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Moon Landing
1. Teaching about the Apollo Missions
2. Lesson Plan Template
3. Suggested Worksheets
Teaching the Moon Landing

There are milestones in human history that are so epic they just have
to be taught. One of them that ignites kids’ imaginations is the Apollo
11 mission and the Moon landing that took place on 20 July 1969. In
this pack, we’ll provide a framework to build your curriculum around
using KidsKonnect worksheets.
Where to start
★ The first place that’s always fun to start, is looking at the moon and
having kids start thinking about the scale of space. Ask them what the
longest trip they ever had was, then have them think about just how far
238,855 miles is - that’s how far away the moon is.
★ Another fun mental exercise is to
Ask your students to pull their
Smartphones out their pockets and do
a few equations on the calculator app.
Then, let them know that the
computer they hold in their hands is
more powerful than the one that sent
Man to the moon for the first time!
Teaching the Moon Landing
★ Getting into the nitty gritty of the Moon landing, it’s important to
demonstrate that human exploration has often come out of a great
need: For the European maritime explorers, it was about establishing
trade routes to the far east. During the 18th century, it was about
European powers expanding their empires and wealth.
★ The mission to the moon was also propelled by great need, and it
wasn’t just science - it was a race!
★ After WWII, the Soviet Union and the United States were no longer allies
and found themselves with opposing ideologies. The US was
capitalistic, and the Soviets were communist. And so, a struggle
between the superpowers for global supremacy began to take place,
and space was the setting.
★ But space is not hospitable to life - it’s cold, there’s no oxygen, and on
places like the moon, there’s no atmosphere and little gravity. So how
did they do it? What engineering problems needed to be solved to get
man there and back safely?
★ Importantly, how do you get a nation to back an ambition that will cost
billions and risk lives? This is where the leadership and powerful
speeches of US President JFK came in.
★ The Apollo 11 mission to the Moon is a wonderful example of many
subjects converging into one: There’s history, science, astronomy,
politics, famous figures, and of course edge-of-your-seat drama and
★ So turn over to the next page to see our selection of worksheet packs
you can use for teaching the Moon Landing.

Lesson Plan Template
Teacher: Subject: Lesson:

Title: Grade: Date:

Materials Needed: Objectives:

Previous knowledge required:

Lesson delivery & discussion

Activities & assessment:

Enrichment: Review:


Suggested Worksheets
Introduction: Science of space
★ The Moon ★ Astronomy
★ Space ★ Early astronomers
★ Space shuttle ★ Tycho Brahe
★ Galileo Galilei
History of humans in space ★ Christiaan Huygens
★ Astronauts ★ Nicolaus Copernicus
★ Space shuttle ★ Isaac Newton
★ The Space Race ★ Edwin Hubble
★ President JFK ★ Carl Sagan
★ Yuri Gagarin ★ International Space Station
★ Valentina Tereshkova
★ Vostok 1
★ Apollo 11
★ Apollo 13
★ Neil Armstrong
★ Buzz Aldrin
★ Dr Sally Ride
★ Story Musgrave
★ Gus Grissom

Further learning:
★ The universe
★ Galaxies
★ Supernova
★ Black Hole
★ UFOs
Copyright Notice
This resource is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

You are free to:

● Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or

● Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material

Under the following terms:

● Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to

the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in
any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the
licensor endorses you or your use.
● NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial

For more information on this license, visit the following link:

Thank you!
Thank you
Thank you so much for purchasing and downloading this resource.

We hope it has been useful for you in the classroom and that your
students enjoy the activities..

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- The Entire KidsKonnect Team :)

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