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Google Site

1. Which of the following is correct? (Select all that apply) *

 New page is under home page

 Sub page is under home page
 New page is a page by itself
 Sub page is page by itself
2. Google Sites suitable for? (Select all that apply) *
 Do presentation
 Organize lesson for students
 To showcase students work
 Send email
3. Insert in Google Sites able to do the following except *
 YouTube
 Text Box
 Image
 Create New Page
4. Google Sites is stored in _____ . *
 Google Docs
 Gmail
 Google Sheets
 Google Drive
5. How do I insert images in Google Sites? (Select all that apply) *
 By Google Photos
 By link
 By Google Drive
 By online search
6. Which of the following features can you customize in your Google Site? (Select
all that apply.) *
 Header type
 Footers
 URL address
 Themes
Google Slides

1. To share link of the slides, click *

 Get link
 Get sharerable link
 File
 Share
2. If you share with an email address that is not a Google Account, they can only
____ the file. *
 edit
 comment
 view
 read
3. You can insert your own YouTube videos into Google Slides. *
 False
 True
4. To engage learners with Google Slides: *
 You need to include as much information as possible using text
 Use images and videos to connect main ideas for greater visual comprehension
 Include a lot of questions on the slides
 Don’t distract with any color or specialized font
5. To insert text box *
 Click Format -> Click Text box
 Click Text box icon on the menu
 Click Insert -> Click Text box
 Click Slide -> Click Text box
6. Cropping images can be done right on a slide. *
 True
 False
7. What are some of the benefits of using Google Slides in classroom *
 export presentation as animation
 make own copy of the slide from shared link
 collaborate slide deck at the same
 create group presentation
8. In order to create engaging Google slides you can: (Select all that apply.) *
 Include links on slides to relevant information
 Use shapes and lines to direct the viewers attention to essential information
 Include images with captions
 Create one large text box to explain your main point in detail

1. When using the mobile Gmail app, users are able to attach documents directly
onto any email. *
 True
 False
2. How do I label emails? *
 Go to Gmail -> Choose email to label -> Click Label as
 Go to Gmail -> Click Create new label -> Click More
 Go to Gmail -> Click Create new label -> Click Label as
 Go to Gmail -> Click More -> Click Create new label
3. Where do I delete label? *
 Create new label
 Label as
 Manage label
 Create
4. Each email can have more than 1 label. *
 True
 False
Google Calendar

1. Which are the ways to view a calendar? (Select all that apply.) *
 Month view
 Year view
 Day view
 Week view
2. How is a new calendar created? *
 Click Create -> Click Create new calendar.
 Click Create -> Click New
 Click + to Add other calendars -> Click Create new calendar.
 Click + to Add other calendars -> Click New.
3. All events must be put on the user’s personal calendar as well as any other
calendars they create. *
 False
 True
4. What’s the best way to distribute an agenda for an upcoming meeting? *
 Call them on the phone to let them know. It’s the personal touch!
 Make a Google Doc and send it to them using Meet
 Send the agenda file to all the participants via email
 Add the agenda to your Google Calendar invitation as a shared Doc
5. Subra uses the Find a time feature in Google Calendar to schedule a meeting
with his two colleagues Asmah and Ali. His original plan was to meet at
11:00am for an hour, but as he looks at their shared calendars he can see that
neither Asmah and Ali are available at that time. What feature could he use to
select a time that works for everyone? *
 My calendar
 Propose a time
 Create a calendar
 Find a time
6. What are features of a Google Calendar that can help improve organization as
an educator? (Select all that apply.) *
 Invite colleagues to events
 Email notifications of events
 Shared Calendars
 "Public" setting for improved communication
7. Meeting resources, such as projectors, laptops and rooms, can all be booked
through Google Calendar. *
 False
 True
8. Which of the following features does Google Calendar have? *
 Time travel, for those hard-to-get-to meetings
 Send a meeting reminder a few minutes before the meeting starts
 Check to see if other people are available or not
 Allow attendees to RSVP to the meeting request
9. On your newly created calendar, add an event for a meeting that you will have
tomorrow at 1:00pm. How can you invite someone else to the event? *
 Enter their email address in the Add Guests field
 Use the Invite setting under the File menu
 Enter their email in the Event Title
 Using the blue Share button in the event
10. How can event in Google Calendar be created? *
 Click on the + in Google Calendar.
 Click Settings in Google Calendar.
 Click the space next to date you want to add an event to.
 Click Create in Google Calendar.
Google Classroom

1. Teachers can create different types of assignments in ____________ *

 People
 Stream
 Grades
 Classwork
2. To post announcement, teachers go to ______ *
 Stream
 Classwork
 Grades
 People
3. If I don’t want my students to modify a worksheet in a shared folder, I can:  *
 Use Google Meet to share it
 Give them edit permissions
 Share the folder as view-only
 Ask them to use mobile devices
4. How can students join a Classroom class? (Select all that apply.) *
 By searching the class name
 By asking their teacher
 By joining using a class code
 By accepting a teacher’s invitation
5. With Classroom, you can: (Select all that apply.) *
 Send announcements to your class
 Assign and collect student work
 Upload class materials
 Conduct online classes
6. Google Classroom integrate with ____ (Select all that apply) *
 Google Keep
 Google Drive
 Gmail
 Google Calendar
7. In Classroom, you can add the following to your assignment: *
 Different due dates for each student
 Videos
 Links
 Files
8. Teachers cannot view what are the assignment graded and returned to
students. *
 True
 False
9. When adding a Drive document to a Classroom assignment, you have the
following options: (Select all that apply) *
 Students can edit file
 Students can view file
 Make a copy for each student
 Make a view-only file for each student
10. Teachers can view how many students have turned in their work in
Classroom. *
 False
 True
11. Using Classroom, teachers can: (Select all that apply.) *
 Record audio versions of classroom lectures
 Add co-teachers to classes
 Send assignments, questions, and announcements to students
 Moderate online discussions
12. When creating an assignment in Google Classroom, which of the following
choices are available? *
 Copying the assignment to specific students in multiple classes
 Providing different due dates for different classes
 Attaching multiple files
 Copying the assignment to multiple classes
Google Task

1. Google Tasks will not be visible in Google Calendar if *

 Due date is not added
 Details is not added
 Sub task not added
 Event not repeated
2. Google Tasks integrate well with which other apps? Select all that apply. *
 Google Sites
 Google Calendar
 Gmail
 Google Keep
3. In order for a task to appear on a specific date in your Google Calendar, you
must: *
 Click and drag the task to the calendar
 Click on More then Add to Calendar
 Assign the task a due date
 Add the task to the Calendar Task list
4. Gmail can be added to Google Tasks by *
 By clicking on the email and click Add to tasks icon
 By putting in due date in the task
 By drag and drop the email in task
 By clicking on the Google Task icon on the right pane in Gmail
Google Form

1. The Responses option in Google Forms allows you to create custom charts
from the collected forms data. *
 False
 True
2. What are good uses of Google Forms in the classroom? (Select all that apply) *
 Gather research data
 Draft an essay
 Surveys
 Quizzes/assessments
3. Normally the internet is quite speedy at your school, but it has been slow for a
week, and other teachers are starting to complain about the technology
resources not being reliable. You know how engaged students are when you
use video in your class, and you don’t want other teachers to give up on
YouTube. You decide to send out a quick email to your colleagues with a couple
tips on _______________. *
 pre-loading videos and changing the resolution
 subscribing to channels and creating playlists
 Restricted Mode and search filtering
 creating playlists and not giving up
4. Zamri been asking students to watch short videos for homework instead of
reading the textbook. Students seem to be prepared for class, but he is
wondering how many of his students are actually watching the videos. Which
one of the sharing options below might help him to best gauge the compliance
of his class by allowing him to include some comprehension questions? *
 Embed the video in a slide deck
 Embed the video in a Google Site
 Share the link via email
 Embed the video in a Google Form
5. What Google tool creates a digital questionnaire to collect entries from users? *
 Gmail
 Google Forms
 Google Search
 Google News
6. What are the destination options for storing and viewing responses to Google
Forms? (Select all that apply.) *
 Store and automatically share to Google Drive
 Store in an existing spreadsheet
 Responses must be downloaded to a CSV to view
 Store in a new spreadsheet
7. Why would Google Forms suitable for collect their responses? (Select all that
apply.) *
 There’s the option to use a number of different question formats (like multiple
choice, true/false, scales, etc.) with Google Forms
 You can use the "Responses" section in the Form to see a graphic breakdown of all
 Google Forms are harder to organize in Google Drive
 All Form responses are saved in a Google Sheet and the results are easier to see
8. YouTube allows teachers to discover, watch, and share high-quality educational
videos. *
 False
 True
9. Which of the following G Suite apps have YouTube integration built in? (Select
all that apply.) *
 Google Forms
 Google Classroom
 Google Slides
 Google Sites
10. A colleague of yours has been collecting video links in a Google Doc to share
with her students. You explain to her that she could use the playlist feature in
YouTube instead. Which of the following are advantages to using Playlists over
a list of links in a Google Doc. (Select all that apply.) *
 Students can save your playlist to their YouTube channel.
 Playlists can be shared more easily than a Google Doc.
 You can quickly add a video to a playlist directly from within YouTube without
having to also open a Google Doc.
 Playlists continually play all of the videos in a row.
11. Mr. Kamal found a channel with content continually relevant to his curriculum.
What YouTube features should he use to be notified when new content is
uploaded to that channel? *
 Subscriptions
 Playlists
 Notifications
 Calendar reminders
12. Options for questions in Google Forms include: (Select all that apply.) *
 Subjective Questions
 Images
 Objective Questions
 YouTube Videos
13. By subscribing to a channel, you will get updates every time that channel
uploads a new video. *
 True
 False
14. Which of the following tools would allow the teacher to add follow-up questions
to a video and track which students completed the questions? *
 Playlist
 Watch Later
 Google Form
 YouTube
15. When you click Send Form on a Google Form, what are the options for sharing?
(Select all that apply.) *
 Embed HTML
 Inviting only specific people to view your form
 Auto-generated public URL
 Posting directly to social media channels
16. Which of the following are benefits of a playlist? (Select all that apply) *
 Allows teachers to get updates from content producers
 Allows teachers to makes notes
 Allows teachers to organize videos by topic
 Allows teachers to share a group of videos at once
Google Sheet

1. You can only input data into a Google Sheet through a Google Form. *
 False
 True
2. Which feature limits the type of data that can be entered into a cell? *
 Data Validation
 Function
 Transpose
 Formatting
3. Which app allows you to analyze data? *
 Gmail
 Google Sheets
 Google Forms
 Search
4. Charts created in Google Sheets can be added to a Google Site. *
 False
 True
5. Google Sheets can be used to share student performance data with others. *
 False
 True
6. If you want to write a formula in Google Sheets, what symbol would you use to
begin the formula? *
 +
 ?
 =
 -
7. The little triangle in the top right corner of a cell means there is a ________ with
that cell. *

 note
 number
 formula
 letter
8. What are the sharing option available in Google Sheets? (Select all apply) *
 Viewer
 Editor
 Commenter
 None the above
9. How do you create chart? *
 Select the cells you want to include in your chart -> Click Chart -> Click Insert
 Select the cells you want to include in your chart -> Click Chart -> Click Data
 Select the cells you want to include in your chart -> Click Data -> Click Chart
 Select the cells you want to include in your chart -> Click Insert -> Click Chart
10. How do you add formula and function? *
 Type an equal sign (=) in a cell and type in the function to use ->Enter the formula and
 Select the cells you want to include -> Click Functions icon on the menu
 Select the cells you want to include -> Click Data -> Click Function
 Select the cells you want to include -> Click Insert -> Click Function
11. To move chart to new sheet, you can *
 Click the chart -> Click on Chart -> Click Move to own Sheet
 Click the chart -> Click on More Option -> Click Move to own Sheet
 Click the chart -> Click on Data -> Click Move to own Sheet
 Click the chart -> Click on Insert -> Click Move to own Sheet
12. Google Sheets can be used to *
 Create gradebook to track student scores
 Data analysis for market research
 Viewing assignment
 Analyze trends of books read by students
Google Doc

1. Using Google Docs and Google Drive for collaborative learning, gives teachers
the tools to: (Select all that apply.) *
 Monitor progress
 Check for understanding
 Facilitate collaboration
 Provide feedback to students
2. Students are going to be working on a project together. How can they add
collaborators to their Google Doc? (Select all that apply.) *
 Under the File menu > “Share”
 The “Add Collaborators” option in the Insert menu
 (From Drive) Select the file(s) > "Share"
 The blue “Share” button
3. Using a Google Doc for keeping minutes is a good idea because: (Select all that
apply.) *
 Google Docs are hard to lose and easy to find
 It lets everyone in the meeting contribute if they want to
 They can be set up so that some people can edit them and others can just view
 They can be emailed to people who may have been unable to attend the meeting
4. You are preparing for an after-school session with teachers to train them on
Google Docs. You’ve created a great ‘Getting Going Guide’ that you want them
to have and keep for reference. What sharing setting should you set for the
doc? *
 Public on the web and anyone can edit
 Anyone with the link can comment
 Anyone with the link can edit
 Anyone with the link can view
5. What should be done when you received inappropriate comment in your school
blog from online user that you do not know? *
 Check your privacy settings
 Report the incident to school admin if it happens again
 Search for the user and attack
 Block the person from accessing the blog
 Document user's details

Google Search

1. What are some essential points to consider when evaluating the validity of a
website? (Select all that apply.)
 Ask yourself what opinions or ideas are missing
 Consider who published the information
 How professional the website looks
 Look at the domain extension for the site
2. When a teacher creates a PLN, her PLN may include which of the following
groups of people? *
 Teachers she works with in her school
 Educators she has met at past education conferences
 Members of her local Google Educator Group (GEG)
 People she hasn’t met in person but follows online
 All the above
3. Google Educator Groups are only open to teachers that have passed the Google
for Education Level 1 Exam. *
 False
 True
4. A Personal Learning Network (PLN) is a supportive network of people you can
learn from. These people might be other teachers in your school or, they may be
teachers you’ve never met in person, but who you’ve connected with online.
Your PLN becomes incredibly powerful when you connect with educators in
other networks. As you make these connections, your PLN becomes a
community of learners who share your interests and often become professional
friends. One way to kick-start to join a Google Educator Group. Google Educator
Groups (GEGs) are open to any educator and are communities of learning
professionals who learn, share, and inspire each other to meet the needs of
their students through technology solutions.Learn. Share. Inspire. Empower.
These four words represent the essence of GEGs. Join your local GEG to begin
building relationships with other educators. You’ll also gain the technology
skills needed to help deliver the best possible education to your students.
PLN stands for which of the following: *
 Personal Lifesaving Network
 Parallel Learning Network
 Personal Learning Network
 Professional Labor Network
5. What digital activities that can help students to understand better their
lesson? *
 Students create group presentation with Google Slides
 Students use Google Search to research in a topic
 Teacher provides useful YouTube playlist
 Students print their findings and file it
 Teacher shares example of work completed by previous students in Google Sites
 Students create mind map with Google Drawings
6. You recently tried a new activity using Google Sheets with your students and
you would like to share it with other teachers. Which of the following is a good
place to share your idea with other teachers around the world? *
 Your class Google Site
 Google for Education Help Forums
 YouTube
 Google Help Center
7. When you want to provide your students with the steps for how to do an
Advanced Google Search, which of the following is the best place to look first? *
 Google Search
 YouTube
 Google Help Center
 Google for Education Help Forums
8. When you are looking for ideas on how other educators are using Google Drive
with their students, where could you look? *
 Google Search
 Google for Education Help Forums & Google Search
 Google Help Center & Google Search
9. Anyone can reply to someone’s post in the Google for Education Help Forums
to provide help and guidance. *
 False
 True

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