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Essentials of Human Behavior

Case Study Discussion Questions

Chapter 7

1. Assess the Sharpe family using the Family Stress and Coping Perspective (ABC-X
 What typical (normative) life stressors has the family experienced since Bobby
and Vivian married?
 What atypical (non-normative) stressors has the family experienced?
 Choose one of the non-normative stressors, and imagine how the family members
might have been reacting to this stressor during the disequilibrium period.
 According to the model, was the outcome of the family transition following the
stressor one of recovery, maladaptation, or bonadaptation?

2. Assess the Sharpe family using Walsh’s Resilience Perspective and the Family
Systems Perspective.
 Analyze how the family functions in these three key dimensions: belief system,
organization, and communication.
 Using a Family Systems Perspective and the Multi-Level Family Practice Model,
analyze how much the Sharpe family’s resilience depends upon the fact that they
still live in the community where Bobby and Vivian grew up.
 Would the family have been able to continue functioning as a “modified extended
family” if Bobby had remained in the army, and the nuclear family lived on a
military base?

3. Think about three major challenges to family life discussed in the text: family violence,
divorce, and substance abuse.
 Based on what you know about the multigenerational Sharpe family and
challenges during and after military deployment, discuss the extent to which the
Sharpe family is at risk for each of these challenges.
 In assessing risks, also consider what future stressors the family can anticipate,
given their stage of life.

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