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Taking hazard and risk analysis one step further

Version: 8.2
Date: March 2019
Reference to part of this report which may lead to misinterpretation is not permissible.

Date: March 2019

Prepared by: DNV GL – Digital Solutions

© DNV GL AS. All rights reserved

This publication or parts thereof may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
including copying or recording, without the prior written consent of DNV GL AS
Table of contents
1 NEW FEATURES APPLICABLE TO ALL PHAST USERS ............................................................ 1
1.1 Option to save the workspace automatically as you work ................................................................ 1
1.2 Choice of whether or not to perform status checks.......................................................................... 2
1.3 Additional options for working with graphs ...................................................................................... 2


2.1 Two-zone fire modelling for materials with smoky flames ............................................................... 4
2.2 Choice of whether or not to calculate results for Consequence Data View ..................................... 4
2.3 Clearer inputs for soil cover for long pipelines .................................................................................. 5
2.4 3D Consequence Results: a Beta feature for evaluation ................................................................... 6


EXTENSION ................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Additional options for modelling detonations .................................................................................. 9
3.2 Lower limit for impulse effect level reduced to 10 N.s/m2 ............................................................... 9

4 OTHER DIFFERENCES AND BUG FIXES............................................................................. 10

4.1 Fields for time-varying modelling reorganised in Storage Equipment dialogs ............................... 10
4.2 Bug Fixes .......................................................................................................................................... 10

5 ALERTS AND WORKAROUNDS......................................................................................... 12

| RELEASE NOTE | Phast version 8.2 Page i

The following features are applicable to users of Phast and Phast Lite, and to users with and without the
extensions for multi-component modelling and 3D explosion modelling

1.1 Option to save the workspace automatically as you work

The Preferences option in the File tab of the Ribbon Bar now
includes options for Auto-save, as shown.

If the Enabled box is checked, the program will check at

regular intervals if the current workspace has changed since
the last check, and if it has changed, then the program will
save the workspace to a file. The length of the intervals is
determined by Minutes between saves, which can be set
to between 1 and 120 minutes.

The auto-saved files do not overwrite the main workspace file (i.e. the file you opened or saved using
the File menu). They are stored separately in a temporary location underneath the user folder in
C:\Users\<username>\Autosave\<application>\<PID>, where PID is a numerical ID that is unique to a
particular work-session with a given workspace.

If your work-session with the workspace ends normally - i.e. with you closing the workspace or opening
a different workspace - then the auto-saved file for that session will be deleted automatically. However,
if the session does not end normally - i.e. if the program crashes or freezes - then the auto-saved file
will not be deleted.

Every time you start the program, it checks to see if any auto-saved files are
present. If it finds one, it displays a dialog as shown with information about
the file and options for handling the file:

• If you click on Yes, the program will open the auto-saved file as a new
workspace with no name or location defined, and you must use the
Save option to choose the location and name for saving the file, i.e.
you must choose whether or not to overwrite the main workspace file.

When you restore the workspace in this way, the program considers that you are starting a new
work-session rather than continuing the previous one, and it will delete the auto-saved file and
create a new autosave folder with a different PID number, and use this new folder for the auto-
saved files for the new work-session.

• If you click on No, the program will delete that auto-saved file without opening it, and will then
check to see if any additional auto-saved files are present. If it finds one, it will display a dialog
again, with the same options.

Auto-save is disabled during calculations and other operations that change the study data, such as an
Excel import. If an auto-save is in progress at the time you start calculations or import from Excel, the
auto-save operation will fail. The program will not give any message about the failure of the auto-save,
but will wait for the time set by Minutes between saves and then try the auto-save operation again.

If you save the workspace manually, using the File menu, any auto-saved file present at the time of the
save will be deleted. However, if you then make changes to the workspace, an auto-saved file will be
created with those changes. Even if auto-save is enabled, it is still good practice to perform regular
manual saves of the workpsace while you are making changes, in order to further reduce the risk of
losing work.

| RELEASE NOTE | Phast version 8.2 Page 1

1.2 Choice of whether or not to perform status checks
The Settings tab of the Ribbon Bar now
includes two toggle buttons that control
whether or not checks are performed for
Scenarios on the status of Data or Results,
in order to display the status in the Study

By default, the options to perform these checks are turned on, as shown in the illustration above, but the
checks can be very time-consuming with a large analysis, leading to long pauses after each change of
input values. You might prefer to turn off the checks while you are working on the input data for the
analysis, and then turn them back on when you are ready to run the calculations.

1.3 Additional options for working with graphs

There are several new options for working with graphs.

Option to export graphs to image files

The Ribbon Bar now includes an
Export tab as shown when a Graphs
View has focus (i.e. was the last View
you clicked in).

The Export Graphs… option in this tab will export all of the graph images in the current Graph View to
*.png image files. When you click on the option, a Browse for Folder dialog will appear, prompting you
for the location to create the *.png files. When you OK the dialog, a message will be written to the
Output View about the export of each graph.

Each file will be given a name of the form [Name of group]_[Name of graph].png, e.g.
Dispersion_Footprint.png for the Footprint graph in the Dispersion group.

Legend texts for a graph can be edited

The Edit Series Properties dialog lists all of the series (i.e. lines) in
the current Graph, and allows you to change the display style for
each series. You open the dialog by clicking on Series… in the
Configuration tab of the Ribbon Bar.

The title of each series in the list at the top of the dialog is used for
the text in the Graph legend, and you can now change the legend
text by editing the title directly in this list. In the illustration, the
text “Weather “ has just been added to the title for the second
series in the list.

| RELEASE NOTE | Phast version 8.2 Page 2

Option to define crosswind offset for Side View Dispersion Graph
In the previous version, the Side View Dispersion Graph always
showed the concentrations along the cloud centreline. This is still the
default setting, but the Edit Settings dialog for the Side View Graph
now inlcudes an Offset from Centerline field as shown that allows
you set the value for the crosswind offset.

To open the Edit Settings dialog, click on Edit Settings in the

Consequence tab of the Ribbon Bar.

| RELEASE NOTE | Phast version 8.2 Page 3


2.1 Two-zone fire modelling for materials with smoky flames

The Pool fire tab section of the Pool fire
parameters dialog now includes a
Two-zone pool fire model checkbox
option, as shown.

This option applies to pool fires of

materials that are classified as giving a
smoky flame, i.e. to materials for
which the Luminous/Smoky flame
flag is set to Smoky in the Materials

If the option is checked, the pool fire for such a material will be modelled with a luminous zone at the
base of the flame and a smoky zone above, with the relative emissive power and relative height of the
two zones depending on the size of the pool fire and on the value set for the Carbon hydrogen ratio in
the Materials data.

If the option is not checked, the pool fire will be modelled with a single zone, with an emissive power
that is between the values for the luminous and smoky zones.

Note: The Pool fire tab section in the dialog for a Standalone Pool Fire Scenario gives a choice between
using a built-in correlation to obtain the height and tilt-angle of the flame as a function of the diameter
and other variables, or specifying the height and angle directly. The two-zone pool fire modelling
requires the pool fire calculations to use the built-in correlation, so if the Two-zone pool fire model
option is selected, the calculations for a Standalone Pool Fire of a material with a smoky flame will use
the correlation to obtain the flame length and angle, even if Calculate flame length and angle? is set
to No in the Pool Fire Scenario dialog. In this situation, a warning message will be written to the Output
View during the calculations stating that the flame length and angle must be calculated for a two-zone
pool fire with a smoky flame.

2.2 Choice of whether or not to calculate results for

Consequence Data View
The Consequence Data View presents consequence effect distances for storage Scenarios and standalone
fire and explosion Scenarios in the form of a Grid View which allows easy comparison of results between
Scenarios and Weathers, and also allows the data to be exported to an Excel file.

In previous versions, the consequence calculations

always calculated the results for this View, but they will
now only be produced if Enable consequence data
export is checked in the Reports and graphs tab of the
dialog for the workspace node at the top of the Study

By default the option is turned off, as shown in the


| RELEASE NOTE | Phast version 8.2 Page 4

2.3 Clearer inputs for soil cover for long pipelines
In the previous version, the fields in Long pipe tab of the Long pipeline dialog that described the default
soil cover conditions for the pipeline were in a section called Crater modelling at the bottom of the
dialog. The section has been renamed Pipeline surrounding characteristics and is now before the
Variations from default section, as shown below.

In addition, the Is the pipeline buried? checkbox field in the section has been replaced by a Pipeline
surrounding field with the options Buried and Above ground. This change has made the set of input
fields for the default pipeline surroundings consistent with the Section surrounding column in the table
in Variations from default section, which is the same as in the previous version, giving a choice
between Buried and Above ground.

There has also been a change for the

Accident type field in the Scenario
tab for the Long pipeline Breach
Scenarios. In the previous version,
this field was enabled only if Is the
pipeline buried? was checked in the
Long pipeline dialog. The field is now
always enabled, and the name has
been changed to Accident type for
buried sections to make it clearer
that the setting will be used for any
buried sections.

| RELEASE NOTE | Phast version 8.2 Page 5

2.4 3D Consequence Results: a Beta feature for evaluation
The program includes a 3D Results Viewer that can currently display two types of 3D consequence

• •Cloud concentration dispersion results for a Storage Scenario

• •Radiation intensity results that can

take into account the effect of
radiation shielding from obstructions
in the surroundings, as shown in the

These radiation results are available

for a Standalone Jet Fire or
Standalone Pool Fire that has
radiation contours selected for

The stages in enabling and using this

feature are described briefly below. For full
details of the feature, click on “3D consequence modelling” in the Contents tab of the online Help.

Selecting the type of 3D results to model

You use the Preview features (Beta)
tab in the dialog for the workspace
node at the top of the Study Tree to
select the type of 3D modelling you
want to perform.

By default, both types of 3D modelling

are deselected (i.e. turned off).

Note: The 3D calculations can be slow, depending on the grid size and resolution set in the Parameters
(described below). To improve the speed of the 3D calculations, you should normally run your Scenario
with the 3D modelling turned off, and then use the Graphs to assess the size of the region of interest
and choose an appropriate resolution for results in this region. You can then turn on the appropriate type
of 3D modelling and follow the steps described below.

Optional: defining obstructions for radiation shielding

The Map tab of the
Study Tree contains
a Radiation shielding
set (Beta) folder. If
the Radiation
shielding modelling
option is selected in
the workspace
dialog, you will be
able to insert a
Radiation shielding
object node under this folder and edit the node to define a list of cuboid or cylindrical obstruction objects
as shown that will giving shielding from radiation.

| RELEASE NOTE | Phast version 8.2 Page 6

You can define any number of obstructions in the list, and any combination of cuboid and cylindrical

You do not have to define obstructions. If the Radiation shielding modelling option is selected but no
obstructions are defined, the calculations will perform 3D radiation modelling without the effect of any

Setting the grid sizing for the calculations

Each Parameter set in the Parameters tab of the Study Tree contains a 3D viewer parameters (Beta)
node. If either the 3D dispersion or the Radiation shielding modelling option is selected in the
workspace dialog, the dialog for the parameters node will contain a tab section that allows you to set the
grid sizing for the selected type of 3D calculations.

The program is supplied with default values for the grid parameters, but if the total size of the grid is
small compared with the effect distances for a given Scenario, then the 3D Results will not show the full
extent of the effects, i.e. the effects will be truncated.

The grid step size, the range of view times, and the number of steps can have a significant effect on run
times. A smaller step size or larger number of steps will result in longer run times, and you should aim to
set the largest step size and smallest number of steps that meet the objective of your analysis, i.e.
giving the appropriate resolution over the region of interest.

Optional: importing 3D geometry for the surroundings

If you have 3D geometry files for the surroundings, you can import this data into the program and it will
be displayed with the 3D consequence results, allowing you to see directly how the size and shape of the
3D effect zones relate to the surrounding objects. In the illustration on the previous page, there is 3D
geometry data for a process plant to the west and a residential area to the east, with two obstruction
objects between them.

Note: The shape data for imported 3D geometry is not used in the 3D consequence calculations in any
way, i.e. none of the objects will be modelled as obstructions for the radiation shielding calculations.

To import the data, click on the CAD option in the Data tab of the Ribbon Bar. A dialog will open, and
you browse to select the 3D geometry file. The formats currently supported for import are *.dgn,
*.rvm, *.obj and *.mcr. When you have selected the file, click on OK to proceed with the import.

To view the shape data after the import, you can use the Geometry (Beta) View which displays the
shapes for all nodes under the 3D Viewer Set; this includes any 3D geometry data you have imported or
linked directly, and any obstruction shapes defined for radiation shielding. If the Geometry (Beta) View is
not currently visible, you can open it by selecting Geometry (Beta) from the Views list in the View tab of
the Ribbon Bar.

Running the calculations and viewing the results

If either the 3D dispersion or Radiation shielding is selected in the workspace dialog, the right-click menu
for a node in the Models tab of the Study Tree will include a 3D Results (Beta)... option. The option will
be enabled if the current node covers any Storage Scenarios, Standalone Jet Fire or Standalone Pool Fire
Scenarios with 3D results present.

When you select the option, a Results selection dialog will open, listing all of the Scenarios with 3D
results. Once you have selected the Scenarios, you can either click on Next to select from the list of
Weathers, or you can click on Finish to open the 3D Results Viewer.

| RELEASE NOTE | Phast version 8.2 Page 7

Working with the 3D Results Viewer
The dispersion and
radiation results are
displayed in a pane in
the Document View
area of the program
window, as shown.

Note: The 3D modelling

is currently performed
for the west wind
direction only, i.e. for
a wind blowing towards
the east. The 3D
Results Viewer will
always show results for
this wind direction, and
there is no option
available for changing
the direction used in the
calculations or displayed in the Results Viewer.

The pane can show two types of results for a Scenario:

• •An iso-surface that shows the shape of the effect zone for a single concentration or radiation
level. In the illustration, the iso-surface is the shape at the bottom, with the contours of the
surface shown by a "mesh" of black contour lines. The radiation level for the surface is shown in
the Ribbon Bar rather than in the Display Area. For the illustration, the value is 72.5 kW/m2.

• •An iso-contour plot that shows the contours for a range of concentration or radiation levels
projected onto a plane. In the illustration, the contours are shown on an east-west vertical plane
at 0 m north, i.e. along the central axis of the jet fire. This iso-contour plot shows clearly the
effects of the shielding provided by the wall.

When the Viewer first opens, the pane will be displaying the iso-surface for a representative effect level;
for radiation shielding results, the representative level will be 50% of the maximum radiation level, and
for dispersion results, it will be the minimum concentration of interest.

The pane will not initially

display any iso-contour plot,
and you must click on the
Properties option in the
Consequence tab of the
Ribbon Bar to open the
Properties dialog as shown
and select the type of iso-
contour plot you want to

When you change settings in the Properties dialog, including dragging the slider that sets the location of
the contour plane, you will see the effect immediately and dynamically in the display pane, i.e. you do
not have to OK the Properties dialog in order to see the effect of changes to the Properties settings.

| RELEASE NOTE | Phast version 8.2 Page 8


3.1 Additional options for modelling detonations

In the BST and ME (3D options) tab of the Explosion parameters dialog, the Model option field now has
two options for detonation as shown below.

In the previous version there was a single detonation option called Detonation. The Detonation VBR
option is the equivalent of this previous option.

If Model option is set to Detonation VBR, then the explosion of a vapour cloud will be modelled as a
detonation if the volume blockage ratio (VBR) of the obstructed region is greater than the value set for
Critical VBR for detonation, and if it is set to Detonation flame speed, the explosion will be modelled
as a detonation if the flame speed is greater than the value set for Flame speed for detonation (Mach

A detonation is modelled using entire flammable mass in the cloud, and the strongest explosion strength,
i.e. with a confined strength of 10 for a Multi-Energy region, or with a Mach Number of 5.2 for a Baker-
Strehlow-Tang region.

If Model option is set to Normal explosion, then detonation will not be modelled, even if the volume
blockage ratio of the obstructed region is greater than the Critical VBR for detonation or the flame
speed is greater than the Flame speed for detonation.

3.2 Lower limit for impulse effect level reduced to 10 N.s/m 2

In previous versions, a value of 50 N.s/m 2 was set as the lower limit for the Impulse level field in the
dialog for an Impulse effect level node in the Risk tab of the Study Tree. This lower limit has been
reduced to 10 N.s/m2, with a warning range defined for values less than 50 N.s/m 2 (i.e. a warning icon
will be displayed for the field if the value is in this range).

| RELEASE NOTE | Phast version 8.2 Page 9


4.1 Fields for time-varying modelling reorganised in Storage

Equipment dialogs
In the Storage Equipment
dialogs, the Dimensions
fields have been moved from
the Time varying releases
tab to a new Vessel tab, as

4.2 Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been fixed in v8.2:

1 49744 Scenarios for a Long pipeline without valves will give calculation errors about
incomplete input data if you had previously defined valves but left the input data for
the valves incomplete

Description If you set the Number of valves to greater than zero in the Long pipe tab of the
dialog for a Long pipeline, leave the input data for all of the valves incomplete, and
then set the Number of valves to zero, the Scenarios for the Long pipeline will
give calculation errors about the data being incomplete.

In this situation you should set Number of valves to 1 or more, complete the
input data for all of the rows in the table of valves, and then set Number of
valves back to zero. The calculations will then run successfully, and will not model
the effect of any valves.

2 51361 Scalloping in Max Footprint graph, depending on grid spacing

Description In some situations, the Max Footprint Dispersion Graph may show “scalloping”, i.e. a
“rippling” effect along the shape of the contours. The appearance of this effect
depends on the settings for the Concentration grid definition fields in the Dispersion
Parameters, and is most likely to happen when grid resolution is high.

| RELEASE NOTE | Phast version 8.2 Page 10

3 63242 Incorrect modelling of upstream pressure for Short pipe Scenario with a fixed flow rate
defined and non-zero liquid head
Description For a Short pipe Scenario with a pump flow controller with a fixed flow rate defined,
the consequence calculations determine the upstream pressure that would give the
specified value for the fixed flow rate, and this pressure is used in the discharge
calculations instead of the pressure specified in the Material tab for the Equipment

In previous versions, the program added the value for the liquid head to the
calculated upstream pressure, and used this increased value in the discharge
calculations, which gave flow rate values that were higher than the specified fixed
flow rate. This has been fixed, and the liquid head is now never included in the
calculations in this situation.

4 64802 Some 3D Effects calculations not being performed in first run of an upgraded
Description For a freshly upgraded workspace with effect levels for 3D effects modelling defined
in the Effects tab of the Study Tree, the first run of the calculations after upgrading
would not run all effect levels for all Scenarios. If you cleared the results after this
first run and then reran the calculations, you would see an increase in the effect
distances, as the contours would include effects from Scenarios that had been
omitted in the first run.

This problem affected upgraded workspaces only, not newly created workspaces,
and it has been fixed in this version.

5 65602 Order of adding components to mixture affects mixture properties

Description The property values calculated for a mixture in the Properties tab of the Mixture
dialog could depend on the order of the components in the Components tab of the
dialog. This has been fixed

6 D-13398 In some situations, changing the height of interest for dispersion graphs could cause
toxic graphs to be regenerated

Description If a Graph View had no results for the Toxic Footprint Graphs at the height of
interest set in the General Parameters, and you used the Edit Settings dialog for
the Graph View, both the dispersion graphs and the toxic graphs would be
regenerated, although the Height of Interest in the Context Panel would still show
the value set in the parameters. This behaviour was incorrect, as changing the
height of interest in the Edit Settings dialog should only affect dispersion graphs,
and toxic graphs should always display results at the height set in the parameters.
This has been fixed.

| RELEASE NOTE | Phast version 8.2 Page 11

There are some known bugs that have not been fixed in v8, and some aspects of the program that may
give behaviour that you do not expect, e.g. because of minor enhancements or minor changes in the
modelling that may produce slight differences in the results.

1 47066, Time-varying discharge calculations may fail for a mixture


Description The discharge calculations may fail for a time-varying Scenario if the material is a
mixture, especially if the conditions are near the critical point.

The time-varying calculations are more likely to run successfully if you simplify the
mixture, e.g. to two components that have similar properties. If the calculations
still fail with the simplified mixture, you should perform the time-varying
calculations using a single pure component.

Non-time-varying calculations with the Leak or Short pipe Scenarios may run
successfully for the mixture, especially if you have a licence for the multi-
component modelling and select the multi-component option for the Equipment
item. With the initial release rate from these calculations and with time-varying
results for a simplified mixture or single component, you could make an estimate of
the time-varying behaviour and define this in a User-defined source Scenario.

2 47089 The Normal boiling point can be edited for a mixture that is using the Phast64
property method template, and this will give inconsistencies in the modelling

Description If you set the template for a mixture to Phast64 and click on Calculate, the Normal
boiling point will be one of the fields in the list of properties that is enabled and
editable. However, if you change the value, you will find that inconsistencies occur
for Equipment items that have the mixture selected, both in the calculations of
phase and limits in the Materials tab, and in the consequence calculations for

If you have edited the normal boiling point for any mixture, you should reset it to
the calculated value by editing the mixture and clicking on Calculate.

3 47108 Time-varying short pipe Scenarios can take a long time to run or give oscillations in
the discharge results

Description Some Time-varying short pipe Scenarios experience problems with numerical
convergence which can give long run times and oscillations in the discharge
conditions. Pressurized liquid Scenarios are those most likely to experience these

Editing the Material and setting the Property method template to SRK-
IdealFugacity may improve the performance for such Scenarios.

| RELEASE NOTE | Phast version 8.2 Page 12

4 47138 The headers in the Grid View might not show the correct units after a change to the
selection of units

Description If you have data displayed in the Grid View, and you open the Units of Measure
dialog and make a change to the selection of units (e.g. from feet to metres), you
will find when you return to the Grid View that the values displayed in the Grid
have been converted to the new units (e.g. they are the correct values in metres) ,
but you may find that the units stated in the header are still the previous units
(e.g. “ft” rather than “m”).

If you change the selection for the Grid Filter and then change back, the units
should be updated in the headers.

5 47242 Upgraded standalone pool vaporization Models from v6 not included in any Model

Description If you upgrade a v6.54 or v6.7 file that includes a standalone Pool Vaporization
Model, the Model will be upgraded as a Spill Scenario under an AST Equipment item,
but it will be removed from the Model Selection which means that it will not be
included when you run the calculations, no matter which Run Row is selected.

The upgrade is handled in this way because the standalone Pool Vaporization Model
can not be used in the risk calculations, but the Spill Scenario can. The Spill
Scenario will be incomplete on upgrade because there is no event frequency
specified, and it is removed from the Model Selection so that it does not cause
problems with the risk calculations.

You should decide whether or not you want to include the Scenario in the risk
calculations. If you decide not to include it but you do want to be able to run the
consequence calculations for it, you should create a separate Model Selection and
Run Row for it, and only run the consequences calculations for that Run Row.

6 49542 Reports flagged out of date when you change the averaging time for the graph

Description If you have both Reports and Graphs open for a Scenario, and you use the Edit
Settings dialog for the Graphs to change the selection of averaging time, you will
find that the Reports are shown as being out of date, even though the change to the
averaging time is only relevant to the Graphs.

7 49599 Jet Fire Contour graph for a standalone Jet Fire Scenario shown as out of date after
checking option to Show Flame Shape

Description If the option to plot side view contours is selected for a standalone Jet Fire
Scenario, the option to Show Flame Shape will be enabled in the Consequence
tab of the Ribbon Bar when the Jet Fire Contour Graph is selected. If you check this
option, the Graphs will be shown incorrectly as being out of date.

| RELEASE NOTE | Phast version 8.2 Page 13

8 51043 Results for a User-defined Source Scenario are not cleared on changing the input data

Description If you run the calculations for a User-defined Source Scenario and then change the
input data for the Scenario, the results will not be cleared and the Scenario will be
shown with a green tick in the Study Tree, showing that it has results that the
program regards as up to date. To be able to rerun the calculations for the Scenario
with the changed input data, you must right-click on the Scenario and select Clear

9 68469 Dispersion results for vertical releases

Description The dispersion calculations for vertical releases can be problematic, particularly
when determining downwind concentrations. The algorithms are based on tangents
to the centreline, and therefore vertical or near vertical clouds can run into
difficulties that require special handling. In some cases it has become apparent that
this can lead to concentration predictions that are generally over-conservative. In
most cases these problems can be solved by reducing the release angle so it is just
off vertical, e.g. to 85 degrees from the horizontal.

10 D-12431 A User-defined Source Scenario generated from a Scenario with multi-rate time-
varying discharge results will give Jet Fire results that are different from those for the
original Scenario

Description The right-click menu for a source Scenario that has results present will include the
option to generate a User-defined Source Scenario. The discharge results for the
selected Scenario will be used as the definition of the release observers for the
User-defined Source Scenario.

If the original Scenario is a Time-varying leak Scenario, a Time-varying short pipe

Scenario or a Location specific breach Scenario, and the Method for calculating
average rate is set to Up to 10 rates in the Time varying releases tab section,
then if you compare the results between the original Scenario and the generated
User-defined Source Scenario, you will find that the results for dispersion, toxic
results and delayed flammable effects are identical, but that the jet fire results are
different. For the original Scenario, the jet fire calculations use discharge conditions
based on the full, detailed discharge results, whereas for the generated User-
defined Source Scenario, the calculations use discharge conditions based on the list
of release observers in the Scenario tab section. These discharge conditions can be
quite different between the two Scenarios, giving different jet fire results, especially
if the release rate changes rapidly at the start of the release. Typically, the
calculations for the User-defined Source will use a higher discharge rate and give a
larger jet fire with greater effect distances.

When you generate a User-defined Source Scenario from a Scenario that has
Method for calculating average rate set to Up to 10 rates, a warning message
about the differences in jet fire results will be written to the Output View.

| RELEASE NOTE | Phast version 8.2 Page 14

11 D-13218 For very low values of the Concentration of Interest, the Summary Report may give
values for the distance to the concentration even though it was not reaches

Description If the value set for the Concentration of Interest is 1 ppm or lower, then the
Summary Report may give values for the distance to reach this concentration, even
though this concentration was not in fact exceeded during the dispersion. The
program will report a distance to a concentration if the concentrations are within
either 1 ppm or 1% of the target value, whichever is smaller, and this can give
misleading results if the target value itself is of the order of 1 ppm.

| RELEASE NOTE | Phast version 8.2 Page 15

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energy industries. We also provide certification services to customers across a wide range of industries.
Operating in more than 100 countries, our 16,000 professionals are dedicated to helping our customers
make the world safer, smarter and greener.

DNV GL is the world-leading provider of software for a safer, smarter and greener future in the energy,
process and maritime industries. Our solutions support a variety of business critical activities including
design and engineering, risk assessment, asset integrity and optimization, QHSE, and ship management.
Our worldwide presence facilitates a strong customer focus and efficient sharing of industry best practice
and standards.

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