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I had a wonderful holiday last year. My family and I went to West Sumatra
and visited several famous places there. None of us had ever been there

Record of events
We went there by airplane. The journey from Jakarta to Padang took
almost two hours. We arrived in Padang about 3 PM and checked in at a hotel
by the beach. The trip was very exhausting, so we decided to relax for the
rest of the day.

The next morning, we had breakfast in the coffee shop of the hotel. Right
after breakfast, we were all set to go to the bay of Bungus. It is well-
known for its white sandy beaches. We had a great time fooling around on
the beach. We rented a motorboat and went boating for about half an hour.
At 1 PM, we had lunch. We all enjoyed the food. We left Bungus around 2 PM
and went back to the hotel. We were told that we could see the sunset from
our hotel room. Yes, we could see the stunning view ourselves when the sun
was disappearing below the horizon.

On the third day, we all set out for Bukittinggi, where we checked out the
famous Jam Cadang. We didn't spend too much time in Bukittinggi because
Dad wanted to visit Kota Gadang, which is famous for its silver works and
embroidery. In Kota Cadang, my sister Disa and I each bought a pair of
silver earrings at a handicraft shop. It was almost dark when we went back
to Bukittinggi. So, we decided to stay in a small but clean hotel for one night
in this cool city.
On the fourth day, our destination was Lake Maninjau. It took us one and
a half hours to reach Lake Maninjau by way of the famous Kelok 44, a steep,
narrow, winding road. The view was absolutely magnificent, very beautiful.
Then, we went to the edge of the lake, where we could see a school of small
fish swimming. Because of the cool weather, we all felt hungry and had lunch
by the lake. Everybody enjoyed the meal. We went back to Padang and
checked in at the same hotel for another night.

On the last day, before we went back to Jakarta in the afternoon we

visited Puti Bungsu Museum, where we could see artifacts of West Sumatra.
Mom, especially, wanted to see the traditional costumes of all regions in
West Sumatra. They were all beautiful. Before we left Padang, we went to
a shop called Christine Hakim to buy some West Sumetra delicacies. We went
back to the hotel to pack our bags before we left Padang around 5 PM. We
arrived in Jakarta sefe and sound.

It was not exactly an adventurous holiday, but it was very exciting! I would
like to visit this amazing place again together with my family in another

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