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Cryst. Growth Des.

2003, 3, 111 111

The Symmetry System. Mirjan Zorz. Publisher is the in the Table of Contents (There is no index, a practice
author; printing at Studio Etc., Ljubljana, Croatia, 2002. I thought disappeared after the introduction of comput-
ISBN 961 236 224 6. ers to the printing industry, especially since there is
This book consists of 333 closely typed pages, and it software available that can create an index automati-
is illustrated by a large number of tables, drawings, and cally):
graphics. The latter are very attractive, carefully se- Introduction, Symmetry Aspects, Syn-epi Aspect,
lected, and very nicely rendered in color. Having said Orbital Polyhedrons, Structured Matter, Twinning,
that, it is my opinion that the task of reading this book Morphology of Single Crystals, Morphology of Twins,
is about as challenging as possible, if for no other reason Epitaxy, Orbital Polyhedrons of Large Mass (planets,
than the author introduces the subject by an unbeliev- stars, pulsars, galaxies, goglies), Elementary Orbital
able amount of nomenclature that continues throughout Polyhedrons (basic properties of ca. 30 elements),
the text. Orbital Polyhedrons of Sub-Atomic Particles, Symmetry
Because of this vast nomenclature, the reader who Cycle, Symmetry of Living Beings, Double Helix, Con-
expects to understand the text and tables that follow clusions, Acknowledgments, References.
the preliminaries best be prepared to make extensive The author acknowledges the help and/or collabora-
notes to remind himself (herself) of the meaning of all tion of a large number of colleagues and institutions.
that notation. Thus, only very interested and persistent References to the textual material are not numbered;
readers are likely to stick with the subject long enough instead they are in alphabetical order. There are about
to become accustomed to read, fluently, the material three hundred of them, many being original scientific
that constitutes the discussion of topics. papers, but many are monographs.
It is therefore clear that this book is not an appropri- A curious detail concerning this book is that the
ate text for students to read on their own and readily author thanks NASA for support.
learn the material. This is more of an advanced topics Ivan Bernal
book for graduate level or beyond. However, it is a very
valuable source of information, which may be very University of Houston
helpful for scientists to keep as a handy guide and
reminder of a spectacular number of subjects covered
in the text. Below, I list the main headings encountered 10.1021/cg020054f

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