow fool
& over-eager, agitated adolescent in others, making them more wary by
my own previous example of falling into the clutches of psychiatry (&
God forbid, any current or future examples) , rather than a stimulus to
similar vanity when still greater virtue & a more cautious inwardness is
possible. Yet let it also be an act of love for the fool in others &
ourselves, since the fool often tells the truth, & the main thing that
makes him a negative example is merely the atmosphere of lies &
persecution that surround him, rather than anything intrinsically
harmful in himself. Let the fool be wise enough to at least make a good
case for his own virtue & defend himself against cruel, prim, slow-witted
slander. Where necessary, let it demonstrate that the more honest, more
innocent, more powerless fool is created by the more self-deceiving &
maliciously powerful..the far greater fools around her..”

“Those who sleep the deepest, will wake the brightest. ”

“Nietzsche spoke of three metamorphsis of the spirit; the camel, the

lion, then the child.

My aim is to help camels into lions, then God-children. May they reign
down love & fire upon us. ”

“Its one thing to be too scared to move. Its a lot worse when you're afraid to
stop moving too. “

“All labels & diagnosis of 'disease' are interpretations, not facts. & most
of the common ones are very stupid & destructive interpretations.”
"The Doctrine Of Awakening will keep us going for aeons. 'Science' will
destroy us probably within the year."

“I'm feeling that I am no longer quick-witted enough to get myself out of

the problems that I seem to create. I seem to just love creating problems
for myself and others, making chaos and throwing a spanner into the
works of the 'machine' in order to make it bloom beautiful flowers of
love, joy, pretty illusions, Truth, and bitter but wiser, and cathartic tears.
Unfortunately, I am now only a severely damaged, iatrogenic fragment
of what I was meant to be... and nothing works properly, or too kindly, in
lieu of the Whole. Not even the rose, not even the thorn. What good is a
'mystic rose' with just one petal left.. .and a bed full of thorns?

I guess the only possible solution I can think of is to try to make a few
less problems and chaos in the world... and leave it to the true 'dashing
young Florists, and nurses musclebound' to wreak absolute havoc!”

“I am but an empty vessel who nonetheless feels 'full' because he has

been poked so very full of holes.”

“If a seed or sappling had to defend and worry about defending each
single root and shoot it sent out into the world from attack, it would
never grow at all. That's exactly how I feel and have done for the last 12
years, since the psych. Attack. “

“Have you considered that those you label 'mentally ill' draw attention
to themselves, not because they are unconciously 'asking for help' (i.e.
To be iatrogentically traumatized & degraded, in your hands), but
because they are trying let others know they have help to offer?
Because that's exactly how it darn-well often is. “

“In our society, everyone wants to give help, but few want to receive it
once they get it & realize what kind of 'help' it truly is.”

“I've been off medication a few months now, and really starting to sober
up, especially this past month and since Christmas. I feel like a new
person. Finally letting go of a lot of negativity that has held me back this
past decade or so; not just the pure chemical, mind-addling
intoxication, but the sense of oppression and anger being obliged or
coerced (basically raped) to be on them, together with the whole 'un-
personing' that one suffers at the hands of psychiatry, undermining
one's legitimate witness of one's own internal states and knowledge
claims. I almost didn't realize the negative effect these chemicals were
having on me either; as much as one reads about it or even writes about
it oneself, sometimes you have to actually experience it for it to sink in.
Its really not surprising some ppl commit violent attacks and shootings,
etc. on these poisons, which they rarely report the true cause of in the
media. Thank God I didn't do anything like that. “

“Joy often burns up, & expends”

“The one thing needful: Wear your wounds, parade your scars like
badges of honor. And NEVER, ever let anyone sedate or anesthetize
you. There may not be much hope left for me and you, but its the only
way the world and future generations will ever have a chance to heal.”

“ALL social institutions are a reactionary force (ESPECIALLY in a

democracy, in which political and public decisions are generally made
less by individuals and more by groups).. In their own minds, people
learn and understand at a much faster rate, but when they come to
make public, communal deliberations of any kind, a kind of collective
madness takes over and they instinctively forget just about everything
they've ever learned since the age of seven, usually without even
knowing it, and revert cowardly to the 'way things are done here'.”

“I always had a timid and wary nature, together with a considerable

amount of lofty disdain for and suspicion towards the human race. My
'experiences' have turned that into a 24/7 raw, rodent-like, amazed terror
that makes the veins on the side of my head stand out and inability to
feel almost anything but an automatic, reflexive hatred towards 'my

“A healthy man is like poison to a sick society.”

"Being quite candid, I've rarely, if ever, met a person in my life who I
didn't consider partly mad, and about 99% of them I consider terribly,
deeply, probably irredeemably mad. The 1% is mainly those who had a
more functional, loving, at least partly truthful form of madness. The
reason people gang up in groups and use that as a barometer of
insanity is because they actually have no sense of reality themselves
and can't even imagine that anyone else might have."

“Almost everyone: 'What good is the truth when you are not strong
enough to make it stick?'”

“There is no such thing as speaking 'the truth', pure and simply. Any
truth you speak draws attention to some parts of reality at the expense
of other equally legitimate truths. The point of words is to educate and
provoke to thought, not to establish or perpetuate new 'more correct'

“The English are a defeated. slavish, godless race. They bear all the
marks of a people who feel they have now worn the shackles of an alien
religion and creed for over 1000 years, and all the self-alienation that
that entails. They no longer feel they have any God of their own, and
that is why they hate themselves. They have lost all sense of a grand
pathos, the pathos of the sacred and the mystical hand of Destiny at
work in their lives and collective history. And that is why they are about
to perish. You can see all of this in Tommy Robinson's tortured, angry,
beautiful face.
Let us Jews never make the same errors. Let us return to the old faith
and grasp tightly to the old, old ways. Let us never forget that grand
pathos that binds us and makes us strong. Yet let us infuse these
ancient, ancestral traditions with the most up to date and vital
philosophy, the exploration of Nature and the Subconscious which is
their real vivifying element that keeps them fresh and a living presence
within the Spirit, a nature that is still older and deeper within us than
any mere Custom.
But, once there was a time when the English and the whole of Europe
took that little tiny sweet and gently yet fiercely loving immigrant God
into the protection of their bosom, thought of Him as their own, and saw
Him as the answer to all their prayers. On that Faith they built an Empire
that ruled most of globe and largely created the modern world.
Remember, if it were not for them and the other European settlers,
everyone else would still be engaging in pointless internecine tribal
conflicts with bows and arrows in their underpants all day long. When
they disappear, we'll probably mostly be doing the same thing again,
only now with killer robots, nukes, random acid and terrorist bomb
attacks, and advanced chemical and biological weapons. Only now in
designer underpants.”

“Their ease at mastering the dictates of the educational system, mainly

highly unrigorous and superficial learning, and the adulation and child-
like respect in which their field is commonly held by the public keeps
medical professionals in an arrested state of development; in a naive,
arrogant and child-like state. Sheltered from the evil consequences that
society inflicts upon others by their privileged status, never having to
separate themselves and form a real objective self-consciousness apart
from the superficial high esteem in which they are commonly held and
the immense and deadly power routinely invested in them, and refusing
to see that what they've so mindlessly imbibed by their own 'education'
might be partly responsible for the woes of others, as they grow older
they become still more arrogant, callous and cynical, feeling frustrated
and intolerant of others and sadistically blaming them for their doleful
imperfections, resulting in ever more sophisticated rationalizations for
enacting more and more invasive violence and control over them, rather
than recognizing and sympathizing with the true psychological, spiritual
and social causes behind their plight.”
“Conformity is self-abandonment and that is deeply immoral. Anyone
who engages in it should be put in the stocks and whipped for their own

“People who are drawn to the idea of 'progress' are usually so drawn
because their own nature is, (or at least they feel it is) imperfect and
damaged in some way, and they feel that the only conceivable way to
correct it is through unnatural, technological means. This
dissatisfaction with nature tends only to cause even greater
dissatisfaction with and damage to it. Its ultimate consequence will
simply be to destroy ourselves entirely, whether through weaponry or
more insidious forms of 'enhancement'.”

“Most people do not even begin to realize how stifling is the false
'sanity' of custom because it is all they have ever, ever known, & if a
sizable minority even dared think it, the whole Satanic, machinic edifice
would be liable to come tumbling down.”

“Being 'crazy' is one of the most noble things you can do in a society
that is rapidly clamping down on freedom of expression, perhaps even
one of the sanest.”
““One of the great tragedies of life is that true love towards those who
need it most will very often-- almost inevitably – prove very counter-
productive to he who offers it, often resulting in a very premature death.
You may save one or two (or scrape through in one piece yourself), but
by the time you get to your third or fourth they'll probably kill you. Very
unhappy people are usually (or at least often) pretty psychopathic:
when you give them kindness, though they may accept it at first, it will
also make them feel vulnerable, opening up the possibility of genuine
change in their lives, which for them is terrifying, because they are so
extremely attached and invested in their negative, bitter, angry patterns
of thought and false, self-destructive beliefs. If you show them a little
love, they will then merely be disappointed that you bothered them at all
if are not actually able to follow through and totally heal them. Your
kindness and benevolence of spirit even tends to make them feel
jealous rage that you are capable of such positive emotion, as well as
causing them to want to destroy you for questioning their standard,
pathological pieties, nostrils flaring at the push of the wrong button.
The only way to make them know love seems to be if you are willing, at
least in principle (and often in practice), to let them do that. They may
not actually do it, (at least if you are very dexterous, talented and nimble
in your attempts) but if they see you denying them anything, even for
the sake of self-preservation, they will be furious. And sooner or later,
your time is gonna be up.

That is why, among other reasons, the Christian mythology and

symbolism is still so urgent and meaningful for us today.”

“The problem with modesty is that, since it is considered a virtue of the

better, it often comes somehow to seem grossly immodest when it
doesn't suddenly avail itself as overly, 'unexpectedly' bountiful.”

“Arguably, one should never resent a person charging for something if

it allows a person doing good to do more of what they do. On the other
hand, perhaps a really good person makes his customers as good, or
almost as good, as him/her self, negating such a justification of
exchange of resources.”
“Does modern, non-moral, more value-neutral rhetoric represent a
genuine attempt to reconcile the notions of Good and Evil on a higher
plane, or is it merely a weapon of the latter camp ?”

“I am neither herd nor Master, but rather a vapidity produced by their

untimely clash and mutual annihilation. “
“Madness is the most pleasant thing in the world. Its the orgasm of the
mind. “

“Advice to a young person? Make the stars your core study. Leave the
gutters to run as they will, & but don't trip over too many rocks either,
(lest you fall into the path of a hungry Dragon... a Welsh Dragon like
me ; ) ).”

“While this book purports to be a cry of defiance, it is really a last cry, a

cry of catharsis, settling into resignation of a great two millenia
Civilization, perhaps the greatest ever & until a few years ago still full of
promise, that has just commited untimely suicide, flying into a dumb
building with me on board.... just as I myself flew accidently into the
grasping, rapacious, ignorant arms of a 'Mental Institution'.”

“The nature of progress, and of the Universe generally, is for things to

become more distinct from one another, and become more united
together at the same time, in ever more elaborate ways. Thus, the
organs of the human body are far more differentiated, yet far more
unified, than a pile of rocks. Things acquire a greater need for one
another by becoming more different. The idea of uniting the world by
destroying the distinctness of nation states, and of enforcing
conformity of individuals themselves and their beliefs, or of formal
(rather than value) equality of the sexes, is completely antithetical to
this goal and thus, cosmically speaking, represents the ultimate in
reactionary tendencies that, if this general tendency of Nature is
anything to go by, is only likely to make us more divided than ever.”

“If someone is beaten repeatedly over the head, thus robbed of his own
organic senses, then put in front of a wheel & left to drive home, is it his
fault or his assailants if he mows into a bunch of unfortunate
pedestrians? & numerous studies show that psychiatric drugs & other
treatments, such as ECT, have a comparable effect to exactly this
situation. Thus Dr.s should be mostly responsible for any offences of
those they have ‘treated’ against his or her will.“

“Why has playful patronization gone so out of fashion ? Because

everyone is either so sanctimonious about it, or unconsciously so fed
up of being on the receiving end of the former's self-serving bullshit
that they can't bear it even in jest!”
“My mission is to clear the way for my brother”

"It is precisely the mad ones who seek to use violence to enforce their
views on others -- that is an almost unfailing sign of madness --- since
they instinctively sense that they are at a disadvantage when it comes
to talking and reasoning. Using severe 'moral' condemnation and
slander, i.e. thinly veiled threats, especially those which have no basis
in a rational, naturalistic survey of the phenomenon at hand, is only one
step further away.

Rational people constantly have in mind almost solely an appeal with

kindness towards other people's own rational self-interest, or the better
instincts of their nature, love and light (Reason), devoid of clinging
blame and incoherent rage. When confronted with a better argument,
they respond to it by adjusting their own mindset and approach to the
debate in hand, rather than fighting it. They would never for a moment
consider bringing in brute numerical advantage as an argument."

(One could summarize the above section is far less colorful terms by
putting it this way: the suppression of masuculinity often breeds further
& much more toxic aggression)”

On Nietzsche's denigration of pity. “It depends whether 'pity' is

construed as an agonizing guilt, fear or paralysis brought on by the
helpless sight of another's suffering / dissatisfaction, or whether it is a
feeling, compassionate orientation of knowing towards doing what is
possible to relieve it and enhance their situation. The latter doesn't
inflict a loss of strength, rather the opposite.
Unfortunately, often when ppl claim to be 'helping' others, they are
merely feeling the former, which causes them to subconsciously try to
hurt and control others in the name of helping them, in order to mitigate
their own feelings of guilt, fear and helplessness at the sight of their
suffering/ complaint. At a subconscious level, they feel partly
responsible for the suffering of the other -- hence their feeling of pain,
guilt and agitation -- and therefore perceive the other as a threat, an
enemy, and try to finish off the job under the guise of 'helping' them.

“Our rulers (at least some of them) may well be fucking Gods. (They are
like the mad men par excellence I listed above, only X10. They are mad
hatters who slipped thru' all the nets -- all the little challenges and
obstacles put in our way to test us – realized their birthright, and
became Supermen). Opposing them is not only stupid, but positively
wicked. If by some slim chance you should manage to slay one of them,
it would be like running a million Mona Lisas through a shredder. It
would be even more criminal that shredding your own infant child's
foreskin or clitoris off. Don't be a sore loser. Don't hate them just
because they pawned you. Just save what's left of yourself if you still
can, that's all. ”

“At heart, I am little else but a fairly ordinary, sweet little false Messiah.”

“Sometimes ppl seem determined to interpret me as a thousand time

more belligerent and aggressive than I really am. I don't fathom it. I've
never lifted my finger to a fly in my life (sure, I once threw a mug in the
direction of mum -- but she's my mum, and I aimed to miss anyway --
and it wasn't until I was 23 and in exceptional circumstances ( I was
distraught at the time and she was being deliberately unhelpful). The
fact that it was 'deliberate' is more than testified to by the fact she had
me State kidnapped for a year, and chemically raped for 10 years
afterwards... so I think we're more than even. If anything, it only goes to
show how prescient my 'delivery' actually was! Given the
overwhelmingly uncalled for and infinitely counter-productive folly of
the retaliation) . I am literally not capable of physical aggression, or
even determined malice of any kind towards anyone. Yes, I get angry --
actually very angry, because of what has happened -- but all the anger
implodes on me. If I express it, it would only ever be verbally in an
attempt to diffuse it and provide constructive feedback rather than harm
anyone -- even psychiatrists (although I would like them to face formal
criminal prosecution and an end to their reign of tyranny, for the benefit
of society) . I'm the only one who has ever been assaulted by others.
Why do they sometimes respond as if I'm some kind of mad beast?! I
think I know the answer -- although they will probably interpret this too
as a sign of aggression on my part, when its not -- they are pretty
clearly projecting. Well, its a combination of that, and the fact that I am
perhaps a more extreme example of someone who is very verbally
critical, but physically very pacifistic or even cowardly, compared to the
average human -- both men and women. I just hope they will finally stop
punishing me for this virtue, now that I've finally begun to realize it
might be a problem. “

TRAUMA = Taking Rights Away Under Medical Authority

“Socrates' great virtue? Continence! If the thought struck him, he would
stand like a statue for hours in rain or thunder until the problem had
been resolved. I, on the other hand, am like the remains of a kite blown
about constantly hither & thither by a storm struck by lightening”

“Without God, neither thumb-tacks or space-elevators make much


On The Wandering Jew: “Us jews may be loaded, but we're still hobos
at heart.”
Thoughts Of The Author, Max J. Lewy, on his previous book, “Madness:
a form of love” (a longer collection of poetry, some of which was
included in this one) :
“This book was my attempt to make peace with the craziness of the
world around me — to interpret the rampant cruelty and insanity as a
kind of ‘love’ (as if by putting a different word on something, and seeing
things through a more mystical, mysterious lens, we can alter our
attitude towards it and become reconciled) — which cast itself rudely
and then very suddenly upon me. Perhaps surprisingly, it had very little
to do with any internal infirmity of mind of my own, merely the extreme
confusion and vexation caused by the former.”

“The aim of life is to express and mold one's nature consciously in line
with the True, the Beautiful, and the Good. The most evil thing -- in fact,
the only truly evil thing -- you can do to a person is destroy part of their
anatomy or soul surgically, chemically, or spiritually (and that one is
debatable, it is usually only possible in extreme conditions... but
considerable maternal neglect in the early years may make it more
likely, or extreme shock and trauma at vulnerable periods in later life.)
before they have yet matured enough to express and shape it
consciously according to those determinants.”

“I do not (or at least rarely) claim to express the Absolute Truth. That
would be foolish and arrogant, beyond almost anyone. I merely unpack
and draw out the axioms, more or less hitherto subconscious, on which
my mind and spirit functions (partly so I might have the opportunity to
question them – question my own basic assumptions, which is the path
to transcendence & conquest of problems & reality as such, both inner
& outer) .”

“Human souls are as diverse and different in their shapes and sizes
from one another as are the whole range of diversity within the greater
animal Kingdom. There are lions, chimps, badgers, snakes, pheasants
and much else besides. Each is designed precisely for some purpose or
other, which it is good at and which is the only thing it can really do.
When it tries to do otherwise, it is very much like a fish out of water. “

"Being actually logical about it, (always very unpopular) there is only
one person who ISN'T mad: God."
"All torture is a form a complexity twisted out its proper shape. Thus,
one may not well torture a rock or a blonde." (joke!)

The dilemma: "Those who love and value themselves and those around
them are too angry at the injustice and stupidity everywhere to do
themselves or anyone any good. Those who love 'God', or society, or
ideology, bask in doing sanctified harm and are simply content with
calmly destroying themselves and everyone around them.
Unfortunately, the latter tend to be far more 'effective', 'functional', 'well-
adjusted' and powerful, just as a slave who accepts his slavery and gets
on with his work is far more effective and functional, and will be given
the whip-hand over a slave who is busy rebelling against his Master.
Rebellion is only worth much when it is carried through wisely to
completion. In the same way, spiritual individuation and rebellion
against false ideologies is a process, which has its justification and
worth mainly when carried to full term."
“There is a religious sense (and real power stemming from it) for love,
awe, worshipful obedience and identifying with the collective as a kind
of deity that I have LOST that took maybe millions or even billions of
years to develop.”

“I am a sphinx with little left but the riddle – whose secret was literally
smashed, making him seem merely like a liar & a braggart.”

“Possible definition of a god: He who blasphemes, often profoundly, in

perfect purity and innocence. “

“I can feel the rotting carcass of a God inside of me, his bones poking at
my mind.”

“I would say the primary significance of the concept 'true will' is when
we are caught adrift in the habitual flow of the world, without a clear,
rationally grounded aim, which is usually when we are quite young (i.e.
that is the opposite of 'true will').
We come closer to our 'true will' when we still that restless motion of
habit, and create a new pivot point to launch off from to the rest of our
life in a more deliberate fashion. Then, our Will can grow stronger as
our consciousness of reality increases and thus our ability to control it
also increases, giving a sense of Will flowing more and more freely and
stimulating itself towards life.”

“In the AntiChrist Nietzsche admits that Jesus is his greatest rival & speaks
extremely highly of him. He literally means he is the person he respects &
admires most, other than himself. Which makes sense, because Nietzsche's
ideas are perhaps a lot more similar than he would like to make out; he
seems to have had an enormous will to misunderstand Christianity & himself.
Superman/Messiah, self-overcoming/over-coming death & suffering,
redeeming the Universe, hate your friends (Luke 14: 26) , 'to those who hath
it shall be given' (i.e. Jesus was also a Darwinist, albeit more of a spiritual
Darwinist) ... its essentially the same. Nietzsche just over-emphasized 'value
creation' & under-emphasized 'love' & basic kindness, which is [robably why
he went mad; he set up a false dichotomy between herd & individual that left
him feeling entirely isolated, whereas Jesus was no less 'Master' than he was
– in fact far greater, since he actually lived it, while Nietzsche was only
catching up at a mostly cerebral level about 2000 years later -- but also the
perfect lamb who incorporated the herd interest in his own. Also, Jesus had a
much better grasp of mathematics, while Nietzsche failed mathematics in
highschool (& the Universe itself is essentially Ontological Mathematics).
Nietzsche also was far too swept away & overly impressed by modern
'science', which is why he was ironically punished for it by destiny in 1889
when that 'science' turned on him & had him confined to a mental asylum,
absolutely beholden to his sister & mother he hated. “

“Ppl may not quite understand this, but when the psychiatrists swooping in &
collided with me, I was literally like a circus juggler on a bicyle carrying huge
stacks of spinning plates on sticks. That is what my whole mind was.
Continue the metaphor yourself to understand what the consequences of
what that collision might have been for me. “

“Charging for therapy defeats its main object, which is to make the
patient feel of value. Charging them to spend time with you signifies the
opposite, that their company lacks value in its own right and that yours
is worth a lot more: so psychologically, it is often fantastic for you, but
not quite so great for them. “

I have been forcefully divorced from own instincts by compelled, highly

sustained psychiatric torture, to my own great detriment & to the huge
detriment of everyone. It will take me a considerable time, perhaps even
years still, just to get back on more of an even keel again (although I
have already steadied the ship an enormous amount over the last 9
months, since I was permitted to be free of poisonings & granted a
modicum of respect).

“If I had a strange delusion, it would probably be that the Universe runs
entirely on only one essential, spiritual law: Irony. (actually this was
probably put in me by my iatrogenic trauma though) Admittedly, that
probably is a bit of a big delusion, but its very far from what the
psychiatrists were chasing me for, at least overtly. “

“People often call ppl who offer imaginary solutions 'con-artists' in our
culture. But, the truth is, that imaginary problems (i.e. problems of the
mind, usually a pathology of the imagination of some kind) REQUIRE
imaginary solutions!”
I was forced to live in ways that are totally against -- almost 100%
directly, diamettrically opposed to my values -- for the first 36 years of
my life, with ppl watching over my back -- including my own parents --
determined to sculpt me & chisel away at me into something I loathe.
How about you?

“The central question of Life & Philosophy is this: Just because everyone
else,or everyone else I know is a fool, does that mean that I should be one
too? Answer it correctly & you may one day become a philosopher “
“With the rise of Islam in the West, did you realize yet that Christ and
Satan are now fighting on the same team?”

“'Will To Truth' is a far better term to speak in than 'intelligence', being

the cause of the latter, and therefore far more 'real'. “

“I think N. was too pre-occupied by Christianity (and too bad at

Mathematics!) to properly address the wider question of God as such,
although he also saw new gods of some sort arising, whether real of
fictitious. It seems almost inevitable that we will create God/gods at
some point (through technology), or, alternatively, that Natural Selection
has already in the past Eternity. Leo Strauss argues after Lucretius and
Epicurus that a perfect Being would have no interest in effecting
anything, 'cos he is already perfect and completely self-sufficient. But it
seems quite possible that our Will is governed or related to Him in some
way, since an all-powerful Being may presumably make His mark
everywhere. Furthermore, it seems that anything that comes from life
may well have an active interest in it.”

“Childhood operates under a definite natural teleology -- it appears

aimed at 'growing up'. The disaster of adulthood is that it doesn't
appear to us to have such a teleology -- its only direction seems to be a
pointless, constant, and rather unholy battle for mere stasis followed by
the grave. Perhaps the secret lies in learning to see that 'stasis' as
merely apparent and physical, while recognizing an actual process of
spiritual becoming still at work (if one attempts it), an invisible teleology
that is even more momentous, fulfilling and significant than the mere
corporeal growth of childhood.
At the same time, this trauma of coming into adulthood reflects and is
dramatically increased by the utilitarian, functionalist and materialist
obsession that predominates in our culture. Whereas a philosophy of
'Being', such as that of Martin Heidegger, acts as a counter-weight that
does far greater dignity to and actively celebrates post-adolescent
maturity in its full flowering presence, as opposed to the stored
potential and goal-directedness of early youth. Bataile, a rare
philosopher who Heidegger was very approving of, acted similarly with
his key concept of 'sovereignty', which, like 'Being', also hallows the
immediate 'thing-in-itself' (to twist Kant's term) above its function or
purported end.”
“Wondering how you should have done things differently in the past is
like looking for a secret entrance to a Mountain which has no such
secret entrance but is just solid, solid rock the whole way thru'.”

“While my life became a total catastrophe, at least I succeeded pretty

much in expressing it thru' art and words (even if nobody else
understood me), which is all I ever wanted to do anyway. I died and went
to Heaven -- not the Real one of course, (with 72 virgins etc,) but the old
Christian, Imaginary one, a place so boring, dreadfully ethereal and
without Hope that only Saints can bear to live there.”

“Calling someone 'sane' is just a nice & pussy-footed way of saying

they're boring & dim.”

“Nietzsche said 'in Heaven, all the interesting ppl are missing'. That
sounds like a very ironical, somewhat lighthearted saying – probably a
mere witticism to most; but, in fact, some people find the idea of Heaven
-- having their eyes torn out by infinite, blinding Light -- even MORE
horrible than that of the fiery pits of Hell. That fact poses potentially
quite a difficulty for some & puts them in a strange, unusual situation,
metaphysically & eschatologically speaking. “

“Most mental patients you see are already the product of years of
psychiatric butchery, a bare sliver of what they could have been or even
what they once were. Remember, the most highly evolved, complex
organisms (or even things --- just look what happens if you don’t take
your car to the garage regularly enough) tend to require the most
careful and expert tending --- especially in order to successfully reach
maturity in the first place; just consider how much more care and
attention all human babies require compared to less intelligent
organisms:---- If us oh-so-patient ‘patients’ seem a sorrier lot than
average, its because your ordinary Pet Pony given suitable conditions
and proper love is an infinitely better thing than a Thoroughbred
Stallion lamed and deformed through inappropriate rearing followed by
horrible mis’treatment’.”

“Though I don't talk about it in this book, the Universe unfurls eternally
according to the rules of Ontological Mathematics. The aim, as in a
beautiful work of art, is simply to hit all the right ratios at precisely the
right Time.”

"The aim is not to suppress one's fury & 'madness', but carry it
harmlessly to orgasm."

“Too much terror has made my knees weak for life. One moment I am
simply bored, the next I am distraught, the next I am back to robbing the
kitty litter again like a rodent dazed & frantic for its next hit.”

B. R. : "Where is the place where identity and individuality overlap?"

Well, my friends -- where is it? Ah yes, that's where it is... .

"Madness is only for the strong." -- M. J. L.


The dialectical nature of existence is such that the draconian, mindless

conformity enforcement of psychiatry, naturally gives rise to its extreme
opposite -- to a rebellious Universal-ism & individuality, i.e.
Reason/Madness. In Universalism lies the synthesis of identity and
individuality, & also at the same time their precise negation (in other
words, the ability to think in terms of universal, rational concepts both
separates us from the group, making us more individual & centered in
our own experience, & at the same time connects us to others at a more
authentic level, giving us an identity with others & the whole Universe
based in reason, reality & nature rather than conformity to superficial
social strictures. At the same time, it is the negation of individuality,
because of its inherent universalizing connecting force, & the negation
of identity because it means eschewing the false tribal identities based
in flags & banners & herd-mentality with no basis in a more accurate,
abstract conception of reality. ) ((& 'Madness' is itself, rather like the
words 'individuality' or 'individualism' themselves, one of the key points
& banners wherein individualistic opposition to groupish-identity, &
possible group identity meet.)) This in turn must give way to an even
higher synthesis of universalism and identity/individuality, by which the
Call of Reason is married to the Call of blood & soil, to a Call which
marries our capacity to think in universal concepts to our 'Thrown-ness'
& biological & spacial-temporal rootedness.”
“Punish yourself. Its quite enjoyable, I promise.
Go on -- remind yourself that you own yourself. ;)”

“We are all slaves, friends. My fellow citizens. Let us not try to kid
ourselves by insisting otherwise, or to arrogantly rebel, but merely ask
for the small, saving dignity of allowing our slavery to be publicly,
mutually and even legally recognized. Let us be slaves, let us be pets if
we must, but not dupes. Your fucking cat has more dignity than you do.
The only remaining honorable or remotely subversive... not
subversive... just honest and dignified expression nowadays is: "Thank
you, Master."

“Spent the last 15 years trying to get back to the starting line!!”

BDSM is a disgusting mockery of this fundamental truth, by which

people attempt to convince themselves its just fantasy rather than
reality. But -- in a similar ironical vein -- a disgusting mockery as it may
be, it is also a potentially charming mockery, for in our society it is often
the only or at any rate the prime outlet for thinking about this
unspeakable fact at all and the central reality of power relations in
general, and therefore a possible means of discovering the truth.”
“When you've been surrounded by simpletons (especially when they're
in positions of much higher status and authority) your whole life, its
pretty hard not to have a big Ego.“

“Attaining excellence -- NOT 'normality' -- should be the main aim of

everyone even remotely capable of it, but ironically, attaining excellence
often tends to be defined by the Golden Mean, i.e. the middle, by
'extreme moderation', 'mediocrity' in a certain sense.”

The eyes have two very important, key functions:

1) Reflect & take it the world outside you as perfectly as possible.

2) Reveal the world inside you & make the outer world ever slightly
more beautiful & lovely.

“Be sure to mix some salutary poison in with your medicinal truth pills,
folks. We wouldn't want you over-dosing yourself in Enlightenment to a
premature demise. Be savvy, and maybe they'll let you make a little
(judiciously taxed, of course) cottage industry out of it ; ) After all, many
ppl argue 'the system' requires a modicum sense of haphazard freedom,
liberality, and openness to opposing ideas in order to perpetuate itself.
You could become the next Noam Chomsky. God bless.”

“Life is at bottom a process of processing, carrying out and relaying


Madness is effectively the process of 'processing' orders to the point of


destruction of those same orders.”

“Self-contradiction is a right -- nay, a duty. Do it aplenty, loudly and

proudly to assert the rights of living thought over desiccated dogma
and bamboozle the critics.”

“Its dangerous to be too full of gifts. Give out in drips and drabs instead
so nobody notices anything funny going on.“
“Reason + Mad Love = Collective Harmony.
Be rational, but always err and rig your results slightly on the side of
irrational love and reconciliation.”
“To emphasize my commitment to inspiring the younger generations
who will decide our future (most of whom have been so terribly lied to
and misled by your 'education', as well as having their futures stolen
from them by absolutely irresponsible and greedy government
borrowing, their civil rights taken away, and their natural environment
destroyed and resources used up), and counter-act the disastrous wave
of child and adolescent drugging/poisoning which I feel so bitterly
about, I intend to give PDFs of my book(s) out free of charge to
everyone 23 (the age at which I was first sectioned) or under who wants
one. While the Dr.s and the State charge you ever growing trillions to
genitally mutilate, poison, lock up, brainwash and often outright abuse
and torture your kids, me and others like me, such as the brilliant and
kind Stefan Molyneux (see his videos on youtube), are diligently
working to save them for the love of humanity by freely handing out
salutary wisdom in an otherwise darkening age. If you'd like a copy,
please request either in private or in the comments section below,
preferably with some prima facie evidence/indication of your date of
birth or age bracket. #PoetryNotPills #DietNotDrugs
#MeditationNotSedation #MadnessAFormOf Love”

“Its not loneliness, its your bloody 'togetherness' that scares the
bejeebus out of me. “

“Well played, World. Well played, God. Well played, Lucy.

See you again next Eternity. ;)”

“I am convinced that if this book is totally unsuccessful, its not because the
Universe wants me to give up, but to try harder, & more implacably stalwart
against my erstwhile, tragically benighted antagonists, who I both hate & love,
most madly.”

(follow on Twitter)
Brief Insight Into What Happened To Me After The First 9
Months Psychiatric Detention And Control

By Socrates! The next time they swooped in for me, I ran away and lived on the streets for 6
months. I had been home again just a few months, had come off the toxic ‘medication’, which
prevents any kind of healing whatever, secretly by myself, and I was beginning to feel a little better.
Unfortunately, they were giving me blood tests and detected the absence of their poisons; so they
tried to section me again. As I spied the Dr.s appearing at my house from my bedroom window, I
quickly grabbed my coat and wallet and flew off down the road as fast as my legs would carry me,
taking the first bus I saw in order to get as far away as possible. First I went to Newport, South
Wales, then Cardiff, and from there I took a train to Cheltenham. I was just praying that those
damned priests in white coats were not able to trace me.
I slept under bushes, often in the pouring rain with only an expensive, fashionable, but non-
water proof jacket, for the next couple of weeks. It was already October, so I had picked exactly the
worst time of year to be ‘sleeping rough’. While I was there, I was able to withdraw some money
from the bank, and I also came across a place that feeds breakfast to the homeless. However, there
was a camera outside, and that made me very nervous given my pressing desire not to be
detected. I merely shopped for food myself instead. Then, absurdly enough, I suffered a pick-
pocketing incident (my next attempt to find support in the local community involved a strange
bunch from Stroud who distracted me by boasting (not so) charmingly about their alleged
paedophilic activities while they snatched my wallet from my stunned person, with my credit card
inside. So, like a good little boy, I went to the bank and cancelled it . But, after that, it was basically
impossible for me to get any more money out. I was also concerned that such activity may have
alerted the authorities somehow to my whereabouts, so I knew I had to move on. (& I could
hardly go to the police myself as I was considered insane at the time)
You have to understand, the idea of being subject to psychiatric attentions, on ‘medication’
for the rest of my life, which is what they had told me would be the case, struck me as if I had been
given an actual death sentence (worse in fact). It made me want to curl up and die. I would do
anything, anyhow to escape that terrible fate.
Then a funny thing happened. I decided to take the coach to London, but they had this odd
rule that if they had run out tickets on their ticket holster, you got to board for free! As if by some
small miracle, that is exactly what occurred. So I board the coach. It was most unfortunate,
however, that I had not been able to sleep properly for the last few nights, and around this time I
sensed it was having a lasting impact on my attempt to recover from the original psych. debacle.
Anyhow, I soldiered on (I had to), landing in London in Victoria Station, and after about 20 minutes
of wandering around I encountered a drunk on the street, who very kindly said to me that if I gave
him £5 for a couple of beers he could double it for me by begging ! Indeed, I was a hopeless naïve,
finding it difficult to say 'no' to anyone at this point (hence why I had ended up in a psych's
consulting office for the first time, pretty much), so after a moment or two's hesitation I grudgingly
trusted him with the precious £5. As the afternoon unravelled on a parkside bench... it became
increasingly clear I was never gonna get my £5 back, let alone the extra £5 on top. The blasted
degenerate even had the nerve to hit on me in the men's W.C., though thankfully he demured
from raping me too (probably due to his perennially inebriated, nerve-damaged -by-alcohol state).
I eventually managed to extricate myself from his dull company and headed off to where I'd read
the food is handed out to homeless ppl like myself (I'd looked it up online in an internet cafe). After
looking around for a bit, I sat down on a bench and decided to ask the guy next to me if he had any
idea where they hand out food to the homeless. Funnily enough, he turned out to be homeless
too! And he did. From then on in fact, we became consumate roadside companions (actually not
that consumate, my feet were giving out – swollen due to the posion the Dr.s at given me – and
although he was a nice enough guy, he wasn’t the brightest light-bulb so I couldn’t really expect
him to understand or be sympathetic) . His name was Shane, 23, and although he didn't look too
frightening (kinda skinny, slightly vacant brown eyes, and a couple inches taller than me at 5'11)
he'd been to prison already for GBH. He was an affable enough guy, if not absolutely too bright,
and he kindly showed me around the local homeless haunts a bit. I also met a lot of other
homeless folk at the hand-outs that evening, many of them foreigners (mostly polish at that time,
but also an old Italian murderer and a cheerful, gentle Portuguese druggie with a podgy face and
curly hair, named Carlos. Carlos liked hitting on all the ladies, calling them 'love' as they passed by,
without much luck).

I hope to continue this story at a later date, weather permitting.

I truly hope to undergo a ressurection of some kind, by then... My next book I mentioned earlier,
I mean – at the beginning of this one. But given the way things have gone so far for me, it may
well just be one crucifixion (or sectioning, lobotomization of some sort) after another. :-/ I pray to
His Holiness, the Nazarene (and perhaps other deities), that won’t happen though. So I’m fairly
confident it won’t.
(Oh, & as of putting the finishes touches on this book, my friend Tal tells me not to call people
'stupid' (i.e. foolish, mad etc.,) so much in future . I'll try :)
The Cardinal Virtues:

Prudence. Prudence is the name for perpetual wariness in relation to

danger, & careful foreplanning to avoid falling into its clutches. It is closely
related to general Wisdom, i.e. True knowledge about the Whole.

Courage. Courage means facing up to the dangers & challenges that do

exist, & pressing one's case to the maximum limit it will go, with neither
an ounce less or more.

Moderation. Moderation is the Golden Mean between competiting

opposites for one's attention. It means reaching an equilibrium, a happy
medium balanced securely at the center of one's own orbit.

Care. Care means investing loving tenderness & great value in &
reverence for Beings, as well as attention to detail & a willingness to
respond with alertness to phemononon as it reveals its across Time,
moment by moment.

There four simple concepts are a highly compact summary of all the essential
character attributes you need for life, more valuable than whole libraries. They
have been passed down, written & spoken about for thousands of years in only
slightly varying ways, & it used to be said that an ability or inability to perceive
their abundantly evident Truth was the key thing differentiating the Wise from the
non-Wise. I strongly suggest you throw away your sophisticated 'Pyschology'
textbooks & “DSM Manuals” & make these simple guides your core study, until
you too can grasp the Truth of this most certifiable proposition.

All that remains then is for us to save the world together. (Between you and me, we
seem to be running out of time a little, folks – the threat of a bad technological
singularity – see Mitchel Heisman, Gerd Leonhard -- occuring being by far the most
urgent & important issue, but there are lots...)

But then things cannot be changed; they can usually only be impartially recognized,
for the sheer relief of seeing clearly itself... & allowed to exist almost exactly as they
are -- or made worse. Much worse. At the moment, the very attempts of those
trying to change them goes hand in hand with unavowed, unacknowledged
desperation or sadism, leading to mounting frustration & thus irrational, extremely
harmful violence perpetrated against the society, against those who one is allegedly
trying to 'assist'. This applies almost equally to those in higher positions in society, &
to those in lower positions.

If you want to save the world, simply therefore first direct all your

energies in trying to stop trying to 'improve' it ( & stop those

trying to 'improve' it with violence, & threats thereof) ! Only once you stop
making things worse, do you have a 'hope in Hell' of making them better.

“An Inferno Of
As I said right at the beginning --


Order Through Chaos


Deus misereatur reprobi. May God have mercy on the fallen.

The following information is taken from the ‘Mad In America’ website:

1. Sudden unexplained death in psychiatric in-patients. Appleby, L. British Journal of

Psychiatry 176 (2000):405-406.

Neuroleptics may cause sudden death by inducing cardiac arrhythmias and QT prolongation.

2. Mortality in schizophrenia. Waddington, J. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology20


3. Tardive dyskinesia associated with higher mortality in psychiatric patients.Ballesteros, J. British

Journal of Psychiatry 173 (1998):325-329.

Over a 10-year period, 39 out of 88 patient on antipsychotic drugs died. Reduced survival was
associated with the administration of two or more neuroleptics at the same time, and time since
withdrawal of antipsychotics (patients maintained on antipsychotics became burdened with
chronic physical illness, so much so that it replaced the “psychiatric disorder as the primary focus of
medical care.”) The final pathway to early death was global medical decline and death from
respiratory illness.

4. Lifetime suicide rates in treated schizophrenia.. Healy, D. British Journal of Psychiatry 188

This study found a 20-fold increase in the suicide rate for people diagnosed with schizophrenia in
the modern era.

5. Prospective analysis of premature mortality in schizophrenia in relation to health service

engagement.Morgan, M. Psychiatry Research 117 (2003):127-135.

This study concluded that “risk for death in schizophrenia was doubled on a background of
enduring engagement in psychiatric care with increasing provision of community-based services
and introduction of second-generation antipsychotics.”

6. Schizophrenia, neuroleptic medication and mortality. Joukamaa, M. British Journal of

Psychiatry 188 (2006):122-127.

Researchers report that in an given period of time, the relative risk of dying rises 2.5 times per
increment of neuroleptics.
Bibliography and recommended further reading list :

The Complete Works Of Plato (especially “The Apology Of Socrates” and “The Republic”

“The History Of The Pelopenisian War” by Thucydides

“The Will To Power”; “Beyond Good And Evil” ; “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” ; “The Gay Science” ;
“Daybreak”; “Human, All Too Human”; “Unlikely Meditations” by F. W. Nietzsche

“My Sister And I”, by F. W. Nietzsche, allegedly

“Leo Strauss And Nietzsche”; “Nietzsche's Teaching” by Laurence Lampert

“What is Called Thinking?”, “Nietzsche” by Martin Heidegger

“The Political Philosophy Of Thomas Hobbes”; “Natural Right And History”; “Persecution And
The Art Of Writing” ; “The Argument And The Act Of Plato's Laws”; “On Tyanny” by Leo Strauss

“The History Of Political Philosophy”, edited by Leo Strauss and Joseph Cropsey

“The Political Ideas Of Leo Strauss”; “Alecandre Kojeve: The Roots Of Post-Modern Politics” by
Shadia Drury

“Leo Strauss And The Politics Of American Empire” by Anne Norton

“Toxic Psychiatry”; “Your Drug May Be Your Problem”; “Talking Back to Prozac”; “Medication
Madness”; by Peter Breggin
“Prozac Backlash; and The Antidepressant Solution: A Step-by-Step Guide to Safely Overcoming
Antidepressant Withdrawal, Dependence, and Addiction” by Joseph Glenmullen

“Mad In America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill”;
and “Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of
Mental Illness in America” by Robert Whitaker

“Soteria: Through Madness to Deliverance” by Loren Mosher and Voyce Hendrix

“Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma has Corrupted Healthcare” by Peter

“Rethinking Psychiatric Drugs: A Guide for Informed Consent; and Drug-Induced Dementia: A
Perfect Crime” by Grace Jackson

“The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to do About It” by Marcia

“Let Them Eat Prozac: The Unhealthy Relationship Between the Pharmaceutical Industry and
Depression; and The Antidepressant Era” by David Healy
“Blaming the Brain: The TRUTH About Drugs and Mental Health” by Elliot Valenstein;

“Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History” by Suzanne Humphries and
Roman Bystrianyk

“Madness, Heresy, and the Rumor of Angels,: The Revolt Against the Mental Health System” by
Seth Farber

“Excitotoxins” by Russell Blaylock

“The Myth of Mental Illness “; “Insanity And Ideology” by Thomas Szasz

“White Coat Black Hat: Adventures on the Dark Side of Medicine “by Carl Elliott

“Selling Sickness; How the World’s Biggest Pharmaceutical Companies are Turning Us All into
Patients” by Ray Moynihan and Alan Cassels

“Our Daily Meds: How the Pharmaceutical Companies Transformed Themselves into Slick
Marketing Machines and Hooked the Nation on Prescription Drugs” by Melody Petersen

“The Crazy Makers: How the Food Industry is Destroying our Brains and Harming our Children”
by Carol Simontacchi

“The Lucifer Principle”; “The Global Brain”; “The Mohammed Code” by Howard Bloom

“Love And Friendship”;“The Closing Of The American Mind”; “Giants And Dwarves” by Allan

“Maps Of Meaning”; “12 Rules For Life” by Jordan B. Peterson

“The Idiot”; “Notes From The Underground” by Dostoyevky

The New and Old Testament Bible

“Universal Preferable Behavior”; “A Manual Of Human Ownership”; “Practical Anachy”;

“Everyday Anarchy” by Stefan Molyneux

“Suicide Note” by Mitchell Heisman

“Philosophy In The Boudoir”; “Justine” by The Marquis De Sade

“The Book Of Secrets” by Osho

“The Myth Of Sysphus” by Albert Camus

The Collected Poetry Of Edgar Allen Poe

“The Flowers Of Evil” by Charles Baudelaire

“Submission”; “Atomized” by Michel Houllebecq

“The Strange Death Of Europe” by Douglas Murray

The Quran

“Character Analysis” by Wilhelm Reich

“Confessions Of A Mask”; “The Sea Of Fertility” by Yukio Mishima

“Ending Aging” by Aubrey De Grey

“The Singularity Is Near” by Ray Kurtzweil

“The Fire Of Love: The Story Of Layla and Majnun” by Ganjavi Nizami

“The Hero With A Thousand Faces” by Jospeh Campbell

The Essential Carl Jung

“Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte

“Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley

“One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest” by Ken Casey

“The Perfect Matrimony” by Samael Aun Weor

“The Wisdom Of The Talmud” (selected sayings)

“The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins


“Bad Pharma” by Ben Goldacre

“The Bittest Pills: The Troubling Story Of Anti-Psychohtic Drugs” by Joanna Moncrieff

“The Myth Of The Chemical Cure” by Joanna Moncrieff

“Madness Explained: Psychosis And Human Nature” by Richard Bentall

“Teatro Grottesco” by Thomas Ligotti

“Eroticism” by Georges Bataille

The Complete Works Of H. P. Lovecraft

“A Treatise Of Human Nature” by David Hume

“Animal Farm”; “1983” by George Orwell

“Brave New World”; “Island” by Aldous Huxley

“On The Road” by Jack Keroac

“Little Birds” by Anais Nin

“The Bell Jar” by Sylvia Plath

The Works Of Gershom Scholem

“Madness And Civilization”; “The History Of Sexuality” by Michel Foucault

“Nadya” by Andre Breton

“Harmless Medicine” Justin Chin

“I, Lucifer” by Glen Duncan

“Confessions Of A Medical Heretic” by Dr. Robert Mendelson

“Mal(e) Practice: How Doctors Manipulate Women” by Dr. Robert Mendselson

“The Mating Mind” by Geoffrey Miller

“Gorrila Mindset” by Mike Cernvonich

“A Short History Of Decay”; “Tears And Saints”; “On The Heights Of Despair” ;“All Gall Is
Divided” ; “History And Utopia”; “The New Gods” by E. M. Cioran

“The Meditations” by Rene Decartes

“Inventing The Individual” by Larry Siedentop

“Limits to Medicine” Ivan Illich

“The Prince” Niccolo Machiavelli

“No” Boyd Rice

The Works Of Albina Rousseau (Perhaps Russia's greatest living writer, self-proclaimed 'psycho'-
bitch, & aspiring spokesperson for ISIS in Europe – 9/11 is her Birthday)

“The Armageddon Conspiracy” Mike Hockney

The Complete Works Of Woody Allen

“Beautiful Losers” by Leonard Cohen

The Works Of Gershom Scholem

“In Search Of The Miraculous” by P. D Ouspensky

The Collected Works Of Aleister Crowley

The Works Of Antonin Artaud

“The Picture Of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde

“The Madman” by Khalil Gibran

“Cured Meat” by Polly Trope

“Infinite Jest” by David Foster Wallace

“Choke”;“Fight Club”;“Invisible Monsters”; “Guts” by Chuck Palahniuk

“Alice's Adventures In Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll

“Laughter In The Dark” by Vladimir Nabokov

“Epicurus And The Pleasant Life” by Haris Dimitriadis

“Madness In Civilization” Andrew Scull

“The Complete Poems Of Emily Dickinson” by Emily Dickinson

“Crazy Like Us” by Ethan Watters

“Homo Deus” by Yuval Noah Harrari

“Technology vs. Humanity” by Gerd Leonhard

“The Islamic AntiChrist” by Joel Richardson

“Jesus In The Talmud” by Peter Schafer

“A Philosophy Of Azsacra Zarathustra: Protection Of A Holy Rebellious Yes To Life” ed. Santosh

“ To be joyous is to be a madman in a world of sad ghosts.”

― Henry Miller
Tal Slutzker, (a poet, musician, student of philosophy and renowned Israeli
painter : many thanks to him for writing this kind review )
In this confused world there is one writer hungry for knowledge. He
absolutely despises psychiatrists and any attempt to destroy madness and
the love it entails. He is Max Lewy, a poet of English, from Wales, who
wrote a book named “Madness a Form of love”. His poetry is centered
around content rather than form and he rages against an establishment he
doesn’t take part in, an establishment that includes doctors and their allies
who want to destroy humanity in his view. He seems to be very thoughtful
and is very similar to the kind of poets one meets in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem
but with an English appeal and twist that is from the very language he uses
the incredible English language of the recent few hundred years. He is
trying to convey all layers of the English language and as many depths of
meaning as he can while trying to transmit Philosophical ideas through his
poems written mainly as proverbs. He is very interested in spiritually and
in Individualism and fears for what happens if we abandon our wisdoms,
while seeing the web as a medium for his messages. Don’t think he is an
easy character or someone to take easily because he has a message to carry,
love is in the center of the concept or religion of madness and we have to
take it seriously before we start devouring each other’s in parts. The very
possibility of that message going on is transmitted with his willingness to
indulge with his internet audience in a never ending conversation about
what is right and what is wrong. Just support him if you are for madness,
because there are very few who would vote for it in politics even though
some consider politics itself a form of madness. He sees ancient Greece as
the model we have to take in account when thinking about madness and
the theater and if he is one whose interest in the link between madness and
poetry is deep enough to get you through endless nights of thinking and
arguing about things that seem to matter most to anyone as devoted to
these ideas as he does. There are some people who see life as an endless
action and others who see life as an endless thought; Max Lewy belongs to
the second kind. If you take Madness for granted think about what it did to
culture and what it keeps doing to it. Just go through all the interesting
ideas that grew around it by meters or by centimetres and you will get
familiar with as many interesting ideas as there are in this realm of
incredible knowledge that actually never ends and then share it with your
friends. Because poetry just like art belongs to people who think about the
important things in life. And Love like madness lasts for millennia’s from
ancient days to our present culture. Be careful because if life ever offered
you anything the fight against madness can take those things away from us.
Review by Kari Imeri, a lady and psychotherapist who dabbles in ancient
religion, of my previous book of poems, entitled “Madness: a form of love”
“Max Lewy is a great poet and authentic seer who finds the right words in
times of disorientation of the young generation. With the great capacity of
the great old masters, he opens chess moves with originality and surprise
effects to penetrate deeply into the spirit of the new time. His visual
language remains overwhelming and always hits the sore spot without
having to resort to stereotypes. His work is a rare jewel and
recommendable for all whose eyes are tormented by the undefined lack of
relation of modern artists. In his poetry he gathers not only the imaginative
language of a human being but also the smart speech-seeking of the gods.
One encounters an arrangement that does not seem to be directed by man
alone, but is guided by the nonchalance with which the gods endow great
beloved masters. Max Lewy is a Briton, born in 1983, with a Jewish name
and a very interesting biography for a contemporary view of his generation.
It is worth following his work further and translating it into different
languages. There are verses by Max Lewy, which are memorized after one
time reading like a popular tune or hit, which shows the quality of world
class. He is as precise with the truth as talented a leader of his generation.
“Madness is a form of love it carries its own truth It lets the old forget their
grief And makes messiahs of the youth” by Max Lewy
(this image, the dead lovers Tristan Und Isolde, has a variety of meanings here. I will briefly mention two: 1)
It symbolizes the suicidal 'love' of the West, with its incipient surrender before the new Eurasion Caliphate.
Just as Tristan laid down his own sword. 2) My own, hopefully merely spiriutal death & 'laying to rest' of some
of the great trauma inflicted upon me by psychiatry with the end of this book (& not just the trauma, but the
huge part of myself that was killed off by it that I will now sadly never get to realize), which has itself been a
process of spiriutal renewal, transofrmation & rebirth with hopefully even more to come.)

No dense & sturdy mound;

No Light-Winged Arrow O' Destiny:

A delicate, bronze leaf,
Spiraling towards the Earth,
Carried solely,,,
By winds of God.
M.A.D. Max's Meme Quotations (pls share) :
Relevant Memes (Disclaimer: I didn't create any of these.. or most of the others in this
book.. they are just freely available artifacts on the web, that I make available to others
here too) :
Disclaimer: I was still drunk on 'medication' (& psychiatrically-induced trauma) & then only
gradually recovering from its after, 'withdrawal' effects when I wrote most of this book.
If you or someone you care about is receiving involuntary treatment, which you believe is harmful,
my recommendation is to file a complaint saying simply this:

"My loved one has clearly got worse under the "treatment" & is now more unhappy, which was
grossly violating both mine & his wishes. I can tell you this because I have known he/she my whole
life & take very careful notice of such things, because I love them as my own blood. The sight of
this wretched, powerless deterioration in which it is not even permitted to aim higher & control
one's own destiny, together with the bitter taste of oppression from heavy-handed clamp downs
involving months or years of confinement for comparatively very minor social misdemeanors of the
patient, from professional ignorance of both patient & family desires & concerns, & refusal of
responsibility for what is obviously inflicted suffering by a lumbering, indifferent, incompetent &
alienated, & unaffected bureaucracy & "experts" who are so obviously providing little or no value,
except to themselves, is absolutely unbearable. If you are going to violate the wishes of patient &
family so strongly, not having a clear improvement, but actually worsening of the illness & the
patient's quality of life is totally unacceptable & amounts to severe abuse. If you are going to
enforce treatment with violence, it has at least got to be good treatment with very OBVIOUSLY
good & beneficial results. Otherwise, we are inevitably left with the lingering sense of great
injustice & oppression by tyrants who cannot possibly be called to account. "

If they still refuse, add:

"How can you demonstrate clearly & disputably that your treatment has been beneficial, when I can
see with my own eyes my beloved friend has become worse & more miserable? Any prognosis you
made about deterioration from the 'illness' prior to treatment is purely theoretical & only serves to
absolve you, the Dr.s of responsibility for actual future deterioration, such as we now see, & many
cases of similar diagnosis & prognosis turn out to be false with actual improvement without
'treatment' Even if you could go through ALL the research & data on this subject & prove
categorically that the 'treatment' being given is 99% of the time beneficial, even then, I would ask,
is it in keeping with the basic dignity of the patient to view them simply as a statistic?."

If they still, refuse, add:

"How can you prove that the treatment has slowed deterioration, or is it really just a completely
unprovable theory that serves your professional & personal interests & makes the patient feel an
excruciating agony of being silenced, when the one thing that they care about & which 133
Gaslit by a Mad Man: Dr. MadMax Quotes Max J. Lewy evidence suggests is
conducive to real mental-well-being, is being heard & having one's innermost voice & capacity for
self-determination respected? Is it acceptable to ride rough shod over someone's basic capacity for
hope, for self-determination, & rights on a mere self-serving theory in which, even if correct, the
results for everyone are still extremely dire & unbearable, when, if the theory was allowed a chance
to be tested & turned out to be wrong, the results could potentially make life worth living again &
actually happy for all of us. The very doubt & testing of the theory & permitting the possibility of
other more positive outcomes, rather than its dogmatic acceptable would create an enormous boost
of hope for both the patient & the family, that alone would vastly & immeasurably improve their
quality of life & justify such a practice"

See what happens. If enough people do this, there is a chance that your concerns will be acted upon

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