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My Ultimatum is to earn 20 crore Nepali Rupees.

For this to happen, I am going to dedicate 10 years of my lifetime far from home &

And I will achieve this goal till 2030.

As per my planning, I am going to complete a bootcamp in java programming

language from Kathmandu Broadway Infosys. Then, I will work for certain duration
for experience followed by my pursuit to Masters in Computer Science in Maharishi
International University, USA. I am going to work hard, study my ass off to excel at
what I do, making my way to San Francisco, dream IT hub. There I will learn & learn
till I get the whole perspective of how the IT giants operates. And with all the ideas,
money & experience, I will commute back to my home, Nepal. Then I shall look after
my father’s business along with the involvement in the IT company here in NEPAL.
By the end of 2030 I shall have my goal achieved from the work I do and business I
run with ideal values and competencies. “ Think, Learn & Do it ”.

~ Prabin Giri

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