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Developing Your Marketing Master Plan

We also must decide on our marketing offer...

Marketing offer:
How we are going to advertise our product... is it based on price, scarcity,
novelty or solving a problem?

1) Price

'Look at this amazing product! Get yours while it's 50% OFF!'

You're just advertising based on the price of the product, not very effective

2) Scarcity

'We're running out of stock soon!! Get yours while you still can!'

Sometimes works well alone, but again, not very effective alone.

3) Solving a problem

'Tired of annoying body hair? Our premium state-of-the-art laser hair removal
machine will remove your hair permanently in just under 10 seconds!'

The best out of all of them, works great alone, but becomes a SUPERPOWER
when cmobined with the other ones.

4) Novelty

'Not available in stores!! Brand new on the market!'

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