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Critical commentary

Name: Jean Nicolas Sanchez Mojica

Science progress and Social Justice

The origins of Natural Philosophy

The natural philosophy of ancient Greece was an early scientific method?

According to my lecture, the great achievement of natural philosophy was very useful to
persons who wanted to know more of the world, also they wanted to know why the world is
way it is. The greeks used some kind of “primitive” observational skills, why I say
primitive? Is because today the observation skills are very advanced and can be used in
(almost) any kind of research.
In modern day we use the scientific method making some steps like hypothesize,
experiment, question, conclusion and observe. There is a major diference if we compare the
investigation methods between ancients greeks and modern society. The people in the
classical antiquity was a population with hight rates of deaths by nature, they needed an
urgent way to stop that, for example, making strong constructions to block the floodings.
Also they had a problem, the mentality of perfection. In the researches the explorers
sometimes had a prejudices like “the earth is the center of the universe” and “the earth orbit
is perfect”. Despite I have, there is some similar characteristics to modern researching like
the incredible capacity (in that epoch) at recognize the true shape to understand how things
work and the elaboration of skillful questions.

Bibliography: Ede, A., Cormack, L. B. (2017). A history of science in society, from

philosophy to utility (Tercera edicion). University of Toronto Press.

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