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indicator. The focus time can be beneficial, but the lack of accountability
and team camaraderie is not. Being someone who has spent decades in
the enthusiasm of a live trading room, complete with both shared cursing
and celebrations, I can say that camaraderie is real, and it’s an asset. The
value of camaraderie explains the proliferation of virtual trading rooms
over the past few years, and my drive to have created one of the first.

3. No plan for success or goals

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to jump into a trade that is outside of
your trading plan? A plan encourages self-discipline and accountability. A
good plan includes the following features.
● Capital allocated to trading
● Defined risk reward
● Time frame for holding trades
● Working hours
● Parameters around paper vs. real trading
● Structured time for accounting and review
● Tested model or system

Start with a plan and stick to it. Review it often and adapt it as you learn
and improve.

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