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Curriculum Vitae


Date of birth: 10/21/1963

Languages known: English
Address: Nalaih district, Shin Nalaih Horoolol bldg #2 Apt 34
Email address: ,
Mobile phone: 94441620. OT #6355, 5373
The desired salary 2.8-3.0
Career Objective

Seeking a challenging position where I could utilize my hard working at field of health and safety
environment and technical skills for the mutual growth and benefit.

 Safety officer Underground of shaft 1 for OT site/CSS of Dayan LLC/ 2017-2020

 HSE superintendent construction project for OT site /NBIK LLC/ 2015-2017

 Safety manager at Hushigt International Airport construction site //Samsung LLC/ 2013-2015

 Fire alarm engineer for OyuTolgoi Mining Corporation” /Tavan ord llc/ 2013-

 Fire HSE officer Core Fire protect ion LLC Manasas VA 2002-2013

 Senior engineer of radio communication for Military Bordering Administration in UB 1998-2000

 Communication maintenance engineer for Military Bordering Unit ,Uvs province 1992-1998

 Chief of telecommunication branch in Umnu-govi sum Uvs province 1986-1992

Educational background

 Master degree in Telecommunication Belford University, Texas USA./on line/ 2005-2009

 Bachelor degree in radio electronic engineering. Science and Technology University 1995-1997

 Diploma degree in Technician of radio television. Telecommunication College UB. 1979-1983

 Secondary school # 1 , Uvs province, Ulaangom 1971- 1979

Technical Skills
 Excellent knowledge of networking.
 Good command over all the operating system.
 Good knowledge of electric maintenance and electronic equipment
 Excellent knowledge of fire protection and electrical system
Projects Undertaken
 Made a project on fire –alarm and sprinkler system with the help of other 3 members.
 Made installation project of electrical wiring system
 Made HSE team work for BBS-1, BBS-2 project in OT site
 Made HSE good team for Manlai and Mazaalai kitchen project in OT site
 Made HSE good team for Underground construction support service in OT site
Trainings and seminars
 English course in Northern Virginia University. USA 2003-2005
 Fire protection and HSE engineering in Heiser Logistics Institute in NY. 2002-2004
 Computer Software . Science and Technology University. UB 1999-2000
 Church holly bible study Christian University of Chantilly VA 2009-2013
 Training course of HSE 2013-2014 in UB
 HSE training seminar (water , Sanitation and Environment ) in UB . 2016
 HSE training in UB. 2016

Personal skills
-Positive attitude.
-Like to face the challenges.
-Hard working.
-Good communication skills.
-Can manage multiple tasks at a time.

Extracurricular activities
- award of best worker in Civil Defense. (2001)
- 4th place Winner of the marathon at city level ( 2008)USA

Playing basketball , running ,singing, surfing internet

Computer skills:
Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Officer Power Point.
Товч намтар

Холбогдох мэдээлэл :

Нэр: Жалцавын Элдэв-Очир

Хаяг:Налайх. Шинэ Налайх 2-34
Утас : 94441620, OT# 6355, 5373
Хувийн мэдээлэл:
Төрсөн он сар өдөр: 1963-10-21
Төрсөн газар: Увс аймаг Зүүнговь сум
Харьяат: Монгол
Хүйс: эр
Гэрлэлтийн ,байдал: Эхнэр, 2 хүүхэдтэй
Хүсэж байгаа цалингийн хэмжээ; 2500000-3500000


 1971-1979 Увс аймгийн 10 жил

 1979-1983 Холбооны Техникүм

 1995-1997 МТИСургууль баклавар

 2002-2004 Нью-Уорк хотын галын дохиолол ХАБЭА-н институтад

 2003-2005 Хойд Виржиниагийн их сургуульд англи хэлний сургалт

 2005-2009 Техас их сургууль харилцаа холбоо магистр / alsiin zain surgalt/

 2009-2013 Виржини Библийн сургууль библи судлал

 2013- ХАБЭА-н курс Аюулгүй хөдөлмөрийн үндэс ТББ

Ажлын туршлага:alt

 1983-1986 АА-н 013-р ангид радио рэлэйний станцындарга

 1986-1992 Увс аймаг, Өмнөговь холбооны салбарын эрхлэгч /телефон радио холбоо чиглэлээр/

 1992-1998 ХЦ-н 0245-р ангид радио холбооны инженер /дэслэгч цолтой/

 1998-2000 ХХЕГазарт радио холбооны ахлах инженер /ахмад цолтой/

 2000-2002 Эрдэнэтийн ГОК-д радио холбооны инженер

 2002-2013 galiin safety officer-aar Manasas hot VA USA

 2005-2009 АНУ—д магистaрт сурсан

 2012-2013 Оюу Толгойд галын ХАБЭА-н инженер

 2013-2015 Хөшигтийн хөндий онгоцны буудлын барилгын сайт ХАБЭА-н менежер

 2015-2020 ОТ-н Гүний уурхайн ХАБЭА-н ажилтанаар ажиллаж БАЙСАН

 Хэлний чадвар: англи хэл ( ярих, бичих, сонсох, унших -сайн ) , орос хэл( ярих, бичих, сонсох,
унших, -дунд)

 Спорт:марафон гүйлтийн 3-р зэрэг,сагсан бөмбөг,цанын спортоор хичээллэдэг

 Компьютер: Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Officer Power Poin

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