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In the Simple Past we ADD “ED”, “D” .

Example: Work - worked ; live – lived

this ending “ED” we pronounce in THREE WAYS; Sound “t”; Sound “id”; Sound “d”

***Para diferenciar un sonido del otro solo es practicar. Como te enseñan en estas dos
imágenes y tener que memorizar.
Our big problem was how to make sentences. In a simple sentence the time expression is always
at the end of the sentence.


Subject Verb object

I Lived In Lima in a house with my family ten years ago.
(Where) (What/where) ( who) ( when/ time expression)

Subject Verb Object

Maria Studied Medicine at UNMSM university with her sister in 2005.
(what) (where) ( who) ( when)

Subject Verb Object

My mom Kissed My daughter on her front head last night.
( who) (where) (when)

*** you can see the position of the time expression(WHEN) is always at the end of the sentence.

But Where, who, what changes according the verb.

*** Is possible to put the time expression at the beginning of a paragraph or when we want to
write a long paragraph or tale.

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