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Essentials of Human Behavior

Case Study Discussion Questions

Chapter 14

Case Study 14.1: David’s Coming Out Process

 What are the developmental challenges for sexual minority youth, as articulated in
David’s story?
 How do you think David will negotiate Erikson’s stage of identity development?
 What are the important considerations for a successful negotiation of these
adolescent developmental tasks for sexual minority youth?

Case Study 14.2: Carl’s Struggle for Identity
 Where does Carl’s label “underachiever” come from? How has it developed over
time and in context?
 How do peers define group labels? What are the social consequences?
 Change one demographic characteristic about this case. How do you think peer
group norms and subsequent labeling might change? Why?
Case Study 14.3: Monica’s Quest for Mastery
 Describe Monica’s achievements. How does she feel about them? How do others
feel about them?
 What are the driving influences on Monica’s achievements and her activity
 In what ways might Monica utilize her community of peers to improve her
achievement opportunities?

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