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● Players Rights
● Owners Rights
● Commissioner Rights
● Owners & Players

Section 1 Players Rights

1. All players have the right to games played and a fair competitive

2. All players must abide by the rules of the rule book and in the Players &
Owners agreement

3. All players have the right to ask for a trade at any time in the season
before the trade deadline (WEEK 6)

4. All players are allowed 1 main position that can include Any Forward
position,Any Defensive position, and Goalie
1. All players are asked for a secondary position that they are also
allowed to play
5. All Players are to be granted 1 game a week at minimum
1. All players are allowed a MAX game limit of 4 a week

6. All players are to be active with their team in any given sense this
includes: Practice, Games and Post season Tourneys

Section 2 Owners Rights

1. All owners have the right to a fair season and a VOTE in the C.B.A
2. Owners have the right to deny a trade from any other owner asking to
trade for a player on there roster

3. Owners have the rights to there respective team Name with

permission from the league

4. Owners will be punished for not abiding by the rules and rights of this

Section 3 commissioner Rights

1. Head Commissioners will have the deciding vote in all tie voted
2. No commissioner shall abuse any power given to them through
Discord, Google Sheets, or The website.
2.1. If at any given time any abuse of power is brought to the
commissioners then they will be subject to Section 1 article 1.1 in
the MLHA Rule Book

3. All commissioners are to held to the highest of standards in all chats

and areas of work

Section 4 Owners & Players

I (Your name) As a player agree that at all times i will abide by the rules
and code of conduct in the MLHA.


I (Your Name) agree that everything in this agreement is what I have

wanted out of the MLHAPA.

I (Your Name) agree that i will respect every decision the league and the
MLHAPA agree to as i am an active Player in the MLHA


I (Your Name) agree as an OWNER to abide by the rules of the MLHA and
any agreement in this contract


I (Your Name) agree that i have read and understand the rules and
guidelines to be an Owner

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