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One of the first aspect we need to consider is which type of data will best meet our needs.
The tpye of data we need to collect (quantitative or qualitative) is in part dependent on what
we want to know about our program. Data collection methods that come under qualitative
type include Interview, Focus groups, Document analysis. Different data collection strategies
include Case studies, Usage data, Interviews, Checklists, Observation, Survey and Document

Qualitative research is designed to reveal the meaning that inform an action or its results and
outcomes that are usually measured by quantitative research. This type of research "refers to
the meanings, concepts, definitions, characteristics, metaphors, symbols and description of
things" and not to their "count or measures".

In data collection, a researchers often use at least two or several of the following while
conducting a qualitative study
● In depth interviews
● Focused group discussion
● Surveys
In depth interviews include both individual interviews (e.g, one on one) as well as group"
interviews (including focus group). The data can be recorded in variety of ways such as
stenography, audio recording, video recording or written notes. The purpose of the interview
is to probe the ideas of the interviews about the phenomenon of interest.

●● In the given situation, basic purpose of this research is to create a system of prevention of
exploitation and abuse of children in Pakistan.

As it is a social issue and focused on single parents of abused children so an appropriate tool
for data collection based on the above scenario can be "In dept Interviews" with single
parents of victimized children due to the following reasons.

1▪ It is an appropriate way to collect more detailed information about personal feelings,

perceptions and opinions about sensitive issues faced by them and their victimized children.

2▪ It enhance capability of researchers in determining behavioural information. Interview

tool will allow more detailed questions to be asked.
3▪ As it is a very sensitive social issue, it requires more collaborative information from
parents of victimized children, so this is a very helpful tool for gathering information.

4▪ In order to determine any preventive measures, the opinions and suggestions can be

5▪ This is very helpful tool for researchers to be guided by respondents single parents of
victimized kids to most acute issue, topics and questions from coversational nature of
interview tool.

6▪ This tool help researchers, to understand how child abuse issue is influenced by society
and to understand the bad effects of children exploitation on society.

For further interval research, researcher can use the phone, Internet and other digital devices
for coverage and quick response of the targeted population.

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