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There are several ways of taking a sample. The major sampling plans are grouped in to
probability types and non probability types.
Techniques of sampling;
In Probability sampling there are five techniques of sampling relies as; Simple random
sampling, Stratified random sampling, Systematic random sampling, Cluster sampling and
Multi stage sampling.
In Non probability sampling there are four techniques such as Purposive sampling,
Convenience sampling, Snowball sampling and Quota sampling.

Sampling type : Probability
Sampling technique : Simple random sampling, Stratified random sampling

Mr. Ali can use both probability and non prbability techniques. In the given scenario simple
random sampling can be used by selecting elements from sampling frame according to
mathematically random procedure, then locate the exact element that was selected for
inclusion in the sample.
In the given condition stratified sampling, the criterion is identified as an efficient basis for
stratification. The criterion for stratification is that it is a characteristic of the population
elements known to be related to the dependent variables or other variables of interest. The
variable chosen should increase homogeneity with in each stratum and increase heterogeneity
between strata. For each subgroup a list of population elements must be obtained. Serially
number the elements within each group by using a table of random number. In the given
scenario population is not homogeneous but heterogeneous so Mr. Ali can use stratified
random sampling.

Sampling type : Non probability
Sampling technique : Snowball sampling

In the given scenario Mr. Ali should use the snowball sampling technique because it is a
method for identifying and sampling cases in the network. It is based on an analogy to a
snowball. It begins with one or a few people or cases and spreads out the basis of links to the
initial cases.
Snowball is a non probability sampling technique and it is used to identify potential subjects
in studies where subjects are hard to locate. As we know that cultural impacts are hard to
locate because these impacts rely not only on social, economical but on emotional life style
so in the given scenario usage of snowball sampling is best because its cheap, simple and cost
efficient, it need little planning and fewer workforce compared to other sampling techniques.
In the given scenario there are many offices and their are working in ERP system so for
making connects, Mr. Ali can use chain referral technique. First he make connect to one
person, then that person give him farther reference and so on. In this way he make connection
with so many persons by using chain referrals and by connecting one person to another

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