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An Assessment of The

Proposed Academy of
Marketing Science Code of
Ethics for Marketing Educators O. C. Ferrell

ABSTRACT. The development of a professional at colleges and universities throughout the world.
code of ethics should provide an explanation of the The discussion document describes the process
professional values and principals that guide a body of of development and the outcome, including
persons engaged in an important role in society. Most concerns about social responsibility and ethical
professions find ethical standards of conduct are prescriptions for behavior. The development of
necessary to codify acceptable behavior to develop
an agreement on the social responsibilities of
public trust, reliability, and consistency in their per-
formance. The proposed AMS Code of Ethics for
marketing educators is challenging and requires
Marketing Educators is the first step in developing the viewpoints of many interested parties. The
communication, debate, and hopefully, agreement purpose of this paper is to first examine the role
about the social responsibility of the marekting dis- of codes of ethics in professional development,
cipline. It is important to note that the AMS code then to assess the code of ethics that has been
was not developed to punish wrongdoers but to developed on behalf of the AMS Board of
provide a positive guide to help marketing educators Governors for marketing educators.
understand how their actions may be viewed by
society. It is an attempt to establish standards that are
collectively viewed as important to the marketing The establishment of a professional code
education profession. of ethics

Professions that require extensive education,

An assessment should try to judge the value or including a body of persons engaged in an
character of a work product. The purpose of this important role in society, should have standards
paper is to evaluate a discussion document that of conduct. The process of becoming a profes-
provides a code of ethics for marketing educators sional involves learning how to perform activi-
ties or a function important to society. Therefore,
professionals are differentiated from others in the
O. C. Ferrell is a Distinguished Professor of Marketing workplace because of their competency and
and Business Ethics at The University of Memphis. He obligations to respect public trust. The academic
has published over 25 articles on business ethis topics marketing profession qualifies as an important
and is the co-author of Integrity Management: A profession engaged in teaching, research and
Guide to Managing Legal and Ethical Issues in the
service that benefits society. Without their own
Workplace, Business Ethics: Text and Cases, and In
Pursuit of Ethics: Tough Choices in the World of
code of ethics, marketing educators cannot attain
Work. Dr. Ferrell chaired the committee that developed standardization of professional behavior that
the American Marketing Association Code of Ethics, as provides competency in ethical performance for
well as the American Marketing Association Code of members of the profession and its various con-
Ethics for the Internet. He has served as an expert stituencies. Marketing educators need directions
witness in business ethics related litigation. in ethical decision making because one’s personal

Journal of Business Ethics 19: 225–228, 1999.

© 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
226 O. C. Ferrell

moral philosophy is only one factor that influ- tion will give everyone a better understanding
ences complex decisions about potential ethical of why it is important to make ethical standards
and legal situations in higher education. the norm in order to buffer legal issues. For
Because marketing professionals come from example, issues related to sexual harassment and
different cultures and backgrounds and have dif- conflict of interest can both lead to offenses that
ferent moral philosophies, they are likely to have have legal ramifications. The code should explain
difficulty determining what behavior is profes- why “ethical” behavior that exceeds the
sionally acceptable without uniform policies and minimum legal requirement in these areas is
standards. Codes of conduct are formal state- important and necessary to professional success.
ments of what behaviors are acceptable or The professional should always be given discre-
improper. While individuals can accept, reject or tion to interpret situations and remain flexible
modify the codes for their situation, codes in the implementation of specific directions in
provide general guidelines that can assist decision codes. Often the policies of an organization
making. Professions such as law, medicine, engi- and/or the legal constraints of the local, state or
neering and accounting have found it necessary national level may require adjustment of a code
to codify acceptable behavior to develop public requirement.
trust, reliability and consistency in services. Many critics of professional codes of ethics
A professional code of ethics must address confuse personal morals and professional ethics.
specific high-risk activities within the scope of For example, our parents’ lectures on fairness did
daily operations of the professionals’ work or not include an instruction on how to comply
activities. The development of a code of ethics with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Many
should involve the profession’s most respected professional ethical decisions are close calls. It
leaders and should provide opportunities from often takes years of experience or training to
input from all levels. Developing a code of ethics know what is acceptable in an organizational
without a widespread “buy-in” for the standards environment. The teaching of general virtues
will result in failure. Usually it is important to such as truthfulness, honesty and the avoidance
involve the services of legal counsel to insure the of harm are so general that they lend themselves
code has correctly assessed key areas of risk and to various interpretations. While these abstract
that potential legal problems are buffered by stan- virtues may be assumed as providing self-evident
dards in the code. In addition, the code should guidance for marketing professionals, cultural
not restrict personal freedoms or the right of self- diversity and different perceptions of right and
expression protected by laws. wrong will create ethical conflict. By establishing
The most important role of a code is to professional codes of ethics, it is possible to
explain the underlying professional values and improve ethical decision-making by identifying
principles. These values should define the culture ethical issues and recognizing the approaches
that professionals must establish in their organi- available to resolve them. Diversity in thought
zations and the overall tone for organizational and personal values must be respected, but a col-
decisions. Although values may sometimes sound lective agreement on professional standards of
esoteric, they are usually derived from standard acceptable behaviors is as vital as other aspects
accepted practice as well as the vision and aspi- of being a professional. Many marketing educa-
rations important for guiding and implementing tors have faced civil litigation involving their
specific behaviors. These values should be employer or students because of conflict over
explained in the code with examples of how basic principles of right or wrong in a specific
professionals can implement the vision. situation. The proposed AMS Code of Ethics for
Ideally, a code of ethics should educate pro- Marketing Educators will now be assessed more
fessionals so that they understand that ethics and specifically to evaluate its contribution to stan-
the law follow a continuum, and that the law is dardizing ethical responsibilities.
predicated upon standards and expectations of
society, and not vice versa. Making this distinc-
An Assessment 227

An evaluation of the proposed AMS Code senior marketing scholars and marketing scholars
of Ethics for marketing educators who are specialists in ethics helped focus the code
so that it is relevant, credible and concise. While
The most respected members of the professional the code provides a blueprint for acceptable
should provide leadership in establishing a code behavior, it recognizes the impossible task of
of ethics that provides for the social responsibility solving every ethical dilemma. The code
of the profession. The two most respected pro- addresses the most common concerns that a
fessional associations for marketing educators are professional will face in a variety of situations,
the American Marketing Association and the from internal organizational practices to social
Academy of Marketing Science. The American responsibilities to the public. The code confronts
Marketing Association has a Code of Ethics for specific high-risk activities within the scope of
Marketing Practitioners and a Code of Ethics for daily operations that can result in unethical
Marketing on the Internet. While the American behavior and misconduct that could create legal
Association of University Professors (AAUP) ramifications.
provides general ethical guidance for academics,
it does not include marketing educators serving
as business consultants or issues related to mar- The potential usefulness of the AMS
keting research that bridge academe with Code of Ethics for marketing educators
industry. A strong case can be made that the
Academy of Marketing Science is a leading pro- The AMS Code of Ethics cannot be based on
fessional organization for marketing educators specific philosophical frameworks or moral
that is uniquely suited to constructed a profes- philosophies. It could be based on best practices
sional code of ethics. and the results of surveys that identify accept-
There has been a logical development of the able conduct. In other words, professional code
code that provides a solid foundation for its development should reflect acceptable practice
continuous improvement. First, principal uses, and not attempt to reinvent ethical behavior. The
purposes and stakeholders of the code were code should be dynamic and reflect change in
identified. Marketing educators, their universities values and societal concerns. My assessment of
and the various constituencies including students, the code indicates that these basic procedures of
businesses and society at large have been consid- code development have been followed in most
ered. The identification of ethical “themes” and cases, and that the current code reflects a sys-
higher order constructs as a direct function of the tematic and thoughtful approach to development
feedback provided by AMS members and from a code of ethics. The development of the code
inspecting code of ethics documents of other has been enhanced by the work of a number of
professional and academic associations was used academics who have conducted empirical
to capture obligations of marketing educators in research to determine perceived ethical issues in
relation to key stakeholders. marketing education. The use of other associa-
The development of a “statement of core tions’ professional ethics standards in the
values” provides a summary statement of the academic area helped refine the issues and put
entire code of ethics that reflects duties as ethical them in a format that standardizes responsibili-
responsibilities from the vantage point of the ties in a teaching, research, service and adminis-
marketing faculty. Areas of concern were iden- tration environment. One of the most important
tified such as conflict of interest, intellectual outcomes of this exercise is the potential to
honesty, professionalism and objectivity. It also sensitize current and would-be marketing edu-
included institutional structures and policies cators to proper ethical conduct in academe and
related to mentoring and volunteerism benefit- enable them to facilitate recognition of ethical
ting the collective and academic freedom and improprieties. I have conducted research that has
tenure. shown the existence and enforcement of codes
Feedback provided from board members, of ethics were associated with high levels of
228 O. C. Ferrell

ethical behavior. Today, more than 80% of large makes assumptions that all educational institu-
companies have codes of conduct and over one- tions have the same mission. I believe the distri-
third of major U.S. companies have a full-time bution of the current document among
ethics officer, and these numbers are increasing marketing educating educators and doctoral
daily. All professionals are facing scrutiny in the students will encourage debate and discussion
media, law suits, consumer complaints and that will provide improvement. More, special
general distrust and dissatisfaction. As stated sessions and workshops at national and regional
earlier, a code of ethics is a distinguishing factor conferences will benefit the continuous devel-
of professionals and knowing one’s ethical opment. Because there may be personal value
responsibilities will enable that individual to exert judgments in some of the examples, i.e. con-
appropriate restraint and pursue commonly sulting, the current code may need to become
accepted goals in the exercise of professional more general to apply in diverse educational
activities in terms of teaching, research, service cultures.
and administration. To this end the AMS Code A final note of caution concerning the devel-
of Ethics will provide direction, support and opment of a professional code of ethics for
defense of appropriate conduct. marketing educators. Because many individuals
The level of detail and specific examples asso- fear that a code of ethics will become a template
ciated with this code of ethics will provide the to overly scrutinize the actions of others, they
opportunity for marketing educators to address reject the idea of a code that addresses specific
ethical conflict and possibly solve ethical issues. If the code is used for continuous self-
problems. It will also create debate, discussion improvement and to resolve ethical debates and
and complaints that the specifics do not apply to conflicts, it will serve a worthwhile purpose. If
certain situations. The code should never be the code is used to narrowly interpret and
viewed as rules that must be applied in every critique other people’s actions for political
situation. Many marketing educators make ethical purpose, it would be a major misuse of the pro-
mistakes because they fail to understand how fessional development process. It is always diffi-
their actions will be viewed by administrators, cult to get professional members to “buy in” or
peers and students. The code was not developed accept a code for these reasons. The most suc-
to enforce and punish wrongdoers but to guide cessful code development occurs when commit-
and direct decision makers. Marketing professors tees are empowered to develop codes and the
gain significant power over others and a great board of directors provides approval. The Code
deal of discretion in their time and daily activi- of Conduct document provided by the Academy
ties. If this power is used appropriately, it provides of Marketing Science has been designed for indi-
an important benefit to society and property viduals in their own personal development, not
educates students to the betterment of our as rules to be enforced in an organizational
society. We should reach agreement that mar- context. Educational institutions and the legal
keting educators have ethical obligations to our system will establish the final enforceable policy
students, our colleagues, our universities, and to requirements. If marketing educators are truly
business and society. We need to continually committed to professionalism, they will debate
evaluate the standards that we collectively view and discuss this document to improve the social
as important to our profession. The AMS responsibility of the marketing discipline.
proposed Code of Ethics should be subjected to
further discussion and debate, but it appears to Fogelmon College of Business and Economics,
be a document that with continuous improve- The University of Memphis,
ment can aid marketing educators’ profession- Memphis, Tennesse 38152,
alism. In some cases it may be too specific or U.S.A.

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