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PCSI English – 16.06.

Grammar quiz
Depuis qu’il a pris l’habitude d’aller courir trois fois par semaine, il se sent
beaucoup plus en forme.
(Ever) since he got into the habit of going running three times a
week, he's been feeling much fitter.

Dans mon enfance, nous allions skier tous les hivers, mais vu le coût des
sports d’hiver aujourd’hui ce n’est plus possible.
During my childhood, we used to go skiing every winter but given
the cost of wintersports today it is no longer possible.

Même si nous en avons l’habitude, cela demande tout de même beaucoup

d’énergie et de volonté de se lever tôt le matin.
Even though we are used to it, getting up early every morning still
requires a lot of energy and willpower.

J’ai hâte de lire sa lettre, cela fait des mois que je n’ai pas eu de ses
nouvelles et je commençais à m’inquiéter pour lui.
I look forward to reading his letter, I haven't heard from him in
months and I was beginning to worry about him.
Thème journalistique – suite
Il y a en fait deux stratégies à l’œuvre en ce moment. La
plus visible est celle adoptée par les promoteurs des lois
dites "sur le battement de cœur" et de la loi en Alabama
qui va encore plus loin. Et il y a une stratégie plus
discrète consistant à miser sur des lois qui, petit à petit,
affaiblissent le droit constitutionnel à l’avortement établi
par la jurisprudence Roe v. Wade.
Thème journalistique

Actually, two strategies are at work at the moment.

The more visible is the one adopted by the proponents of
what is known as “heartbeat” laws/bills
and of the law in Alabama which goes even further.
And there is a more inconspicuous/discreet strategy
which consists in counting on/banking on laws which
progressively weaken the constitutional right to abortion
established/settled by the Roe v. Wade precedent/ruling.
Q2: Method

Give your opinion (or pretend to have one!)

1 idea = 1 example

≠ arguments from the text

1 conclusive sentence
= 180 words (+/- 10%)
EE Mines – Climate Kids

Q2: Pitfalls
➢ Forget one side of the question:
discuss the comparative merits of (…)
➢ Use your personal experience as supporting example
➢ Contradicting yourself in a stereotyped plan
(I/ Yes II/ No) → importance of the conclusive sentence
➢ Forgetting the word count, going overboard
EE Mines – Climate Kids
Improve the above sentences in order to include them in the essay:
As a millennial, I think that I can do many things to support climate advocacy. (15 words)
→ Millennials can find many ways of being climate advocates: (9 words)
The climate issue is becoming more and more alarming and everyone must react. (13 words)
→ The pressing issue of climate change requires immediate action. (9 words)
As millennials we can do small and large-scale actions that have a big impact on improving the
environment. (18 words)
Nowadays, we are confronted with many issues especially about the climate cause. (12 words)
→ Climate change (/global warming) has become a topical issue / a pressing source of concern.
Being part of an association which fights for the planet can be a good solution, for example.
I think it’s fundamental to raise our voices to change things.
I think the American government should think a little more about the planet.
EE Mines – Climate Kids

Vocabulary :
To take legal action // to litigate – to sue (a class action)
To appeal to the courts
Environmental activism: protesting – petitioning – fundraising – volunteering –
boycotting – voting – social media activism – to act up – to effect change
The climate – The environment – ∅ climate change
The issue is taking centre stage in (inter)national conversation //
The issue is now front and center (= at the center of attention)
To make a difference
To hold (sby/sth) accountable for…
EE Mines – Climate Kids

Find some pertinent examples

→ 2 min ; 4 max
➢ Past environmental cases :
companies like BP, PG&E, ExxonMobil lost litigations and were ordered by
the courts to pay hundreds of millions in damages
➢ Other calls globally for youth to sue their governments: Greta Thunberg,
Extinction Rebellion, etc.
➢ A previous case against the government in America: Kivalina v. ExxonMobil
(2008) for gas emissions liability → the SC rejected the case.
EE Mines – Climate Kids

Find a leading question / build a plan

➢ Intro : don’t copy the set question!
➢ Leading question ≠ set question (in wording)
➢ Plan: 2 parts + a conclusive sentence

→ Take it to court or take to the streets?

Would winning court cases further the cause of climate advocacy and effect any significant
I/ Uncertainty and length of legal action
Transition: While litigation requires years of proceedings and cannot guarantee a
favourable outcome, mass mobilization through social media is almost instantaneous
II/ Millennial activism should play on their strengths
EE Mines – Language vs technology

Read the text and prepare Q2:

➢ Arguments + examples
➢ Leading question + plan

Such wide-ranging and revolutionary communication tools as the Internet, apps
and platforms, were always inevitably going to impact how young people use
language. What has been gained, and what lost? (30 words)
I/ Impoverishment of language and reduced abilities to communicate
II/ A return to original functions and forms of communication? The end of the
written era?

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